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MBD Sure Shot CBSE Question Bank Chemies.

istry- XmTHE
space is occupied
Close packing. The arrangement in which maximum
upied le

cell, number (a) Tetragonal

(b) Orthorhombic
Replanation: For fcc unit of
(d) Rhombohedral
minimum available space. atoms per unit cell 4
(c) Monoclinic
In three dimensional space, there are two types of close (fcc)
No. oftetrahedral voids = 4 x 2 =8. Ans.(d)
face centred cubic packing Explanation: Rhombohedral, hexagonal
C u b i c close packing (ccp) or
O6. Gold crystallises
the face centred
ABC ABC ABC A.. rrange ment. cubic lattice. The number of unit cells and triclinic unit cells have only

Hexagonal close packing (hep) in 2 mg of gold is (atomic mass of gold = primitive bravais lattic.
197 u)
AB AB AB A . . . arrangement. Q8. When atoms a r e placed at the corners
lattice a r e called intersti (a) 1.586 x 1 0 (6) 1.97 x 1018 of
or voids in the crystal edges of a cube, the number
Interstitial voids or sites. The holes itial (d) 3.056 x 1018
of all 12
voids or sites. (c) 1.528x 10 atoms present per unit cell is

The voids are: Trigonal void surrounded by three spheres. Ans.c) (a) (6) 2
Tetrahedral void surrounded by four spheres lying at the vertices of a regula.Explanation: 1 mole of gold = 197g 4 (d) 6.

= 6.02 x 10 atoms Ans.(a)
Bxplanation: There are only 8 corners and
O c t a h e d r a l void surrounded by six spheres at the vertices ot a regular octahedr
edr on. No. of atoms in 2 x 10 g of gold
therefore, number of atoms per unit cell
6.02 x1023
197 x2x10
= 6.11 x 1018 = 81
Coumunit to Memory Since face centred cubic unit cell contains Q9. Aluminium crystallises in a fcc
Number of voids per atom 4 atoms, therefore, number of unit cells of the metal is
structure. Atomic radius
tetrahedral void 2 present length of the unit cell
octahedral void
= 1 125 pm. The edge
= 1.528 x 105 unit cells ofthe metal is:
4 (a) 62.5 pm (b) 176.75 pm
Multiple Choice Questions 96. A metal crystallizes in a cep structure. (c) 353.3 pm (d) 153.03 pm
Its metalic radius is 141.5pm. The
Explanation: The number of particles per
number of unit cells in 64 cm of metal
Q1. Which of the following statement is Explanation: For a fce unit cell,
incorrect about crystalline solids? unit cell in different unit cells are:
simple cubic = 1, face centred cubic unit
(a) 1x 1024 (6) 1x 1022
(a) Crystalline substances are
cell = 4, body centred cubic unit cell = 2, (c) 1x 1023 (d) 1x 1032 22
anisotropic hexagonal close packing unit cell = 6.
(b) Crystalline solids have definite Ans.(6) or a = 2rV2

enthalpy of fusion. Q3. The total number of tetrahedral and Explanation: For cep structure = 2x 125 x 1.414 = 353.3 pm
octahedral voids in the face centred
(c) Solid so, is a polar molecular solid.
cubic unit cell is a 2/2r Q10.The portion of edge length not occupied
(d) All covalent solids are poor
(a) 12 (6)8 = 2 x 1.414 x 141.5 by atoms for simple cubic, face centred
conductors of electricity and are centred cubic are
= 400 pm
cubic and body
insulators (c) 6 (d) 3
Ans.(d) Ans.(a) or = 400 x 10- cm respectively (a is edge length):
Explanation: Most covalent solids are Explanation: For fcc unit cell, number of Volume of unit cel
poor conductors of electricity and are atoms per unit cell =4 =(400 x 10 cm)
insulators. Graphite is a good conductor No. oftetrahedral voids = 4 x 2 8 6.4 x 10 cm
of electricity. No. of octahedral voids = 4 x 1 =4 No. of unit cells in 64 cm°
Q2. The unit cell having lowest number of Total voids = 8 +4 = 12 64
particles per unit cell is 6.4 x 10-23
Q4. The total number of tetrahedral voids in
(a) simple cubic
the face centred unit cell is
(6) face centred cubic
(a) 12
= 1x 10 unit cells
(b) 8
(c) body centred cubic Q7. Which of the following crystal system
(dhexagonal close packing
(c)6 (d) 3 has only primitive Bravais lattice ? 3
d) a:2/2a:a
Ans.(a) Ans.(b)
MBD Sure Shot CBSE Question Bank Chemistry
Explanation: For simple cubic, distance Empty portion a a1 2
between nearest neighbours is 'a' so distance betwee,
For bcc arrangement,
empty portion = a - a =0
nearest neighbours,
For d=
arrangement, distance
between nearest neighbours,

d 2
Empty portion
= a


NTopic 2 unit
acking eficiency, formula of compounds, calculations involving cell

Rewision Hotes
It may also be
Packing efficiency. It is the percentage of total space filled by particles.
expressed as the fraction of space filled by the particles.
Packing efficiency of different crystals

Crystal system Packing efficiency

Simple cubic 52.4%
Body centred cubic 68%
Face centred cubic 74%
Hexagonal close packed
Coordination number. It is the number of nearest (or elosest) neighbours of any
constituent particle in the crystal lattice.
Radius ratio. The ratio of the radius ofthe cation to the radius of the anion ie., rJr_is
called radius ratio.
Radius of cation
Radius ratio =

Radius of anion
.Limiting radius ratio ( ) a n d C.N. in different cerystals

rr C.N. Structural Structure type

0.155-0.225 3 Plane triangular B,0,
0.225-0.414 4 Tetrahedral ZnS
0.414-0.732 6 Octahedral NaCl
0.732-1 8 Body centred cubic CsCl

Formula of a compound and ni voids filled. For simple ionic

mber of voids occupied. crystals, the
formula depends upor
CBSE Question Bank Che.
MBD Sure Shot

Esplanation: Atoms B eubie

Maltiple Cholee Questions adopt hcp Q19.An element has a body centred
arrangement and there are two (bec) structure with a cell edge
Atoms of BB are in tetrahedral sites per atom of B. Since 288 pm. The density f the element
Q1. The efliclency of packing is 68% in and 2/3rd of the tetrahedral sites are
arrangement there are
7.2 g em. How many atoms are present
a) hep ntructure tetrahedral voids per B atom occupied by atoms of element A, then for
in 208 g of the element ?
the tetrahedral voids are each atom of B, the number of A atoms
)eep atructure
atoms, this means that occupiedb
there are will be 2 x 2/3 4/3. = (a) 2416x 10 (b) 4832 10
d) bor atructure.
atoms for each
B atom. two Ratio of atoms A and B =
(c) 2.416< 10 d) 4.82
Thus, formula = AzB.
3 Ans.(a) :3
Q15.One unit cell of
NaCl contains r
Rxplanation: The packing eficieney of bec (a) 1Na' and 1 CI Formula of compound: A^Ba Edge length of the unit cell- 2 ps
atructure is 68% = 288 x 10 em
(6) 2Na and 2 CI e18.Silver metal erystallises with a fcc
and lattice. The radius of silver atom is Volume of 208 g of the element
Q12.The co-ordination number in cep
(c) 4Na and 4CI found to be 1.44 x 1 0 cm. The density
hep arrungement of metal atoms are
respectively (d) 12Na" and 12C1 of the crystal is.
(a) 6,6 (6) 12,6 Ans.(c) (a) 10.6 gm cm
(c) 12, 12 (d) 8, 6. Explanation: A unit cell of NaCl conte (b) 9.62 x
10 g cm 7.2
2 2s en
4Na' and 4 Cl ions.
Ans.(c) (c) 10.6 x 1 0 g em3 Volume of unit cell = 288 10
Rxplanation: The coordination in Q16.A solid compound contains P, Qand (d) 9.62 g cm*
number in cubic lattice No. of unit oells 2889
cep and hep arrangement of metal atoms
occupying the corners,
P _with atonth Ans.(a)
atoms in 26/10
is 12
Q13.Two ions A' and B have radii 88 pm body centred postion and R atomeExplanation: For fcc lattice, radius of an
= 12.08 10
the centes of faces of the unit cell. atom is related to edge length (a) as
and 200 pm respectively. What is the Th Since the strueture js ter, number
empiral formula of the compound is
coordination number of A in a close-
(a) PQR3 (6) PQR r 22 ofatoms present in a unit cel =2
packed structure? No. of atoms in 206 g
(c) PQR3 d) P9R of elemenet
(a) 4 (6) 6
a =rx2/2 = 12.06 102=2A 16
c) (d) 12
Ans.(c) = 1.44 x 1 0 x 2x 1.414 or2416 x10 atoms
Ans.(b) Q20.The percentage empty wparz f
Explanation: 4.07 x
10 cm lattice is
Baplanation: 88-0.44.
200 Atoms of P per unit cell =
8 x=1
8 Density, d Z M
(a) 74% b)2%

For octahedral void, the radius ratio lies Atoms of Q per unit cell =1 c) 26% d 47.6
4x 108
between 0.414 to 0.732. Therefore, the
coordination number is 6.
Atoms of R per unit cell =
6 x

(4.07x10? (6.02 10 Explanation: The packing effcenry f

lattice 74%
Q14.A solid is made up oftwoelements Aand Empirical formula is PQR 10.6 g
B. Atoms of B are in ccp arrangement,
cm %Enpty spare = . 0 74 = 26
while atoms A occupy all the tetrahedral Q17.Atoms of element B form hcp lattis
and those of the element A occupy 28r Topic 3
sites. The formula of the compound is :
(a) AB
of the tetrahedral voids. What is the
(6) AB ormula of the compound formed Defects in solids
(c) AB (d) AB. these elements A and B?
(a) A B3 (6) A B
Ans.(d) Reuision Hotes
(c) A B (d) Ag B2
An ideal crystal which has
crystal. It exists only at 0K temperature.
same unit
oeile cositaining sae iattac
po thuugtu

tpurity defects. These defecte in iomic eryetals arise due to the prenerice
i r n t y oms at the lattiee sites (in place of host ione: or at the vacant intervtitial r

p e semieonductors Greup 14 elements dnped with group 15eelemente eg. P.A As

ence of free electrons increanes
b ppe semiconductors Group elements doged with group 13 eiementa (eg. B. Ini
of holes increases conductivity

nit to 7Memong
Due to Scbottky defect, density of the solid decreases
Frenkel defect, density of
the solid remaine unchanged
ABrshows both Schottky and Frenkel defecta
Foentres resulting from anion vacancy defect are responible for imparting coiorar t
be crystal For example
NaClwben heated in presenoe of Na acquires yello colour
KCwben heated in presence of K acquires oet cnilorar
2 LCwben heated in presence ef Li acquires pink eolour
Z-0 i white in coiour It becomes yelow on heating due to cation ezcess defer
i r pyrites show cation vacanc defect due to which
they acquire metalic lustre and
s e ke gid Taus, these are nicknaned as fol's

Maltiple Choice Questions

i soiidswith Scbottiky defect may Q22The arrangement n an deal crysta

c in their structure
AB and a defect strurtured crystal s
ation vacancies only shown bel
ation vacancies and interstitial
umber of cation and anion
ainvacancies and interstitial

ldeal crystal Defeet etructure

MBD Sure Shot CBSE Question Bank Chemistry -

electrons trapped
This illustrates the example of Explanation: The
anion vacancies are referred to
(a) Frenkel defect
F-centres. These are responsible f
b) Schottky defect colour results
colour of crystals. The
(c) Metal excess defect excitation of these
electrons when the
(d) Metal deficient defect. visible light falli
absorb energy from
For example, the
Ans.(a) on the crystals.
colour to NaCl crysta
impart yellow
Esplanation: It has cation vacancy and violet colourto KCl crystals and pin
cation in interstitial site. colour to LiCl crystals.
Q23.Zinc oxide loses oxygen on heating semiconductor, th
Q25.To get n-type doped
according to the reaction: added to silicon shoul
impurity to be
number of valenc
have the following
Zn*0,+2 electrons?

It becomes yellow on heating (a) 2 (6)5

because: (c) 3 d) 1

(a) Oxygen and electrons move out of Ans. (6)

the crystal and Zn* ions exhibit electrons for
Explanation: It will have free
yellow colour. conduction of electricity.
(6) Zn ions and electrons are

entrapped into the interstitial sites. 26.In AgBr, there can occur
Due to the presence of electrons in (a) only Schottky defect
the interstitial sites, the colour is
(6) only Frenkel defect
yellow. (c) both (a) and (6)
(c) Zn2 ions again combine with
d) None of these.
oxygen to form yellow zinc oxide.
(d) Zn* ions are replaced by 0 ions
giving yellow colour. Explanation: AgBr shows both Schottky
and Frenkel defects.
Q27.An electron trapped in an anion site in a
Q24. The appearance of colour in solid alkali crystal is called
halides is generally due to (a) Frenkel defect
(a) Schottky defect b) Schottky defect
(6) Frenkel defect (c) F-centre
(c) Interstitial position
(d) Interstitial defect
(d) F-centres.
MBD Sure Shot CBSt Question Bank
14 Chemistry THESOLID STATE 1

EXERCISES Covering Complete Chapter ii) In a fec unit cell, if edge length is , (c) Found in compounds
having ions

almost similar sizes

Answers on page-22 Hints&

Explanationson nations on Page then the radius of atom is
(d) Stablity of the crystal

6) structure 2
Questions (a) 22 iii) Excess of the Li ions in
Passage/Case Study/Source Based make the crystal of Licl appear

()The coordination number of Ca2 (c)

2x (d) (a) yellow (bblack

Passage1. lonic solids consist of positively ions in CaF2 respectively, are and 3 c) pink (d orange
in the face centred
and negatively charged ions arranged in a
a) 4,8 (6) 6, 6 ipy Gold crystallises (iu) The structure 2 represents
regular manner throughout the solid. The
(d) 4, 4
cubic lattice. The approximate number (a) Schottky defect
(c) 8, 4 of unit cells in 1 mg of gold (atomic mass
1ons are held together by strong electrostatic (6) Metal excess defect
197 u is
forces of attraction. In case of simple
1onic Passage 2. The regular three dimene of gold =

(c) Metal deficient defect

compounds generally anions adopt ccp or hep arrangement of points in space is called s n (a) 7.64 x 107 (6) 3.82 x
10 (d) Frenkel defect
arrangements and cations occupy intersua lattice or crystal lattice. The smallest por (c) 1.528 x 10 (d) 6.022 x 10
sites. For ionic compounds of AB type, B ions (u) Defect represented by structure 1 is
of the space lattice which when repeated A sol1a nas ain which w
have ccp
or hep arrangement while A 10ns and again in different directions Droedo ( ) atoms are present at the corners of the found in
Occupy either all or half the tetrahedral sites. (a) FeO b) CsCi
entire lattice is called unit cell. A unit e cubic unit cell, O atoms a r e located at
These have NaCl or ZnS type structures. For (d) ZnO
described by its dimensions along the t h the cube edges and A atoms are present (c) ZnS
the compounds of AB, or AB type, either A
edges as a, b and c and angles betweenth cube centres. The formula of the of
or B 1ons have ccp or hep arrangement and at
Passage certain
4. During the formation
other ions occupy all the tetrahedral sites edges as a, B and y. The unit cells are broa compound is
crystals, defects are produced. These
These structures are governed by radius divided into two types, called primitive an (a) XWOo 6) XWO defects are point defects, line defects, vacancy
ratio rules. centred unit cells. The centred unit cells an (c) XW0 (d) XWO defects, interstitial defects or impurity defects
The following are multiple choice of
three types: body
face centred, centr resulting stoichiometric or non-stoichiometric
questions. Choose the most appropriate 3. Examine the diagrams of the
and edge centred. Depending upon the a Passagetwo defected structures. Stoichio-metric defects
answerr edges and axial angles, there are see following
defective crystals:
may be Frenkel or Schottky defects
i) In which of the following set, both are non-stoichiometric defects may be metal
types of primitive unit cells. These are cubi - O
ionic solids ? Due to
metal deficient defects.
hexagonal, trigonal, tetragonal, rhombi excess or

(a) lce, S0, (b) KCI, CaF2 monoclinic and triclinic. Considering centre these defects, the crystals show different
unit cells, there are 14 possible properties.
(c) ZnS, CH, (d) SiC, NaCl lattice
known as Bravais lattices. Each unit cell ha In the following questions, a
(ii) If radius of Br ion is 0.182 nm, how
different number of particles per unit
fit in each of the cel of assertion followed by a statement
large cation can
tetrahedral void? and therefore, different distances betwe O Structure
the nearest
of reason is given. Choose the correct
(a)<7.53 x 10 nm neighbour and packing efficiency 1 Structure 2 answer out of the following choices:
(6) <4.09x
10 nm The
following are multiple choie The following are multiple choice (a) Assertion and reason both are correct
statements and reason is the correct
c)<1.33 x 10 nm questions. Choose the most appropriate questions. Choose the most appropriate
(d) <2.27 nm answer answer explanation for assertion.
(iii) Atoms of element Y form hcp lattice and ) T h e correct axial lengths and axial (i) The structure 1 represents (6) Assertion and reason both are correct
those of element X occupy 2/3rd of the statements but reason is not the correct
angles for the monoclinic crystal (a) Frenkel defect
tetrahedral sites. The formula of the are explanation for assertion.
compound is b) Schottky defect (c) Assertion is correct statement but
(a) a * b*
(a) XgYa (b) X,Y
c, a =
B =y= 90 (c) Metal excess defect reason is wrong statement.
(6) a b B
(c) X,Y2 (d) X,Y,
c, a y* 90 d) Metal deficient defect (d) Assertion is wrong statement but
c) a b* c,
The total number of vacant tetrahedral
a =
Y =90°, B* 90 is reason is correct statement.
and octahedral sites in a unit cell of ZnS
d)a =b * c, a =
B 90°, Y= 120
= ii) Which of the following statement ) Assertion: Frenkel defect has noeffect
()The percentage of incorrect regarding compounds showing
1S empty space n defects represented by structure 1: on the density of the crystal.
(a))4 (b) 6
arrangement is Reason: Frenkel defect is due to equal
(a) 68% a) It is found in compounds in which
(b) 74% number of cations and missing from
(c) 8 (d) 12 coordination number is low
(c) 26%
(d) 32% their lattice sites.
6) The density of the crystal decreases
Question Bankc
MBD Sure

for pink colour of LiCI

ii) Assertion When ZnO is heated,
excess of Li. erystals ha 12, The empty space within hep arragement density of unit cell
is 11.2 g cm",

turns yellow. Reason:The site where el of the element is

vacar cyelectis ron

is atomic mass
Reason: ZnO on heating loses oxygen entrapped in theaanion (b) 431.2
cal (a) 34% (b) 47.6% (a) 215.6
and forms Zn ions. F-centre. (c) 32% (d) 26%. (c) 107.8B (d) 98.6
n) Assertion: Out of NaCl and AgCl, ()Assertion: Frenkel and cubic lattice, edge length is 22. In which of the following
defect is Sche 13. For simple
compound that shows Frenkel defects chiometric defecta
equal to the anion has maximum

AgCl Reason: Bqual number of cati number ?

Reason: AgCl shows Frenkel defect (a) 2/2 6) 2r
their n8lat
anions are aissing from (a) NaCl (b) ZnS
due to small size of Ag' ion. (c) CaF2 (d) Na,O
(D) Assertion : F-centre is responsible sites 3 atoms,
V3 23. In a fec arrangement of P and Q
C where P atoms are at the corners of the
ons present around
14. The number of centres and
each Na ion in NaCl crystal lattice is unit cell, Q atoms at the face
2): Multiple Choice Questions (a) 3 (6) 4 two atoms are missing from two

in each unit cell, then the formula

of the
(a) AB (6) AB C) 8 (d) 6
1. The crystal showing Frenkel defect is: with #b #cand compound is
15. Acrystal system
axes a
(c) AB (d) ABg. (a) P2Q3 (6) P,Q
(a) - angles a# p* y *90° corresponds to
4. The number of tetrahedral (d) PQ4
octahedral holes in a hexa (a) monoclinic ) iclhnic (c)
(c) cubic (d) tetragonal 24. In spinel structure, 0 ions are cubic-
primitive unit cell are closed packed, whereas 1/8th of the
(a) 8,4 (b) 6, 12 16. To get p-type semiconductor, impurity
to be added to silicon should have which tetrahedral holes are occupied by A*
(c) 2,1 (d) 12, 6.
5. Close packing 1s maximum in
of the following number of valence cations and 1/2 of the octahedral holes
are occupied by cations B°*. The general
crystal, which is: electrons?
- (a) bec (6) fec (a) 2
(c) 1
6) 3
(d) 5
formula of this compound is
(a) ABO4 (b) AB,O
(c) simple cubic (d) all.
17. Due to Frenkel defect, the density of the (c) AB,O d) AB,0
The total number of tetrahed.
and octahedral voids in 0.5 mol of ionic solids 25. Total volume of atoms present in face
(a) increases centred cubic unit cell of metal is (r is
compound forming hcp structure are: (6) decreases atomic radius)
(a) 6.022 x 10 (6) 3.01 x 103
e - (c)9.033 x10 (d) 12.044 x10 (c) does not change (a)
(d) depends on pressure
7. How many kinds of space
- (a) 7
possible in a crystal ?
6) 14
a1gThe cubic unit cell of Al (molar mass=
27 g mol) has an edge length of 405
26. For
radius ratio (r,/r_) should be

pm. Its density is 2.7 g em". The cubic

--- 8.
(c) 23
Empty volume n
(d) 230.
simple cubic crysta
unit cell is (a) 0.155 -0.225 (6) 0.225 - 0.414

d - (a) 52.4% (b) 74%

(a) body centred (6) primitive
c) edge centred (d) face centred
(c) 0.414 -0.732 (d) 0.732 -1
27. Copper crystallizes in a cubic lattice
(c) 26% d) 47.6%. 19. How many unit cells are present in a structure. Atomic radius of copper is
9. The coordination number of cubic shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of 128 pm and its atomic mass is 63.5. The
meta mass 1.0 g?
crystallizing in a hexagonal close density of copper is
- packing structure are: (a) 2.57 x 104 (b) 1.28 x 1021
CBSE Sample Paper 2020-21) (c) 1.71 x 102 (d) 5.14 x 1021 (a) 10.71 g cm (6) 4.93 g cm
(a) 12 6) 4
2. Which of the following exists as covalent 20. Which type of 'defect has the presence
(c) 8.9 g cm (d) 11.2 g cm
(c) 8 (d) 10
crystal in solid state ? 10. The presence of F-centres in a of cations in the interstitial sites? 28. A metal crystallizes in bec lattice. The
(a) Phosphorus (b) lodine cryst (a) Schottky defect percentage of edge length not covered
(c) Silicon (d) Sulphur. makeit: by atoms is
(a)conducting (b) non-conducting (6) Vacancy defect
3. A compound formed by elements A and
(c) coloured d) colourless. (c) Frenkel defect (a) 12.4% (6) 13.4%
B crystallises in the cubic structure l1. The number of
tetrahedral voids in tu (d) Metal deficiency defect (c) 87.6% d) 50.0%
where A atoms are at the corners of a
cube andB atoms are at
unit cell of a fcc lattice is 21. A element cystallizes in fcc lattice and 29. In a face centred cubic lattice, atom A
the face centre.

a) 4 b) 6 edge length of unit cell is 400 pm. If occupies the corner positions and atom
The formula of the compound is
c) 8 (d) 10
Question 19
MBD Sure Shot

30. In
cubic lattio
I a of cations and
ocupies the face centre positions.
B is shared equally by how
w many Which of the following solids is not an (6) equal
one of the
10, electrical missing from
the lattice.
one atom of B is missing from of the
cells? conductor? are
occupied by
face centred points, the formula 6) 4 (B) TiO(s) (c) some lattice sites a r e
(a) 6 (A) Mgs)
compound is (D) H,O(s) electrons.
(c) 2 (d) 8 (C) 1s) in the
(a) AB (6) AB (d) impurity is present
(a) (A) only (b) (B) Only some

(c) AB (d) AB (c)(C)and (D) d) (B), (C) and (D) lattice.

is true about the
is not the 18. Which of the following
11. Which of the following semiconduc
Multiple Choice Questions NCERT Exemplar Problen characteristic of ionic solids? charge
acquired by p-type

ia) Very low value ofelectrical conductivity (a) positive

5. Which of the following is true aho in the molten state.
(6) neutral
1. Which of the following conditions
the existence of a substance in the solid
favours value of refractive index of guat (6) Brittle nature.
(a) Same in all directions (c) negative
forces of interactions. ofP
state? (c) Very strong (d) depends on concentration

(b) Different in different directione (d) Anisotropic nature.

(a) High temperature (c) Cannot be measured from
(6) Low temperature (d) Always zero 12. Graphite is a good conductor ofelectricity 19. To get a n-type semiconductor
with a
due to the presenceof. silicon, it should be doped
(c) High thermal energy 6. Which of the following statement substance with valence
(d) Weak cohesive forces true about amorphous solids? is (a) lone pair of electrons
2. Which of the following is not a (a) On heating, they may be 6) free valence electrons (a) 2
characteristic of a crystalline solid ? (c)cations (c) 3 (d) 5
crystalline at certan
temperatur 20. The total number of tetrahedral
voids in
(a) Definite and characteristic heat of (b) They may become (d) anions
crystalline of the following oxides behaves ass theface centred unit cell is
fusion. keeping for long time. 13. Which
conductor or insulator depending upon (a) 6 b) 8
(b) Isotropic nature. (c) Amorphous solids can be
mould (c) 10 (d) 12
temperature ?
(c) A regular periodically repeated by heating defects are
pattern of (d) They are anisotropic in nature (a) TiO (b) SiO 21. Which of the following point
constituent particles in the entire 7. The sharp melting point of crystallin d) Mgo shown by AgBr(s) crystals?
(c) TiO3
Crystal. solids is due to _ cannot
(A) Schottky defect
14. The lattice site in a pure crystal
(d) A true solid (a) regular B) Frenkel defect
3. Which of the following is
arrangement be occupied by .
(C) Metal excess defect
an amorphous constituent particles
observed (a) molecule (b) ion
solid? over a short distance in the (D) Metal deficiency defect
crysta (c) electron (d) atom
(a) Graphite (C) lattice. (a) (A) and (B) (6) (C) and (D)
15. Graphite cannot be classified as
(6) Quartz glass (SiO, 6) a regular arrangement (a) conducting solid (c) (A) and (C) (d) (B) and (D)
(c) Chrome alum constituent particles observed over 22. In which pair most efficient packing is
(b) network solid
(d) Silicon carbide (SiC) a long distance in the crystal lattice present?
4. Which of the following (c) (c) covalent solid
shows schematic alignment of magnetic
arrangement of
particles in different directions. (d) ionic solid
(a) hep and bce
(6) hcp and ccp
moments of antiferromagnetic substanc- d) different arrangement ofconstituent 16. Cations are present in the interstitial
(c) bec and cp
s particles in different directions. sites in .
8. Iodine molecules are held in the
(d) bcc and simple cubic cell

OOOO00 lattice by .
(a) London forces
crystals (a) Frenkel defect
6) Schottky defect
23. The percentage of empty space in a body
centred cubic arrangement is,

(6) dipole-dipole interactions (c)Vacancy defect (a) 74 (6) 68

(c) covalent bonds (d) Metal deficiency defect (c) 32 d) 26

OOO0O0 (d) coulombic forces

9. Which of
the following is a network solhd
17. Schottky defect is observed in crystals
24. Which of the following staternent not
true about the hexagonal close packing?

Questions of deleted syllabus by CBSE are excluded.
(a) SO, (Solid) (b) I2
c) Diamond d) H,0 lee)
a) some cations move from their lattice
site to interstitial sites.
(a) The coordination number is 12.
(6) It has 74% packing efficiency
MBD Sure Shot CBSE Question Bank Chemist

(c) Tetrahedral voids of the second layer b) Smaller ions occupy either .
tetrahedral or the octahedral
are covered by the spheres of the
third layer.
depending upon their size. Void Assertion-Reason Type Questions
(c) Occupation of all the voids n
(d)In this arrangement spheres of the cation or anion
below consist of aan either missing
fourth layer are exactly aligned with
he questions given interstitial site.
d) The fraction of octahedral assertion andla reason. Use the following
those of the first layer. non-stoichiometric
tetrahedral voids occupied depena Ato choose
c the appropriate
h o o s e the appropriate answer. 4. Assertion: Fe0 is
25. In which of the following structures the radii of the ions oceDd
key to with FeosO0.
upon (A) and Reason (R)
coordination number for cations and Pylnefa) Both Assertion ions are repiaced
the voids.
are correct statements,
and Reason Reason: Some Fe* 2Fe* to maintain
anions in the packed structure will be
by Fes as 3Fe

30. The correct order of the packing efficienr (R) is the correct explanation of the
in different types of unit cells is Assertion (A). electrical neutrality.
centred cubic
(a) Ci ions form fcc lattice and Na* 5. Assertion: ZnS has face
ions occupy all octahedral voids of (a) fec < bcc < simple cubic (b) Both
Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
(6) fec > bec > simple cubic are correct statements,
but Reason the
the unit cell. Reason: In ZnS, Sions occupy
(6) Ca ions form fec lattice and F ions (c) fcc < bec > simple cubic (R) is not the correct explanation of tetrahedral sites while Zn* ions
the Assertion (A).
occupy all the eight tetrahedral (d) bec < fcc > simple cubic cubic close packed structure.
voids of the unit cel
31. Which of the following defects is al(c)
Assertion (A) is correct, Reason (R)
is wrong statement.
6. Assertion: In CsCl structure,
the c o
(c) 0 ions form fcc lattice and Na" ordination number of Cs" ion is
known as dislocation defect?
ions occupy all the eight tetrahedral
(a) Frenkel defect d) Assertion
(A) is wrong, but Reason Reason: C ions in CsCl have body
voids of the unit cell. (R) is correct statement. centred cubic arrangement.
(6) Schottky defect of
d) Sions form fcc lattice and Zn2 ions 1. Assertion: Non-polar
molecular solids 7. Assertion: In Frenkel defect, density
(c) Non-stoichiometric defect have higher melting points than polar the crystalline solid does not change.
go into alternate tetrahedral voids
of the unit cell. (d) Simple interstitial defect molecular solids. Reason: In Frenkel defect, no cation or

26. What is the coordination number in a

square close packed structure in two
32. In the cubic close packing, the unit cell Reason: Non-polar molecular solids anion leaves the crystal
has have weak London or dispersion forces 8. Assertion: In CaF2, F ions occupy all
dimensions? (a) 4 tetrahedral voids each of which is between their molecules while polar the tetrahedral sites.
(a) 2 (6) 3 molecules have strong dipole-dipole
sharedby four adjacent unit cells. Reason: The number of Ca** is double
(c) 4 d) 6 (6) 4 tetrahedral voids within the unit forces between their molecules. the number of F" ions.
ionic solid (MX) with
27. Which kind of defects are introduced by
cell. 2. Assertion: In any 9. Assertion: Frenkel defect is shown by
Schottky defects, the number of positive
doping? (c) 8 tetrahedral voids each of which is silver halides
shared by four adjacent unit cells. and negative ions are same. Reason: Silver ions are small in sizze
(a) Dislocation defect Reason: Equal number of cation and
(d) 8 tetrahedral voids within the unit and can easily fit in interstitial sites.
(6) Schottky defect anion vacancies are present.
cells. 10. Assertion: Frenkel and Schottky
(c) Frenkel defects Zn* ions
33. The edge lengths 3. Assertion: In Zn0, the excess
defects are stoichiometric defects.
(d) Electronic defects of the unit cells in terms are present in interstitial sites.
of the radius of spheres Reason: Both defects change the
28. Silicon doped with electron-rich
constituting crystals have
impurity fec, bec and simple cubic unit cell are Reason: Metal excess
density of the crystalline solid.
forms respectively_
(a) p-type semiconductor 4r
(6) n-type semiconductor a) 22 ?Assertion-Reason Type Questions NCERT Exemplar Problems
(c) intrinsic semiconductor
(d) insulator 6) 22, 2 statement of (6) Assertion and reason both are correct
In the following questions a

29. Which of the following is not true about assertion followed by a statement of reason statements but reason is not correct
the ionic solids? (c) 2r, 2 v2r, 4r is given. Choose the correct answer out of explanation for assertion.
(a) Bigger ions form the close packed the following choices. (c) Assertion is correct statement but reason
structure. (a) Assertion and reason both are correct is wrong statement.
(d) 2r,, 2V2r statements and reason is correct d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason
explanation for assertion. is correct statement.

to Questions of deleted syllabus by CBSE are excluded.

22 MBD Sure Shot CBSE Question Bank Chemistr
1. Assertion The total number
present in a simple cubic unit cell isatoms 2. (i) (c) (i) (d) iii) (a) (iv) (a) (v
Reason :
Simple cubic unit cell has
3. (i) b) (ii) (a) (ii) (e) (iv) (6) (

atoms at its
corners, each of which is 4. (i) c) (ii) (b) (iii) (a) (iv) (b)
shared between eight
2. adjacent unit cells. Multiple Choice Questions
Assertion: Graphite is a good
of conductor
electricity however diamond belongs to 1.(a) 2. (6) 3. (a) 4.(d) 5.
the category of
insulators. 6. (c) 7.(b) 8. (d) 9. (a)
Reason : Graphite is soft in 10
nature on 11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (d)
the other hand
diamond is very hard and 15
brittle. 16. (6) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (a)
3. Assertion : Total number 21.(c) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25.t
of octahedral
voids present in unit 26.(6) 27. (c) 28. (6) 29. (d)
cell of cubic close 30.
packing including the one that is
at the
body centre, is four. present NCERT Exemplar Problems
Reason : Besides the 1. (6) 2. (6) 3. (b)
is one body centre there 4. (d) 5. a
octahedral void present at thee 6. (d) 7.(b) 8. (a)
centre of each of the six 9.(c) 10. fe
faces of the unit 11. (a) 12. (6)
cell and each of 13. (c) 14. (c)
which is shared between 15. d
two 16. (a)
adjacent unit cells. 17. (6) 18. (6) 19. (d) 20. (
4. Assertion : The packing 21. (a) 22. (6) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25.(a,
maximum for the fec structure. is
26. (c)

27. (d) 28. b) 29. (d) 30. (6

Reason: The
in fcc structures. coordination number is 12 31. (a) 32. d) 33. (a)
Assertion and Reason
Type Questions
TAns nswerss
Passage/Case Study/Source Based
1. (d)
6. (c)
2. (a)
7. (a)
3. (c) 4. (a)
8. (c)
5. (c
9.(a) 10. (c)
Questions NCERT Exemplar Problems
1. () 6) (i) (a) (ii) (d) 1. (a) 2. (6)
(iv) (c) (v) (c) 3. (c) 4. (6)

Hints &Explanations
Passage/Case Study/Source Based
Questions So, radius of cation
should be
7.53 x10 nm less than
1. (ii) (a) For a cation to fit
in a
tetrahedral (ii) (d) No. of
void,should be between 0.225-0.414 Y toms per unit
No. of tetrahedral sites cell 6 =

6 x 2 =

r, =
0.225 x 0.182
0.414 x 0.182 No.of Xatoms =12 x=8
4.095 x
10 7.53 x 102 nm
Formula X,Y; or X, Y3

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