Te Apiti 2011 Programme Outline

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2011 Cluster Theme: Creativity

Each school has a 2011 development action plan Teaching as Inquiry Celebrating creativity and eLearning: Manawatu-wide ICT awards: Juniors, middle, Senior, Intermediate: Several categories for each level Teachers developing further their ICT and e-Learning skills eShare: Sharing and collaborating by year groups 2011 Programme Outline What/Who The Digi Awards
Open to entries from all schools in the Manawatu Infusing ICTs into authentic learning experiences Info afternoon: 14 April 2011 Ross Int Entries close: 30 September




Intended Outcomes
Teachers and students ICT confidence increases Further develops an eLearning culture within schools by providing goals for teachers and students Provides a focus for learning ICT skills and their use within learning areas Further development as an learning community. Educating parents about the importance and impact of eLearning

National Goal
1. Students to become successful digital citizens 3. Teachers to integrate e-learning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students 4 Family and whnau to actively participate in their childs learning

Y 1-3

Digital photograph Animation Graphic design: Information or environmental sustainability poster Y 4-6 Multimedia presentation or digital story Documentary Original song Y 7-8 Short movie Online environment (blog, wiki, website) Principals Management Group Meetings
All principals and Lyn

Awards Evening: 31 October

Regent Theatre

2 meetings per term ( meeting 1 hands-on skills meeting 2 spotlight;) All on Thursdays 2 4.00pm

17-02-11 31-03-11 19-05-11 30-06-11 11-08-11 15-09-11 03-11-11

Ashhurst Roslyn Russell St Riverdale North St Halcombe Russell St

Contract goals revisited New skills shared and learnt principals learning new directions for ICTs Discussion forum used for followup to discussions and spotlight Each principal has led a discussion on a topic/reading of their choice Contributions/discussion/comments uploaded to the Te Apiti website (time to add to blog or forum as part of the meeting.) Leaders visit to schools in Wellington (Ngaio, Muritai)

2 Principals to lead the integration of elearning in their schools (strategic and operational)

Catch-up Workshops
Photography; Thinking; blogging; Online safety; presenting; web 2.0; Inquiry learning; Teacher Inquiry

Terms 1, 2, 3 2.30 4.30pm

10-03-11 02-06-11 01-09-11

Russell St Roslyn Riverdale Russell St Ashhurst North St Russell St Roslyn

New teacher orientation Consolidation and support for those who need it Increased ICT confidence and skills Teachers network and learning community developed further Discussion and development of pedagogy & ICTs Leadership skills enhanced Practice consistent with change management theory/ diffusion of innovation New ICT skills shared and learnt A collaborative network developed Te Apiti online community growing Contributions make to the wider education community 3. Teachers to integrate e-learning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students

ICT Lead Teacher workshops

All ICT Lead Teachers and Lyn Leadsership seminars with Carol Lynch

8 mornings during 2011 (T1- 4) 9 12.30pm Leadership with Carol Lynch 9 11am ICT focus 11.20 12.30pm Lunch at 12.30pm

T1: 16-02-11 16-03-11 T2: 11-05-11 15-06-11 T3: 10-08-11 14-09-11 T4: 16-11-11 07-12-11

Staff Meeting workshops Syndicate planning sessions

At least 1 per school per term (or as advised and detailed in schools action plan)

As on website calendar

As on website calendar

Developing leadership within schools: Co facilitated by the facilitator and school leaders Teachers are introduced to new ideas Best practice is shared and celebrated Learning community enhanced through collaboration and discussion Teachers plan ways students will learn through ICTs

2. Principals to lead the integration of elearning in their schools (strategic and operational)

In-School Support

(1:1 tutorials and observation with/by Lyn) Set number of days allocated to each school.

Tutorial/planning sessions, followed by classroom observations

As per website calendar

At each cluster school

Using ICTs in learning is explored, planned for and developed. Teachers introduced to new ideas Goals set for changes to classroom practice ICTs/e-learning integrated into student learning experiences Teachers individual goals are met Facilitator visits classrooms: observations of students involved in ICT infused learning experiences.

3. Teachers to integrate e-learning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students

All cluster teachers Teachers meet together in year groups to share, discuss and reflect on their use of ICTs /eLearning in their class programme.

Term 1: week 8 Terms 2, 3: weeks 3&8 Term 4: week 3 Year 7-8: Mon Year 1 3: Tues Year 4 -6: Wed 2.30 4.30 pm

Term 1, wk 8: 21-03 Y 7-8 22-03 Y1-3 23-03 Y 4-6 Term 2, wk 3: 16-05 Y 7-8 17-05 Y 1-3 18-05 Y 4-6 Term 2, wk 8: 20-06 Y 7-8 21-06 Y 1-3 22-06 Y 4-6 Term 3, wk 3: 15-08 Y7-8 16-08 Y 1-3 17-08 Y4-6 Term 3, Wk 8: 19-09 Y 7-8 20-09 Y 1-3 21-09 Y 4-6 Term 4, wk 3: 07-11 Y 7-8 08-11 Y 1-3 09-11 Y 4-6


North St

Teaching as inquiry process is supported and celebrated Teachers meet with year group colleagues and each shares ICT/eLearning experiences Teachers are inspired and empowered by new ideas shared by others. Sessions are led by Principals and ICT Lead Teachers. Teachers learn new skills and web 2.0 application using just in time method. Teachers develop leadership and presentation skills New ideas are integrated into student learning experiences

3. Teachers to integrate e-learning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students 2. Principals to lead the integration of elearning in their schools (strategic and operational)


Russell St



2 student leaders and a teacher from each school

6 mornings per year All on Friday morning 9.30 12.00pm

18-03-11 27-05-11 24-06-11 12-08-11 23-09-11 26-11-11

RSS Ashhurst RSS Riverdale Halcombe North St

Students gain new skills and ideas Students are empowered to provide ICT leadership and ICT help within their school eStudents add learning experiences to the eStudents wiki , which will provide resources and examples to the wider education community

1. Students to become successful digital citizen

Other Professional Learning Days

Learning@School Conference Schools send teachers 1 Day Whole Cluster 23 25 Feb Rotorua Roslyn Sch

Teacher Only Day Principals and teachers from all cluster schools School Callback Days

07-06-11 (Tuesday after QB) Term 2 holidays

Professional network and learning community continues to grow Cluster teachers hear speakers from the wider education community Teachers develop pedagogy and ICT skills Educators collaborate and contribute Educators value professional learning from their colleagues Teacher inquiry process is supported, shared & celebrated Teachers develop confidence and speaking skills

uLearn Conference

Schools holding own school-based call-back day topics include data management, national standards, creativity in NZ Curriculum Schools send teachers The facilitator, 2 eStudents and a teacher from each school. Resources posted on the wiki after workshops All Te Apiti schools participate

At schools

3. Teachers to integrate elearning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students

19 21 Oct


eStudents wiki

All year

Class Learning blogs

eStudent can share their learning and creations with their parents Students discuss their learning and show the learning steps to their parents Parents have a window into the classroom, are able to view (and discuss) the learning experiences Questions, comments or feedback can be added to the post

4 Family and whnau to actively participate in their childs learning 5. The sector by sharing online professional reflections to inform colleagues of the challenges and opportunities afforded by elearning*

Te Apiti Website

All year

Virtual Learning Network

Director and facilitator (initially)

Resources, links, reflections and learning examples will be shared with the wider education community Resources and links will be added to the Te Apiti website Teachers will share reflections on their professional learning Te Apiti ICT Cluster educators will add to the Virtual Learning Network Reflective milestone reports will be shared with the sector online in (VLN)

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