D.: P.: P.: N.:: Speak With Englishmen!

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I am glad to see you. Рад с вами познакомиться.

It is so good to see you. Я так рад вас видеть!

I am very glad to see you too. Здравствуйте!
How do you do? Осторожно, ступенька.
Follow me, please. Спасибо, что вы приехали меня встретить.
Watch the step. Я тоже очень рад вас видеть.
Thank you for meeting me. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.
7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните диалоги и разыграйте аналогичные):
• Р.: Hello, Mr. Hill!
D.: Hello, Pete! It is so good... Thank you for...
P.: I am very... too.
P.: Can I introduce my...?
• D:. How..., Nick?
N.: How...? I am glad...
8. Underline the sentences true to the text (Подчеркните предложения, соответствующие тексту):
Pete and David shake hands.
Nick and David shake hands.
In Britain people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.
In Britain people shake hands when they say good-bye.
In Britain people shake hands when they meet again later.
In Russia people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.
In Russia people shake hands when they say good-bye.
In Russia people shake hands when they meet again later.
9. Complete Pete's words (Дополните слова Петра):
Follow... please. Watch... Our car is in...
Unit two

Speak with Englishmen!

Pete, Nick and David are in the car. They are going to the centre of Moscow.
Pete: Did you have a good trip, Mr. Hill?
David: Oh, yes. The flight was quite smooth. And I'm very glad the plane came on time.
Pete: And how do you like so much snow around?
David: Oh, I like Russian winter. Our winter is different. It's much milder. Have you ever been to
England, Nick?
Nick: Will you repeat it, please? My English is not good enough, I am afraid.
David: Have you been to London?
Nick: No, not yet. But I am planning to go to England in summer.
David: As a tourist?
Nick: I think so.
Pete: And here is the hotel... Let me help you with the suit case, David.
David: Thank you. That's very kind of you.
Words and expressions
Слова и выражения
two [tu:] два (числ.)
to speak [sp√k] говорить
with [wi∆] с
Englishman ['i∈γlΙΣm{ англичанин, англичанка
Englishmen ['i∈γlΙΣme англичане
Speak with Поговорите с англичанами!
to get to ... [γet] добраться до

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