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J Med Sci Wibawa, Candida albicans biofilm: formation and antifungal agents resistance

Volume 44, No.2, June 2012: 1 - 9

Candida albicans biofilm: formation and

antifungal agents resistance
Tri Wibawa
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,

Candida sp are the most common fungal pathogens causing fatal health care associated infections.
Among the genus of Candida, Candida albicans is the most frequent species isolated from
patients. The notorious C. albicans infection is the ability of this dimorphic fungus to form
biofilm. Biofilm has been pointed as a dynamic phenotypic switching in bacteria and fungi,
which may result in higher morbidity and mortality in human beings. This review addresses the
basic explanation of biofilm formation which is characterized by the antifungal agents resistance.
The factors that influence C. albicans biofim formation and antifungal agents resistance are

Candida sp merupakan jamur patogen yang paling sering menyebabkan infeksi yang fatal di
rumah sakit. Diantara genus Candida, Candida albicans merupakan spesies paling sering yang
dijumpai pada pasien. C. albicans adalah jamur dimorfik yang dapat membentuk biofilm. Biofilm
adalah suatu rangkaian perubahan fenotipik pada bakteri maupun jamur, yang dapat menimbulkan
peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada manusia. Review ini membahas tentang pembentukan
biofilm yang disertai dengan adanya resistensi terhadap obat antijamur. Hal-hal yang berpengaruh
terhadap pembentukan biofilm dan sifat resistensi terhadap antijamur yang menyertainya dibahas
di dalam review ini.

Key words: Candida sp – antifungal – resistance – biofilm - pathogenecity


INTRODUCTION stents, prostheses, implants, catheters, and other

Candida sp are documented as a causative indwelling medical devices.2,3 The Candida sp
agent of plenty fungal infection in human beings. isolated from patients suffering from
Candida sp are the most common fungal nosocomial blood stream infection in the
pathogens causing fatal health care associated Surveillance and Control of Pathogens of
infections, especially in patients admitted to Epidemiological Importance (SCOPE) study in
intensive care units and the fourth most frequent the United States were Candida albicans
pathogen isolated and accounted for 9% of (54%), followed by C. glabrata (19%), C.
blood stream infection. 1 Colonization and parapsilosis (11%), and C. tropicalis (11%)
biofilm formation of Candida sp has been respectively.4 Candida albicans has been
reported in the biomaterials, such as: shunts, reported as a common causative agent for

* corresponding author:

J Med Sci, Volume 44, No. 2, June 2012: 1-9

nosocomial infection transmitted among patients grow as yeast and in other conditions it can be
in burn units,5 and was documented as the most found in where most cells grow as hyphae or
common cause of recurrent and non-recurrent filamentous form. 10 The morphological change
vulvovaginitis.6 of C. albicans is rapid and in response to the
Candida albicans is a yeast form fungi external signals. These dynamic changes are
which is well known as a classic example of associated with the pathogenecity and virulence
opportunistic fungi which may be responsible of the microorganism. 11
for various superficial and systemic infection Other than dimorphic (yeast-hyphae)
in human beings. Candida albicans is frequently biological property, C. albicans has
found as the normal microbiota of humans and morphological characteristics which may occur
does not regularly cause disease in immuno- naturally in its life cycle. These distinct
competent hosts. It exists as commensal in the morphologies include the pseudohyphal form,
skin and mucosal surfaces, as well as genital opaque form and chlamydospore. Pseudohyphae
and gastrointestinal tracts. However, in is related with its budding reproduction
immunocompomised patients it may be property. It is often found with yeast and hyphal
responsible for mild to severe clinical manifes- forms in vegetative culture and during
tation. 7 infection.11 It is well known that C. albicans
Candida albicans becomes pathogen if the may produce pseudohyphae and true hyphae at
host’s immune response is impaired. The the same time (FIGURE 1). The opaque form is
impaired local or systemic immune response associated with mating-competent cells. The
may contribute to the alteration of commensal- white-opaque transition is associated to the
pathogen characteristic of C. albicans. Neutro- sexual mating process in C. albicans.12
penia, neutrophil dysfunction, disruption of
mucosal barriers, patients receiving chemo-
therapy for neoplasm, and immuno-suppressants
after organ transplantation or patients with HIV/
AIDS are the risk factors for disseminated
opportunistic fungal infections. 8 In an
immunocompromised host, translocation from
the gastrointestinal tract and intravascular
catheters are the two main sites of entry for
disseminated candida infection. 7 In HIV/AIDS
patients, C. albicans was observed as the
leading fungi that causes opportunistic
infection. 9
Candida albicans is unicellular, reproduc- FIGURE 1. Microscopic appearance of Gram
staining of sputum obtained from HIV/
ed by budding, and grows well in routine AIDS patient that showed colonization
automated blood culture bottles and on agar of C. albicans. The budding yeast, true
plates. Candida albicans is dimorphic fungi that hyphae and pseudohyphae were observed.
is characterized by its ability to grow alternately
as yeast and filamentous forms fungi. In specific This review is addressing biofilm format-
conditions it can be found in where all the cells on of C. albicans and its implication to the
antifungal resistant and factors that may be

Wibawa, Candida albicans biofilm: formation and antifungal agents resistance

useful to modify the deleterious impact of are hypothesized as: the adherence of yeast cells
antifungal resistant. to the surface (initial phase), formation of an
extracellular matrix with dimorphic switching
DISCUSSION from yeast to hyphal forms (intermediate phase),
and increase in the extracellular matrix material
Biofilm formation of C. albicans
recruitment to form three dimensional structure
Biofilm can be defined as a community of of biofilm (maturation phase) (FIGURE 2). 3,14
microorganisms that are irreversibly attached It begins with adherence of yeast cells to a
to a surface, containing exopolymeric matrix and foreign substrate (host tissue or medical device)
exhibiting distinctive phenotypic properties. 13 (A), followed by proliferation of the yeast cells
The most important distinctive phenotypic across the substrate surface with hyphal
property of biofilm forming microorganism is development which may include the
the antimicrobial resistance. This might result pseudohyphae and true hyphae (B). The final
to a critical situation in patient setting, as in step of biofilm development is the maturation
some circumstances it means the necessity of phase with recruitment of massive exctra-
removing the prosthesis, implant or other cellular matrix (brown) from the environmental
medical device. The increases of morbidity and substrate that may produced by the host or the
mortality as well as medical expenses are the microorganisms that contribute to the biofilm
inevitable consequences. development (C). After entering maturation
Candida albicans is not the only species phase, a few planktonic cells may be released
included in the Candida genus which is able to from the mature biofilm and transferred to the
develop biofilm. Indeed, C. albicans biofilm new surface to start the new biofilm formation
is the most studied biofilm formed by yeasts. cycle.
Three stages of C. albicans biofilm formation

FIGURE 2. Cartoon of step-wise process of C. albicans biofilm development

In every step of biofilm formation, there genes), and phenotypic switching (44 genes)
are dynamic gene expressions that may facilitate respectively.16 Very recently, Nobile et al 17
the biofilm formation. Some genes are described a master circuit of six transcription
specifically expressed in planctonics, initial regulators, sequence-specific DNA-binding
phase, intermediate phase or maturation phase.15 proteins that regulate transcription, which
There are plenty genes that have been identified controls biofilm formation by C. albicans.
involved in cell adhession (42 genes), biofilm Exploring the regulation of genes expression in
formation (122 genes), filementous growth (512 the biofilm formation phases is important to

J Med Sci, Volume 44, No. 2, June 2012: 1-9

understand the characteristic of candidal between mucin absorption with removability of

biofilm. It is even more important to find the candida biofilm. 21,22
molecular target to inhibit the biofilm formation. Intermediate phase was characterized by
The initial phase is started when C. formation of an extracellular matrix with
albicans cells attached to the surface of living dimorphic switching from yeast to hyphal forms.
or unanimated material such as, mucosal layer, However, switching of the yeast to hyphal form
dental surface, or indwelling medical devices. was not obligated for C. albicans biofilm. Two
It is important to consider that cells-surface mutants of C. albicans derived from one
adherence of the yeast is the key point of biofilm parental strain were characterized as incapable
development. It needs to anchor the structure to form hyphae or yeast. Experimental
on the surface. On the other hand, the adherence procedures using these two mutants showed that
among yeast cells itself has been also it still showed the ability to form biofilm.26 It
highlighted as key point of initial phase of was observed that the characteristic of the
biofilm formation properties.13,18 The adherence biofilms of the two mutants was different. The
of yeast cells to the surface were regulated by hypha-negative mutant produced only the basal
the environmental milieu. For example in oral layer, and the yeast-negative mutant produced
cavity, the adherence was influenced by the only the outer layer, which was more easily
dietary and salivary factors. The presence of detached from the catheter disks. This suggests
two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, that dimorphism might be necessary for biofilm
has been extensively investigated for their architecture and structure.3 This result is in
effects on candidal adhesion. 19 This finding was agreement with the report that found farnesol, a
in agreement with another report which quorum-sensing molecule, inhibit filamentation
compared the biofilm formation in vitro by using in C. albicans, also inhibits its biofilm
two difference media, RPMI and synthetic urine. formation. 2,27 However, it should be noted that
The level of hyphal formation of yeast cells biofilm somehow absolutely does not depend
biofilms formed in synthetic urine medium was to the morphological properties of the fungi.
diminished compared to those grown in RPMI Either yeasts or hyphal morphology may
medium.20 contribute to the potential effect of biofilm
The nature of medical devices surface is formation.
important to build a candida biofilm. The Important to the maturation of candidal
property of medical devices surface, contact biofilm is recruitment and deposition of
angle of materials, and the index of extracellular matrix. This complex extracellular
hydrophobicity were found to be correlated material might function to defend against
positively with initial adhesion and biofilm phagocytic cells of host immune response, to
formation of C. albicans. 21,22 Modification of serve as a scaffold to maintain biofilm structure
medical devices surface has been showed as integrity, and to safe guard the biofilm from
candidate approach to inhibit candida biofilm environmental exposure. 18 Environmental factor
formation. 23 The surface support for biofilm that may be important to the candida biofilm is
formation is depending on the nature of the bacterial and fungal populations that may
biomaterial. It was showed in the C. albicans interact with C. albicans to modulate the nature
biofilm formation model that latex and silicone of the biofilm extracellular matrix. The viability
elastomer increased the biofilm formation but of candida biofilms was significantly decreased
not the polyurethane or pure silicone. 24,25 by the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Nonetheless, there was a negative correlation and Escherichia coli. Further, it was reported

Wibawa, Candida albicans biofilm: formation and antifungal agents resistance

that Streptococcus mutans increased C. and proteins that regulate adhesion, hyphal
albicans biofilm formation, and that C. albicans formation, proteinase protein, phenotypic
displayed synergism with C. glabrata when they switching and biofilm formation. 16 There is a
developed biofilm. 28,29 The relationship positive association between the levels of
between bacteria or other fungi with candidal virulence of C. albicans with the ability to form
biofilm is complex and not completely biofilm.24
elucidated yet. It depends on the bacterial In clinical setting, biofilm forming C.
species and its numbers, and may affect the albicans has a significant difference characte-
morphogenesis of the yeast. 29 ristic compared to non biofilm forming. This
The innate immune system has been condition is believed as the result of distinct
identified as the principle protection against diseases pathogenesis. The most discussed
candidiasis. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes characteristic is its resistance to antifungal
(PMNs) are the primary components of the innate treatment. It has been reported that 50%
immune response against Candida infections. 30 inhibition of [3 H]leucine incorporation (IL50)
Macrophages and neutrophiles are the cells that and 50% inhibition of MTT-formazan formation
are most commonly associated with the innate (IF50) for biofilms were 5 to 8 times higher than
immune response against C. albicans infection. the observed values for planktonic cells and 30
Macrophages produce a variety of soluble to 2,000 times higher than the relevant minimum
factors, including cytokines and chemokines, in inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for five
response to specific microorganism, including antifungals studied, i.e: amphotericin B,
C. albicans.31 Little is known about the ways in fluconazole, flucytosine, intraconazole, and
which macrophages and neutrophils recognize ketoconazole. Among antifungal drugs tested in
C. albicans as a pathogenic microorganism, or this study, fluconazole is the most effective for
how the fungal–leukocyte interaction triggers an C. albicans biofilm. 32 C. albicans biofilm was
inflammatory response. 8 documented as highly resistant to antifungal
It was reported that viable peripheral blood agents: fluconazole, nystatin, amphotericin B,
mononuclear cells (PBMC) did not phagocytes voriconazole, ravuconazole, terbenafine, and
the fungal cells in the biofilm form. This chlorhexidine in other reports. 14,33 The
phenomenon is in contrast with the finding that resistance of C. albicans to antifungal agents,
PBMCs phagocytes the planctonic C. albicans. as reflected by its MIC was reported to increase
Indeed, the host innate immune response during the development of biofilm in progress.
influences the biofilm formation of C. albicans. The drug resistance develops over time, and
The biofilm formation enhancing effect of corresponds to the development of biofilm itself,
PBMCs is mediated by soluble factors, which which was associated with the increase of
consist of pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines, metabolic activity of developing biofilm. 14
and released into the co-culture medium of The mechanism of antifungal agents
PBMCs with C. albicans.31 resistance in C. albicans biofilm is not well
known yet. However, there are several reports
Antifungal agents resistance that serve data for hypothetical mechanism of
As opportunistic fungi, C. albicans might antifungal agents resistance in C. albicans
be found either as commensals or pathogens. biofilm: (1) biofilm slow growth; (2) decrease
The factors that facilitate its switching are of the concentration of antifungal agents in the
considered as virulence factors. Several depth of biofilm because of penetration barrier;
virulence factors were suggested, such as genes and (3) expression of resistant regulator genes

J Med Sci, Volume 44, No. 2, June 2012: 1-9

that associated with surface contact.25 One regarding to their susceptibility to antifungal
possible resistance mechanism is related to the agents. Static condition is mimicking the
slow growth rate of C. albicans biofilm cells condition with limited extracellular matrix and
as a result of the limited availability of shaking condition is similar with condition that
nutrients.25 Slow growth is the main difference induces more extracellular matrix. By using this
of the characteristic of biofilm forming yeast experiment, Baillie and Douglas 34 showed that
cells compared to the planktonic cells. the biofilm susceptibility against antifungal
However, the resistance to amphotericin B of agents between the two growing conditions was
C. albicans biofilm was not dependent to growth not significantly different. It was suggested that
rate. It was in contrast with the susceptibility the extracellular matrix did not associate with
of planktonic cells to the drug that was highly the resistance of biofilm to the antifungal agents.
dependent on growth rate. In the very low It was also documented that the surface on which
growth rate, planktonic cells were resistant to the biofilm was developed did not affect the
amphotericin B, but they became susceptible drug susceptibility profile. However, the role
when the growth rate increased. 26 This data of cell density in the phenotypic resistance of
suggested that drug resistance to antifungal drugs biofilm is in debate. There was contribution of
is not simply resulted from slow growth of C. cell density to the phenotypic resistant. 35,36
albicans biofilm. However, recently it was reported that the
It was hypothesized that the biofilm’s three higher number of cells does not explain the
dimensional structures can physically prevent higher resistance of biofilm against biocides. 37
the entrance of antifungal agents inside the depth Biofilm formation results to the phenotypic
of biofilm, that eventually diminishes the change of C. albicans, which is believed to be
susceptibility of biofilm against antifungal associated with the dynamic of genes
agents. Physical barrier of biofilm is mainly expression. Particular interest is highlighted to
the consequence of deposition of extracellular the genes which regulate the antifungal resistant
matrix among the microorganisms cellular body phenotypes (TABLE 1). Understanding the
which contributes to the biofilm formation. C. genes regulation may open a new insight to the
albicans biofilms which were grown in static mechanisms of antifungal agents resistance
condition and gentle shaking were compared associated with biofilm formation.

TABLE 1. Genes contribute to the C. albicans biofilm antifungal agents resistance

Wibawa, Candida albicans biofilm: formation and antifungal agents resistance

CONCLUSION molecular typing of Candida isolates from burn

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