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Market Segmentation
❏ Age - 20-45
❏ Gender - Primarily females
❏ Education - Finished post secondary,
possibly retiring/ nearing retirement
❏ Profession - Higher middle class - lower
upper class (Jobs focusing on consulting,
instruction and conceptualizing)*
❏ *Possible professions - Dentist, lawyer,
physician, professor, architect, civilian

contractor, civil service executive, pharmacy
manager, R&D manager, software
development manager
❏ Family size - 2-4 kids
❏ Marital status - Long-term married people,
and short-term divorced
❏ Income level - $88,000 to $300,000 yearly
❏ Culture - Trend follower (Particularly athletic
trends), athletic influencers, community
follower (Followers of Lululemon’s
community culture)
❏ Continent - North America ,
North-Western Europe
❏ Country - United States, Canada ,
United Kingdom
❏ Provinces- British Columbia, Ontario,
Alberta, Quebec
❏ States - California , Florida,
Massachusetts, Texas, New York, New

❏ City - City with nearby access to local
health and wellness
businesses/centres. Local public gym
nearby as well
❏ Neighbourhood - Suburban
neighbourhood with nearby access to
hiking trails, ocean trails or
outdoor/public parks
❏ Urban/Suburban/Rural - Suburban
and urban areas
❏ Lifestyle - Work, health and life
balanced in harmony ; healthy
relationship with physical health.
❏ Personality traits - Lively, outdoorsy,
healthy, trendy, bustling, educated,
❏ Public image - Outgoing with work,

life and health collaborating perfectly
❏ Attitude towards health - Strives for
healthy life style by filling it with
physical activities, primarily yoga.
Strives to achieve physical fitness and
inner self peace
❏ Attitude towards the environment
-The outdoors and nature may have a
special place in their heart
❏ What is the customer's buying
decision making process? - Will this
product provide comfort as well as
functionality? Will this product
endure my different athletic
activities? Heavy influence on current

athletic/ sportswear trends
❏ What do they evaluate when they
buy this product? - Quality, durability
long term, appearance, popularity,
innovativeness, adaptability
❏ What is their attitude towards the
brand? - Authenticity, exclusive
feeling in ownership of product.
Premium quality for top customers

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