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Sahory Tapia Reyes

Your Name:

Subject / Course: Mathematics

Topic: Counting, Addition and Subtraction
Lesson Title: Number and Operations
Level: 2nd grade Lesson Duration: 1 hour

TEKS and ISTE Standard(s) & Learning Objective(s):

TEKS: 2.4(A) 2.4(B)

ISTE Standards: Digital Citizen, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker

Learning Objectives:  Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process
standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order
to solve addition and subtraction problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is
expected to:

(A) recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity;

(B) add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and
algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations

Target Audience and Learning Environment

Knowing the learner and the Enviroment

Some learning styles this lesson can have an outcome are tactile and kinesthetic. This
is a second grade level lesson where kids are getting use to learning by physical touch.
Expanding their learning ability can help evaluate a student’s learning style in a

Technology Being Used by Students

Students will use Osmo on iPads for the knowledge of this lesson.

Lesson Strategy and Required Materials

Students will work in one setting learning through Osmo. We will use iPads and scratch paper
and pencil for more assistance.

Students will complete addition and subtraction problems, as well as counting using Osmo.
I will first explain the lesson and evaluate the goal of the assignment. I will show in the
projector screen how to use the Osmo software correctly and how is it going to be use for the
assignment. I will proceed to do an example until the class gets the idea of it. Student will
then proceed to get their assign iPads and log in to the software, I will then come around to
help any one who needs assistance. Students will then complete 10 mathematical problems
using Osmo. They will have an hour to complete the requirements of the assignment, once
done, students will show me their completion and I will grade it.
This will help the student use their learning style ability, as well as, gaining technology
knowledge for future needs.For a review of this assignment, I will gather data and see how
long it took the class to complete the problems and the number of errors it took to get it
right. This will help me see if the students are learning through Osmo and how affective is it
on them.


(How technology, content, and pedagogical knowledge is working together in this

Explain how you combine technological, content and pedagogical knowledge into this lesson.
No longer than a page

The reason I use this Osmo as my technological tool for my lesson is to expand their
learning styles. Using kinesthetic and tactile can help me evaluate the students learning
abilities as well to expand the learning style for my future lesson. Using pedagogical
content knowledge can help identify the students accomplishments in a assignment while
using hand-on learning. Be able to identify different abilities and skills in a short period of

Assessments (How do you know students met the learning objectives and targets?)
• Doing a worksheet with no more than 4 problems.
• Creating a group project and expanding the criteria of the assignment.

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