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(Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy)
Paluvanchi Post, Marungapuri Tk. Trichy Dt. – 621 305


Name of the staff: M.S.Subbulakshmi

Department: English

Class : Common for all II years

Subject: Drama for Effective Communication

Subject Code:16ELCE3

Title of the play: The Merchant of Venice

Acts: I & II

The Merchant of Venice

Author: William Shakespeare
Genre: Romantic comedy
Places: Venice and Belmont

Mind mapping
Loves and marries
Antonio Bassanio----------------------------------------Portia
(Protagonist) Friend of Antonio Rich Countess of Belmont
Loves and marries
Salario and Salanio Gratiano----------------------------- Nerissa
Friends of Antonio Friend of Bassanio Attender of Portia

Loves and marries Daughter

Lorenzo-------------------------Jessica------------ Shylock (Antogonist)
Friend of Bassanio Jew Jew
Friend of Shylock
The Duke of Venice

Suitors of Portia Reason why Portia hates them
1. Neopolitan Prince (Loves his horse)
2. County Palantine (Very sad)
3. French Lord, Monsieur le Bon (Mad)
4. Falconbridge Knows neither Latin, French, nor Italy
5. Scottish Lord Seems to have been slapped by an Englishman
6. The Duke of Saxony’s Nephew Drunkard

1. Prince of Morocco - Golden casket - Carrion death

2. Prince of Arragon - Silver casket - Blinking idiot

Balthasar – Portia’s servant

Doctor Bellario – A wealthy lawyer in Padua. Cousin of Portia


Unit : I ( Act – I )
2 Marks
1. Name a Romantic comedy written by Shakespeare.
The Merchant of Venice is a Romantic comedy written by Shakespeare.
2. Who is the protagonist of The Merchant of Venice? Or Who is Antonio?
Antonio is the protagonist of The Merchant of Venice. He is a noble Christian and a merchant.
3. Who is the antagonist of The Merchant of Venice? Or Who is Shylock
Shylock is the antagonist of The Merchant of Venice. He is a jewish money lender.
4. How is Antonio seen in the opening scene and what is the reason for his status?
Antonio is seen in a very melancholic mood and he does not know the reasons for his mood.
5. What are all the reasons his friends say for the sadness of Antonio?
His friends comment that
1. Antonio is worried about his enterprise
2. Then they say that he must be in love.
6. Why does Antonio say that he is not worried about his enterprise?
Antonio says that he is not worried about his enterprise because he has invested his fortunes in neither in
one ship nor in one place. He also adds that he has not invested all his fortunes. So he claims that he is not
worried about his enterprise.
7. Which is compared to a stage by Antonio?
The world is compared to a stage by Antonio.
8. Who is Bassanio?
Bassanio is a friend of Antonio and he is a spendthrift.
9. What is Bassanio’s plan to come out of his debt?
Bassanio plans to marry the rich countess Portia of Belmont so that he can come out of his debt.
10. Comment on the qualities of Portia as presented in the opening scene?
Portia is described as a rich and fair complexioned girl with good virtues.
11. How much money does Bassanio need and for what?
Bassanio needs 3000 ducats to go and woo Portia.
12. How does Antonio console Bassanio?
Antonio says that his ships would return within two months. So they can repay the amount within the said
13. Who is Falconbridge?
Falconbridge is the young Baron of England and one of the suitors of Portia.
14. Who among the suitors of Portia is black in complexion?
Prince of Morocco is black in complexion.
15. Who chooses the golden casket?
Prince of Morocco chooses the golden casket.

16. Who chooses the silver casket?

Prince of Arragon chooses the silver casket.
1. What are the specialities of the opening scenes of Shakespearean plays?
Shakespeare is the most celebrated and successful playwright of the Elizabethan era. His strength lies
in maintaining the action from the beginning till the end. Most of the opening scenes of Shakespearean
plays would
1. Expose the theme of the play
2. Introduce most of the main characters
3. Will give a lead to the theme
2. How does the opening scene of The Merchant of Venice expose the themes of the play?
The Merchant of Venice also strikes the keynote of the play in the opening scene itself. The aim of
Shakespeare was to expose the Christian doctrines through this play. The opening scene also introduces
Antonio as a noble Christian who will not accept interest for the money which he lends. Because
according to Christianity getting interest for money is considered as a sin. It also exposes another theme
of the play the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio.
3. How does the opening scene serve as the lead to the theme?
The whole play is based on the Christian doctrines.
1. Unexpecting nature.
2. Helping the needy without getting any interest.
In the opening scene itself Antonio is shown as a person who respects his friendship with Bassanio and
helps him without any expectation. He also seems to help the people in need without getting any interest.
The present condition of Antonio is also shown. He has invested all his money in the ship and has no
money to give Bassanio. But he asks to go and get money using the good will of his name. This shows the
reputation he has gained in Venice as a nobleman. This is the lead to the main plot which revolves around
Bassanio’s borrowing of the money from the Jew Shylock who demands Antonio’s life.
3. Justify briefly how does the opening scene of The Merchant of Venice fulfills the criterias of the
opening scenes?
Just like all other Shakespearean plays the opening scene of The Merchant of Venice also has its
exclusive qualities. The opening scene thus
i. Introduce all the main characters and their nature and relationship.
ii. It exposes the theme of the play.
iii. It also gives a lead to the main plot.

4. How has Antonio invested his fortunes?


Antonio who is introduced as a noble Christian is also introduced as an a talented merchant. He is shown
as a merchant who has invested his fortunes in different ships and also in different places. He quotes it
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place, nor is my whole estate
5. Sketch the character of Antonio.
Antonio is the protagonist of Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”. He is a noble Christian and a
Venetian merchant. He loves others as he loves himself. His friendship with Bassanio is right from
childhood. Whenever Bassanio is in need of money he gives him without expecting him to return it back.
He is ready to die to keep up his words to Shylock. He hates Shylock and criticizes him in Rialto as well
as directly. He is generous in nature. He is also ready to forgive Shylock if he accepts Lorenzo as his son
in law.
6. Sketch the character of Bassanio.
Bassanio is the bossom friend of Antonio. He is a spendthrift. He is economically supported by Antonio.
He is grateful to Antonio and wants to give him the money he gave him. He plans to marry Portia and
settle in life free from his debts. Though Shylock is ready to give him money he hesitates to accept it. But
as Antonio consoles that he could return the money when his ships return back shortly he accepts it. He
works on his intuition and so only he selects the leaden casket which carries Portia’s portrait. When he is
not able to save Antonio he is very much worried. But when Portia saves him in disguise he is ready to
give her anything. When she demands his ring he hesitates initially but then gives her the ring without
knowing that she is in disguise. This shows his love for Antonio.
7. Sketch the character of Portia
Portia is a rich countess of Belmont. She feels helpless because of her father’s will. She hates all the
suitors as she is in an unpronounced love with Bassnio. She is afraid whether anyone will choose the right
casket. She is a witty girl and so guesses the value of the genuine friendship between Bassanio and
Antonio. She is persuasive in nature. So only she is able to corner Shylock and save Antonio. She is also
playful. So only she asks for their wedding ring from Bassanio as a gift. She enjoys his hesitation. Thus
Portia is sketched as a witty, resourceful and lovable character.
8. Sketch the character of Shylock
Shylock is a Jewish money lender. He lends money for more interest. He carries the age old vengeance of
the Jews. He does not like Antonio. Because Antonio is a Christian. And he also lends money without
interest. So the people go to Antonio for money which affects him. He is more worried about his money
than about his daughter. He hates her for she has eloped with a Christian, Lorenzo. He waits for his turn
and exercises it at the right time to take his revenge on Antonio. Though he is very cautious and keen in
his will he is mislead by the words of Portia. Finally he surrenders as there is no other go.


1. Comment on the introduction of the characters in the opening scene.

Shakespeare is the most celebrated and successful playwright of the Elizabethan era. His strength lies in
maintaining the action from the beginning till the end. Most of the opening scenes of Shakespearean plays
1. Expose the theme of the play
2. Introduce most of the main characters
3. Will give a lead to the theme
Most of the main characters are introduced in the opening scene itself. Antonio the protagonist is
introduced. And his bossom friend Bassanio is also introduced. Salario and Salarino who are the friends of
Antonio and Grationo and Lorenzo who are the friends of Bassanio are introduced.
Antonio who is introduced as a noble Christian is also introduced as an abled and talented merchant.
He is shown as a merchant who has invested his fortunes in different ships and also in different places. He
quotes it thus:
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place, nor is my whole estate
Antonio is also seen sad as he premonitors something bad which is going to happen soon. He is also
shown as a person who believes in acting in this world as per the direction of God’s way. He says it thus:
A stage where everyman plays his part
Bassanio is also introduced as a spendthrift which he himself accepts. He is also shown as a person
who wants to woo a rich lady without any money. Because he has been spending more than his income as he
is supported economically by Antonio.
The friendship between Antonio and Bassanio is also highlighted in the opening scene itself. Salanio
Here comes Bassanio, your noble kinsman,
Gratiano and Lorenzo. Fare ye well:
We leave you now with better company.
When Bassanio explain his economic need and requests for money Antonio says:
My purse, my person, my extremest means,
Lie all unlock’d to your occasions.
Portia is also introduced as a rich lady in an unpronounced love with Bassanio.She is not only
beautiful but also with good virtues and her father is no more.
And she is fair, and fairer than that word
Of wondrous virtues.


Thus the opening scene of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice introduces most of the main characters
either directly or indirectly.

2. Critically analyse the importance of the opening scene in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
 Introduction
 Exposition
 Introduction of the characters
 Lead to the theme
 Conclusion
Shakespeare is the most celebrated and successful playwright of the Elizabethan era. His strength lies in
maintaining the action from the beginning till the end. Most of the opening scenes of Shakespearean plays
1. Expose the theme of the play
2. Introduce most of the main characters
3. Will give a lead to the theme
The Merchant of Venice also strikes the keynote of the play in the opening scene itself. The aim of
Shakespeare was to expose the Christian doctrines through this play. The opening scene also introduces
Antonio as a noble Christian who will not accept interest for the money which he lends. Because according
to Christianity getting interest for money is considered as a sin. It also exposes another theme of the play the
friendship between Antonio and Bassanio.
Introduction of the characters
Most of the main characters are introduced in the opening scene itself. Antonio the protagonist is
introduced. And his bossom friend Bassanio is also introduced. Salario and Salarino who are the friends of
Antonio and Grationo and Lorenzo who are the friends of Bassanio are introduced.
Antonio who is introduced as a noble Christian is also introduced as an abled and talented merchant.
He is shown as a merchant who has invested his fortunes in different ships and also in different places. He
quotes it thus:
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place, nor is my whole estate
Antonio is also seen sad as he premonitors something bad which is going to happen soon.He is also
shown as a person who believes in acting in this world as per the direction of God’s way. He says it thus:
A stage where everyman plays his part

Bassanio is also introduced as a spendthrift which he himself accepts. He is also shown as a person
who wants to woo a rich lady without any money. Because he has been spending more than his income as he
is supported economically by Antonio.
The friendship between Antonio and Bassanio is also highlighted in the opening scene itself. Salanio
Here comes Bassanio, your noble kinsman,
Gratiano and Lorenzo. Fare ye well:
We leave you now with better company.
When Bassanio explain his economic need and requests for money Antonio says:
My purse, my person, my extremest means,
Lie all unlock’d to your occasions.
Portia is also introduced as a rich lady in an unpronounced love with Bassanio. She is not only
beautiful but also with good virtues and her father is no more.
And she is fair, and fairer than that word
Of wondrous virtues.
Lead to the theme
The whole play is based on the Christian doctrines.
1. Unexpecting nature.
2. Helping the needy without getting any interest.
In the opening scene itself Antonio is shown as a person who respects his friendship with Bassanio and
helps him without any expectation. He also seems to help the people in need without getting any interest.
The present condition of Antonio is also shown. He has invested all his money in the ship and has no
money to give Bassanio. But he asks to go and get money using the good will of his name. This shows the
reputation he has gained in Venice as a nobleman. This is the lead to the main plot which revolves around
Bassanio’s borrowing of the money from the Jew Shylock who demands Antonio’s life.
Just like all other Shakespearean plays the opening scene of The Merchant of Venice also has its
exclusive qualities. The opening scene thus
1. Introduce all the main characters and their nature and relationship.
2. It exposes the theme of the play.
3. It also gives a lead to the main plot.
3. Critically analyse Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice as a Romantic Comedy. (Or) The

Merchant of Venice is play to highlight the christian doctrines - Justify


 Introduction

 Romantic comedy

 Summary

 Analysis of the play as a romantic comedy (or) voice of Christian doctrines



Shakespeare is the most celebrated and successful playwright of the Elizabethan era. His strength lies
in maintaining the action from the beginning till the end. He has written

Romantic comedies

Tragedies and

Historical plays.

Romantic comedy

A romantic comedy is based on a very light theme. Comic elements plays a dominant role in a
romantic comedies. Romance means imagination. It also involves conflict in love. Most of the heroines of
the romantic comedies comes in disguise. The play would end happily.


The Merchant of Venice is romantic comedy written by Shakespeare. Antonio is the protagonist of the
play. He wants to help his bossom friend Bassanio. Bassanio is in love with Portia , a rich countess of
Belmont. So Antonio signs a bond with Shylock, a Jewish money lender. According to that bond if he does
not return the money within three months Shylock could cut a pound of flesh from his chest. Bassanio
hesitates. But Antonio convinces Bassanio that his ships will return within two months and so he can pay the
money without any problem. Bassanio accepts to get the money.

Jessica is Shylock’s daughter. He is a Jewish moneylender. Jessica loves Lorenzo. He is a Christian

and friend of Bassanio and Antonio. Lorenzo and Jessica elopes in the same ship in which Bassanio sets to
Belmont. But he does not know this. Shylock grows wild by this. He wants to take his revenge against
Antonio. Because Antonio’s ships wreck and so he is not able to pay the money. Bassanio who goes to
Belmont is successful in his attempt to choose the right casket. So he marries Portia. In Venice Shylock files
a case on Antonio demanding his will to be executed. Antonio sends a letter to Bassanio stating that he
wishes to see him before he embrace death. Bassanio rushes to Venice. Portia starts in the disguise of a
lawyer and Nerissa as his clerk.

Portia comes and present herself on behalf of Antonio. She explains the quality of mercy to Shylock.
But Shylock is unwilling to listen to her. So she gives her consent to cut a pound of flesh. When Shylock is
about to cut she stops him and tells that he should cut exactly a pound of flesh without shedding even a
single drop of Christian blood. Shylock understands that he is being fooled and wants to withdraw. She says

as per the Venetian law as he has filed a wrong case his half of his fortune will go to the Kingdom and the
other half would go to Antonio, the affected person. But Antonio says if he could accept his Christian son-
in-law he could handover his share to his daughter. Shylock accepts it.

Portia now wants to play with Bassanio. Without knowing this Bassanio comes to her and thank her.
He requests her to ask for any gift from him as a token of his gratitude. Portia and Nerissa ask them for the
engagement ring. Bassanio hesitates but then gives her the ring. Finally he learns from Portia that she only
came in disguise and saved Antonio. The play ends happily.

1. Analysis of the play as a romantic comedy (or) 2.voice of Christian doctrines

1. The Merchant of Venice is a romantic play. Though it starts with a melancholic mood it ends up happily.
The story revolves around a three love stories

i. One is the love between Bassanio and Portia

ii. Another between Gratiano and Nerissa and

iii. The last is between Lorenzo, a Christian and Jessica, a jew.

Though it seems to be the story of a merchant it is also the story of a Christian boy’s love and
elopement with a Jewish girl. They are united successfully at the end. Usually the problems will be solved
by a hero. But here Shakepeare uses a female protagonist to resolve the conflict.

The entire play is an adaptation of Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta. The whole play is the imagination of
the same story from a Christian perception with suitable changes in the story. So it is a romance which
means imagination. The story is also unbelievable and beyond imagination.

2. The protagonist Antonio is shown as a noble Christian who does not accept any interest for the money he
lends. He also vehemently criticizes Shylock for demanding high interest. He is ready to sacrifice his life for
the sake of his friend. The vengeance prevails between the Jews and the Christians are brought out through
the words of Shylock. His anger towards the elopement of his daughter with a Christian serves as a proof for
that. Antonio’s forgiving of Shylock is a symbol of Christian principles.


1. Thus The Merchant of Venice fulfils the criterias of a romantic comedy. It is centred on a plot which
revolves around a conflict and the problems of lovers. It also ends up happily.

2. Thus The Merchant of Venice is a pure representation of the Christian doctrines as well as the conflict
between the Jews and Christians.

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