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Name: IBEKWE, NJIDEKA VANESSA Date: 10/4/2021

Group: 2Da-2a-2 Name of CI: SIR MIKA MASPIL

I. TITLE: Covid-19 and Adolescent Depression and Suicide Risk Screening Outcomes.
AUTHOR: Stephanie L. Mayne, Chloe Hannan, Molly Davis, Jami F. Young, Mary Kate Kelly, Maura
Powell, George Dalembert, Katie E. McPeak, Brian P. Jenssen and Alexander G. Fiks
YEAR OF PUBLICATION: September, 2021.


This Research study talks about how Adolescent mental health concerns have increased during the
coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. The study identified increases in the proportion of adolescents
screening positive for depressive symptoms and high suicide risk in pediatric primary care during the
pandemic, especially among female adolescents. Furthermore; The coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19)
pandemic has placed numerous stresses on adolescents because of school closures, disruptions of
routines, social isolation, and concerns about family illness and economic impacts. Consequences of these
stressors among children especially children from racially and ethnically minoritized and low income
communities may be especially acute .


A. To Nursing Practice

This study can help nurses and to me as a student nurse to really identify how to care for a child’s
well-being in as much as we are taking care of their physical health, nurses should also try to take care
of their mental health too with this study it will serve as a guide to know areas of considerations
especially in terms of the child’s mental health in this pandemic. Also is also an eye opener for the need
  Follow-up care to be provided after positive screens of mental health illness especially during this period
of COVID-19 pandemic.

B. To Nursing Education

As a student nurse, I have learned that advocacy and effort on the part of primary care practices is
needed to ensure adolescents are screened and linked to treatment and that existing gaps between the
identification of depression symptoms and/or suicide risk and initiating (and sustaining) treatment are
filled, including known barriers to receiving treatment faced by adolescents.

C. To Nursing Research

This study focuses on the screening aspect of adolescent mental health in terms of depression and
suicidal risk and is limited to the remedy that is the treatment. I recommend that more researches should
be conducted on the best way to tackle mental health illnesses among the pediatric age especially in this
covid-19 pandemic era.


I strongly agree with the study because if we don’t really look into children’s growth and their mental
health especially in this covid19 pandemic era, in less than 10 years or more there will be a lot of mental
health disorder cases like psychopath, suicides, depression.

Checked and Received: SIR MIKA MASPIL

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