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Maternal-Neonatal Reports

Overestimation of an Outbreak of Enterobacter cloacae in a

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Germany, 2015
Gyde Steffen, MPH,*†‡§ Michael Pietsch, MSc,¶ Martin Kaase, MD,║** Sören Gatermann, MD,║
Guido Werner, PhD,¶ Stephan Fuchs, PhD,¶ Yvonne Pfeifer, PhD,¶ Wolfgang Schmitt, MD,††
Henning Adam,†† Tim Eckmanns, MD, MSc,‡ and Sebastian Haller, MD, MPH, MSc‡§

Background: In August 2015, 17 neonates with Enterobacter cloacae

nasopharyngeal colonization of neonates with E. cloacae is com-
(E. cloacae) colonization were identified in a neonatal intensive care unit
mon in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs)3,4 and infants may
(NICU) in Germany. Two developed severe brain abscesses. Despite tempo-
develop severe infections.5,6 Healthcare-associated outbreaks with
rary NICU closure in September, another infant with E. cloacae coloniza-
person-to-person transmission of E. cloacae have been described.7,8
tion was detected in October 2015.
In the majority of these outbreaks, patients colonized with
Methods: We defined potential cases as inpatients treated in the NICU or
the outbreak strain are the source of the outbreak and transiently
any pediatric/maternity ward in 2015 with E. cloacae in any specimen before
contaminated hands of care takers act as vectors.9,10 Sensitivity
molecular typing. Cases were at first confirmed by arbitrarily-primed-pol-
of microbiologic screening must be high to assure the identifica-
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ymerase-chain-reaction and later by XbaI-macrorestriction/pulsed-field gel tion of all colonized individuals to allow isolation or cohorting of
electrophoresis and next-generation-sequencing. Enhanced barrier precau- cases. Low specificity may result in isolation of too many patients.
tions and cohorting were implemented for all potential cases and microbio- Unnecessary separation and enhanced barrier precautions may
logic screening was extended from NICU to all pediatric/maternity wards. lead to disturbance of important physical closeness, and has been
Results: Of 41 potential cases (occurring between 08/04/2015 and associated with adverse outcomes.11 Moreover misclassification of
15/11/2015 in 4 wards), the isolates of 23 shared identical arbitrarily- cases in both directions may delay transmission interruption and
primed-polymerase-chain-reaction patterns; 3 without plausible epidemio- therefore influence clinical treatment and outcome of the affected
logic link. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analyses verified only 10 cases individuals.
(all in the NICU); next-generation-sequencing analysis confirmed these In August 2015, a cluster of neonates with E. cloacae colo-
results. In addition 6 cases without isolates available for genotyping were nization was identified in a NICU of a tertiary care hospital in Ger-
closely linked in place and time. many. The outbreak led to media attention and to debates in the
Conclusions: Forty-one suspected patients were cohorted and the NICU regional parliament.12 Between September and October 2015, the
was temporarily closed. Further analyses revealed that only 16 cases hospital temporarily closed the NICU, but after reopening another
belonged to the outbreak. Only close interdisciplinary collaboration and infant was tested positive for E. cloacae. The primary objective of
highly discriminatory genotyping methods allowed to clearly differentiate our investigation was to identify all outbreak-related cases to under-
between cases and noncases in this E. cloacae outbreak. stand the mode of transmission and to implement targeted infection
control measures. Here we present the outbreak investigation to high-
Key Words: neonates, infection prevention, hygiene, antibiotic resistance, NGS light the challenges in outbreaks of commensals in hospitals.
(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2019;38:631–637)
The outbreak investigation consisted of retrospective and

prospective elements, and a descriptive analysis of the collected
nterobacter cloacae (E. cloacae) is a commensal of the human data was conducted.
gastrointestinal tract and an important facultative pathogen
responsible for healthcare-associated infections.1,2 Early gut and Setting
The outbreak took place in the perinatal center of a 400-
Accepted for publication November 2, 2018. bed tertiary care hospital in Germany. The perinatal center contains
From the *Postgraduate Training for Applied Epidemiology (PAE), Robert Koch
Institute, Berlin, Germany; †European Programme for Intervention Epide- parts of the pediatric department including a 13-cot NICU and a
miology Training (EPIET), ECDC, Sweden; ‡Department for Infectious maternity ward. Nine hundred eighty-two babies were born in the
Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; §Institute perinatal center in 2014 and 380 received treatment in the NICU.
of Public Health, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany;
¶Department of Infectious Diseases, Robert Koch-Institute, Wernigerode
Branch, Germany; ║Department of Medical Microbiology, Ruhr University Case Definition
Bochum, Germany; **Central Department of Hospital Hygiene and Infecti- Inpatients treated in the NICU, maternity ward or any
ology, University Medicine, Göttingen, Germany; and ††Local Public Health other ward of the pediatric department between 01/01/2015 and
Authority of Saarlouis District, Saarlouis, Germany. 31/12/2015 were defined as the following:
This work was partly funded by a grant of the Federal Ministry of Education and
Health, Germany: No. 01KI1313F to M.P., Y.P. and G.W. and the Federal
Ministry of Health for the Reference Laboratory Network Project MRSAar- •• confirmed cases, if E. cloacae were detected and molecular
PLUS to G.W., T.E. and S. H. typing revealed relatedness to other isolates from this outbreak
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. •• probable cases, if they had any record of E. cloacae in any
Address for correspondence: Gyde Steffen, MPH, Department for Infectious Disease
Epidemiology, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany. E-mail: specimen and an epidemiologic link to a confirmed case in
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations admission ward and time of treatment, but no isolate was
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of available for molecular typing
this article on the journal’s website (
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
•• potential cases, if they had any record of E. cloacae in any
ISSN: 0891-3668/19/3806-0631 specimen (independent from epidemiological link) before
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002264 molecular typing of the isolates could be performed

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019 | 631

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Steffen et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019

Case Search Multilocus sequence types (MLST) of the E. cloacae isolates

For prospective case search, we introduced a systematic were identified using MLST 1.8.19,20 Three new sequence types
microbiological screening (rectal and nasal swabs) twice a week (STs) were submitted to For phy-
including admission screening for all infants of the NICU from logenetic analysis, paired-end reads were mapped to Enterobac-
18/10/2015 until the end of the outbreak was declared. Screen- ter cloacae complex ECNIH2 (NZ_CP008823.1) using BWA-
ing of mothers was implemented to rule out an outbreak within SW (v. 0.7.13-r1126; default parameters), achieving a mean
the maternity ward. After detection of potential cases in pediatric coverage of 61.8.21,22
wards besides the NICU, we extended screening to all pediatric Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified
wards (from 05/11/2015). from the mapped reference genome using SNPfilter23 (https://git-
For retrospective case search, we collected information on A maximum likelihood tree was calcu-
all E. cloacae positive patients in the pediatric department and in lated based on 3161 SNP positions (RAxML 7.2.8, GTR GAMMA
the maternity ward in 2015. Additionally, the database “National model, Rapid hill-climbing, 100 starting trees).24
Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Outbreaks” was screened13 To investigate the genetic basis of varying susceptibilities to
to exclude supraregional E. cloacae outbreaks. third-generation cephalosporins in isolates of the outbreak group,
de novo assembled contigs were analyzed for known ampC phe-
Environmental Investigations notype inducing sites by aligning to known wild-type sequences
More than 200 environmental samples from the NICU and of ampC (X07274.1), ampD (Z14003) and ampR (X04730 and
maternity ward were taken. Screening of stool samples, perianal M27222.1), as well as ompF (KT780421.1), ompC (KT780422.1)
and/or nasal swabs from 121 healthcare workers (HCWs) was con- and corresponding promotor regions using Geneious (v. 10.0.5,
ducted. Biomatters Ltd, New Zealand).

Outbreak Control Measures Epidemiologic Analysis

Basic hygiene measures in the affected wards were For epidemiological analysis, numerous variables were col-
reviewed by the hospital hygienist and local public health services. lected for each case from their clinical records and analyzed in
Hygiene education for HCWs and patients’ relatives was intensi- Stata 14.1 (College Station, TX).
fied. Enhanced barrier precautions were put in place and all cases
(potential, probable and confirmed) were cohorted in designated Ethics
areas of the affected wards. A formal ethical review was not required for the outbreak
investigation in accordance with Article 25, Section 1 of the Ger-
Microbiological Investigations man Infection Protection Act of 2001.
Species Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility
VITEK 2 GN card (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Étoile, France)
was used for species identification. Antimicrobial susceptibilities Course of the Outbreak
were determined by microbroth dilution according to EUCAST We detected 41 potential cases that occurred between
v6.0 ( Susceptibilities 08/04/2015 and 15/11/2015 including 21 infants in the NICU, 16
to tigecycline, colistin and imipenem and ertapenem were deter- children of all ages on 2 other pediatric wards and 4 women on
mined by VITEK2 (card AST-N248, bioMérieux, Nürtingen, Ger- the maternity ward (Fig. 1). All potential cases with antimicrobial
many) or Etest. resistant E. cloacae were isolated immediately after detection.
From 08/2015 onwards, enhanced barrier precautions (see above)
Molecular Typing were put in place.
First, the hospital laboratories performed XbaI-restriction When PFGE was not functioning at the hospital’s labora-
of total DNA and subsequent pulsed-field gel electrophoresis tories, AP-PCR was performed. Isolates from 23 of the potential
(PFGE). When no banding patterns could be found, the method cases shared identical AP-PCR banding patterns. For 3 of these
on site was switched to Arbitrary-Primed-PCR (AP-PCR)14 with cases, no epidemiological link could be identified. Thus, PFGE was
DNA isolated using MAXWELL16Dx (Promega). Amplification repeated at RKI with addition of thiourea and only isolates of 10
products were compared by gel electrophoresis. In parallel, all potential cases showed identical macrorestriction patterns. NGS-
isolates were sent to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for next analysis confirmed a close relationship between isolates of these
generation sequencing (NGS)-based analyses. PFGE analysis was 10 cases. Furthermore, 6 probable cases were attributed to the out-
repeated at RKI, with a modified method including thiourea (39 break. Finally, the outbreak comprised 16 cases (occurring between
µM) added to the running buffer to avoid DNA degradation. Mac- 24/06/2015 and 22/10/2015) on 2 different wards (15 in the NICU
rorestriction patterns were interpreted according to the criteria of and 1 on a pediatric ward).
Tenover et al.15
NGS was performed on a MiSeq instrument (Illumina, Descriptive Epidemiology of Confirmed Cases
USA) using the Nextera XT library (Illumina, USA) and the Three infants (19%) developed severe infection with the out-
MiSeq v3 reagent kit generating 2 × 300 base pair (bp) paired- break strain [2 (12%) developed brain abscesses after known colo-
end reads. Sequence data were submitted to the European Nucle- nization, 1 (0.1%) developed sepsis without previously detected E.
otide Archive (; PRJEB22570). Raw cloacae colonization].
read data were trimmed using Trimmomatic (v. 0.0.9; default Sixty-two percent (10/16 cases) were female (Table 1). The
parameters except maxinfo 15:0.5) and assembled by A5-miseq median age at the time of E. cloacae detection was 10 days [range
(v. 0.0.9 beta; default parameters).16,17 Contigs were submitted 1–86]. Preterm neonates (gestational age <37 weeks) represented
to the Centre for Genomic Epidemiology and known antibiotic 87% of the cases (14/16). The median birth weight was 1805 g
resistance markers were extracted using ResFinder 2.1 and Plas- [range 1210–4040 g], 19% (3/16) were infants with very low birth
midFinder 1.3, respectively ( weight (<1500 g).

632 | © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019 NICU Outbreak E. cloacae, Germany

FIGURE 1.  Epicurve: cases per

calendar week in dependence
of diagnostic method used,
01/01/2015–31/12/2015: (1) all 41
cases with E. cloacae ssp. dissolvens
(potential cases); (2) 23 E. cloacae
cases with AP-PCR confirmed
outbreak strain, 5 probable cases;
(3) 10 E. cloacae cases with PFGE/
NGS confirmed outbreak strain,
6 probable cases. Striped boxes
represent cases without isolates
available for genotyping (probable

Microbiological Investigations tested isolates from staff samples were not genetically related to
Between 08/04/2015 and 15/11/2015, E. cloacae ssp. dissol- this outbreak strain.
vens was detected in 92 samples from 41 patients and 18 samples NGS analysis was additionally performed for 26 isolates
from medical staff (17 individuals). E. cloacae were detected in 4 that were PFGE-typed. This analysis confirmed the 14 isolates
environmental samples. (from 10 patients, 1 environmental sample) as the outbreak strain.
Inferred MLST grouped these 14 isolates into sequence type (ST)
Molecular Analyses 815 forming the outbreak clade (Fig. 3). All nonoutbreak isolates
Thirty-five isolates from 28 patients, 18 from staff (17 indi- were assigned to 11 different STs including 2 isolates belonging to
viduals) and the environmental isolates were available when typ- the same ST (ST145) and 2 new STs (ST816 and ST907).
ing was started and analyzed with AP-PCR. Twenty-three isolates SNP analysis revealed high homology between the 14 out-
from patients, 4 from medical staff and 3 environmental isolates break isolates; only 15 SNPs were detected. Single isolates diver-
shared identical banding patterns when AP-PCR was applied. sified in direct comparisons in only zero up to 8 SNP positions.
For subsequent PFGE analyses at the RKI, only 26 isolates (all Comparisons to nonoutbreak isolates showed a more diverse SNP
with prior positive AP-PCR results) were available: 22 from 19 pattern (Min 1043 SNPs − Max 1529 SNPs difference). Figure 3
patients, 2 from medical staff on the NICU, and 2 from siphons shows the phylogenetic tree and enables the identification of the
on the NICU and maternity ward. Macro restriction patterns were outbreak clade, concordant with PFGE results (Fig. 2).
visible for all these isolates, when thiourea (39 µM) was added to Nine of the outbreak isolates and 2 nonoutbreak isolates were
TBE running buffer. Thirteen isolates from 10 neonates and one resistant to cefotaxime and ceftazidime (Table 2), but NGS analysis
isolate of a siphon in the NICU grouped into 1 clade (Fig. 2). All using ResFinder 2.1 and PlasmidFinder 1.3 (
services/) revealed no plasmid-mediated resistance mechanisms.
However, multiple sequence variants of ampC, ampR and ampD
were detected (see figures, Supplemental Digital Content 1–3,
TABLE 1.  Clinical Data of Outbreak Cases (n = 16;;;
PFGE Confirmed n = 10); From 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015 Outbreak isolates 768/15 and
775/15 presented enhanced MIC values for cefotaxime (4 mg/L,
Total (n = 16) Median [Min–Max] resistant) and ceftazidime (4 mg/L, intermediate) and revealed a 26
Gestational age (weeks) 34 + 3 [30 + 3 to 39 + 1] bp-deletion at the 3'-end of ampC, leading to an altered amino acid
 Female 34 + 3 [30 + 3 to 36 + 4] sequence. Furthermore, both highly resistant isolates (770/15 and
 Male 34 + 4 [31 + 4 to 39 + 1] 771/15) of 1 patient (case) contained a base substitution at posi-
Birth weight (g) 1.810 [1210 to 4040] tion 93 in ampD. This substitution leads to a premature stop and
 Female 1.795 [1210 to 2780] a truncated ampD. However, for the remaining outbreak isolates
 Male 1.885 [1700 to 4040]
Age at first detection (d) 10 [1 to 86]
with resistance (n = 7) and susceptibility (n = 3) to cefotaxime/
 Female 10 [2 to 31] ceftazidime and the resistant nonoutbreak isolate 904/15 no altera-
 Male 9.5 [1 to 86] tion of ampC, ampR, ampD or ompF and ompC and the attendant
Days from admission to first detection (d) 6.5 [0 to 22] promotor regions could be observed. Disc tests for AmpC produc-
 Female 10 [0 to 22] tion (D68C ESBL/AmpC-ID, MAST Group) were positive except
 Male 5 [0 to 13]
for the outbreak isolate 905/15 and 2 nonoutbreak isolates. These

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Steffen et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019

FIGURE 2.  UPGMA clustering of genetic relationships of E. cloacae isolates (XbaI macrorestriction and PFGE). In gray ST815-
isolates of the 10 confirmed cases and one environmental sample. The dendrogram was calculated using BioNumerics
software (version 7.6.2, parameters tolerance 1.0; optimization 0.5). Displayed results of all 26 isolates were available for
analyses at RKI.

3 isolates were susceptible to cefotaxime and ceftazidime and of the outbreak strain in only 1 sample (siphon in the NICU, likely
showed positive results in an ampC induction disc test using imipe- having been contaminated by a case and no relevance for trans-
nem/cefotaxime and imipeneme/ceftazidime as inducer/substrate mission); 3. our outbreak investigation did not reveal alternative
combinations as previously described.25 hypotheses and 4. the outbreak could be stopped by enhanced bar-
rier precautions.
DISCUSSION In accordance with our findings, several reports on E. cloa-
We investigated an E. cloacae outbreak in a German NICU cae outbreak among neonates indicated patient-to-patient trans-
and found 16 cases (13 colonizations, 3 infections). Beside 10 con- mission because of contaminated environment or cross-contami-
firmed cases, 6 probable cases without isolates available for geno- nation via HCWs’ hands8,26–28, while colonized HCWs as a source
typing but with a clear epidemiological link in place and time could of outbreaks with Gram-negative-bacteria have only rarely been
be attributed to the outbreak. described in the literature.9,10 Talon et al29 described not only an
Three of the affected infants developed severe infections, 2 extensive spread of sporadic E. cloacae colonization in premature
of them with brain abscesses and potential neurological sequelae. neonates but also with a sequential spread of epidemic strains. This
Similar neurological E. cloacae infections were already described is also similar to our observations. In a study by Stoesser et al,30
in literature.5,6 This highlights the seriousness of Gram-negative an outbreak setting of multidrug-resistant E. cloacae in a neona­
commensals as outbreak pathogens in neonatal settings and the tal unit in Nepal was investigated on a genomic level. This led
importance of early outbreak control. to the detailed description of several genetic clusters of E. cloa-
The pathogen spread was most likely maintained by continu- cae outbreak strains of the outbreak situation and, like the present
ous person-to-person transmission where colonized patients were study, also identified discrepancies in the susceptibility of outbreak
the sources for transient contamination of HCWs’ hands. Micro- isolates, which were, nevertheless, genetically highly related. The
biological screening of the NICU staff had been conducted but did following challenges occurred when case search was performed.
not reveal colonization of staff members with the outbreak strain. On the one hand, the characteristics of E. cloacae initially led to a
Extensive environmental investigations did not disclose outbreak concealment of the outbreak: owing to the facultative pathogenicity
source or vehicle. of E. cloacae, only a small proportion of affected patients devel-
The following results point toward person-to-person trans- oped symptoms. Thus, microbiological screening was conducted
mission: 1. the epidemiological link in place and time between the and gradually extended to other potentially affected wards leading
16 cases; 2. the environmental screening led to the identification to detection of a high number of E. cloacae carriers. On the other

634 | © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019 NICU Outbreak E. cloacae, Germany

FIGURE 3.  Phylogenetic tree (RAxML 7,2,8, GTR GAMMA model, Rapid hill-climbing, 100 starting trees) of E. cloacae isolates
calculated based on 3161 SNP positions (150 bp exclusion distance) after mapping NGS data to the reference sequence
(NZ_CP008823.1). Isolates involved in the outbreak are highlighted in gray. Displayed results of all 26 isolates were available
for analyses at RKI.

hand, isolates of the outbreak strain showed differing antibiotic (770/15, 771/15). Based on the ampC-mediated β-lactam resist-
resistance patterns, which complicated the exclusion of nonout- ance model, the inactivation of ampD leads to an accumulation
break-related E. cloacae carriers. of the ampD substrate, which acts as signaling effector of ampR
Macro restriction pattern of the E. cloacae outbreak strain and consequently ampR effects the induction of ampC constantly.32
could not be resolved using a standard PFGE protocol because of The effect of the 26 bp deletion at the 3'-end of the ampC gene
DNA degradation. This resulted in a delay of case confirmation. in ST815-isolates 768/15 and 775/15 is not yet clear and needs
Other molecular typing methods for rapid case confirmation in the further investigations. However, it was not possible to clarify the
hospital (eg, the used AP-PCR) were not specific enough to differen- underlying resistance mechanism in 6 of the 9 cefotaxime/ceftazi-
tiate between outbreak cases and noncases and led to an overestima- dime-resistant outbreak isolates with the present genome data. In
tion of the actual outbreak size. Consequence was the unnecessary numerous studies, the source for ampC-mediated β-lactam resist-
isolation of patients. The occurrence of epidemiologically remote ance was investigated; as cause of resistance, the involvement of
cases led to altering hypotheses regarding the cause of the outbreak. ampD, ampR and conclusively ampC expression or porine altera-
Finally, the difficulties in identifying epidemiological links tions (ompC, ompF) are known.33,34 Detailed analysis of the gene
between cases resulted in a search for more specific typing meth- expression of the possible involved genes might clarify the resist-
ods. By using a modified PFGE protocol, we identified the outbreak ance mechanisms in our isolates. The bigger part of identified
strain. NGS-based MLST and NGS-based SNP-phylogeny also sequence alterations found with the SNPfilter (3161 SNP positions)
clearly differentiated the outbreak strain from nonoutbreak strains. between outbreak clade and nonoutbreak isolates were identified as
Therefore, the outbreak was considerably reduced in number of ST-specific SNP profiles. Using selected parameters of the analysis
cases and affected wards. All cases had exposure to the NICU. The (150 bp exclusion distance), the outbreak clade presents only 15
last case was found to be colonized with the outbreak strain when SNPs in total among the 14 sequenced ST815-isolates. These SNPs
screened at readmission to the pediatric ward in October 2015. cannot explain the phenotypic differences of the isolates.
Transmission had likely occurred during previous admission on the Generalizability of our results may be reduced because of
NICU in July 2015. limited number of available samples and the fact that we report on
The E. cloacae outbreak strain belonged to a new ST, the one particular outbreak investigation. But the challenges described
ST815, a singleton that does not belong to any known clonal com- here are mostly due to particularities of E. cloacae colonization,
plex. Nonoutbreak isolates were assigned to 11 different STs, infection and diagnostic methods, which are less affected by out-
which is concordant with the reported phylogenetic diversity of break, setting and number of isolates.
E. cloacae in general.31 Two nonoutbreak isolates belonged to the Summarizing, the difficulties in discriminating outbreak
same ST (ST145), but lacked a clear epidemiological link. Hence, cases from noncases resulted in weeks of intense E. cloacae out-
all nonoutbreak-related cases were considered as sporadic. break investigation activities in November 2015, even though the
Interestingly, the isolates belonging to the outbreak strain transmission of the E. cloacae outbreak strain had been stopped
exhibited different MICs for ceftazidime and cefotaxime. NGS successfully beforehand. For early recognition of E. cloacae
analysis detected a truncated ampD for 2 of the ST815-isolates clusters and prompt identification of all related cases, a close

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Steffen et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 6, June 2019

TABLE 2.  Characteristics of Enterobacter cloacae Isolates From a Neonatal Ward in Germany, From 10/08/2015 to

Patient Date of PFGE- Sequence MIC CTX MIC CAZ

Isolate No. No. Material Isolation Type type (ST) Resistances (mg/L) (mg/L)

765/15 2 Brain abscess 10/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
773/15 2 Nasopharyngeal swab 10/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
774/15 9 Perianal swab 10/08/2015 A ST815 AMP ≤1 ≤2
770/15 6 Blood culture 13/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
771/15 6 Blood culture 13/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
764/15 1 Brain abscess 17/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
766/15 3 Perianal swab 17/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
767/15 4 Perianal swab 17/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
769/15 1 Perianal swab 17/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
768/15 5 Perianal swab 24/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX 4 ≤2
772/15 7 Perianal swab 24/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
775/15 10 Perianal swab 31/08/2015 A ST815 AMP, CTX, CAZ (I) 4 4
776/15 11 Perianal swab 03/09/2015 B ST104 AMP, CTX, CAZ, ETP >16 >32
777/15 Siphon 1 Siphon NICU 19/09/2015 A ST815 AMP ≤1 ≤2
900/15 14 Perianal swab 21/09/2015 H ST97 AMP ≤1 ≤2
896/15 13 Nasopharyngeal swab 23/09/2015 D ST190 – ≤1 ≤2
897/15 Siphon 2 Siphon maternity ward 24/09/2015 E ST907 AMP, CIP ≤1 ≤2
901/15 15 Nasopharyngeal swab 03/10/2015 I ST145 – ≤1 ≤2
899/15 Staff Stool sample 06/10/2015 G ST816 AMP ≤1 ≤2
898/15 Staff Stool sample 09/10/2015 F ST128 AMP ≤1 ≤2
902/15 16 Perianal swab 12/10/2015 J ST278 – ≤1 ≤2
903/15 17 Nasopharyngeal swab 12/10/2015 K ST254 AMP ≤1 ≤2
904/15 18 Perianal swab 15/10/062015 L ST114 AMP, CTX, CAZ >16 >32
905/15 19 Perianal swab 22/10/2015 A ST815 AMP ≤1 ≤2
778/15 12 Perianal swab 29/10/2015 C ST118 AMP 2 ≤2
906/15 20 Nasopharyngeal swab. 06/11/2015 M ST145 – ≤1 ≤2
Displayed results of all 26 isolates were available for analyses at RKI. Sequence types were identified by MLST (
AMP indicates ampicillin; CTX, cefotaxime; CAZ, ceftazidime; CIIP, ciprofloxacin; ETP, ertapenem; I, intermediate-resistant.

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Dr. Birgit Strommenger for supporting the PFGE gel image analy- hyper-producing Enterobacter cloacae in a neonatal intensive care unit in a
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