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AR Teaching Date and Time Quarter FIRST

I. OBJECTIVES ● Design a product out of local, recyclable solid

and/or liquid materials in making useful products
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of properties of materials to
determine whether they are useful or harmful
B. Performance Standards Used local, recyclable solid/or liquid materials in making
useful products.
C. Learning Competencies S5MT-Ih- i-4 - Design a product out of local, recyclable
solid and/ or liquid materials in making useful

D. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or
(If applicable write the indicated MELC) liquid materials in making useful products.
E. Enabling Competencies
(If available write the attached enabling competencies) Recognize the importance of recycle, reduce, reuse,
recover and repair in waste management.

F. Enrichment Competencies
(If available write the attached enrichment competencies)
II. CONTENT Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or
liquid materials in making useful products.
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages 211-216
b. Learner’s Material Pages Science Beyond Borders page 34-37
PIVOT Modules page 32-36
c. Textbook Pages Page 187
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, Recyclable Materials, Pictures
of Materials, Art Materials
B. List of Learning Resources for Development and
- LRMDS, TG, MELCS, BOW, Rubrics
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction Prayer before starting the lesson

The teacher will present a Science Trivia

“If you throw away ALUMINUM cans, they can
stay in that can form for up to 500 years or more – so
recycling is the way to go”

Describe the 5r’s techniques to minimize waste
materials/ products.

1. limit or refuse the use of unnecessary materials


2. use the material for other purpose (reuse)

3. use the material for processing into new product


4. restore materials to make it work again (repair)

5. take back or restore what has been used to a new
Material (recover)
B. Development
The teacher will present sample pictures of waste

What is shown in the picture?
How can we manage this waste materials?
Why should we Recycle these waste materials?
What benefits do we get from recycling?

Performing Activities

(Group Activity)

Design product that can be made from any of the

following recyclable materials to be useful

1. (Design a flower with a 5

inches wide)

2. (Cut 5 round rags of different


3. (Make a paper Mache)

4. (Make a mosaic)

1. What materials can we make out of these recyclable

2. How many kilos of newspaper were used in the paper

Mache? If you were going to play a “Batuhang Bola using
the paper Mache, do you think it would have to be heavy?

3. If ever, you are going to sell the products that you

made, how much it will cost? Why?

Processing the Activities / Discussion

In designing your products, be guided with the following

1. What material is readily available in the community?

2. What tools should I use in making the recycled product?
3. What steps should I do in making the product?
4. Will the product be useful?
5. How will my recycled product look like?


To guide you in designing, use the rubrics below

A. Lamp
Materials and Tools:
empty glass jar, old papers/calendars with decorations, glue,
colored paper (yellow, green, orange, black), scissors, tea light

1. Use glue to coat and wrap in your favorite colored paper into
the outside of an empty jar.
2. Cut strips of green colored paper. Glue them around the top
half of the jar.
3. Cut red and orange colored paper into circles. Glue them
around the top half of the jar.
4. Cut two flower shapes in yellow colored paper. Stick them
to the front and back of the jar opposite each other.
5. Cover the lip of the jar with a strip of green colored paper.
Glue it to finish it off.
6. Place a tea light inside the jar. You are now ready to light
them (seek help from adult in this step).

B. Bottle Cap Magnets

Materials and Tools:
• Bottle caps • Spray paint (optional) • Scissors or 1 inch hole
punch • Paper • White glue medium • Foam brush • old clothes
• Toothpick • Heavy duty magnets • Industrial glue

1. Collect and clean six or so bottle caps.
2. Spray paint bottle caps if you like.
3. Either use paper punch or cut out rounds of paper to fit inside
bottle caps.
4. Using brush, apply Mod Podge or white glue to the round of
paper. Place inside bottle cap. Put a top coat some glue or Mod
Podge on paper. Let dry.
5. Apply 3-D glaze if so wish. Remove any bubbles by lightly
pricking them with a toothpick or needle. Let dry.
6. Attach magnets to back of bottle cap.
7. Let dry and your magnets are ready to use!
D. Assimilation What I have learned?

1. How to design a useful product out from the recyclable

materials found at home?

2. How can you help our environment and enhance yourselves

on how to be creative and innovative in the place where you

3. What is the importance of taking care of our environment?

1. Using the rubrics below, design your useful product from the
solid/liquid recyclable materials you can find at home, or in
your locality and in school.
2. Write your own simple and easy steps to follow on how to
make a recyclable material.
3. Present your work to your parents or teachers for evaluation.

V. Remarks Complete the sentence:

What I learned today is _________________.

I learned this is important because _______________.


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation

Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson

No. of learners who continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why?

What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can

help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers.

Prepared by:
Teacher II

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