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Marvie Joy M.

Torralba BSN II-N21

During our Community Health Nursing class, we were assigned the task of writing a reflection on the film
Magnifico. It's a two-hour Filipino film in which Jiro Manio, a little boy, plays the starring role. He shows a
child who is brilliant, good, and helpful in the community, including his own family. This film featured Filipino
culture and acts of generosity, as well as a sad but well-rounded finale.

This film exhibits a wide range of emotions, including friendliness, bitterness, and despair. I've seen this
before, but I've never fully grasped the story. Re-watching it gave me a feeling of hope and
compassion. There were issues mentioned in the film, and it gave me new perspectives on Filipino
culture. The story included practices and beliefs such as "mano" as a symbol of respect for elders,
lamay, and fiesta, which reassured me that Filipinos are not only culturally beautiful but also respectful

When considering the health practices depicted in the film, it appears that most of the characters
choose herbal medications rather than seeing a doctor. There were other hazards, which resulted in
Magnifico's grandmother's injuries. By the time Magnifico was born, they were still using non-sterile
equipment, which could have resulted in a problem for the baby.

Herbal medicines are commonly used in rural communities as a form of illness treatment. According to
one study, "The most common reasons for using traditional medicine are that it is more affordable,
more closely corresponds to the patient's ideology, helps alleviate concerns about the adverse effects
of chemical (synthetic) medicines, satisfies a desire for more personalized health care, and allows
greater public access to health information." Today's research continues to conduct trials and collect
data in order to educate people about the right use of herbal and traditional medicines in order to guide
and prevent people from overusing them, which could harm their health.

This is my third viewing of the film, and it never fails to elicit an emotional response. This film portrays a
close bond between people who are compassionate to others. I was saddened by the fact that the child
had to die, but he also played a significant role in defining what kindness and thoughtfulness mean.
This film had a significant impact on me as a person and as an aspiring nurse, because I desire to live
a life with purpose and bring goodwill to others. The lesson has stayed with me and will continue to do
so. I want to be remembered not only for who I am as a person, but also for the acts of kindness and
generosity I have conducted.

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