Usos Del Verbo Get

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Do you GET what GET means?

She i
sn't g
y our the o ettin
Ige t ffice g to
le m . early
p ro b .

wh get ti e t a
en red g
we t to .
too wo an ar
mu rk c
ch. I w ew
I want to get a new car.
She needs to get a new driving license.
We got a new job three days ago.
They will get  a new house .
He is getting good results in the gym.
She got a high score in the test.
I will get my passport next week. 
She is getting her driving license.
They got permission to live in Brazil.
The company needs to get more clients.
Do you get it? = Do you understand it?
No problem, this time I got it.
After your explanation we finally got it.
Do you get what the teacher is explaining ?
She gets English very well.
Sorry, I don't get the joke.
Did you get the  comedy show?
I only get Chemistry when she is explaining.
Sorry, I don´t get what you say.
To get + place expression =
Arrive at a place
At what time do you usually get home?
We got to the airport around 6 p.m.
At what time will you get here? I am waiting.
You can get there by car or bus.
We always get to the office at 8 am in the morning.
She will get here very soon.
I am getting tired of my work.
She gets sick when she eats seafood.
I get drunk just with two  glasses of wine.
I'm getting better after the surgery.
My dog gets excited when he knows we go for a walk.
My mother gets angry when I don´t clean my room.
It gets dark very early in this part of the country.
• to get dirty - ensuciarse. got
• to get drunk - emborrachar/emborracharse.
• to get wet - mojarse.
• to get angry/mad - enojarse.
• to get old – envejecer, ponerse viejo.
• to get older – hacerse mayor.
• to get worried – empezar a preocuparse.
• to get sick - enfermarse.
• to get hurt - lastimarse.
• to get bored - aburrirse.
• to get thirsty – empezar a tener sed.
• to get hungry – empezar a tener hambre.
• to get sleepy – empezar a tener sueño.
• to get married - casarse
• to get tired - cansarse
• to get cold - sentir frío, enfriarse
• to get hot - sentir calor, acalorarse
• to get better - mejorarse, recuperarse
• to get late - hacerse tarde
• to get dark - oscurecer
• to get windy – empezar a soplar el viento
• to get cloudy - nublarse
• to get lost - perderse
• to get dressed - vestirse
• to get divorced - divorciarse
• to get ready - prepararse
• to get worse - empeorar
• to get crazy - enloqueser
• to get upset - molestarse
• to get excited - emocionarse
• to get ready - alistarse
• to get sad - entristecer
• to get dizzy - marearse
get hurt to be hurt
get hit to be hit
get stuck to be stuck
get caught to be caught
get fired to be fired
get fixed to be fixed
get broken to be broken
get done to be done
get married to be married
get lost to be lost
get dressed to be dressed
get washed to be washed
get paid to be paid
She got hurt in the stadium to be hurt
I got hit by a rock to be hit
I get stuck in my thesis to be stuck
The thief got caught by the police to be caught
My boss got fired last week to be fired
My car will get fixed in a minute to be fixed
The windown got broken yesterday to be broken
I get done my work better at night to be done
I wanna get married to be married
let´s get lost in the crowd to be lost
Hurry, get dressed for the dance to be dressed
They will get engaged next week to be washed
I get paid well in this company to be paid

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