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Lesson Reproductive Health Laws

What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:

Discuss existing Health-related laws.

What I Know
Directions: Answer the following multiple choice test questions, to identify how
familiar you are with health-related laws. Write the letter of your chosen answer
before each number.

1. The state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the
reproductive system is called_______?
A. Reproductive health C. Family Planning
B. Health D. reproduction
2. What causes AIDS?
A. Virus C. HIV
B. bacteria D. Pathogens
3. According to this pillar of Reproductive health, the government should respect the
citizen’s individual preference and choices of family planning method.
A. Responsible Parenthood C. Birth Control
B. Informed Choice D. Respect for life
4. This act recognizes that abortion is illegal and is punishable by law.
A.. Informed choice C. birth control
B. respect for life D. Responsible Parenthood
5. What act promulgates policies and prescribes measures for the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS?
A. RA 8504 C. RA 10175
B. RA 7719 D. RA 10354
6. It refers to an act that is commonly known as the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act.
A. RA 10175 C. RA 10354
B. RA 7719 D. Ra 7729

7. What pillar of Reproductive health act states that effective and quality health
services should be given primacy to ensure health of the mother and the child?
A. Respect for life C. Birth Control
B. Informed choice D. Responsible parenthood
8. HIV/AIDs can be transmitted through:
A. Borrowing of clothes C. sexual intercourse
B. sharing of utensils D. kissing
9. Which of the following is not included in the services provided by Republic Act No.
A. testing B. screening C. counselling D. referrals
10. The Philippine National Aids Council manages the following programs except;
A. information B. educational program C. monitoring D. testing

What’s In
Activity 1.1 Herbal Plants

Republic Act 8423 or known as the Traditional Alternative Medicine Act of 1997
states that there are 2000 available medicinal plants in the Country. Unscramble the
letters to identify the 10 herbal plants approved by DOH with medicinal uses.


What’s New

Let’s explore
Activity 1.2 Levelling of expectations.

Complete the table with your expectations. Write your answers in your activity
Topic What I know What I want to What I Need to
Know know
RA 10354

Parenthood and
Health Act
RA 8504
Philippine AIDS
Prevention and
Control Act of 1998

What Is It

Reproductive health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-

being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, at all stages of life.
To aid the reproductive health needs of the citizens, the government mandated
the Republic Act 10354 or most commonly known as Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act.

Activity 1.3 Pillars of Foundation

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive health act builds its foundation in

four pillars.
Identify the pillars by unscrambling the letters. Write your answers on the
space provided for

Pillar 1:

_______ ______

These are effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are ethically
and medically safe , legal, accessible and affordable shall be given primacy to ensure
the health of the mother and child. this pillar also covers the provision for the
integration of reproductive health and sexuality education in schools and other
educational institutions.

Pillar 2:

_______ ___ ____

Abortion is illegal and punishable by law. However, mothers will be identified to have
aborted an unborn child will be served with post abortive treatment and counselling
in a humane , non-judgemental and compassionate manner.

Pillar 3:

_____ _______

Reproductive healthcare, information, and supplies shall be made available most

especially to poor beneficiaries. The act also provisions that the government must
respect the citizen’s individual preferences and choices of family planning method.

Pillar 4:
___________ _________

The couples determine their ideal family size. In addition, the government shall equip
each parent with the needed information in all aspects of family life, reproductive
health, and this pillar.

Republic Act 8504 or the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
is an act that promulgates policies and prescribing measures for the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, instituting a nationwide HIV/AIDS information
and educational Program, establishing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS monitoring system,
strengthening the Philippine National AIDS council.

Activity 1.4 True or False

Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
______1. A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues or organs.
______2. HIV testing is not compulsory and required.
______3. Pre- and Post-test counselling sessions are given to those who undergo
HIV testing in accredited testing centers.
______4. People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by public
hospitals because infection might spread.
______5. AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and
writes reports about it.
______6. A person with HIV/AIDS is treated with utmost confidentiality by medical
______7. A patient’s case is still confidential even if there is an interference by a
______8. The AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 promotes discrimination
against people with HIV/AIDS.
______9. The Philippine National AIDS Council manages HIV testing in various
accredited centers.
______10. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad.

What’s More
#Let’s do this

Activity 1.5 Interview

In this activity, you are going to ask a family member or any relative in your
community and discuss the following questions. Write your answers in your journal.

1. What are the benefits do we get from Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health Act?
2. What is the positive and negative impact of the law in the family and in the

What I Have Learned

Activity 1.6 Sentence completion

Complete the paragraph using the words in the box.

social state diseases women

safe people reproductive men
sexual Parenthood Foundation mental

Reproductive health is the ______ of complete physical, ______and ______

well-being and not merely the absence of _____ relating to the ______system, and
to its functions and processes. This implies that _______ are able to have
responsible, _______ and consensual sex life. This further implies that ______ and
_______ attain equal relationships in matters related to _______ relations and
The Responsible _________and Reproductive Health Act build its _______
in four pillars: Informed choice, __________ for life, birth control and responsible

What I Can Do
#Let’s Reflect

Activity 1.5 Reflection

Reflect on how HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 affect a person’s life. Write your
reflection in your Health journal.

Rubrics on Reflection
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Organization Information Information Information The Information is
is organized is organized is organized information not only
in a very with well but appears disorganized
well- constructed paragraphs disorganized. but
constructed, paragraph are not well inaccurate.
paragraphs, and constructed
use of information and
subheading is factual information
s and and correct. is factual.
is factual
and correct.
Quality of Information Information Information Information Information
Information is clearly clearly clearly has little to was nothing
rebutted to relates to the relates to the do with the to do with the
the main main topic. It main topic. main topic. main topic.
topic. It provides 1-2 No details
includes supporting and or
several details and example are
supporting or examples. given.
details and
Mechanics No Almost no A few Many Way too
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical, many for a
spelling or , spelling, or spelling or spelling, or student
errors. punctuation punctuation punctuation getting nearly
errors. errors. errors. to the health
Sources All sources All sources All sources Some Too many
are are are sources are sources are
accurately accurately accurately not accurately documented
documented discussed documented documented. accurately
in the but few are but many are and there is
desired not listed in not in the not a format
form. the format. desired used.


Answer the following multiple choice test, to identify how familiar you
are with health related-laws. Write the letter of your chosen answer before each
1. The state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the
reproductive system is called_______.
A. Reproductive health C. Family Planning
B. health D. reproduction
2. What causes AIDS?
A. Virus B. bacteria C. HIV D. Pathogens
3. According to this pillar of Reproductive health, the government should respect the
citizen’s individual preference and choices of family planning method.
A. Responsible Parenthood C. Birth Control
B. Informed Choice D. Respect for life
4. The act recognizes that abortion is illegal and is punishable by law.
A. Informed choice C. birth control
B. respect for life D. Responsible Parenthood
5. What act promulgates policies and prescribe measures for the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS?
A. RA 8504 B. RA 7719 C. RA 10175 D. RA 10354
6. An act that is commonly known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act.
A. RA 10175 B. RA 7719 C. RA 10354 D. Ra 7729
7. What pillar of Reproductive health act states that effective and quality health
services should be given primacy to ensure health of the mother and the child?
A. Respect for life C. Birth Control
B. Informed choice D. Responsible parenthood
8. HIV/AIDs can be transmitted through?
A. Borrowing of clothes C. sexual intercourse
B. sharing of utensils D. kissing
9. Which of the following is not included in the services provided by Republic Act No.
A. testing B. screening C. counselling D. referrals
10. The Philippine National Aids Council manages the following programs except
A. information B. educational program C. monitoring D. testing

Additional Activities
Make a Poster showing ways to protect oneself from COVID 19.

Rubrics on Poster making

Category 4 3 2 1
Required The poster All required Only 1 of the Several
elements includes all elements are required required
required elements included in the elements are elements
as well as poster. included on were
additional the poster. missing.
Labels All items of Almost all items Many items Labels are
importance to the of importance to of too small to
poster are clearly the poster are Importance view or no
labelled with words clearly labelled on the important
that can be read at with words that poster are items were
least three feet can be read from clearly labelled.
away. at least three feet labelled with
away. words that
can be read
from at least
3 feet away
Graphics and All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do
relevance related to the topic related to the are relate to not relate to
and make it easier topic and make it the topic. the topic or
to understand. All easier to One or two several
borrowed graphics understand. borrowed borrowed
have a source Some borrowed graphics graphics do
citation. graphics have a have a not have
source citation. source source
citation. citation.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, layout attractive messy or
of design, and neatness. though it very poorly
Lay-out and may be a bit designed. It
neatness. mess. is not

Grammar There are no There are 1-2 There are 3- There are
grammatical/mech grammatical/ 4 more than 4
anical mistakes on mechanical grammatical/ grammatical/
the poster. mistakes on the mechanical mechanical
poster. mistake on mistakes on
the poster. the poster.

Lesson Substance Use and Abuse
What I Need to Know

After using this module you will be able to;

1.follow existing health-related laws(H10HC-IIb-2).

Assessing prior knowledge is

important before taking up a
certain lesson. Find out your
What I Know ex idea about health-related
laws by answering the pre-test.
Let’s begin!

Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers before each item.

1.These are drugs that people use initially that may eventually lead to abuse of
illegal drugs.
A. gateway drugs B. illegal drugs C. regulated drugs D. alcohol
2. An act that protects people from sale, use and advertisement of hazardous
A. RA 10354 B. RA 10175 C. RA 9211 D. Ra 9512
3. According to this act, selling of cigarette in a school premises should be in a range
of how many meters?
A. 50 meters B. 100 meters C. 200 meters D.. 500 meters
4. This act protects the citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to their
physical, mental well-being.
A. RA 9211 B. RA 10354 C. RA 9165 D. RA 10175
5. What is the language used in the printing of cigarette packs?
A. visayan B. Filipino C. Tagalog D. English
6. Smoking is not banned in this place.
A. Public and private hospitals C. youth centers

B.outside eating places D. health care facility
7. Which of the following is not punishable under RA 9165?
A. maintaining a drug den C. getting prescription on dangerous drugs
B. Selling dangerous drugs D. possessing dangerous drugs
8. Tobacco is classified as?
A. depressants C. inhalant
B. stimulant D. barbiturate
9. You have found out you neighbour planting marijuana in their farm. What will you
A. Ask him about the use of the plant .
B. ignore him of what he is doing.
C. report to the nearest law enforcement agency.
D. ask a seedling and plant also.
10. Sale of tobacco is not accessible to _________.
A. minors C. persons with disability
B. senior citizens D. government employees

What’s In

Activity 2.1 Identify examples of drugs.

Complete the table by choosing the sample of drugs from the box or word
bank below,and writing it to the table corresponding to the kind of drugs.
Kinds of Drugs
Stimulants Depressants Inhalants

Aerosol alcohol tobacco cocaine paints barbiturates

caffeine gasoline Acetone valium ecstasy paint thinner

What’s New?
Activity 2.2 Cause and Effect Chart

Think about possible reasons for the creation of the following Health-related
laws. Write them on the chart.

Possible Reasons Creation of the following laws

1. Increasing number of street 1. Responsible Parenthood and

children or out-of-school youth. Reproductive Health (RA 10354)

2. 2. Tobacco Regulation Act

3. Dangerous Drug Act of 2002(RA

3. 9165)

What Is It
Gateway drugs are drugs that people use initially that may lead to the abuse
of illegal drugs. Alcohol and Tobacco are gateway drugs. When alcohol is
consumed, the central nervous system is affected. Thus, a person is more
vulnerable to doing dangerous acts because of depressed decision-making skills.
On the other hand, the government provides protection from these gateway
drugs through the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act and the Tobacco
Regulation Act.
Republic Act No. 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 protects the
citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to their physical and mental

Activity 2.3 Concept mapping

Supply the concept map with unlawful acts that are subject to penalties under
RA 9165.

Acts Punishable
under RA 9165


Republic Act No. 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 protects people from
the sale, use and advertisements of hazardous tobacco products.
The act also restricts access to sale of tobacco products to minor and may not be
sold 100 meters away from school. When it comes to advertising and promotions, the act
provisions the printing of warnings on cigarette packs in either Filipino or English and
should include health warnings.

Activity 2.4 Stop or Go!
Put a check ( / ) mark in column “smoke free zone” if smoking is banned. Put
an X mark on the column “smoking zone” if smoking is allowed.
Smoke Free
Places Smoking Zone
Public and Private Hospitals
Private residences
Bus Station
Centers for youth
Gasoline station
Outside eating areas
Healthcare facility
Outdoor areas of place of employment

What’s More
Activity 2.5 Gate way or Get away
In this activity, you are going to list examples of drugs and state how a certain
person can manage its use.
Get away 1. ________________________________________________
Get away 2. ________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Activity 2.5 Role Playing

Choose any of the role you would like to do and perform the given task.

Role Tasks
News reporter Write a news article about drug buy bust
Photographer Take or collect pictures of drug-related crimes.
Researcher Research on the names of lawmakers who
support RA 9165 or RA 9211.
Writer Write an article about Tobacco Regulation Act/
Comprehensive Drugs Act.

Rubric for Role Playing

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Acceptable

(5) (4) (3) (2-1)
Presentation No careless There were There were five Assignment
spelling or three or four or more careless was handed
grammatical errors careless spelling/ in late. There
where found; spelling/ grammatical were ten or
paragraphs held grammatical mistakes. more careless
together well. mistakes. Paragraph spelling/
Paper was Paragraphs transition were grammatical
formatted held together present. There errors. No
correctly. well. Margins, was a disregard paragraph
length and of spacing, transition
spacing met margins or were present.
guidelines. length. There was a
disregard of
Content Role play fully Role play Role play Role play
addressed all addressed all addressed some failed to
required required of the address the
components components components, but required
including but could have not others, and it components.
alignment of role been more fully was
play to teaching developed. underdeveloped.
evaluation of role
play and
Critical There was There was a Some concepts There was
Thinking evidence of a good discussed in little or no
and deep connection class were direct
synthesis of understanding of with readings included in connection to
information teaching and discussion analysis but not readings and
standards and a which showed deeply reflected discussion; no
critical reflection comprehension upon. The role evidence of
on class readings and some play was poorly understanding
and discussions. reflection aligned to the teaching
Recommendations about teaching teaching standards.
were well- aligned standards. standards.
to teaching

What I Can Do

Activity 2.6 Design your Cigarette Packs

Following the tobacco regulation act on advertisement and labelling, design

your cigarette packs using some of these examples:
Old box Pictures Glue Scissors

Rubrics on Cigarette Packs Designing

Criteria Accomplished Developing Beginning

Artist 30-21 Artist 20-10 Artist 9-0
Material Demonstrates Demonstrates Lack demonstration of
Application qualities and some qualities qualities and
and technique characteristics of and characteristics of various
various media, characteristics media , technique and
technique and of various processes.
processes. media,
technique and
Understanding Insight and depth Some depth of Lacks content
of content of content content understanding and is
understanding are understanding clearly a work in
evident. are evident progress.
Craftsmanship Artwork reflects Artworks Artworks appears to be
deliberate control reflects a work in progress.
having good adequate
craftsmanship. control and
having some
Creativity Expresses original Expresses Lacks original idea and
idea and insightful original ideas has few details.
perspectives with but has few
an appropriate details.
amount of details.

Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers before each item.

1.These are drugs that people use initially that may eventually lead to abuse of
illegal drugs.

A. gateway drugs C. regulated drugs

B. illegal drugs D. alcohol
2. An act that protects people from sale, use and advertisement of hazardous
A. RA 10354 B. RA 10175 C. RA 9211 D. RA 9512
3. According to this act, selling of cigarette in a school premises should be in a range
this specific distance.
A. 50 meters B. 100 meters C. 200 meters D. 500 meters
4. This act protects the citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to their
physical, mental well-being.
A. RA 9211 B. RA 10354 C. RA 9165 D. RA 10175
5. What is the language used in the printing of cigarette packs?
A. visayan C. b & d
B. English and Filipino D. English
6. Smoking is not banned in what place?
A. Public and private hospitals C. youth centers
B. outside eating places D. Health care facility
7. Which of the following is not punishable under RA 9165?
A. maintaining a drug den C. getting prescription on dangerous drugs
B. Selling dangerous drugs D. possessing dangerous drugs
8. Tobacco is classified as?
A. depressants C. inhalant
B. stimulant D. barbiturate
9. You have found out that your neighbor planting marijuana in their farm. What will
you do?
A. Ask him about the use of the plant.
B. ignore him of what he is doing.
C. report to the nearest law enforcement agency.
D. ask a seedling and plant also.
10. Sale of tobacco is not accessible to__________.
A. minors C. persons with disability
B. senior citizens D. government employees

Additional Activities
Activity 2.7 Making Ads
Make a print ads showing the dangers of cigarette smoking. Write your output
in a ¼ white cartolina with margins in the sides 1 ½ inches.

Rubrics for making Ads
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Improvement
(2) (1)
Originality The project The project The work is an The work is a
shows shows some extensive minimal
significant evidence of collection and collection or
evidence of originality and rehash of rehash of
originality and inventiveness. other people’s other people’s
inventiveness. ideas, ideas,
The majority of products and products and
the content images. There images. There
and many of is a little is no evidence
the ideas are evidence of of new
fresh, original, new thought or thought.
and inventive. inventiveness.
Writing The writing is The The The
legible, clear advertisement advertising is advertisement
and is aesthetically pleasing and unoriginal and
grammatically pleasing/ is a is not an
correct. The creative or satisfactory example of the
writing entices original and a example of the chosen format.
the consumer. good example chosen format.
of the chosen
Presentation The The The The
format advertisement advertisement advertising is advertisement
is aesthetically is aesthetically pleasing and is unoriginal
pleasing, pleasing/ is satisfactory and is not an
creative and creative/ or example of the example of the
original original and a chosen format. chosen format.
example of the good example
chosen format. of the chosen
Advertising The The The The chosen
Technique advertisement advertisement advertisement advertising
uses creative is a good uses the technique is
well-chosen example of the advertising not followed or
advertising use of the technique no advertising
technique. advertising satisfactorily, technique
technique. but not used.

Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer of
your choice. Write your answer before the number.
1. The state of physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the
reproductive system is called ________.
A. Reproductive Health C. Family Planning
B. Health D. reproduction
2. According to this pillar of reproductive health, the government should respect the
citizen’s individual preference and choices of family planning method. What pillar
of foundation is being referred to?
A. Responsible parenthood C. birth control
B. Informed choice D. respect for life
3. In what situation is HIV/AIDS highly infectious?
A. Kissing C. sharing of clothes
B. Sexual intercourse D. sleeping together
4. What act promotes and encourages voluntary blood donation by the citizenry?
A. RA 9211 C. RA 7719
B. RA 9512 D. RA 8949
5. The act is commonly known as The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
health act.
A. Republic Act No. 10354 C. Republic Act No. 7729
B. Republic Act No. 7719 D. Republic Act No. 10175
6. The following are considered unlawful acts and are subject for penalties in
Republic Act No. 9165 except one.
A. Culturing marijuana in your backyard
B. Your boarding house is used for drug session
C. Buying dangerous drugs under a doctor’s prescription
D. Selling party drugs to friends
7. An act that protects the citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to
their physical and mental well-being.
A. RA 9211 C. RA 9165
B. RA 10354 D. RA 10175
8. This act is commonly known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act.
A. RA 10175 C. RA 10354
B. RA 7719 D. RA 77
9. Smoking is prohibited in the following places except one.
A. Hospitals C. Gasoline station
B. Airport D. outside eating areas
10. Which of the following is not a services provided for the AIDS prevention and
A. Screening C. testing
B. Rehabilitation D. testing
11. What act promulgates policies and prescribed measures for the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines?
A. RA 7719 C. RA 9165
B. RA 8504 D. RA 10354
12. What pillar of reproductive health act states that, effective and quality health
services should be given primacy to ensure the health of the mother and child?
A. Respect for life C. birth control
B. Informed choice D. responsible parenthood
13. These are drugs that people use initially and eventually leads to the abuse of
illegal drugs.
A. Over-the-counter drugs C. gateway drugs
B. Regulated drugs D. alcohol

14. According to this act, selling of tobacco on school premises should
be in a range of how many meters?
A. 50 meters C. 200 meters
B. 100 meters D. 500 meters
15. In order to promote a healthful environment, this act absolutely bans
smoking in public places, youth centers, private and public hospitals, airport and
other terminals and food preparation areas.
A. RA 10354 C. RA 9211
B. RA 10175 D. RA 9512

Key to Answers


Q2L2 Activity 2.1
Stimulants Depressant 20 Inhalants
Caffeine Alcohol Paint Thinner
Ecstacy Barbiturate Aerosol
Cocaine Acetone
Tobacco Paints
Q2L2 Pre-test
Q2L2 Activity 2.3 1.A
1. Selling, administering and transporting drugs 3.B
2. Cultivating plant classified source of dangerous drug 4.C
3. Maintaining a drug den 5.C
4. Manufacturing of dangerous drugs 6. B
5. Importing dangerous drugs 7. C
6. Unnecessary drug prescription 8.A
7. Possessing dangerous drugs, equipment and apparatus 9. C
10 A
8. Manufacturing, delivery of equipment / paraphernalia
Q2L1 Activity 1.6 Q2L1 Activity 1.5
1.unit 1.False
2.respect 2.False
3.divorce 3.True
4.good Q2L1 Activity 1.3
5.married 5.True
6.two 1.Informed
7.guidance Choice
8.responsible 2.Respect for life
3.Birth control
Callo, Lualhati F. et al. , Camiling, Mark Kenneth S. et al, Yap, Johannsen
Education. Pasig City, Philippines 2012
Department of Education(DepEd). K to 12 Curriculum Guide: Health
15.C Q2L2 Activity 2.4
Q2L2 Activity 2.5
Smoke free Smoking zone
Get away number 1.
Depressant-Minimize/stop drinking
Get away 2. /
Stimulants- stop / minimize X
drinking coffee. /
C. et al, Cagulang, Janeth P. et al, Doria, Jose C. et al, Deveraturda, Encarnita et al. ,
Grecia, Jo-Ann al “Physical Education and Health “ Learner’s Material
10, 231-244. Vibal Group Inc.


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