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Case Study: Ethical Communities

Describe how the ethics of the organization influenced the situation.

In most sense of the word, the company that I work for tends to ride on the more ethical

side. Everyone comes from similar backgrounds with similar personal values, morals, and

beliefs. This helps unite us as office staff, but this has also, for some reason, caused some strife

within the office.

I think the issue stems from the fact that we have an agent that works from home and two

agents that work in the office. This means there is more communication of these values and extra

ration within the office that the other agent doesn’t get to be a part of. There also tends to be

some miscommunication between the office staff and this agent, and some believe it is due to

their lack of honesty. This main ethical dilemma has shattered project systems and has caused

errors. These issues have resulted in more work for me and the other temps trying to track what

they are doing wrong and fixing it in order to have accurate notes and statistics.

Recommend how you would apply one of the ethical communities for an alternative course

of action regarding your case.

I think the best way to improve the situation is to hold employees to a higher level of

accountability, especially this agent. They have been working for this company since it’s

conception and for them to continue making mistakes like this is, in my option, unacceptable.

The office is also having issues with other gamers taking liberties in their work, overstepping

their bounds and taking creative freedom to act and modify practices to fit their personal wants.

These changes have derailed the systems in place and have made my job extremely hard.
Remembering every little thing they want that isn’t contained within the agreed upon process is

hard and quite honestly tiring.

I think adding in the justice and power framework will help keep the office running

smoothly, improve work relationships and keep the office a professional setting. This will also

allow for people to be held more accountable for their mistakes, hopefully helping to eliminate

them all together.

Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned about


Seeing that the annual enrollment period is coming to an end and so is my time working

here, there is not much that you could change now, to help the system. However there are some

things they can do next year to improve the overall ethics of the office.

As temps we spend a lot of the time making calls and answering calls. It is easy to

become distracted and bored while at work. I feel like if there was a better schedule for the temps

allowing them to have a more detailed daily schedule, then we would be able to make better use

of our time as well as work ethically. I also know that the more the office strives to have more

respect given to those who need it, the better the dynamic will become. At the end of the day the

office functions rather ethically and doesn’t have much to change in order to work at top tier

ethical soundness.

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