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An electron is accelerated by the electron gun below.

When the electron reaches the anode its KE is

A. 506 eV

B. 500 eV

C. 494 eV

D. 83 eV

An electron is accelerated by the electron gun below.

After passing through the hole in the anode the electron will travel with

A. Constant velocity

B. +ve accleration.

C. -ve acceleration

D. Stop

The energy of a photon of visible light is approximately

A. 1eV

B. 100 eV

C. 1000 eV

D. 1 MeV

An electron travels at half the speed of light. According to deBroglie its associated wavelngth is

A. 9.6 x 10-12 m

B. 4.8 x 10-12 m

C. 2.4 x 10-12 m

D. 1.2 x 10-12 m

Given that the size of an atom is 10-10 m and the wavelength of an electron is 10-12 m what is the approximate
diffracting angle of electrons by atoms.

A. 10 rads

B. 0.01 rads

C. 0.1 rads

D. 1.0 rads

The observation that electrons can be diffracted by a crystal lattice is best explained by which of the following

A. An electron is a wave.

B. The position of an electron is given by a wave equation.

C. An electron is sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle.

D. Particles can diffract as well as waves.

A particle of mass m and charge +2e accelerated by potential V. It's deBroglie wavelength is

A. h/√4Vem

B. h√4Vem

C. h√2Vem/h

D. h/√2Vem

A red rubber ball is thrown from one person to another. The wavelength of the wave that gives the position of the
ball is

A. Very long.

B. Very short.

C. The same as the balls diameter.

D. Does not exist.

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