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1. A well-defined procedure to solved a problem is called ___________?

a. Ali Baba
b. Algorithms
c. Mathematics’
d. Solution
2. The word Algorithm was derived from _____________?
a. Algorism
b. Agorism
c. Algosim
d. Algoism
3. He was the Persian Mathematian that devised Algorithm ____________?
a. Abu Abdullah Muhammad
b. Musa al-Khwarizmi
c. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi
d. None of the above
4. Which of this refers to the rules for performing arithmetic.
a. Algorism
b. Algoism
c. Algoism
d. None of the above
5. Who wrote the first case of algorithm.
a. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi
b. Ada Byron
c. Alan Turing
d. All of the above
6. She was considered as the World’s First Programmer
a. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi
b. Ada Byron
c. Alan Turing
d. None of the above
7. These diagrams detail the elements of a system.
a. Flowcharts
b. Bar Graph
c. Pie Graph
d. None of the above
8. The following are the uses of Flowcharts, except: ________?
a. to pinpoint the flaws and inefficiencies of a process
b. used to illustrate Algorithms
c. provide and implement appropriate remedies and improvements
d. None of the above
9. Why does the Flowcharts if effective use in teaching?
a. Visual
b. Simplified
c. Easy to understand
d. All of the above

10. The following are the specialized computer software that drawn flowcharts manually, except:
a. Visio
b. OpenOffice Draw
c. Dia
d. Microsoft Office
11. What is this Flow-charting symbolizing?
a. Terminator
b. Process
c. Decision
d. Input/Outbox
12. The British mathematician and war hero, introduced a hypothetical device that can simulate
how a modern-day computer work.
a. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi
b. Ada Byron
c. Alan Turing
d. None of the above
13. Which of the following is NOT conditions that must be satisfied before any machine can
implement an algorithm?
a. Unambiguous
b. Executable
c. Finite
d. Infinite
14. The “heuristics” has the same etymological roots as the word “_______” which means
a. “Eureka” “I Find”
b. “Eureka” “I Lost”
c. “Eureka” “I forget”
d. “Eureka” “I Forgive”
15. Which of this word defined as a speculative formulation that serves as a guide when solving
a. Hueristics
b. Heurisms
c. Eureka
d. I find
16. How useful is Heuristic method in programming?
a. useful in making expert systems
b. they aim to simulate the way human experts think, make decisions
c. solve problems by translating them into a language that the computer understands
d. All of the above
17. This carry out tasks that are performed by human experts.
a. Experts system
b. Heuristics programming
c. Heurisms
d. Eureka

18. It is a branch of the more general application known as artificial intelligence

a. Experts system
b. Heuristics programming
c. Heurisms
d. Eureka
19. The following are famous examples of AI applications that use heuristic methods,
b. “Creatures”
d. Ben
20. What is the Al applications that developed in 1966, which acts as if it is a psychotherapist.
b. “Creatures”
d. Chinook
21. What was the Al applications that was considered as the world champion Garry Kasparov in
a highly celebrated chess match in 1997?
a. “Deep Blue”
d. Chinook
22. How does Al programming contribute in economic welfare in terms of technology?
a. Language translation
b. Text analysis and sorting
c. Industrial control system
d. Speech recognition and mathematical calculations
e. All of the above
23. With so many co-existing programming languages, Ben wasn’t able to do on what
programming to use in his project. What should he do to have successful use of programming
a. Learn all of them
b. Use pseudocodes
c. Master one or a few of programming
d. None of the above
24. Which of this is NOT a wireless communication?
a. Text Messaging
b. Messenger Chatting
c. Telegram
d. Email
25. This type of machine was invented by the Scottish philosopher Alexander Bain in 1843 and
was patented in the same year
a. Telephone

b. Typewriter
c. Fax machine
d. Photocopying machine
26. Which of the following word below describe as facsimile documents are sent and received
using an e-mail program—without the need for an actual fax machine?
a. Internet fax
b. Telephone
c. Typewriter
d. Email
27. The technology necessary for processing information, is now accepted to be one of the
driving forces of the modern world?
a. Information technology
b. Computer technology
c. Computer science

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