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1. Name the energy sources available.

2. What is meant by primary and secondary Energy source? Give example.

3. What is meant by renewable energy source?

4. What are the advantages of Renewable Energy source?

5. What are the limitations of Renewable Energy source?

6. What is meant by commercial energy?

7. What is meant by non –commercial energy?

8. What is meant by non-renewable energy source?

9. What is meant by supplementary sources?

10.How the energy resources are classified?

11.What are the factors causing winds?

12. What are the features of wind energy?

13. What are the problems associated with wind energy?

14. Name the three categories of Biomass resources.

15. Define heliostats.

16. Define energy yield ratio.

17. State the importance of non-conventional energy source.

18. What is meant by Energy Conservation?

19. State three incentives in Energy Conservation.

20. List the general principles of Energy Conservation

21. List the necessity of energy storage.

22. Define Energy Utility Factor.

23. Comparison of Conventional and non-conventional sources.

24.What are the needs of energy conservation?

25. What are the different types of renewable energy sources?

26. What are the applications of solar energy?

27. What are the types of wind mills?

28. Write the characteristics of wind energy.

28. State the causes of problems in wind mill

29. What is energy plantation?

30. What are the draw backs on bio gas?

31. What are the applications of bio mass?

32. What are the environmental concerns of geo thermal energy?

33. What are the adverse effects produced by geo thermal energy source?


1. What are the prospects of non-conventional energy sources in India? Explain.

2. Compare the energy consumption pattern in various sections in India. Discuss
the growth rate of energy requirements and power generation in India.
3. a) Name and explain briefly the various sources of Non-conventional Energy.
b) Briefly describe about energy conservation act 2003.
4. What are the unconventional sources of energy? How would you use them for
energy supply options? Why we these need to develop them?
5. Analyze the availability and efficiency of conversion of non-conventional energy
sources in India. State the important features of availability and efficiency as found
from this analysis.
6. Briefly discuss about the primary and commercial energy resources. Also
discuss about the energy consumption pattern and growth rate in India.

7. Discuss briefly renewable energy sources. Explain their availability, economics

and efficiency with reference to Indian context.
8. Describe the various non-conventional energy resources available in India and
its potential to supplement the conventional energy sources.
9. What are the conventional and non-conventional energy resources? Describe
10. Write briefly on energy consumption pattern and growth rate of energy
consumption in India. What do you conclude from this?
11. Explain environmental aspects of energy utilization.



1. List out the factor led to accelerated development of wind power.

2. What are the features prefer for the wind turbine site?

3. What are the merits and demerits of three blade rotor over two blade rotors?

4. Draw the power Vs wind speed characteristics.

5. Draw the block diagram of WECS.

6. What are the types of generator drive for the operation of WECS?

7. Define gusts.

8. What are the features of VAWT?

9. Define power coefficient

10. List out the merits of WECS

11. List out the demerits of WECS

12. What are the components of wind turbine generator units?

13. Classify the schemes available for electric generation.

14. Define wind turbine.

15. What is cut in speed and cutout wind speeds for turbine?

16. Name the two natural phenomena in the atmosphere of different origins.

17. Name the characteristics in which the speed of a wind turbine rotor depends.
18. Mention the advantages of vertical axis wind turbine over horizontal axis

19. What are the factors consider for the electrical generators and control method?

20. What are the main Environmental aspects due to wind turbines?

21. What are the types of rotors for HAWT?

22. What are the types of rotors for VAWT?

23. What are the characteristics of good wind power site?

24. List the components of wind energy systems

25. Explain the principles of wind energy conversion

26. What are the features of lift and drag?

27. List wind speed types.

28. What are basic designs of wind turbines?

29. What are the types of wind power plants?

30. What are the advantages of wind energy systems?

31. What are the disadvantages of wind energy systems?

32. What are the safety systems in wind energy system?

33. What are the environmental impacts of wind energy systems?

34. List the classification of wind mills according to size.

35. List classification according to output power

36. What are the types of horizontal axis machines?

37. What are the vertical axis machines?

1. Is wind energy a better alternative source of energy for Indian demand? Explain
in detail how wind energy is produced.
2. Explain in detail about the performance and efficiency of different types of wind
3. Describe with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy conversion system
(WECS) with its main components.
4. a) What is the origin of wind and what are the various factors which govern
wind energy and direction?
b) determine the overall power coefficient for a wind turbine with a rated power of
3 MW, speed 18m/s and blade diameter 40 metre.
2. Explain the preliminary design of wind electric system.
3. Explain the working of a horizontal axis wind turbine driven generator with a
diagram. Show the mechanism for the automatic reorientation of the turbine axis
along the wind direction.
4. a) Explain the principle of electric power generation from wind mill.
b) Discuss its types and components. Also indicate the best site for locating them.
5. Explain the principle of operation of any two types of wind mill with neat
diagram and discuss its characteristics and constraints if any.
6. Discuss briefly about
a) Performance of wind mills
b) Wind power generation in India.
7. Describe the saronious type of rotor in wind mill.
8. Compare the performance of horizontal and vertical axis wind mills.
9. How wind energy conversion systems are classified? Discuss in brief. What are
its advantages and disadvantages?
10. Explain the safety and environmental aspects of wind energy.


1. What is meant by Solar Energy?

2. List the drawbacks of Solar Energy.

3. Define solar constant.

4. Define solar time.

5. What is meant by solar collector? Mention its types.

6. Mention the ways of solar energy can be utilized.

7. What are the indirect forms of solar Energy?

8. What are the performance indices of a solar collector?

9. Name the basic design of solar cookers

10.List out the advantages and disadvantages of air flat plate collector

11. What is meant by solar pond?

12. What is meant by solar photo voltaic?

13. List the application of solar PV system.

14. What are the advantages & disadvantages of PV solar energy conversion

15. What are the advantages & disadvantages of concentrating collectors over flat
plate type collectors?

16. Name the types of concentrating collectors.

17. What are the zones in solar pond?

18. What are the merits of solar cooker?

19. What are the limitations of solar cooker?

20. What are the reasons for solar pumping usage?

21. What is the need for solar crop drying?

22. State the use of solar kilns?

23. List the different modes of solar cooling

24. What are the 4 units of absorption type solar cooler?

25. What are the advantages of solar cells?

26. What are the disadvantages of solar cell?

27. What are the components of basic solar pumping system?

28. List the types of heat engines used in solar system

29. Write the equation for overall efficiency of solar pump?

30. What are the two types of flat plate collectors?

31. What is Green house effect?

33. What is concentration ratio?

34. List the five advantages of solar energy

35. List any four disadvantages of solar energy

1. Explain in detail how solar energy can be effectively utilized in day-to-day life.
2. Draw illustrative diagram showing all the important components of solar
heating and solar cooling unit. Explain the working principles of these devices.
3. Explain with necessary diagram the construction, principles of operation and
applications of solar collector.
4. Explain with neat diagram solar space cooling and solar pond electric power
5. Write short notes on:
a) Solar pumping b) Solar desalination
2. Describe the photovoltaic principles of solar power generation. Compare the
different types of solar cells with respect to power output and efficiency.
3. Write briefly about characteristics and principles of any three different types of
solar collectors. Draw diagrams illustrating the constructional features of these
4. Draw and explain different types of solar cookers.
5. Explain with neat diagram about solar pond and its characteristics.
6. Discuss briefly about
a) Solar drying b) solar cells
7. Draw schematic diagram of solar thermal power plant used for power
production and explain the operation of this system in detail.
8. a) Give merits and demerits on solar energy.
b) State some important the applications of PV.


1. What is meant by biomass energy and biomass energy resource?

2. Classify the biomass resources.

3. What do you mean by fossil fuels?

4. What are the categories of scope of biomass energy?

5. List the secondary energy forms of biomass.

6. Point out the cultivated biomass.

7. List out the biomass energy resources from waste.

8. What is meant by biogas plant?

9. Mention advantages of biomass energy

10. Mention disadvantages of biomass energy

11. What is meant by biomass gasification?

12. Classify the biogas plant.

13. List the factors affecting biodigestion or generation of gas.

14. Why the biogases are mainly utilized?

15. List the Feature of continuous plant

16. List the Features of batch plant.

17. Write the advantages of floating drum plant.

18. Write the disadvantages of floating drum plant.

19. Mention some advantages of fixed dome type plant

20. Mention some disadvantages of fixed dome type plant

21. What are the techniques or methods of maintaining biogas production?

22. What is meant by cogeneration?

23. Mention the types and explain the cogeneration principles.

24. Three general types of cogeneration systems

25. What is meant by incineration?

26. What are the types of Gasifiers?

27. What are the types of biomass resources?

28. What is Trans estarification?

29.What are the advantages of bio-diesel as engine fuel?

30. What are the components of cogeneration system?

31. What are the types of prime movers?

32. Write any two benefits of cogeneration

33. What are the types of cogeneration system?

34. What are the types of steam turbine?

1. Describe in detail the construction and working of various types of bio-gas
plants. State the merits and demerits of the biogas power plant.
a) Write short notes on:
b) Energy from industrial and municipal waste
c) Applications of Bio-Energy.
2. What is the principle involved in the production of biogas and what is the
chemical composition of the gas? What are the various applications of this gas?
Draw a sketch to illustrate the constructional features of a typical biogas plant and
describe its operation.
3. a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of power generation from
industrial wastes, municipal waste and agricultural wastes.
b) How do we get energy from various types of wastes?
5. a) Name the various model of biogas plant.
b) What are the main problems in straw fermentation?
6. Sketch and describe any one type of bio-mass gas generation plant. Mention 4
uses of the biogas produced.
7. How are biogas plant classified? Explain continuous and batch type plants and
compare them with regard to operation and efficiency.
8. Write short notes on
a) Continuous type plant
b) Flexible dome type plant
9. What is community biogas plant? What is the main problem encountered with
10. List out the various points to be carried out for selection of site for a biogas plant.
11. Draw schematic diagram of biogas power plant and explain its operation. State
and justify the potential of this in satisfying energy demand of our country.
12. Write briefly on power production from agricultural waste. Draw relevant
sketches and point out the relative merits of this technique.
13. What is biomass gasification? Explain its classification with neat diagram.
14. How ethanol is produced from biomass? Explain its major classification.
14. What is meant by cogeneration? How they are classified? Explain its principles.
15. Explain the following cogeneration systems.
a) Steam turbine b) Gas turbine
15. Explain the following cogeneration systems.
a) Reciprocating IC Engine b) Combined cycle.
16. Enumerate the application of the following.
a) Cogeneration in Utility sector b) Biomass


1. What is meant by tidal current energy

2. What is meant by tidal current

3. Define tidal range

4. Define the following terms
a) Spring tides b) Neap tides

5. List out the Limitations of tidal energy

6. List out the disadvantages of small hydro schemes.

7. Mention the Components of micro hydro scheme

8. Define the following terms

a) Forebay b) Penstock c) Tailrace a)
9. What are the kinds of geothermal resources?

10. What is meant by OTEC?

11. How the fuel cells are classified?

12. Mention some advantages of fuel cells.

13. What is meant by Stirling Engine?

14. Main components of stirling engine

15. Mention some uses of Stirling engine.

16. What are the types of tidal power plants?

17. What are the important components of a tidal power plant

18. What are the advantages of tidal plant?

19. What are the disadvantages of tidal plant?

20. What are the advantages of wave energy generation?

21. What are the disadvantages of wave energy generation?

22. Define lamberts law of absorption

23.What are the types of OTEC plants?

24. What is Biofouling?

25. Define small hydro plant

26. Define micro & mini hydro plant

27. List the classifications of small hydro power stations based on capacity,
load and scheme.
28. What are the major components of small hydropower projects?

29. What are the three parts of earth?

30. What are the two parts of the crust?

31. What are plate tectonics?

32. What are the types of geo thermal resources?

33. Define magma?

34. What are the types of geothermal power generation?

35. Write the field of utilization of geothermal energy

36. What are the advantages of geothermal energy?

37. What are the disadvantages of geothermal energy?

38. Define fuel cell

39. What are the technical parameters of a fuel cell?

40. What are configurations of stirling engine?


1. Explain the design and principle of operation of general Fuel cell and Fossil Fuel cell.
2. Enumerate the prospects of ocean and biomass energy.
3. What are the types of ocean thermal energy conversion power plants? Describe in detail the
Anderson OTEC cycle.
4. What is Hydrogen energy? Explain the operation of Hydrogen energy system with a neat
5. Explain the following with neat schematic. i. Wind energy conversion system ii. Energy from
the Ocean
6. What are fuel cells? Explain the operation of fuel cells based energy system with a neat
7. Explain the following with neat schematic.
i Hydrogen energy ii. Energy from the Ocean.
8. Describe various types of wave energy conversion device and explain how to generate
electrical power from waves.
9. Draw schematic diagram of Energy Storage System- Hybrid Energy Systems.
10. Explain briefly about the Hybrid Energy Systems.

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