COVID Stimulus Bill Passes House Vote

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Media Memo

Subject: COVID Stimulus Bill Passes House Vote

The news report of Vox News published by Stewart (2021), brings forth the big-ticket factors
delivered by the Covid-19 stimulus bill. Some of the important factors highlighted by the report
include the matter of $1400 stimulus checks, billions of dollars for restaurants, local and state
governments, schools, $400 unemployment insurance benefits, increase of $15 federal minimum
wage. Besides, it also foregrounded the criticisms made by the Republican party. Similarly, UPI
(2021), also states the privileges the bill covers. It has emphasized the comments of President,
Joe Biden, and the argument of Republicans who replied negatively towards the Covid-19 relief
bill in a detailed manner, unlike Stewart (2021). Fram (2021), like the other two reporters, have
demarcated the vision of Joe Biden to provide cash to cities, states, businesses, and individuals.
The expensiveness of the bill stated by Republicans has been highlighted in the report.
The report of Zachary (2021), unlike Stewart (2021) and UPI (2021) points out each and
everything comprehensively. Other than highlighting the privileges, Zachary (2021), stated the
difference between the Covid-19 packages brought at the time of Trump’s administration and the
stimulus bill. It reports about the initiative taken up by the Democrats in searching for support
from the Republicans who want to do good for society. Calicchio (2021), has mostly focused on
two Democrats, Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Jared Golden of Maine who have voted against the
plan of their party. Calicchio (2021), similar to Stewart (2021), has highlighted the negative
comments made by the opponents (Republicans) and the two democrats on the Covid-19 rescue
bill. Golshan (2021), again reports about the benefits that the bill will bring. However, unlike the
other chosen news articles, Golshan (2021), states about the entire procedure before passing the
bill and the related negotiations. Cochrane (2021), besides mentioning the privileges also detail
out each of them through the news report. The report highlighted the negative comments but has
not focused much on them. It has given the sole focus on the benefits that the bill will bring not
only for the workers but also for the unemployed people.
Rubin and Duehren (2021) have not started the report with the benefits but the effort of the
Republicans to drag the bill out of the timeline as they cannot block it. Similar to the previous
news reports, it has stated about the benefits but later. First, it started with the efforts that
Republicans provided for restricting the bill to pass. However, the headlines of the chosen news
articles are to some extent different but each content besides foregrounding the privileges have
reported new things like differentiation in opinion between Democrats and Republicans, negative
comments about the bill, the difference in the Covid-19 relief packages introduced by both
Trump and Biden’s administration, opposition from the side of Democrats as well.
Every chosen news article is trustworthy and credible in terms of evidence. The majority of the
articles have properly stated the benefits the bill will provide to the people. Along with that, the
news articles have even quoted the statements given by the people of political parties, both
Democratic and Republican. For example, UPI (2021) quoted the statement of Nancy Pelosi, the
House Speaker who said “The sooner we pass the bill and it is signed, the sooner we can make
the progress that this legislation is all about — saving the lives and the livelihood of the
American people.” Likewise, Stewart (2021) correctly quoted Steny Hoyer, the House Majority
Leader who stated “Gradually raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour remains a centerpiece
of House Democrats’ economic plan…" Every news article is up to date in terms of evidence it
provides to the public. Zachary (2021), even posted a video when the Senate was passing the
Covid-19 relief bill of $1.9 trillion, in its electronic news report. Similarly, Calicchio (2021), also
posted the entire reporting video about the news of Bill pass. Even The Associated Press has a
contribution in the news report of Calicchio (2021). The report of Fram (2021) is credible
because the evidence is published by The Associated Press. Golshan (2021), provides updated
information about the bill and the reporter herself covers only news-related politics. The report
of Cochrane (2021), like the other articles, is authentic as well because it is published by New
York Times which is a very popular newspaper in the US. Rubin and Duehren (2021), along with
the reports have posted a video that details the updated packages of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19
relief bill.
The cultural, social, and biological aspects of politics have been successfully positioned in the
chosen news articles through the reporting they have made. Stewart (2021), apart from the
monetary fund, effectively positions the matter of Affordable Care Act subsidies for both the
middle-income and low-income families in America. By highlighting the monetary benefits,
Stewart (2021) has efficiently foregrounded the betterment of the American citizens in this
pandemic situation. UPI (2021), highlights the improvement of the economy through this bill. It
clearly stated the funding of this bill to increase the ability in emergency housing assistance, food
stamps, vaccine circulation, and schools. Fram (2021) foregrounds the statements of Democrats
who focused on the lost lives of Americans that require quick action. Calicchio (2021), stated
arguments about the $15 hourly wage plan by mentioning that it is violating the rules of the
Senate. However, it is mainly significant to the progressives. It covers mostly the cultural and
social aspects of politics by highlighting mainly the monetary fund given for the betterment of
Americans. Golshan (2021), has positioned the biological aspects by stating about the national
vaccination program initiated by the bill. Apart from this, the cultural and social aspects are
foregrounded through the declarations about the American Rescue Plan. Moreover, in terms of
social aspects, it reports about the increments in federal assistants to the working people of
America. Cochrane (2021) and Rubin and Duehren (2021), also position the aspects by
mentioning the extension of food stamps, the Affordable Care Act, funds to both local and state
governments, and rental funds and assistance.
However, the differences are not that high in the articles as they all have stated more or less
about the Covid-19 relief bill will provide to the Americans. The opposite statements of the
Republicans have been highlighted in some of the articles but people if they read any one of the
articles, they will be able to know about the funding that will be provided by this bill which not
only covers monetary fund to state and local governments but also to the low- and middle-
income group of America and the unemployed people, vaccination distribution and Affordable
Care Act. Despite the opposite and negative statements, the people will be able to reach an
effective conclusion based on their betterment.

Calicchio, D. (2021). House OKs $1.9T coronavirus bill -- with 2 Democrats voting against it.
[online] Fox News. Available at:
bill-with-2-democrats-voting-against-it [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Cochrane, E. (2021). Divided Senate Passes Biden’s Pandemic Aid Plan. The New York Times.
[online] Available at:
[Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Fram, A. (2021). House passes $1.9T pandemic bill on a near party-line vote. [online] AP
NEWS. Available at:
7545455cccec525285a8ea3c35892c70 [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Golshan, T. (2021). Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Bill. [online] HuffPost.
Available at:
senate_n_6043ac7ec5b60208555ee4f7 [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Rubin, R. and Duehren, A. (2021). Senate Advances Democrats’ Covid-19 Aid Bill. Wall Street
Journal. [online] Available at:
covid-19-aid-bill-11614877012 [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Stewart, E. (2021). The House passed Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package. [online]
Vox. Available at:
package-passes-house [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

UPI (2021). House Democrats pass $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. [online] Breitbart.
Available at:
bill/ [Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

Zachary, B.W. (2021). Analysis: With Covid relief and stimulus checks in sight, Biden asks for
faith in US democracy. [online] CNN. Available at:
[Accessed 7 Mar. 2021].

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