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9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization AIAA 2002-5599

4-6 September 2002, Atlanta, Georgia


Anand Natarajan, Rakesh K. Kapania y and Daniel J. Inman z
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia-24061 - 0203

Abstract the approach of matrix exponential time marching allows

the training of an array of feed-forward neural networks
This paper focuses on training neural networks to repre- without resorting to small time steps in the time march-
sent the unsteady incompressible aerodynamic forces act- ing training process. This neural network modeling of the
ing over an airfoil and also to evaluate the aeroelastic re- time variant aeroelastic system is utilized for control of
sponse of adaptive airfoils. The adaptive behavior studied airfoil oscillations and flutter suppression.
here is a spring having a variable torsional stiffness as a
part of a two dimensional aeroelastic system. This prop-
erty of a varying stiffness is used for flutter suppression. A Introduction
distributed set of doublet panels on the airfoil surface are
used to calculate the unsteady pressure at every point of For incompressible inviscid flow, the use of panel meth-
the adaptable airfoil. The strength of the doublet panels is ods leads to a faster estimate of the unsteady fluid dy-
determined using Neumann type non-penetration bound- namic forces as compared to the use of Computational
ary conditions. The unsteady aerodynamic loading over Fluid Dynamics(CFD). Panel methods consist of distribut-
the airfoil is calculated using a time marching scheme. ing singularities such as sources, vortices and doublets on
To capture the effect of the unsteady circulation on the the surface of an airfoil or a wing. The boundary condi-
airfoil, it is necessary to represent the wake also by dou- tions on the wing or airfoil then determines the strengths
blets. This time-marching aerodynamics model, used in of these singularities. Once the strengths of the singular-
obtaining the impulse response, is compared to the time ities are known, it is possible to calculate the unsteady
history of lift as given by the Wagner function. Numeri- pressure distribution at each point over the wing or air-
cal results for the response to a sudden change in the an- foil. The boundary conditions that are imposed over the
gle of attack, as described in the existing literature do not airfoil are the no penetration condition and the Kutta con-
match with the Wagner solution. We describe the numer- dition. The non-penetration condition requires that the
ical problems concerned with the calculation of the un- normal velocity of the fluid at the airfoil wall should be
steady lift generated by an airfoil under a sudden pitching equal to the airfoil surface velocity. The Kutta condition
velocity change. The adaptive nature of the structure is at the trailing edge requires that the flow velocity at the
studied as a time-variant system, the stiffness of the air- trailing edge should vanish. Numerically this is difficult
foil is allowed to be time varying. The unsteady aerody- to achieve, hence the position and size of the panel at the
namic loads obtained from the panel method is coupled to trailing edge needs to be carefully chosen. A detailed de-
a linear time variant structural dynamics code based on an scription on various panel methods can be found in Ref.
approach of matrix exponential time marching. Using this 1.
numerical solver for time variant dynamic aeroelasticity, In the present work, doublets are distributed over the
neural networks are trained for providing an efficient nu- surface of the airfoil. The strength of the doublets for
merical representation of the aeroelastic behavior of adap- steady flow is determined by applying the boundary con-
tive airfoils. Feed-forward neural networks are used, since ditions:  
@ @g
 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace and Ocean
(x; z) = U1 @x
y Professor, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Asso-
where  is the velocity potential, x; z are the geometry
ciate Fellow AIAA
z G.R. Goodson Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, variables of the airfoil, U1 is the free stream velocity and
Director - Center for Intelligent material Systems and Structures, Fellow, y = g(x) is the function describing the airfoil surface.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Copyright © 2002 by the author(s). Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
The influence of each panel on every other panel on the Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics
airfoil is calculated. For unsteady calculations, the in-
fluence of the wake on the airfoil is very important. A Before computing unsteady aerodynamics, steady state
time-marching scheme is used and at each time step, one computations are performed using distributed doublets over
doublet panel is shed into the wake from the airfoil trail- the surface of the airfoil with an infinite wake. Figure
ing edge. The combined influence of all the wake panels 1 describes the distribution of pressure over a symmetric
on the airfoil panels is calculated for every time step. airfoil at an angle of attack of 50 . This matches the the-
The fundamental derivation for panel methods comes oretical solution everywhere over the airfoil except at the
from the governing Laplacian equation for incompressible trailing edge. This discrepancy near the trailing edge is
potential flow, namely, due to numerical problems of satisfying the Kutta condi-
tion exactly at the trailing edge1 . The Kutta condition is
r2  = 0 (2) satisfied numerically by forcing the vorticity at the trailing
edge due to the doublet panels to be zero. Theoretically,
where  is the velocity potential. Equation 2 is valid in the velocity of flow should be zero at the trailing edge, as
steady and unsteady incompressible flow. Using Green’s long as the trailing edge is not a cusp. This is difficult to
theorem and Eq. (2), it can be proved that2 , any surface in realize numerically without manipulating the trailing edge
incompressible potential flow can be replaced by a sum- panel. However, the trailing edge coefficient of pressure
mation of doublets and sources. Typically in thin airfoil is still finite and close to unity.
theory, a doublet represents the lifting component and a Even though the trailing edge creates some numeri-
source represents the airfoil thickness. To make the anal- cal problems, the code is able to replicate the steady state
ysis simpler, we are considering only doublet representa- pressure. Hence we now try to model unsteady aerody-
tions over the airfoil. According to Ref. 1, the absence namics of a symmetric airfoil as the next step. The theo-
of source panels is not a disadvantage for lifting airfoils. retical solution to the unsteady aerodynamic lift and pitch-
The use of smart materials in wings allows the active con- ing moment on an airfoil in inviscid flow is calculated us-
trol of the deflections of the wing structure. These adap- ing convolution integrals of the Wagner function6 . Physi-
tive structures are preliminary models of biological struc- cally, the Wagner function is a measure of the circulatory
tures. One of the properties of biological structures is lift on the airfoil due to a unit step change in angle of at-
that they can possess time varying stiffness while execut- tack. It is given as
ing movements3 . By using adaptive material in aircraft
wings, it is possible to introduce this property of time
(s) =
1 C (k) iks
varying stiffness. It is also possible to utilize the con- 2i 1 k e dk (3)
cept of a variable stiffness spar4 to change the torsional
stiffness of the wing. The time-varying stiffness is used Here k is the reduced frequency, s is the non-dimensional
herein to control airfoil oscillations. It is also advanta- time, C (k ) is termed the Theodorsen function which is a
geous to have a variable stiffness wing in the case of mor- ratio of Hankel functions of the second kind. Reference
phing wings as this allows the wing to hold the load while 6 provides more details of the Theodorsen and Wagner
still being flexible enough to allow morphing of the airfoil functions. The Wagner function has a value of 0.5 just
for different flight regimes. after the impulse has been imparted and then grows to a
Variable coefficient differential equations present many steady state value of 1 for infinite time. We test the dou-
difficulties in obtaining analytical or efficient numerical blet panel code for the response of a symmetric airfoil to
solutions. Since time varying coefficients are now present an impulsive angle of attack. Figure 2 shows the growth
in the aeroelastic equation of dynamic equilibrium, an ef- of the lift with time as predicted by the present code. It
ficient numerical scheme to solve the structural dynamic can be seen that the solution approaches the Wagner solu-
problem is needed. A very accurate and computationally tion. However, the initial impulsive start that is obtained
efficient scheme of Matrix Exponential time marching as using the theoretical result based on the Wagner function
described in Ref. 5 is used. This scheme allows the use of is not attainable by the doublet panel code. This is be-
time steps of the order of 10 2 . This is especially useful cause the doublet panel code is a time domain solution.
in training neural networks since the time step being large, The Wagner function is derived in frequency domain and
the data set used in the training can be reduced. By train- hence it is able to represent the impulsive jump in the lift
ing neural networks using the method Matrix Exponential at initial time exactly. A time domain code on the other
time marching and the doublet panel method, a 2-D aeroe- hand takes a finite time, no matter how small, to approx-
lastic analysis is performed wherein the aeroelastic model imate this jump in lift. However, it should be noted that
possesses pitch and plunge degrees of freedom. both solutions approach the same steady state solution.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The response shown in Fig 2 is similar to that obtained of providing the desired output given a new set of input
by Basu7 for a symmetric Von-Mises airfoil. Since in the data.
time domain, an impulse is provided over a time step, the One can designate a subset of the nodes of a neural
response of the system as shown in Fig. 2 will change de- network as ”input nodes” and another subset as ”output
pending on the time step size. Furthermore, theoretically, nodes,” whose states represent the model’s results. One
the angular velocity of the airfoil is infinite at zero time. can then fit the input-output mapping into the network’s
A time domain result will result in a finite velocity and connection strengths such that when any particular set of
finite inertial effects at the first time step. The time step input states is applied, the dynamics of the network gen-
used in the time stepping scheme determines the vortex erates the desired output states at the output nodes. The
shedding frequency into the wake. Hence it is required to main constituents of the neural network are the weights
select an optimum time step that captures the effect of the which multiply each input and the functional operation
sudden change in the angle of attack on the aerodynam- performed with each such weighted input. For example
ics and the subsequent growth of circulation. Reference if the functional operation, f (x) which happens to be the
8 provides the details for the discrepancies involved be- transfer function of the first layer, is a linear operator, then
tween the Wagner solution and the solution for different the output of the first layer is a weighted sum of the inputs,
types of airfoil subjected to an impulsive pitch rate. P output of the first layer is
i.e., the
This doublet panel method can now represent the un- y = ni=0 wi xi
steady aerodynamics over a pitching airfoil. Figure 3 shows On the other hand, if the operator f (x) happened to be a
the unsteady lift over a symmetric airfoil with a variable non-linear function such as a Sigmoidal function, then the
amplitude pitching motion. The theoretical solution for output of the first layer could be
the problem in Fig. 3 is obtained using a convolution of y= P1=0 w x
the Wagner function with the downwash velocity. How- 1+e n
i i i

Thus depending on the layer transfer function, a broad

ever, it was seen previously (Fig. 2), that the time do-
family of system representations can be made. Further-
main solution does not provide the same response to an
more, as seen in Fig. 4, each layer output is connected to
impulsive change in angle of attack as computed from
another layer for more functional operations. Thus the un-
the theoretical Wagner solution. Hence the convolution
derlying mathematical representation of a neural network
of the Wagner impulse response with sinusoidal functions
can become quite complicated.
does show some differences with the time domain so-
Neural network representations of dynamical systems
lution obtained from the doublet panel code for a sinu-
approximate the response of the system and automatically
soidally pitching airfoil as can be seen from the compari-
possess the impulse response for that dynamical system10 .
son made in Fig. 3, but the two results are still similar.
During the neural network training, the input data is mapped
to the desired output target. The training starts with an
Neural Network Representations initial assignment of the neuron weights, biases and layer
transfer function functions. This initial processing of the
Figure 4 shows the essential constituents of a neural net- input data through the network produces an output which
work. The concept of neural networks is an attempt at most likely is not the desired target. Hence an error is
an artificial simulation of the functioning of the human now calculated between the neural network output and the
brain9 . Accordingly, an artificial neural network like the desired target. A gradient based scheme such as the con-
one shown in Fig. 4 is a grouping of artificial ”neurons” jugate gradient method is now implemented to minimize
in different layers. These neurons are mathematical op- this error of the neural network output. This means that
erators. The input to the neuron is multiplied by a quan- the derivatives of the error in the network with respect to
tity known as the weight. Any additional input to this the neuron weights are determined for each iteration in
weighted neuron output is termed as a bias. Design of a the training process. Training of the neural network is a
neural network consists of arranging these ”neurons” in very important task and care should be taken such that the
different layers, deciding on their connectivity, defining neural network is able to reproduce the target data with-
the inputs and outputs of the system and determining the out over-fitting. This means that the error margin of the
strength of each connection in between the neurons. The neural network away from the target data should not be
output of each layer of neurons is fed to the next layer of significantly greater than near the target data.
neurons through a selected function. The strength of the In this work, only deterministic neural networks are
neuron connections is based on training a neural network considered. Here we consider both feed-forward and re-
on a series of data sets. Once a neural network has been current neural networks.
trained using sufficient data, then the network is capable 1. Feed Forward Networks: In this type of neural

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network architecture, the flow of data is always uni- Most applications of neural networks in aeroelastic-
directional, that is, the input of one layer of the ity have been in system parameter estimation for aircraft
neural networks is obtained only from the previ- control 13 or in flutter speed prediction and flutter control
ous layer. However, during the training process, from experimental data 14;15 . Neural network controllers
the neural networks require back propagation tech- have been designed for non-linear vibration control of he-
niques, that is, the weights of a layer are adjusted licopter rotor blades16 using a 2-D aeroelastic model. A
depending on the output of the next layer. Feed for- recent work in the application of neural networks to static
ward neural networks are generally used for input- non-linear aeroelastic problems in morphing wings17 de-
output mapping where the mapping is not time de- scribes the procedure of aeroelastic optimization of an
pendent. However, dynamical systems can also be adaptable bump on the surface of an airfoil. Here we uti-
modeled using feed forward networks if appropri- lize trained artificial neural networks to provide a rapid
ate time domain training routines are used to repre- solver to simulate the dynamic response of a time-variant
sent the system. 2-D aeroelastic system.
System dynamics can be represented by breaking down
2. Recurrent Neural networks: Recurrent neural net- the time domain of interest into small time intervals and
works have the output of the network fed back to training a neural network to represent the response of the
previous layers to form a new input of the network. system for each of these time intervals. Thus the dynami-
Hence recurrent neural networks are able to rep- cal system is modeled by many neural networks with con-
resent time delays and transient response. These stant weights, each neural network representing one time
neural networks can represent dynamical systems. interval in the dynamical system. An equivalent model-
Some of the popular recurrent neural networks are ing is to have a single neural network with time variant
the Hopfield, Elman, Jordan networks. The names weights, that is the neural network is itself a time vari-
are based on the developers of the respective net- ant system. As an example consider a system with time
works. A stable attractor of a dynamical system is varying stiffness, modeled as
either a trajectory or a fixed point such that any ini-
tial condition in the vicinity of this attractor will al- x + (100 + 10sin(t))x = 20sin(t) (4)
ways converge towards it in forward time. Hopfield11
networks are capable of converging to a stable at- Figure 5 compares the response from a 3 layer El-
tractor of the dynamical system given an initial con- man recurrent network with the numerical solution ob-
ditions set. For obtaining the transient response tained using a Runge-Kutta time marching scheme. Here
of the system, Elman or Jordan networks are used. the neural network uses time intervals of 0.04 seconds for
These networks have the output of the previous time each training sequence. The comparison is agreeable ex-
step as an additional input12 . Jordan and Elman cept for noise that is initially present and also there are
neural networks differ only by the layer from which some differences in the maximum amplitude. Presence of
the feedback occurs. In Jordan type networks the noise is typical of feedback neural networks and is one of
output of one time state is fed-back to the input the disadvantages of such neural networks. Hence in or-
layer for the next time state. In Elman neural net- der to present a better match between the results as given
work, the output is fed-back from the hidden layer by a neural network and those by the time varying dy-
to the input layer. namical system, it is necessary to use smaller time steps
than the 0.04 second step used for this example. However,
use of smaller time steps increases the size of the data set
Aeroelastic Applications required for the network training. Large quantities of in-
put data do not allow for accurate ANN training. Hence
Aeroelastic calculations involve fluid-structure coupling. instead of using reduced time steps to make the neural
This means that every displacement of the structure under network representation of the time varying system more
fluid dynamic loads, as predicted by a structural solver, accurate, it is more reasonable to study accurate numer-
will in-turn alter the fluid dynamic response and vice- ical solvers for linear time varying systems that can use
versa. This coupling between the aerodynamics and struc- large time steps. The ANNS can then be trained by using
tural behavior can lead to very large computational costs these efficient numerical solvers.
for an aeroelastic analysis that requires use of compu- The system shown in Fig. 5 is subjected to a har-
tational fluid dynamics/computational structural mechan- monic loading. If this loading is now replaced by a non-
ics. Hence efficient alternative methods that can provide conservative time varying load, then this becomes a one
rapid aeroelastic response solutions need to be implemented. degree of freedom aeroelastic system. Initially we shall

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
consider the system is time invariant, that is the stiffness we first look at the 2-D aeroelastic system modeled by the
is taken to be a constant. The governing equation is then following equations.

 + K = M (t) (5) mh + s  + kh h = L(t) (7)

where is the airfoil pitching angle, M (t) is the un- I  + s h + k (t) = M (t)
where m is the mass, I is the mass moment of inertia,
steady pitching moment. The airfoil is given an initial
pitch displacement and this sets off the unsteady aero- is the pitch angle, s is the first moment of inertia, h is
dynamic code which provides the instantaneous pitching the plunge displacement, kh and k are the stiffness in
moment. A structural dynamics code will now be devel-
plunge and pitch respectively. A schematic representation
oped which will be coupled to the panel code in order to
of this aeroelastic system is shown in Fig. 6. This system
calculate the instantaneous response of the airfoil for ev- possesses a time varying pitch stiffness. In state space
ery change in the unsteady pitching moment. form, this system can be re-written as
This aeroelastic response calculation is again repeated
for a time variant dynamic system, that is, the rotary stiff- fx_ g + [C (t)]fxg = ff g (8)
ness is a function of time. This variable stiffness is use-
0 1
ful in control of airfoil oscillations. The model of the 0 1 0 0
B kh s k m C
time varying stiffness is exponentially varying such as in
B mI s2
0 mI s2
0 C
Here C (t) = B
Ref. 18. where the use of adaptive materials in struc-
B 0 0 0 1 C
tures to allow for active control of structural deflection is
highlighted. Recent advances in variable stiffness wings4
@ kh I k s A
mI s2
0 mI s2
also allow for such exponentially saturating stiffness vari-
ation. Accordingly the time varying torsional stiffness is and 0 LI M s 1
assumed as
@ MmI
f (t) = B m
s2 C
L s A
k (t) = k0 + k01 (1 c1 e c2 t ) (6)
mI s2
where k0 is the initial torsional stiffness and k0 + k01 is Using the method of matrix exponential time march-
the maximum torsional stiffness. The rate of variation is ing, the solution to this system for a time interval is writ-
controlled by the two parameters c1 and c2 . ten as R
d tt0 [C (t)]dt R
Training of recurrent neural networks based on these
(e fxg) = e t0 [C (t)] f
numerical results for dynamic aeroelastic problems re- dt
quires that the time step be small. Otherwise, presence This system can be solved as
of noise could be a problem. Hence the use of recurrent
 Z t  
0 C (t)]dt 0 C ( )]d
neural networks trained by such time stepping schemes
x(t) = e fx0 g + ff g dt
t t

would be computationally expensive and would require

e t

large computer memory. Feed-forward neural networks (10)
can also be used for dynamic aeroelastic problems, pro- Here the time interval, (t0 ; t), chosen for each solution in
vided a suitable training algorithm is developed. We in- the time marching scheme is fixed with respect to mini-
vestigate first a stable time integration scheme for linear mizing the errors due to the non-commutative matrix mul-
time varying systems using large time steps. The utiliza- tiplication, i.e.
tion of such a scheme for the training of feed-forward neu- R R
e t0 [C (t)]dt [C (t)] [C (t)] e t0 [C (t)]dt = (t)
t t
ral networks to represent the dynamic aeroelastic system (11)
is further investigated.
where (t) is the error tolerance level.
Equation 10 can be written as
Response of Linear Time Varying
Dynamical Systems xn+1 = n+1 (xn + n+1 ) (12)
R +1 [C (t)]dt
where n = e

R t +1 R
tn and 
Linear Time Varying (LTV) systems can be analyzed by +1 [C ( )]d
ff g dt.

the method of Matrix Exponential time marching5 . Though n+1 = tn e

n tn

an analytical solution is described in Ref. 5 for single de- This means the response at time tn+1 is linked to the re-
gree of freedom systems, this work can be extended to sponse at time tn by the state transition matrix at time
multi-degree of freedom systems numerically. To do so, tn+1 , namely n+1 and the forcing integral vector n+1 .

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
This type of representation was shown to be extremely The learning rate is a constant for the steepest descent
accurate for the analysis of time varying systems in Ref. method. Conjugate gradient methods choose the direc-
5. Herein, Eq. (4) concerning the periodically time vary- tion of the gradient based on certain conditions. Two pop-
ing system is solved using the method given by Eq. (12) ular Conjugate gradient schemes are the Fletcher-Reeves
to evaluate the accuracy of this matrix exponential time- and the Polak-Ribiere method. More information on these
marching method. The response of the system represented schemes can be found in Ref. 19.
by Eq. (4) is shown in Fig. 7 which clearly shows an ex- A second order gradient based scheme is the Gauss-
cellent match between the theoretical result and the Ma- Newton method, a popular version of which is the
trix Exponential time marching approach given by Eq. Levenberg-Marquardt method. Here the first and second
(12). The time step of 0.1 second was used for solving Eq. derivatives of the error in the neural network output needs
(4) by the methodology described by Eq. (12). Hence this to be estimated. Thus the Jacobian and Hessian matri-
technique of Matrix Exponential time marching is able ces needs to be evaluated. The computation of the matrix
to use large time steps and still obtain very accurate re- of the second derivatives of the error with respect to the
sults. This is very advantageous in training neural net- neuron weights constitutes the Hessian matrix. It is clear
works since the data set required to represent the dynam- that the Gauss-Newton second order methods are com-
ical system for the time domain of interest can be made putationally expensive and need a significant amount of
to be smaller in comparison with the recurrent neural net- system memory. However they are very reliable numeri-
works such as the one used in calculating the response of cal schemes and have faster convergence than the conju-
Eq. (4) shown in Fig. 5. gate gradient/steepest descent methods. The Levenberg-
In the present neural network representation, three neu- Marquardt method can be written mathematically as
ral networks will be trained to represent the aeroelastic
system governed by Eq. (7). The first ANN shall repre- xk+1 = xk (H + I Æ ) 1 J T e (14)
sent the state transition matrix, (t) which depends on the
system parameters and the time interval used for its def- where H is the Hessian matrix, Æ is a constant diagonal
inition. Another ANN is trained to represent the aerody- multiplier and e is the error in the output. The Levenberg-
namic loads during the concerned time interval of interest. Marquardt algorithm provides for a diagonally dominant
The third ANN represents the forcing integral, (t) for matrix by means of the added constant Æ . The neural net-
the time interval, tn to tn+1 . These three neural networks works trained in the aeroelastic analysis that are described
when coupled to each other can be trained to represent a herein are based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The
feed-forward array for dynamic aeroelastic analysis with Matlab software package has a versatile neural network
time varying torsional stiffness. toolbox and in this paper, the training of neural networks
is done through the use of this toolbox.
For dynamical systems, the input-output relationship
Neural Network Training must capture the state of the system. Haykin9 defines a
state of a system as ”A set of quantities that summarizes
The training of the neural network is the most important all the information about the past behavior of the system
process in the representation of any system using neural that is needed to uniquely describe its future behavior, ex-
networks. Some of the gradient based methods for train- cept for the purely external effects arising from the ap-
ing of ANNs are the method of steepest descent, con- plied output”. We define the following input-output rela-
jugate gradient method or Gauss-Newton methods. The tionship for the three neural networks that were described
steepest descent and conjugate gradient methods are first in the previous section.
order methods that require the computation of the Jaco- 0 1
bian of the estimated error in the output with respect to
1. ANN(1) Input - @ ti+1 A , Output - []
some system parameters. These methods can be written
in the following form
k (ti+1 )
0 1
xk+1 = xk k Jk (13)
B ti+1 C 0 1
B C cli
Here, the output at iteration k +1 is dependent on a learn- B u1 C
ing rate k and the Jacobian matrix Jk constitutes the first 2. ANN(2) Input - B h C, Output - B
B cli+1 C
B C @ cmi A
derivatives of the error in the neural network output with B
B h_ C
C cmi+1
respect to the neuron weights. The error of the neural @ A
network is defined as the L2 norm of the difference be- _
tween the neural network output and the desired target.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0 1
ti network system will represent the corresponding aeroe-
B ti+1 C
B C lastic system exactly within the tolerance bounds since the
B k (ti+1 ) C
B C training routine uses the same system parameters. How-
3. ANN(3) Input - B C Output - fg
B cli C ever, for a varying stiffness system, it is not possible to
B cli+1 C
C train the neural network system for all possible stiffness
@ cmi A variations. Thus testing the neural networks for different
cmi+1 stiffness variations is necessary. Accordingly during the
training process, Eq. (6) uses certain constants, c1 and c2
Aeroelastic Computations and during testing, the constants will be changed. This
tests the fidelity of the system to different system parame-
The doublet panel code is linked to the numerical struc- ters. If the testing is successful, then it also establishes an
tural dynamic code based on the method of matrix expo- adaptive aeroelastic controller wherein, stability in oscil-
nential time marching. The numerical integration in Eq. lations can be obtained using a variable stiffness system.
(8) is performed using Simpson’s rule. Initially a one di- Having trained, the network with a set of stiffness
mensional system governed by Eq. (5) is solved, that is parameters at various free stream velocities, we test the
with only the pitching motion of the airfoil. The stiff- ANN at a different system stiffness. Here we consider
ness is constant at 5 units. Figure 8 compares the result c1 = 1:33, c2 = 1, k0 = 5, k01 = 12 for the testing of the
of the present numerical code consisting of the coupled ANNs. Note that the parameters c1 and c2 are different
panel method and the structural dynamics with the theo- from those used for training the ANN. Figure 9 displays
retical result computed using a convolution of the pitch the result of the testing. As we can see, the aeroelastic
rate with the Wagner function. As can be seen the match system as represented by this array of neural networks
is not exact, but near similar. This is because the theo- does show some differences from the numerical aeroelas-
retical solution does not take into account the thickness tic system, but these errors do reduce with time. More-
of the airfoil which plays an important role. References over, the overall behavior of the neural network system
7 and 8 explain the role of panel methods in capturing follows the numerical solver quite accurately. Hence we
the thickness effects and note similar differences between conclude that the neural network system represented by
theoretical results and panel methods. three networks, ANN1, ANN2, ANN3 as described ear-
The plunge displacement of the airfoil only changes lier can be used to describe the aeroelastic system given
the downwash velocity over the airfoil and hence this al- by Eq. 7.
lows for modification of the above panel code to include This is now an adaptive representation of an aeroe-
the effect of the velocity of plunge. The normal boundary lastic system with time varying stiffness. Each time the
conditions over the doublet panels will now reflect this stiffness variation rate or magnitude changes, the numer-
change and hence the doublet potential will account for ical solver need not be used. On the other hand, one can
both the pitch and plunge displacements. use the neural network system. This allows for the design
We now utilize the concept of neural networks to rep- of a flutter suppression toolbox. Consider Fig. 10 which
resent this aeroelastic system in the manner described in shows the three designed neural networks linked together
the last section. Having done so for both a time variant to describe the output of the aeroelastic system. A feed-
system and a time invariant system, we will be in a po- back loop is also shown which evaluates the stability of
sition to design a neural controller that can provide for the system. The stability is based on the response of the
system during one period of oscillation. In the state space
plot, if the jx2 + x_ 2 jt+T > jx2 + x_ 2 jt , the system is unsta-
flutter suppression in an active manner.
ble. Here, the period of oscillation is T and the stability is
Neural Network Modeling for calculated at a time step t + T . Since this is a linear sys-
tem, this approach is valid. In general, the procedure to
Flutter Suppression detect flutter is to calculate the work done over a period of
oscillation by the external non-conservative forces. Hence
As mentioned earlier, the Levenberg-Marquardt routine in the system is at the flutter boundary if
the Matlab toolbox for neural networks is used to train the
three neural networks titled ANN1, ANN2, ANN3 to rep- Z t+T
resent the dynamic aeroelastic system. The networks are 4Wnc = ff (t)gT fx_ gdt = 0 (15)
designed with respect to both a fixed system stiffness and
a varying torsional stiffness. The variation in the torsional where f (t) is the non-conservative aerodynamic loads and
stiffness is according to Eq. (6). The fixed stiffness neural fx_ g is the vector containing the system velocities. In

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Fig. 11, the initial dynamic aeroelastic response is cal- to evaluate the dynamic response of the system to these
culated using the constant stiffness structural neural net- aerodynamic loads. The trained neural networks could
works, ANN1 and ANN3. Once the system is tested to function at a varying torsional stiffness within a specified
be unstable, (4Wnc > 0), the variable stiffness adap- range of stiffness variation. This array of neural networks
tive neural networks are switched on for the structural dy- was then utilized to detect flutter in the aeroelastic system
namics so as to bring the system again within the stabil- and suppress flutter by using the concept of a time varying
ity boundary. To achieve this, the neural network array torsional stiffness.
that was developed and tested in Fig. 11 is used. Differ- Further research work in using artificial neural net-
ent stiffness variations are used. The reduced frequency works for representing dynamic aeroelasticity can be pur-
of the aeroelastic system is set to 1.1 which is just over sued to investigate more sophisticated problems of a non-
the flutter reduced frequency for this system. This can linear nature such as limit cycle oscillations.
be seen in Fig. 11.a. The neural network controller de-
tects the system instability after the first period and then
switches over to the variable stiffness mode. The stiff-
ness is now increased till stability is achieved. This is The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of AFOSR
shown in Fig. 11.b which depicts a stable oscillatory pat- grant F49620-99-1-0294, monitored by Major B. Sanders,
tern for the time history of the airfoil’s pitching angle. Ph.D of AFRL and Dr. E. Garcia of DARPA.
For Fig. 11.b, the stiffness variation that was used was
k (t) = 5 + 12 (1 1:33e t ). This was found to be suf-
ficient to restore stability within one period of oscillation References
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Neural Network Response
1.5 Numerical Response





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (Seconds)

Figure 3: Unsteady lift over a pitching airfoil with pitch

angle (t) = 0:1t sin(2t)as computed by the Doublet
+(100+10sin(t))x =
Figure 5: Response of the system x
Panel Code and compared with the Wagner Solution

Figure 4: Schematic Diagram Depicting Two Layers of a

Neural Network, with Input Weights wi , Layer Transfer Figure 6: Two degree of Freedom Airfoil in a Free Stream
Functions, f (x) and g (x), Neuron Biases, b and c

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Testing of Neural Network

Neural Network
3 Numerical Result

Angle (Degrees)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (Seconds)

Figure 7: Comparison of the Response calculated using Figure 9: Neural network testing with variable torsional
the Matrix Exponential Time Marching Method using a stiffness
time step of 0.1 second with the Theoretical Response

Figure 10: The array of neural networks depicting both

Figure 8: Solution to the equation  + 5 = M (t) using the constant stiffness aeroelastic system and the variable
the theoretical result for a flat plate and the panel method stiffness aeroelastic system

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Pitch Angle (Degrees)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (Seconds)

a) Unstable Pitching Oscillations


Pitch Angle (Degrees)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (Seconds)

b) Flutter control by varying stiffness method

Figure 11: Control of Flutter at the flutter boundary using

variable torsional stiffness

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