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 It is very important for requirement of education system.

 It is a systematic process of collecting , analysing, interpreting information
to determine the extent to which pupil are achieving instructional objectives.
 It plays an enormous role in teaching-learning process.
 It is a continuous process.

Characteristics of evaluation
 It is a systematic & continuous process.
 It emphasizes broad personality changes and major objectives of an
educational programme.
 It includes not only subject matter achievements but also attitudes, interests,
and ideals, way of thinking, work habits and personal and social

Need and objectives of evaluation 

 Evaluation helps to design better education programme.
 It helps the teacher to know his pupils in detail.
 Today education is child –centered. So child’s interests, ability, interests,
aptitudes are to be properly studied so as to arrange instruction accordingly.
 It helps teacher to determine, evaluate and refine his instructional objectives.
 It helps to know the entry behavior of the students.
 It helps the administrator in educational planning and in decisions regarding
selections, classification and placement.
 It helps parents to know the progress of their children.

Evaluation for learning (Formative Evaluation)

 It is used to monitor the learning process of students during the period of
 It provides continuous feedback to both teacher and student concerning
learning successes and failure while instruction is in process.
 Feedback to students provides reinforcement of successful learning and
identifies the specific learning errors that need correction.
 Feedback to teacher provides information for modifying instruction and for
prescribing individual and group remedial work.
 It aims at improvement of instruction.
 It is concerned with the process of development of learning.
 It is a positive evaluation because it attempts to create desirable learning
goals and tools for achieving such goals.

Types of formative evaluation-

 Diagnosing- It is concerned with determining the most appropriate method
or instructional materials conducive to learning.
 Placement- It is concerned with finding out the position of an individual in
the curriculum from which he has to start learning.
 Monitoring- It is concerned with keeping track of the day today progress of
the learners and to point out changes necessary in the methods of teaching
instructional strategies etc.

Characteristics of Formative evaluation

 It is an integral part of learning process.
 It occurs frequently during the course of instruction.
 Its results are made immediately known to the learners.
 It may sometimes take teacher’s observation only.
 It reinforces learning of the students.
 It pinpoints difficulties being faced by weak learners.
 Its result cannot be used for grading or placement purposes.
 It helps in modification of instructional strategies including method of
teaching immediately.
 It motivates learners; as it provides them with knowledge of progress made
by them.
 It sees the role of evaluation as a process.
 It is generally teacher made test. It does not take much time to construct.
Teacher’s Role in Evaluation for Learning:
It occurs throughout the learning process. It is interactive, with teachers:

 Aligned instructions.
 Identifying particular learning needs of students or groups.
 Selecting & adapting materials & resources.
 Creating differentiated teaching strategies & learning opportunities for
helping individual students move forward in their learning.
 Providing immediate feedback & direction to students.
 Opportunities for helping individual students move forward in their
 Teachers also use evaluation for learning to enhance student’s motivation
& commitment to learning. When teachers commit to learning as the focus
of assessment, they change the classroom culture to one of student success.

Examples of formative evaluation

Monthly test, Class test, Periodical assessment, Teacher’s observation etc.

Evaluation of learning (Summative Evaluation)

 The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end
of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard or benchmark.
 It is the evaluation of pupils’ achievement at the end of a course.
 The main objective of the summative evaluation is to assign grades to the
 It indicates the degree to which the students have mastered the course

 It has danger of making negative effects.

 This evaluation may brand a student as a failed candidate, and thus causes
frustration and setback in the learning process of the candidate.

Functions of Summative Evaluation:

 Crediting: Crediting is concerned with collecting evidence that a learner
has achieved some instructional goals in contents in respect to a defined
curricular programme.

 Certifying: Certifying is concerned with giving evidence that the learner is

able to perform a job according to the previously determined standards.

 Promoting: It is concerned with promoting pupils to next higher class.

 Selecting: Selecting the pupils for different courses after completion of a

particular course structure.

Characteristics of Summative Evaluation:

 It is terminal in nature as it comes at the end of a course of instruction (or a
 It is judgmental in character in the sense that it judges the achievement of
 It views evaluation “as a product”, because it’s chief concern is to point out
the levels of attainment.
 It cannot be based on teacher’s observations only.
 It does not pin-point difficulties faced by the learner.
 Its results can be used for placement or grading purposes.
 It reinforces learning of the students who has learnt an area.
 It may or may not motivate a learner. Sometimes, it may have negative

Teacher’s Role in Evaluation of Learning:

Teachers have the responsibility of reporting student learning accurately & fairly,
based on evidence obtained from a variety of contexts & applications. Effective
evaluation of; earning requires that teachers provide:

 A rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular

point in time.
 Clear descriptions of the intended learning.
 Processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence
and skill.
 A range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes.
 Descriptions of the assessment process.

Examples of summative evaluation

Traditional school and university examinations, Standardized tests, Teacher made

tests, Practical and oral tests.

Evaluation in Learning

 Evaluation in learning places the question of the centre of teaching &

learning. It deflects the teaching from its focus on a ‘correct answer’ to a
focus on a ‘fertile question’.
 Student as the centre of the learning.
 Students monitors, assesses, reflects on learning.
 Students initiate demonstration of learning.
 Teacher as a coach & mentor.

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