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Practical Activity Report Submitted for


Submitted by: Devansh Pahuja Roll No. : 401803008 Grp:COE16

BE Second Year

Submitted to- Dr. Rajan Gupta

Computer Science and Engineering Department

TIET, Patiala
Jan-may 2020
1.1 Objective
a. To design a schematic circuit diagram of PWM based IR Transmitter for Gantry
using Eagle Software tool.
b. To design a Printed Circuit Board layout of PWM based IR Transmitter for Gantry
using Eagle Software tool.
1.2 Software Used :

Eagle Software

1.3 Components Used:

Table No.1 : List of Components
Sr.No. Name of the component Value Specifications
1 Resistor 1kΩ Carbon resistor with 5%tolerance
2 Resistor 22kΩ Carbon resistor with 5%tolerance
3 Resister 120kΩ Carbon resistor with 5%tolerance
4 Resister 100kΩ Carbon resistor with 5%tolerance
5 Capacitor 10pf Ceramic capacitor
6 MBD701 Schottky diode designed primarly
for high efficiency UHF and VHF
detector applications
7 LM3011D High performance voltage regulator

1.4 Theory

a. Resistor

Resistor is an electrical component that reduces the electric current.

The resistor's ability to reduce the current is called resistance and is measured in units
of ohms (symbol: Ω). If we make an analogy to water flow through pipes, the resistor is
a thin pipe that reduces the water flow..

Fig.1.1 Resistor
b. Capacitor
A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive
electronic component with two terminals. The effect of a capacitor is known as

Fig.1.2 Capacitor
c. MBD701

Fig .1.3 MBD701

The Schottky diode is designed primarily for high efficiency UHF and VHF detector applications. It
is readily adaptable to many other fast switching RF and digital applications. It is supplied in an
inexpensive plastic package for lowhigh-volume consumer and industrial/commercial
requirements. It is available in a Surface Mount package.

d. LM311D

Fig 1.4 LM311D

Basically, the LM 311 IC is one kind of voltage comparator with high speed.
The operating voltage of this IC ranges from -15Volts to15Volts. This IC can
also function with 5Volts for the logic systems. The output levels of the IC
have the MOS Logic or TTL, RTL, DTL compatibility level circuits. This IC
can be used to drive Solenoids, Lamps, Relays, etc. However, when
contrasted to other operational amplifiers the LM311 IC pin connections
are dissimilar.

1.5 Schematic Diagram

Fig.1.8 Schematic diagram of Transmitter circuit

1.6. PCB Layout

Fig.1.9 PCB layout of Transmitter circuit

In this the power is supplied through the DC power jack which is converted by an IC
from AC to DC and a capacitor is setup to cancel down the ripples and any noisy content
through the signal. This output is given to VCC and then to Microcontroller and output
goes to Arduino board through PCB headers which gives output is in the form of three
signals having different frequencies also we have placed a led which transmits IR signals
to microcontroller. These output signals will be identified by the receiver on buggy so to
detect the different gantries the buggy has passed through.
1.8. Discussion

In this experiment we learned about how to design a circuit using Eagle software tool ,
which helps in doing soldering easily. In this we discussed the working of
MBD701microcontroller and DC power jack. Also we learned about the LM311D

1.9 References



Signature of Faculty

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