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Business Ethics, Bribes and Social Responsibility




The Logistics and Services Company fire two previous executives for failing to meet company

standards. (Ivy, ctuo, 2011). The supervisor has appointed you to research why the previous

executives were fired. (Ivy, ctuo, 2011). It has been discovered after research that the previous

executives were fired for taking bribes for an outside corporation to buy certain products. (Ivy,

ctuo, 2011). What do ethics in business mean? (Ivy, ctuo, 2011). Is it ethical for executives to

accept bribes as an inducement to buy other businesses products? (Ivy, ctuo, 2011). Why are

ethics and social responsibility important in the business world? (Ivy, ctuo, 2011).


Business Ethics, Bribes and Social Responsibility

This assignment presents a problem within the Logistics and Services Company with

ethics. The Logistics and Services Company has fired two previous executive employees for

failing to meet company standards. Upon conducting research, the Logistics and Services

Company found out the previous executives were fired due to accepting bribes from an outside

corporation to buy certain products. (Ivy, ctuo, 2011).

In this paper I will discuss what ethics mean in business; whether or not it is ethical to

accept bribes; the importance of ethics and social responsibility in the business world.



Business ethics are the principles of conduct and the methods for applying them.

Basically, ethics of any kind is, knowing right from wrong and applying that to your daily

activities whether business or personal. Business ethics are more in depth and have more

consequences if not applied in the correct manner.

It is not ethical for executives to accept bribes as an inducement to buy other businesses

products. (Ivy, ctuo, 2011). There are many consequences to accepting a bribe. When

accepting a bribe, you are breaking the trust your company has in you and its employees.

Accepting bribes makes a bad image for your company.

Having and using good ethics in a company helps build a company’s reputation. A

company’s reputation is what makes them successful or fail. If you have good employees using

good ethics, it makes your company as a whole look good which gives your company a good

reputation with the public and other companies. With a good company reputation, your business

can succeed. A company gets a good reputation by having employees that practice good

company and personal ethics. (jpec, n.d.).

Social responsibility can be an example of ethical behavior. Some types of social

responsibility used by companies is; raising money for charity events, starting or using recycling

programs, recalling dangerous products, etc. Not all business can afford to donate money or

products for all these events. Some companies donate what they can to keep up with the social

responsibility of the business world. Participating in charity events gives a company a lot of

publicity. Even if the company has a small part in the charity event, their name and product is

out there for the public to see and embrace in. Some businesses take this opportunity to hand out

samples of what their company offers so that the public can see what is available.

Ethics and social responsibility are very important in the business world. It is important

to have good employees that practice good ethics to make your company look good. It is also

good as a company to get involved with charity events and use that as an opportunity not only to

help a charity but to promote and advertise what your company has to offer. Without ethics and

social responsibility in a business, the business could fail miserably. The economy is tough right

now and for some businesses, their ethics and social responsibility are what has kept them afloat

during this tough time.



The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business. (2009). Pearson Custom Publishing.


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