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Guico came to the hospital with complaints of pain over all the joints, stiffness
which is more in the morning and reduced by the activities. She has had these
complaints for 5 years and has taken treatment from a local hospital. The symptoms
were not reducing and came to --MC Hospital for further management. Patient was able
to do the ADL by herself but the way she performed and the posture she used was
making her prone to develop the complications of the disease. She also was
malnourished and was not having awareness about the deficiencies and effects.

1. Self-Care Deficit Theory

1. Basic Conditioning Factors
a. Gender- Female
b. Developmental Stage- Assumed middle aged or older (not stated specifically)
c. Health State- Joint pains and stiffness for five years
d. Health Care System Factors- Has taken treatments from a local hospital
e.  Family System Factors- not specifically stated
f. Pattern of Living- Able to perform ADL but poorly
g. Environmental Factors- not specifically stated
h. Resources Availability and Adequacy- Patient stated she went to a local hospital for
consultation but produces no changes

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