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Linear Regression

Model Fit Measures

Overall Model Test

Model R R² F df1 df2 p

1 0.422 0.178 17.6 3 244 < .001

Moderation Estimates

95% Confidence Interval

  Estimate SE Lower Upper Z p

Love 0.10341 0.0151 0.07371 0.13310 6.83 < .001

TA -0.02430 0.0133 -0.05039 0.00178 -1.83 0.068
Love ✻ TA 0.00291 7.70e-4 0.00140 0.00442 3.78 < .001

Simple Slope Analysis – Conditional Effect

Simple Slope Estimates

95% Confidence Interval

IF TA is…   SE Lower Upper Z p
The effect Love to RS

Average 0.1034 0.0155 0.0731 0.1337 6.68 C c

Low (-1SD) 0.0537 0.0189 0.0167 0.0908 2.85 0.004
High (+1SD) 0.1531 0.0219 0.1102 0.1959 7.00 < .001

Note. shows the effect of the predictor (Love) on the dependent variable (RS) at different levels of the moderator

  RS TA Love

N 248 248 248

Mean 27.6 39.5 86.8

  RS TA Love
Standard deviation 3.95 17.1 15.2

Correlation Matrix
Correlation Matrix

    RS TA Love

RS Pearson's r —    
  p-value —    

TA Pearson's r -0.043 —  
  p-value 0.496 —  

Love Pearson's r 0.348 0.151 —

  p-value < .001 0.017 —

[1] The jamovi project (2020). jamovi. (Version 1.2) [Computer Software]. Retrieved from

[2] R Core Team (2019). R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. (Version 3.6) [Computer software].
Retrieved from

[3] Fox, J., & Weisberg, S. (2020). car: Companion to Applied Regression. [R package]. Retrieved from https://cran.r-

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