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Mitesh Ramteke Technical English-Ⅰ 20MIC0133

Short story Comparison

“The Boundary”
By Jhumpa Lahiri

This story is about a teenage girl who lives in the country-side with
her father.
His father cannot speak properly so she takes care of him as well
as their home-stay business.Her mother lives in the city as helps
elderly people.
One night guests arrive at their homestay and as usual they were a
family of 4, father ,mother and their 2 daughters around 7 and
9.She keenly watches them being unobserved and loves hearing
their chit-chatting and how fond they are of this place.The authors
mother doesn’t love the country-side that’s why she stays away
from them.They all lived in the city once, until her father was
attacked by some drunk men on his ower shop and had seriously
injured him on the mouth, and the reason he can’t speak
properly.This feared his dad so he came here away from all the
people and in the surrounding of animals.
Her mother would not often visit them, but when she did ; she
always used to depreciate the place , which was sometimes right
but she and father would ignore her.
The started observing the family and see how happy they were
here spending time with each other.They used to go to
beach ,while the wife used to sit here sun-bathing and write in her
small notepad.
She noticed how there were 2 different kinds of people:-

1.Like her mother who always used to criticise the country-side

and living in city.

2.Like the guests who used to enjoy every moment while they are
here even though belonging to cities.


Mitesh Ramteke Technical English-Ⅰ 20MIC0133

“Lamb to the Slaughter”

By Roald Dahl

This short story is about a Detective’s Wife who kills her husband
and tries to show that she isn’t aware of what happened.

The Lady is 6 months pregnant and as of regular schedule waiting

for her husband to return from duty.When he comes home she
welcomes him with utmost love, she knows that he must be tired so
she makes him a drink, and also asks him what to have for dinner
while knitting for their baby.
When she starts approaching the kitchen her husband tells her to
sit down as he wants to tell her something.After so much grief he
tells her that he divorcing her.
This breaks the lady’s heart and she can’t feel anything physically
or mentally.and due to which she takes a furious decision she hold
the leg of lamb(bought for the dinner by his husband) and strikes it
powerfully on the back of the head of her husband, he stands still
for a moment and then collapses.She knew that she had killed him
and panics and goes upstairs to her room.She then decides that
she will act normally and do regular chores as if nothing has
happened.She goes to the supermarket and buys peas, cheese ,etc
for his husband(who is already murdered by her) and reaches
home and sees the unconscious body of his husband and screams
and cries loudly so that the neighbours would get the attention.
She herself calls the police and tells them this story and the police
start searching for the murderer and suspect that he must have
been hit with some metal rod or something.They ask her of all the
possible information and outcomes but she already had made an
intelligent plan to save herself from the crime.
She nally asks the policeman and the detectives that they may be
hungry and requests them to eat the lamb made by her.They
accept her request and ate the lamb thinking of how to catch this
murderer while she giggles outside the room.

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