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Class – XI

Biology Theory
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions:

i. All questions are compulsory

ii. The question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and
Section D. there are 28 questions in the question paper.
iii. Section – A has 8 questions of 1 mark each. Section – B has 6 questions of
2 marks each. Section – C has 10 questions of 3 marks each and Section –
D has 4 questions of 5 marks each.
iv. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in
some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in
such questions.
v. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.


Questions Marks
1 Protist used for the construction of sound proof rooms is 1
a. Dinoflagellate
b. Diatoms
c. Euglenoids
d. Zooflagellates
2 Prothallus of fern produces 1
a. Spores
b. Gametes
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
3 The tissue which attaches the ovules inside the ovary is 1
a. Funicle
b. Hilum
c. Placenta
d. Chalaza
4 Main function of golgi – complex is 1
a. Fermentation
b. Phosphorylation
c. Respiration
d. Packaging of materials for secretion
5 The correct sequence of stages in cell cycle is 1
a. G1, S, G2, M
b. G1, G2, S, M
c. G1, M, G2, S
d. S, G1, G2, M
6 The family in which many plants are C4 type 1
a. Malvaceae
b. Solanaceae
c. Crucifereae
d. Graminae
7 The rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon 1
a. Light duration
b. Light intensity
c. Light quality (colour)
d. Temperature
8 Ability of plant to follow different path ways in response to 1
environment is called as
a. Elasticity
b. Flexability
c. Plasticity
d. Rigidity

9 Function of Mitochondria 2
10 Advantages of C4 plants over C3 plant 2
11 Characters of Deutromycetes 2
12 Explain mycorrhiza and Lichen 2
13 Write a note on trilycerides 2
14 Differentiate white matter and grey matter 2

15 Features of Gymnosperms and Economic importance 3
16 What is pyruvate oxidation 3
17 Factors influencing Photosynthesis 3
18 Enumerate the peculiar features that you find in phylum chordata 3
19 What are the muscle tissues? What are the three types of muscles 3
found in human beings
20 List various functions of epithelial tissue 3
21 Draw a labelled diagram of female reproductive system of a 3
22 What is systemic circulation? Describe its importance. Why are the 3
walls of the ventricle more muscular than the walls of atria
23 Explain the initiation of muscle contraction. What is the role of 3
sarcoplasmic reticulum, myosin head and F – actin during contraction
in striated muscles
24 What is insulin and what are its functions 3


25 Explain the stages of Prophase – I 5

26 Draw a sketch of Glycolysis 5
27 Draw a labelled diagram of the detailed structure of a nephron 5
28 Classify epithelial tissues with a flow chart and a neat diagram 5

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