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Name: Mean C.

Mirafuentes BBED 3-B

Instructor: Mr. Jun Rey Balbuena

Subject: SPEC 116 (TTH-9:00-10:30AM)



I. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

T 1. In social studies, history is an example of procedural knowledge while doing a timeline is an

example of a declarative timeline.

T 2. Teachers may develop their own instructional objectives as longs as it adheres to the given

standards and competencies.

T 3. Teachers should enforce as many rules as possible to foster a positive learning environment

T 4. Documentaries, maps, and puzzles are materials that can be used in the social studies


T 5. An instructional model is comprised of teaching strategies and procedures used to facilitate

student learning.

T 6. Direct instruction is applicable only to the teaching of basic facts and information.

T 7. The inquiry model trains students to use the scientific method to arrive at conclusions.

T 8. Cooperative learning model can be used alongside direct instruction and inquiry models.

F 9. The Hunter’s Seven-Step Model is an example under the inquiry model.

T 10. Differentiation is a way of taking into account student diversity in the classroom.

11. complete the table.

Things to consider in planning Why is it important for How should teachers take this
instruction teachers to consider this? into account?
Content ➢ Teachers should take ➢ In order for the teacher
into consideration the to take this into
proper and effective account, he/she should
way of teaching the have an advance study
content of the topic to and preparation about
the students, in order to the topic. He/she
do this the teachers should prepare various
must study the topic questions, examples
very well. The more and learning materials
knowledge about the to the students to
topic the teacher has, ensure better learning
the more learning
he/she had shared to
his/her students
Objectives ➢ Teachers should ➢ The teacher must
consider the objectives prepare objectives that
of the topic properly so is specific, measurable,
that the students will achievable, and
know what they must relevant and time
achieve. Objectives are bounded or SMART.
properly aligned to the
topic to be discussed so
that the students can be
able to achieve it
Classroom environment ➢ It is important for ➢ In order for the teacher
teachers to consider the to have a good
classroom environment classroom environment,
to ensure the safety and he/she should see to it
learning environment of that the classroom that
the students. A she/she will be using is
classroom that is child ready for a harmonious
friendly and class ready class. The classroom
can promote a good should be clean, well
educational ground for ventilated and won’t be
children. disturbed by external
noises such as people’s
voices and vehicle’s
Materials ➢ Teachers need to ➢ Teachers should
consider the materials prepare materials that
they will be using in are of great significance
their classes. Good to the topic. Materials
teaching materials can should be catchy and
help the class become durable. In order for the
interactive. teacher to do this,
Instructional materials he/she should research
provide the core on the topic properly so
information that that he/she can choose
students will materials that are very
experience, learn, and relevant to the topic.
apply during a course.
They hold the power to
either engage or
demotivate students.
Students ➢ It is important that ➢ In order for the teacher
teachers know his/her to do this, they should
students very well so know their students.
that he/she will know They should conduct an
what to do in engaging activity that will make
to his/her students. It is the students say or
also a vital role of the express themselves a
teacher to know their little and with that,
students very well so teachers can now have
that they will know an idea on what to do
what the teaching to handle them.
techniques to use are
and what materials are
applicable for their
Teacher ➢ It is important to know ➢ In order for them to do
the teacher’s capability so, they are requiring
and effectiveness very teacher applicant’s
well so that they can good credentials and
assure that the students professional standards.
learning is properly
being taken into
consideration and given

Model Description Benefits Procedures

Direct instruction ❖ a model for ❖ allows students ❖ engage
model teaching that to progress at students in
emphasizes their own natural physical
well-developed pace. activities
and carefully
around small
and clearly
defined and
teaching tasks.
Inquiry model ❖ engage ❖ it encourages ❖ During the
students in students to planning and
actively gather new clarification of
investigating a information/data. the problem
searching for
knowledge or
Cooperative learning ❖ an ❖ The groups can ❖ Students will
model instructional benefit a social be given a
strategy in interaction social or small
which small among each groups
groups of other. activities.
students work
together on a
common task.

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