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Michał Jazłowiecki, MCS

10 czerwca 2021

1 Birds of prey • Sharp talons

1.1 Vocabulary • Wide, rather blunt-ended wings with wingspan

over 6 meters, exceeding 8 meters for some spe-
Bird of prey, raptor — A bird that kills and eats small
birds and animals. Carnivorous bird. Predatory
• Tails usually in form of isosceles trapezium or
Scavenger — An animal eating already dead organisms. kite

Talon — A sharp nail on the foot of a bird which it uses • Soar through the air on convection currents2
when hunting animals. Claws of birds of prey.

Soar — To rise high in the air while flying without mo-

• Excellent vision
ving the wings or using power.
• Sexual dimorphism
Diurnal animal — An animal that is active during day-
time and sleeps during the night.
1.3 Species
Nocturnal animal — An animal that is active during
nighttime and sleeps during daylight. • Diurnal birds of prey include buzzards3 , con-
dors4 , eagles5 , falcons and falconets6 , hawks7 ,
Crepuscular animal — An animal that is active main- harriers8 , kestrels9 , kites10 , ospreys11 , secretary
ly during twilight.1 birds12 , serpent-eagles and snake-eagles13 , sparro-
whawks14 , New World vultures15 , Old World vul-
Twilight — A time before sunrise and after sunset when tures16 .
upper atmosphere lightens up the lower atmosphere
and earth. • Nocturnal birds of prey include mostly two owl fa-
milies — barn owls17 and typical owls18 .
1.2 Main features
• Crepuscular birds of prey — some owls are both
• Strong, sharp, hooked beak nocturnal and crepuscular (usually matinal).

1 Crepuscular animals can be further divided into matinal animals (or matitinal animals) and verspertine animals denoting

those active during sundawn and sundusk respectively.

2 Other birds (like pelicans and storks), which aren’t raptors, also soar.
3 Polish: myszołowy
4 Polish: kondory; scavengers
5 Polish: orły
6 Polish: sokoły
7 Polish: jastrzębie; not all birds with hawk in their names belong here, for example nighthawk (Polish: lelek ) is a nocturnal

bug-hunting bird
8 Polish: błotniaki
9 Polish: sokoły
10 Polish: myszołowy, kanie
11 Polish: rybołów
12 Polish: sekretarze
13 Polish: gadożery
14 Polish: krogulce
15 Polish: kondory; more closely related to storks than to Old World vultures; scavengers
16 Polish: sępy; scavengers
17 Polish: (sowy) płomykówki
18 Polish: sowy, puchacze (eg. Gold Eagle Owl), puszczyki (eg. Tawny Owl)

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