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Communication Theory (EE307E) Sana'a University

2013/2014 Electrical Eng. Dept.

Final Instructor Dr. M. Alwadeai
Time:- 3 hours E-mail:

Q1 (10 points) a) Draw the block diagram of the superheterodyne receiver.

b) Compare between DSB-SC and DSB-LC systems.

Q2 (12 points) consider the system shown below

a) Find Y(f).
b) Find G(f).

Q3 (14 points) In an AM stereo broadcast system, the transmitter generates a signal of the
form (t )  A cos(ct )  fl (t ) cos(ct   0 )  f r (t ) cos(ct   0 )
where fl(t) and fr(t) are the message signals on the left and write
channels respectively and θ0 =150. Assume the first part of the
demodulator looks like Fig. 2:
a)Find expressions for the signals y1(t) and y2(t).
b)Sketch a block diagram of the rest of the demodulator that will
recover fl(t) and fr(t) individually.

Q4 (12 points) Given a real signal f(t), define a signal h (t )  f (t )  jfˆ ( t ) , where fˆ ( t ) is the Hilbert
transform. Show that:
 2 F ( )   0
a) {h(t )}  H ( )  
0   0

b) Re[h(t )e ] is an USSB signal and Re[h(t )e  j t ] is an LSSB signal.

c j t c

c) fˆˆ (t )   f (t )
Q5 (12 points) Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of a wideband frequency modulator using the
indirect method. This modulator is used to transmit audio signals containing frequencies
in the range of 100 Hz to 15 kHz. The narrowband phase modulator is supplied with a
carrier of frequency f1 = 0.1 MHz by a crystal-controlled oscillator. A second crystal-
controlled oscillator supplies a sinusoidal wave of frequency 9.5 MHz to the mixer. The
system specifications are as follows:
Carrier frequency at the transmitter output, fc =100 MHz
Minimum frequency deviation, Δf = 75 kHz
Maximum modulation index in the phase modulator = 0.3 radians
a) Calculate the frequency multiplication ratios n1 and n2, which will satisfy these
b) Specify the values of the carrier frequency and frequency deviation at the various
points in the modulator of Fig. 3.

Good Luck.
The Exam Solution



Q3( Schaum 3-19(a, b) p66)(Stremler 2nd Ed. DP 5.4.2 p245)

Q4 (Stremler 2nd Ed. Pr 6.5.2 p345)

Q5( Haykin 2-37 p176)

Q3 Periodic signal f(t) shown in Fig. 3 is used once to frequency modulate a carrier of frequency fc
and once to phase modulate the same carrier.
a) Find a relation between kp and kf such that the peak phase deviation of the modulated signal in
both cases are equal.
b) If kp = kf =1, what is the maximum instantaneous frequency in each case?
c) In the case of PM, assuming kp =1, find an expression for the spectral density of the resulting
modulated signal.

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