Ilfa Qurrota Aini - What Is Happening On The Organs

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Name : Ilfa Qurrota Aini

Id Number : 1903556

What is happening on the following organs?

Digestive Organs
No. Organs How the organ works?
1. Mouth: tongue and teeth Tongue
 Talking : the front of the tongue is very flexible,
and it used to create many of the sound. The
back of the tounge help to say “k” & “g”.
 Eat: and the tongue pushing it to your back
teeth so you can grind the food mixed with
saliva, then the tongue push it to the back of
 Taste : The tounge is covered by papillae that
help to taste everything
 the teeth used for chew the food. There are 3
a. incisor (4 teeth each up and bottom) : help
to bite the food
b. Spiky teeth/ Canines ( 2 teeth each up and
bottom) : help to tear tough food
c. Pemolars and molars : chew the food,
crush grind, and smash up all the food
2. Esophagus Runs the food from mouth to the stomach
3. Stomach Gastric juices break the food down. Gastric juices
is the secretes of stomach, mix of acid and
enzymes. The stomach also crunch the partially-
digested food and turning it into a liquidy mush.
4. Small Intestine Duodenum : the place where the body absorbs
vitamins and minerals from the food
5. Liver Made bile to help digesting the food
6. Gallbladder Bile store
7. Pancreas Bile and enzymes from the pancrease break down
the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
8. Large Intestine Absorb water and salt. Anything that hasn’t been
absorbed is considered waste (poop)
9. Anus The waste of food be taken out through this

Respiratory Organs

No. Organs How the organ works?

1. Nose And Nasal Cavity The air enters through the nostril then go to the
nasal passage and heads into nasal cavity.
 Warm : the nose have mucous membrane
which makes mucus/ snot
 Filters the air : The snot works with nose hairs
to capture dust, germs, and other small
partickesthat could irritate the lung. It turns
into booger. Sometimes it taken out while
 Smell : olfactory epithelium have receptors to
catch the smell. It send signals along the
olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb. Then the
signal go to the brain
2. Pharynx (Throat) the laryngopharynx, divides into the esophagus
which carries food to the stomach and the larynx
through which air passes to the lungs
3. Larynx (Voice Box) Exhaled air passing through the glottis makes the
vocal cords vibrate, producing sound waves.
Muscles attach the vocal cords to the larynx and
can stretch the vocal cords so that they become
taut or allow them to relax. When the vocal cords
are taut, the voice is high-pitched; when relaxed, it
is low-pitched.
4. Windpipe (Trachea) the oxygen go to the lung througe this pipe
5. Diaphragm breathe in : contracts and flattens out
exhale : rilex and flattens in
6. Lungs Breathe in: because the diaphragm contacts, the
lung have more room to expand and fill up with
the air
Exhale : it is back to the normal size and pump out
the air (CO2)
7. BronchialTubes/Bronchi delicate hoses that connect the throat to the lungs
8. Bronchioles air passages inside the lungs that branch off like
tree limbs from the bronchi—the two main air
passages into which air flows from the trachea
(windpipe) after being inhaled through the nose or
mouth. The bronchioles deliver air to alveoli
9. Air Sacs (Alveoli) The place where the ocygen gets absorbes into the
blood. The oxygen travels into the blood through
the alveoli into the capillaries.

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