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Name : Dewi Riska Getda Pah

Id : 19130030

Class : A/5


Answer :

1. Let US consider then the different phases in the evolution of ESP/EST.

The register analysis phase — The conception of research.

The rhetorical or discourse analysis phase [approximately.

The conception of need — The target situation analysis.

The concept of authenticity — The skills and strategies.

Yes, because of the umbrella of English Language Teaching (ELT), English for Specific Purposes (ESP) was
developed at the end of World War II in 1945 as a response to the expansion of science, technology, and
the consequences of trade. Become a recognized international language. This helps students understand
more specifically how ESP is applied to them

Because traditionally, English for Science and Technology (EST) is considered a separate variant of ESP. ...
This means you need English to study in an English speaking country, or pass an academic English test
such as IELTS (academic module), TOEFL, FCE, CAE or CPE.


In the Tree of ELT (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987), ESP is broken down into three branches: a) English for
Science and Technology (EST), b) English for Business and Economics (EBE), and c) English for Social
Studies (ESS).

EOP is the language in a variety of work-related settings, such as Business English, Economics English,
Legal English, and others. EAP is a language adapted to the needs of those studying in a medium English
environment at the higher education level such as doctors. because the doctor's learning is very high, so
students need to include more Esp knowledge for that field so that it makes it easier for them in that

4. yes I agree, because teaching should be based on our needs. in theory we both need general material
and vocabulary and theories that cover the field, if in practice we are focused only on learning/teaching
things related to the field that only focus on that field. basically we both need theory and practice on
Esp to make it easier to know and learn how esp is applied to abilities in that field.

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