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The need for a second chamber

The proposal for the Rajya Sabha as a second chamber had no easy sailing in the Constituent Assembly
play besides checking hasty legisla-
tion. It fell upon N. Gopalaswami Ay-
yangar to make a strong case for the
second chamber. Replying to the de-
bate on the motion, he argued that
“the most that we expect the Second
M. Venkaiah Naidu Chamber to do is perhaps to hold
dignified debates on important is-
sues and to delay legislations which
The Rajya Sabha came into being on might be the outcome of passions of
April 3, 1952 and held its first session the moment until the passions have
on May 13 the same year. The second subsided and calm consideration
chamber underwent severe prenatal could be bestowed on the measures
scrutiny in the Constituent Assemb- which will be before the Legislature.”
ly. The proposal for a bicameral cen- As the differences over the need
tral legislature for the country was for a second chamber persisted even
discussed at length, with deep divi- after adoption of the Constitution of
sions between the proponents and India in 1950, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhak-
opponents. From this churning that rishnan, the first Chairman of the Ra-
went on for eight days with the parti- jya Sabha, while replying to the felic-
cipation of leading members of the itations on becoming the Chairman,
Constituent Assembly finally “Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the first Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, said Parliament is said that Parliament is not only a le-
emerged the Council of States and its not only a legislative body but also a deliberative one.” President Dr. Rajendra gislative body but also a deliberative
mandate. After 68 years, it is instruc- Prasad on his way to address a joint session of both the Houses of Parliament one which enables the members to
tive to revisit the debates on the need in New Delhi on March 18, 1957. With him are Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and debate major issues of public impor-
for a Council of States and its perfor- Ananthasayanam Ayyangar, Speaker of the Lok Sabha. THE HINDU ARCHIVES
tance. He echoed what James Madi-
mance since then. son, one of the authors of The Feder-
The central legislature that came graphical, regional, social and eco- proposal for the Rajya Sabha as a se- alist, said about 165 years earlier in
into being under the Government of nomic diversities marking the consti- cond chamber had no easy sailing in an essay: that the role of the Upper
India Act, 1919 was bicameral with a tuent units of a federation or a union. the Constituent Assembly. It was sub- House is to be a deliberative body be-
Council of States comprising 60 It is more so in India. The U.S. is a un- jected to serious argumentation and sides balancing the “fickleness and
members and a Legislative Assembly ion of constituent states and so is In- had a narrow escape. passion” of the elected House.
comprising 145 members. The mem- dia — each unit has a set of unique So, what follows from the above
bership and voting norms for the features. Constituent Assembly debates discussion is that the House elected
Council of States were so restrictive In The Federalist, the famous es- As an illustration, a member of the directly by the people is susceptible
that only wealthy land owners, mer- says written in 1787-88 by James Ma- Constituent Assembly, Mohd. Tahir, to passions of the moment and elec-
chants and those with legislative ex- dison, Alexander Hamilton and John asserted that an Upper House was toral considerations. Their imprint
perience could enter it. Women Jay to explain the U.S. Constitution, it not essential and viewed it as a crea- on legislation needs to be checked by
could neither vote nor seek member- was stated that the second chamber tion of imperialism. Professor Shib- the second chamber whose mem-
ship. The Government of India Act, enables a second and reflective ex- ban Lal Saksena went further and bers are expected to be sober, wise
1935 proposed an elaborate and im- pression of representative opinion warned that such a chamber would and well-informed with domain
proved version of the second cham- besides checking the propensity to only prove to be a “clog in the wheel knowledge. The mandate of the Ra-
ber, but this never materialised. The yield to the impulse of sudden and of progress” of the nation. The need jya Sabha, as can be gleaned from the
Constituent Assembly, which was violent passions. The U.S. Constitu- of the hour was quick law-making, he Constituent Assembly debates and
formed in 1947, after adoption of the tion-makers were influenced by the said, which the second chamber the experiences of other Parlia-
Constitution became the Provisional proposition of the renowned French would obstruct. He was perhaps re- ments, is legislation — to revise or de-
Parliament and made laws till 1952. philosopher Montesquieu who said, ferring to the role of the House of lay legislation without proving a clog
“The legislative body being com- Lords in the British Parliament in the wheel of progress; to represent
Bicameralism and federalism posed of two parts, they check one whose powers to veto the expendi- the interests of the States as a federal
Bicameralism is a principle that re- another by the mutual privilege of re- ture proposed was removed, and its chamber; and be a deliberative body
quires the consent of two differently jecting”. Walter Bagehot later noted ability to obstruct the laws made by holding high-quality debates on im-
constituted chambers of Parliament that the retarding chamber will im- the House of Commons was later se- portant issues.
for making or changing laws. This pede minor instances of parliamen- verely curtailed in the early 20th cen- Against this mandate of 1949, it is
principle came into operation in 1787 tary tyranny, though it will not pre- tury. Lokanath Misra vehemently op- in order to examine the functioning
with the adoption of the U.S. Consti- vent or really impede revolution. posed parity of powers in of the Rajya Sabha since its first sit-
tution. Its appeal grew in strength Federalism and bicameralism are law-making for the Upper House. ting on May 13, 1952; assess whether
from time to time. At present, 79 Par- linked because the federal character Proponents of the second cham- it is either obstructionist or disrup-
liaments of the world (41% of the to- of a nation comprising constituent ber such as Naziruddin Ahmad felt tive with governments of the day not
tal number) are bicameral. units can be reflected in, and secured that it would introduce an element of having the required numbers; and
Federalism has been in vogue by, a bicameral legislature. Despite sobriety and second thought besides assess its evolving nature. (This will
since ancient times when some being conscious of the huge degree lending voice to the constituent units be in the next part, which will be pu-
states got together to confer the pow- of diversities and attendant inequali- in the legislative scheme of things. M. blished tomorrow.)
er of law-making on a central author- ties that marked British India, and Ananthasayanam Ayyangar argued
ity. But modern federalism is entirely aware of the emergence of indepen- that a second chamber would enable M. Venkaiah Naidu is the Vice-President of
different given the complexity of geo- dent India as a Union of States, the the genius of the people to have full India

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