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Written by
Illustrated by

Editorial Production:

Edited under the supervision of

Dr. Paul E. Blackwood, Washington, D. C.
Text and illustrations approved by
Oakes A. White, Brooklyn Children's Museum, Brooklyn, New York


A Division of GROSSEr & DUNLAP, Inc.

Through the ages, magnetism has held a fascination for everyone. The
allure of magnets continues to this day. Any boy or girl with a magnet will
be engrossed with it for many an hour. And, if father and mother have a
chance, they will experiment with it too. This How and Why Wonder Book
of Magnets and Magnetism will help boys, girls, fathers, and mothers satisfy
their curiosity about the mysterious force of magnetism.
It is very easy to find out what magnets will do, yet it is far from obvious
what magnetism is. With the knowledge of what magnets do, scientists and
inventors have developed hundreds of practical ways of using them in our
homes and in industry.
In magnetism, we have an excellent example of a physical phenomenon
that is useful even though much remains to be learned about it. Gravity is
another such example. Both are puzzling but very useful forces. In each
case, the chalfenge to scientists is to probe deeper and to learn more about
This How and Why Wonder Book of Magnets and Magnetism sys-
tematically summarizes much that is known about magnets. At the same .
time, it suggests that a great deal remains to be learned. Perhaps it will
stimulate young readers to become partners of scientists in the never-ending
search for knowledge. And that is the method of scientists - always inves-
tigating unknown questions, always seeking answers.
Paul E. Blackwood

Dr. Blackwood is a professional employee in the U. S. Office of Education.

This book was edited by him in his private capacity and no official support or
endorsement by .the Office of Education is intended or should be inferred.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-16316


Copyright I[) 1963, 1969 by Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Published simultaneously in Canada. Printed in the United States of America.
Page Page

THE NATURE OF MAGNETISM 6 How do prospectors use magnetism

to find ore? 28
What are magnets and magnetism? 6
What causes the aurora borealis, or
How did magnetism get its name? 7 northern lights? 29
What are magnetic poles? 9 What is the Van AlIen
What is the Law of Magnetic Poles? 10 magnetosphere? 29
How can you cause magnets to float ELECTROMAGNETISM 30
in air? 11
How did Oersted discover
What are magnetic materials? 12 electromagnetism? 30
How does a vending machine reject How can you perform Oersted's
slugs? . 12 experiment? 31
How can you make a magnetic slug What is an electromagnet? 32
rejector? 13
How can you make an
What are lines of magnetic force? 14 electromagnet? 32
What is a magnetic field? 15 How can a magnet produce
Can magnetism pass through electricity? 34
materials? 16 How can you do Faraday's
What is a non-magnetic watch? 18 experiment? 34
What is the smallest magnet? 18
How can you make a magnet? 19
How does a doorbell work? 34
What is a permanent magnet? 20
What is a dynamo? 35
How can you demagnetize a magnet? 22
How does an elt~ctric motor use
How can you make a magnetic boat? 22 magnets? 36
THE EARTH AS A MAGNET 23 How can you make an electric motor? 38
What part do magnets play in
What is geomagnetism? 23
atomic research? 40
What is the difference between
geomagnetism and gravity? 24 MAGNETS IN COMMUNICATION 41
Why is a magnet's north pole really How are magnets used in a telegraph? 41
a south pole? 24 How does a telephone work? 42
What is a compass? 25 How can you make a telegraph set? 43
How do you use a compass? 25 How can you make a simple
How does a mariner use his compass telephone? 45
to guide his ship? 26 What part do magnets play in radio
What is magnetic declination? 26 and television? 46
How do we know that the earth's YOU AND MAGNETISM 48
magnetic poles wander? 27
In a junk yard, a crane lowers a thick
metal disc into a pile of scrap metal.
When the disc is raised, the body of an
automobile and a few large pieces of
iron are attached to it, although no
chains or ropes hold these things in
place. A refrigerator door is held tightly
closed, although it has no latch or lock.
Button-sized pieces of metal hold a
sheet of paper on a bulletin board with
nothing apparently holding them up. In
all these instances magnetism is at work.
Your phone rings and then your
friend's voice tells you that he is coming
to your house. Soon your doorbell rings,

The crane in the junk-

yard lifting an automo-
bile, the telephone, the
doorbell, the television
screen you watch, and
the beautiful display of
colored lights you may
have seen ' in the north-
ern or southern skies,
all have to do, one way
or another, with mag-
as your friend arrives. Then the two of Magnetism plays an increasingly im-
you watch the images of football play- portant part in our daily lives as we use
ers rush back and forth across your tele- more and more household appliances
vision screen. The phone, the doorbell, and electrical devices. Scientists prob-
and the television set could not work if ing further and further into the secrets
it were not for magnets and magnetism. of nature find magnetism to be impor-
You may have seen, in the direction tant everywhere, whether it be within
of the polar regions, great glowing cur- the extremely small nucleus of an atom
tains of varicolored light sweeping or in the vast distances of the astro-
across the night sky. You know these nomical universe. Let us investigate this
curtains are the northern lights, or au- phenomenon we call magnetism by
rora borealis, or their southern counter- reading about it on the following pages
part, the aurora australis. This vast and by performing experiments that
display of lights is due to magnetism. help us to understand what we read.

A legend tells us that the word "magnetism" comes frern Magnes, a Greek shepherd, whose staff clung to a "magnetic stone."

The Nature of Magnetism

A magnet is a piece of metal that has netism cannot be seen, heard, smelled,
certain unique tasted, or directly felt, and it does not
What are magnets
and magnetism? properties. A have any weight. Because magnetism
magnet can pull cannot be detected by our senses, the
toward itself, and hold, pieces of iron. only way we can learn anything about
For instance, a small hand-held magnet it is by noting what it does.
can pull and hold nails, screws, paper The two kinds of magnets that we
clips, and other things made of iron or will work with are bar magnets, which
steel, which is a kind of iron. A magnet are short straight pieces of metal, and
can pull another magnet toward itself horseshoe magnets which are bar mag-
or push the other magnet away. What is
so remarkable about a magnet is that
it can perform its work without actually
touching the objects that it pulls or
We say objects that act like magnets nets bent into the shape of a horseshoe
are magnetized. The invisible something or the letter U. You can buy magnets in
that enables magnets to pull or push toy stores, hobby shops, and hardware
other objects is called magnetism. Mag- stores.

There is a legend that in ancient Greece a thread, one end of the loadstone al-
How d I'd magnet'Ism a shepherd boy ways points north.
get its name? named Magnes, Mariners soon made use of this fact.
while tending his They understood that if one end of
sheep on Mount Ida, placed his staff on a suspended loadstone always points
a large stone and found that the stone north, then a ship with such a loadstone
.clung to the tip of the staff so strongly aboard can always be guided in the di-
that Magnes could not pull the stone rection desired, even when the sun,
free. The legend goes on to say that moon, and stars are hidden by clouds.
from Magnes' name we get the name Loadstone got its name from being used
"magnet," because of a magnetic stone for direction-finding. "Load" was an
that clung to Magnes' staff. The follow- old English word for "way," and a load-
ing explanation is probably closer to stone was a "way-finding stone."
the truth. The word "magnet" comes
from the name of the city of Magnesia
in Asia Minor, near which magnetic
stones, or, more accurately, pieces of
magnetic iron ore, were found in abun-
dance. The modern name for magnetic
iron ore is magnetite.
The Greeks and Romans knew that a
piece of magnetite would attract small
pieces of iron even through a bronze or
wooden bowl, or when under water.
Many strange beliefs grew up about a
substance as curious as magnetite. The
ancients believed that charms and finger The ancients attributed to magnets many supernat-
rings made of magnetic stones could ural qualities that could be used for curing a large
attract one's beloved, and that a piece number of ills.

of magnetite placed on your head would One day, somebody discovered that one end of a
loadstone, suspended by a thread, always points
make you able to hear the voices of the north.
gods. Magnetic stones also were be-
. lieved to cure rheumatism, cramps, or
gout. Powdered magnetite mixed with
oil or grease was said to prevent or cure
During the Middle Ages, pieces of \
magnetic iron ore were called load-
stones, or lodestones. They continued
to be regarded as amulets and interest-
ing curiosities until someone observed
that when a loadstone is suspended by
Mariners of the past were afraid of the "mountain
of loadstone" which, as the legend goes, could
wreck even the most seaworthy vessels.
At left, a primitive compass, consisting of a mag-
netized needle on a cork floating in water. Colum-
bus used such a compass.

a large needle (by stroking it on a load-

stone) and then thrusting the needle
through a piece of reed or cork so that
it would float when placed in a bowl
filled with water. One end of the needle
The suspended loadstone was the always pointed north, and this was the
first compass. Actually, a piece of load- first real compass needle.
stone hung by a thread did not make a Even before loadstone was used to
completely satisfactory compass. It was guide ships, ptariners had a legend about
not long before mariners devised a it. They believed that there was a great
more sensitive compass by magnetizing Mountain of Loadstone. No one knew
just where this mountain was located, swinging, one end will point north. This
but it was feared by all mariners who end is the north-seeking pole, or simply
sailed the seas of the Far East. The north pole, of the magnet. The other end
mariners believed that if a ship sailed of the magnet is the south-seeking, or
too close, the Mountain of Loadstone south pole. The north pole may be
would attract every piece of iron on
board the ship. This would draw the
ship irresistibly toward the mountain.
As the ship drew closer, all loose pieces
of iron would fly straight out to the
mountain. Finally, when the ship 'was
very close, the mountain would pull the
bolts and nails out of the ship's timbers,
and the ship would fall apart. Sinbad
the Sailor, one of the heroes in The
Arabian Nights, was shipwrecked by called simply the "N pole," and the
the' Mountain of Loadstone. south pole the "S pole." No matter in
what direction the ends of the magnet
If you suspend a bar magnet horizon- may point when you suspend it, and no
What are tally by a loop of matter how many times you may per-
magnetic poles? thread, as shown in form this exp'eriment, one end will al-
the illustration, you ways point north. Later, we will learn
will find that when the magnet stops why this is so.

Perhaps the first account of the

use of the magnet for finding
direction comes from China at
the time of Hoang-ti, who
reigned over his empire nearly
5000 years ago. Pursuing a re-
bellious prince, he became lost
in a dense_ fog. He found both
his way and the enemy by guid-
ing a wonderful chariot he had
constructed. Mounted on the
front of this chariot was the fig-
ure of a woman that could swivel
in all directions and that always
pointed with one outstretched
arm to the south, regardless of
the direction in which the chariot
was driven. If the legend is true,
there must have been a magnet
in the figure. (While the western
world considers the needle of
the compass to point north, the
Chinese consider the compass
needle as pointing south.)

net with the S pole of the magnet in your
One side of a suspended
hand. Soon, you will see the end of the
horseshoe magnet will al- suspended magnet move toward the end
SOUTH NORTH ways point to the north.
of the approaching magnet. If you turn
the magnet in your hand around so that ·
If you suspend a horseshoe magnet its N pole approaches the N pole of the
by a loop of thread around the middle suspended magnet, you will see the sus-
of the horseshoe curve, you will find pended magnet swing away from the
that when the magnet stops swinging, approaching magnet.
one side of the horseshoe will always Repeat what you have just done, first,
point north. Since we learned that a approaching the S pole of the suspended
horseshoe magnet is a bar magnet bent magnet with the N pole of the magnet
into the shape of a horseshoe, you can in your hand. Then approach the S pole
easily understand that the north pole ' of the suspended magnet with the S pole
of the horseshoe magnet is at the end of the magnet in your hand. Note
of the side that points north. whether the suspended magnet swings
Now is a good time to mark the north toward or away from the approaching
and south poles of your magnets. Sus- magnet each time.
pend each magnet by a thread. As soon On a sheet of paper print the follow-
as you know which is the north pole, ing table and record by means of check
mark it on the magnet with an N; mark marks in the proper column just how
the other pole with an S. Use pencil, the magnets acted in the experiment you
ink, or crayon - whichever will write just performed. If necessary, repeat the
on your magnet. experiment. Your check marks should
appear in the same places as those in the
Suspend a magnet as you did when table printed on the bottom of page 11.
marking its What do the locations of the check
What is the Law of
Magnetic Poles? poles. Note marks show? They show that unlike
which end of magnetic poles (a north pole and a
the suspended magnet is its N pole. Take· south pole) attract one another, and
another magnet in hand, and, beginning like magnetic poles (two north poles or
at a distance of ten inches, slowly ap- two south poles) repel one another.
proach the N pole of the suspended mag- This is the Law of Magnetic Poles.

Experiments to demonstrate the Law of Magnetic Poles.

To perform this experiment you will we learned they do when we learned the
need two power- Law of Magnetic Poles.
How can you
ful magnets of the If you use horseshoe magnets, you
cause magnets to kind known as will have to make your guide frame as
float in air?
alnico magnets. shown in the second illustration on this
(AInico magnets are made of a special page.
kind of metal. You will read more about
alnico magnets in another part of this
If you are going to use bar magnets,
you will have to make' a guide frame in
the following manner. Obtain six small
sticks about five inches long, such as ice-
cream or lollipop sticks. You · can also
use six pencils. Place a bar magnet on
the center of the top of a small card-
board box. Make two pencil marks
Magnets that "float on air."
evenly spaced on either side of the mag-
net, and two marks a sixteenth of an
inch out from each end of the magnet.
Now push a stick through both the top
and bottom of the box at each pencil
mark. Finally, place the second magnet
into the frame of sticks surrounding the
first magnet. Be sure the north pole of
the upper magnet is above the north
pole of the lower magnet; then, of
course, south pole will be above south
pole. The upper magnet will remain sus-
pended in the air, as if by magic. But
you know that the reason why the upper
magnet hangs unsupported. Like mag-
netic poles are repelling each other, as

Pole of Pole of Poles swmg Poles swing

suspended approaching toward (attract) away from (repel)
magnet magnet one another one another
N S j
N N j
S N j
S S j

that are not magnetic are said to be


Go around your house trying to pick up You probably know that dishonest per-
different small sons may try to
What are How. does a
o bj ects with buy candy, pea-
magnetic materials? vending machine
your magnets. nuts,ice cream,
reject slugs?
Try to pick up paper clips, pencils, soda, or other
erasers, rubber bands. See whether your things from vending machines by putting
magnets will pick up pieces of paper, slugs into the coin slot. A slug is a metal
wood, plastic, cloth. Try to pick up washer or other flat circular piece of
pebbles, grains of sand, salt, and sugar. metal the size of a coin and usually made
See whether you can pick up a nickel, a of iron or steel. To prevent this kind of
dime, a quarter. stealing, the manufacturers build de-
All the objects that your magnets vices into their vending machines that
pick up are made of magnetic materials. cause the machine to reject slugs. If a
A magnetic material is one that can be slug is put into one of these vending
attracted by a magnet. The main mag- machines, it simply falls through the
netic materials are the metals, iron, machine to the coin-return slot, and no
nickel, and cobalt. Of these three, iron merchandise can be obtained from the
is by far the most magnetic. But there machine.
are also mixtures of metals, called Slug rejectors work in different ways.
alloys, that make materials far more Some vending machines have more than
magnetic than iron. Alnico is the name one kind of slug rejector. The following
of an al,loy made of aluminum, nickel, is a description of three kinds of slug-re-
iron, cobalt, and copper. We learned jectors - two non-magnetic and one
that we needed very strong or alnico magnetic - that may be built into a
magnets in order to make a magnet float vending machine. When a coin or slug
in air. is put into the coin slot, it rolls down a
The more magnetic a material is, the narrow channel. This channel has a hole
stronger the magnet that can be made just a little smaller than the size of the
of it. Also, the more strongly magnetic required coin. A coin rolls over this
a material is, the more easily it is at- hole, but a slug smaller than the coin
tracted by a magnet. Probably the most falls through the hole and goes to the
magnetic material of all is an alloy that coin-return slot. Farther down the chan-
is four-fifths platinum and one-fifth nel is a spring attached to a piece of
cobalt. metal blocking the way. The spring can-
Although there are other magnetic not be moved by a slug that is lighter
materials, the objects your magnets than the required coin. A light slug
picked up around your house were prob~ bounces off the piece of metal and falls
ably made of iron or steel. As we have to the coin-return slot. A slug that goes
learned, steel is a ki~d of iron. Materials past the first two slug-rejectors comes to

a magnetic slug rejector. Here, the coin Draw a line down the middle of both
or slug, continuing to fall down the nar- sides of the piece of cardboard. Use ad-
row channel comes to a branch in the hesive cellophane tape to attach a mag-
shape of an upside-down V, like this 1\ . net half an inch from the middle line and
There is a magnet at the top of one of the halfway from top to bottom of the piece
branches. When a steel slug falls to the of cardboard. Use some books to prop
top of the branch in the channel, the the cardboard at an angle, as shown in
slug is pulled down the branch that con- the illustration, with the magnet on the
tains the magnet. The magnet is just underside.
strong enough to pull the slug, but not One by one, place the coins and the
to hold it, so the slug continues down slugs at the center of the top of the card-
the branch into which it was pulled and board, and let them slide down. Just
then on to the coin-return slot. Coins what happens now will depend on how
roll down the other branch of the in- strong your magnet is. If it is weak, it
verted V, where they release the mer- will push the steel washers sidewise a
When you were going around your
house testing objects to learn which
were made of magnetic materials, you
found that coins were non-magnetic.
You can see that in a magnetic slug-
rejector a coin will not be pulled into
the channel that has the magnet.

To make a magnetic slug rejector, you

will need a strong
How can you
magnet, a piece
make a magnetic
slug rejector? of stiff cardboard
about the size of
a page of this book, some nickels, dimes,
or pennies, and a supply of three-quar-
ter-inch steel washers. You can buy the
washers at a hardware store.



""_ _..i!po_ MAGNET FRONT VIEW it'

/ 0
/ I

Patterns of lines of magnetic force created by (top
left) one bar magnet, (left) two bar magnets with
unlike poles opposite each other, (above) two bar
magnets with like poles opposite each other.

make it write its signature. You need a

magnet, a sheet of stiff paper (thin card-
board or a thin plate of glass can be
used), and about a teaspoonful of iron
little bit as tney slide past. If the magnet filings or any other form of iron dust.
is of medium strength, it will push the . If you know someone who works in
washers farther out of the straight-line a machine shop, he will probably give
path down the cardboard. If your mag- you all the filings you need. Perhaps you
net is strong, it will hold the steel know someone who has a grinding
washers as they reach it in their slide wheel and can provide iron particles
down the cardboard. No matter what with little trouble by grinding them
the strength of the magnet, the coins from apiece of iron. If you must make
will slide past it. Thus, your magnetic your own iron filings, you will find it
slug rejector has separated the slugs easy, although a little tiresome. Obtain
from the coins by either pushing the a large iron nail or any other piece of
coins sideways, as though into a coin- iron. A carpenter will probably be glad
return channel, or by keeping the slugs to give you one or two large \ nails. If
from following the coins. possible, clamp the nail firmly in a ma-
You may wonder why a magnetic chinist's vise. If you do not have the
slug rejector does not reject nickels, be- use of a vise, hold one end of the nail
cause these coins must certainly be made firmly on a hard surface (not a polished
of nickel, a metal which we learned is table top! ). Place a large sheet of paper
magnetic. The answer is that the metal beneath the nail to catch the filings. To
of which a nickel is made is a mixture file the nail, use a medium-coarse ma-
that is three-fourths copper and one- chinist's file. Ask a hardware dealer
fourth nickel, and the resulting alloy is about this kind of file. Be sure not to
only very slightly magnetic. use a wood file. Now, simply file and file
and file, until you have enough iron
You have learned that you become filings. If you have a hacksaw, you will
aware of magne- find that cutting the nail into several
What are lines
tism by noting pieces is another way to provide yourself
of magnetic force?
what it does. with sufficient iron powder from the
Now, give magnetism something to do; iron sawdust.
- ---
( ~
I ,
I '
\ I

Lines of magnetic force created by, (above) one

horseshoe magnet, (top right) two horseshoe magnets
unlike poles opposite each other, (right) two horse-
shoe magnets with like poles opposite each other.
-" " ,

\ )

Put -3: magnet on a table and place :.-"- -- ., / /'
your sheet of ~tiff paper so that it rests
upon the magnet. Sprinkle the iron par-
ticles slowly and evenly upon the paper,
covering the area just above, and for used bar magnets, and as shown in il-
two or three inches on all sides of the lustration B on page 15, if you have used
magnet. Then, tap the paper lightly horseshoe magnets.
several times with a pencil point in order Repeat the experiment once more,
to make certain that the iron particles this time placing like poles near each
are spread evenly. other. The particles will be lined up as
If you have used a bar magnet, the shown in illustration C on page 14, if
iron particles will arrange themselves in you have used bar magnets, and as in
the pattern shown in illustration A on illustration C on page 15, if you have
page 14. If you have used a horseshoe used horseshoe magnets.
magnet, the arrangement of iron par- Note that in all three experiments,
ticles will be that shown in illustration the iron particles are thickest at the
A at the top of page 15. Lines of iron poles of a magnet. Careful measure-
particles radiate outward from both ments have shown that each pole oc-
poles of the magnet. Scientists say that cupies about one-twelfth the length of
the particles are arranged along lines of a magnet.
magnetic force. No one knows exactly
what lines of magnetic force are, but Why do we say that the iron filings in
they are always present near a magnet. the experiment you
They are invisible, but by making them What is. a ? just performed are
reveal themselves in a pattern by means magnetic field.
arrange d by l'mes 0 f
of iron particles, you cause the lines of magnetic force? Because when any ob-
magnetic force to write their signature. ject is moved or kept from falling, or
Try the same experiment again, this when an elastic object is bent, stretched,
time placing the north and south poles or compressed, we say that a force is
of two magnets half an inch to an inch acting. You know that' a magnet can
apart. Now the lines of magnetic force move magnetic materials without touch-
arrange the iron particles as shown in .ing them, and it can keep them from
illustration B on page 14, if you have falling. You have seen a paper clip jump
This experiment proves that magnetism passes
through non-magnetic materia ls, while magnetic ma-
terials gather the lines of magnetic force and very
little magnetism, if any, passes beyond.

up to the pole of a magnet and remain foot ruler or a stick the same length
there although nothing you can see is across the space between the books. Tie
holding the paper clip from falling. A the magnet to the middle of the ruler
m~gnet can cause a steel spring - an with a short piece of string, so that the
elastic object - to bend, stretch, or be poles hang downward.
compressed. Since magnetism can do all Tie a I5-inch piece of string to a
the things that show a force is acting, paper clip. Push a thumbtack part way
magnetism must be one kind of force. into a piece of wood. Wind the thread
The area in which lines of magnetic twice around the thumbtack about five
force act is called a magnetic field. inches from the loose end of the thread.
With one hand, hold the paper dip 1;4
To do this experiment, you must use an of an inch away from the magnet. With
alnico magnet, the other hand, gently pull the loose
Can magnetism pass because other end of the thread until it is tight. Then
through materials?
magnets prob- push the thumbtack all the way into the
ably will not be strong enough. If you wood, securing the threa~ tightly to the
use a bar magnet, build a pile of books wood. Let go of the paper clip. It will
about ten inches high. Place the magnet remain suspended in the air, pointing at
on the books, so that one pole of the the magnet.
magnet projects over the edge of the o Carefully, without touching the paper
pile. clip, pass between the magnet and the
If you use a horseshoe magnet, build paper clip the following materials: a
two piles of books, each about 15 inches piece of paper, a piece of cardboard,
high and ten inches apart. Place a one- the corner of an aluminum cookie tin,

a piece of plastic sandwich wrapping, a some water on the handkerchief, the
thin flat piece of glass, a silver coin, a water will flow right through, just as
penny, a wide rubber band. If you did magnetism passes through a non-mag-
all this carefully, the paper clip re- netic material. Now, suppose that a
mained suspended in the air while the large sponge is a magnetic material. If
magnet continued to attract it. This you pour some water on the sponge, the
means that magnetism had to pass water will be absorbed into the sponge
through each of the materials you and none will pass through, just as mag-
placed between the magnet and paper netism is absorbed and does not pass
clip. In this experiment you have through a magnetic material.
learned that magnetism can pass Let us prove in another way what
through several different kinds of ma- we have just learned. Cut two strips of
terials. What do all these materials have cardboard two inches wide and about
in common? They all are non-magnetic a foot long. Make two piles of books
materials. three inches apart. Place the two card-
Now, pass a penknife blade between board strips, one on top of tne other,
the paper clip and the magnet. The and put both on top of the books. Place
paper clip falls down. Put the paper clip more books on each pile. Put a magnet
back into its suspended position. on top of the cardboard strips. Place
Cut one end out of a tin can with a some tacks (or paper clips) against the
can opener. Slip this piece of metal be- bottom of the cardboard, just under the
tween the paper clip and the magnet. magnet. The tacks will be held up by
Again, the paper clip falls. Try this once the magnet.
again, using a large nail in place of the Slip a knife blade between the two
knife blade. When the" nail is between strips of cardboard, just below the mag-
the paper clip and the magnet, the paper net. The tacks will fall. Try this experi-
clip will fall. Why does the paper clip ment again, using the end of the tin can.
fall when the knife blade, the end of the
tin can, and the nail are placed between
it and the magnet? The answer must
be that magnetism cannot pass through
these things. What do they have in com-
mon? All of them are made of iron or
steel, magnetic materials. (A tin can
is made of steel thinly coated with tin.)
Magnetism easily passes into a mag-
netic material, which gathers together
the lines of magnetic force, so that little,
if any, magnetism passes beyond. Sup-
pose that water is magnetism and a
stretched-out handkerchief is a sheet of Another experiment to show that magnetism passes
non-magnetic material. If you pour through non-magnetic materials.

Again, the tacks fall, as the steel ab-
sorbs the magnetic force.
Perhaps, when you bought your
horseshoe magnet it had a piece of metal ~-
across its poles. If you bought a pair LINES OF
of bar magnets, perhaps they had a
piece of metal bridging the two bars at The lines of magnetic force will not reach the spring;
each end. These pieces of metal are they are absorbed by the watch case.

called armatures, or keepers. They are

made of a very magnetic metal and ab- lines of force will be absorbed and held
by the watchcase and will not reach the
springs of the watch. But this way of
making a watch non-magnetic is awk-
ward because a large, thick watch-case
is needed.
A new and better way of making a
FORCE non-magnetic watch has recently been
made possible. A non-magnetic steel
alloy has been found that can be used
Armatures absorb lines of magnetic force and by
to make watch springs. Thus, all the
doing so preserve the magnet's strength. parts of the watch can be made of non-
magnetic metals. Magnetism passes en-
sorb the lines of magnetic force. This tirely through such watches and cannot
helps to preserve the strength of the affect their timekeeping at all.
If you were to break a bar magnet in
You may have seen a watch advertised halves, wouldn't
What is the you expect to
to be non-magnetic.
What is a non- This means that smallest magnet? have one half with
magnetic watch?
the working parts a north pole and the other half with a
of the watch will not be affected by 'mag- south pole? Yet, if you were to test the
netism. People working near large elec-
tric motors or other kinds of electrical
or electronic machines need non-mag-
netic watches. There are strong mag- (N S
netic fields around such machinery, and
the magnetic lines of force, affecting the
springs of the watch, can prevent it from
keeping correct time. However, if the
working parts of the watch are enclosed
in a case made of a material that is a By breaking a magnet in parts, you get little mag-
very good magnetic absorber, magnetic nets, each one having its own north and south pole.

two halves, you would find that you have These groups of atoms are called mag-
two complete magnets, both with north netic domains. In an unmagnetized
and south poles. If you broke the halves piece of magnetic material, the domains
into quarters, and the quarters into are arranged in a haphazard manner.
eighths, and so on, until you had very As a magnetic material becomes more
small pieces, you would find that each and more magnetized, more and more
piece is a complete magnet with both a of its magnetic domains line up, with
north and a south pole. This fact led the their north poles all pointing in one
German scientist, Wilhelm Weber, to direction and their south poles in the
surmise, a century ago, that each atom opposite direction. When the majority
of a piece of magnetic material is a of its domains have been lined up, a
magnet, with a north and a south pole material is magnetized.
of its own. You probably know that
all 'forms of matter are made up of ex- Now that we know what causes a ma-
tremely small particles called atoms. terial to be mag-
Each atom is made up of a central nu- How can you netic, let us see
cleus around which revolve electrically- make a magnet? whether we can
charged particles called electrons. find ways to make a magnet. We have
Weber's guess was a brilliant one; to find ways to line up the atoms,in the
modern physicists have learned that, as majority of the magnetic domains.
an electron revolves around the nucleus, Pick up a paper clip with a magnet.
it spins on its axis and, because of this Touch another paper clip to the end of
spin, generates a magnetic field. Thus, the one the magnet is holding. The sec-
an electron is the smallest known ond paper clip is held to the first. See
magnet. how many paper clips your magnet will
The magnetic properties of materials hold in a chain. Each paper clip in the
are due to the way the atoms of these chain must act as a magnet in order to
materials have their electrons' magnetic hold the one below it. This means that
fields lined up. Magnetic materials have simply by touching the paper clip to a
groups of atoms whose magnetic fields pole of the magnet, the magnetic do-
are more or less permanently lined up. mains in the paper clip are lined up, and

1C- 8::1 1\10 ~ ~ II..J .0 1

ICJ .]~ ~ __ 1

II:J 1£1 IB::.J B:::J .:J • J - ]

.:J -=:J .:=J .:=J -=:l BD .-.:1
II:J.:J -=:l aD -=:t a:J B-1
The illustration shows schematically how atoms are arranged in an unmagnetized bar magnet, in one that is
partially magnetized, and in one that is completely magnetized.

the largest magnet we have - the earth
itself. Striking the bar helped to disturb
the atoms in their magnetic domains,
so that the magnetic field of the earth
could line them up with their north
poles pointing in one direction and their
south poles in the other.

Each ;paR~r clip becomes temporarily

magnetized. This kind of transferred
Make a chain of paper clips, as you
magnetisw, is called induced magnetism. What is a did when learning about
~ ,~. :~~~t \~ permanent induced magnetism. Pull
magnet? the uppermost paper
the paper clip becomes magnetized. clip away from the magnet. The
Magnetism transferred in this way from chain falls apart. Try to pick up one
magnetized material to unmagnetized paper clip with another; it cannot be
material is called induced magnetism. done, because none of the paper clips
If you can obtain a steel bar about are magnetized any longer.
two feet long and half an inch in diam- Let us try harder to make a paper clip
eter, you can magnetize the bar in a into a magnet. Stroke the paper clip
simple way. Hold the bar so that it across one pole of a magnet. Do not
points in the direction that a compass stroke the paper clip back and forth;
needle points. Holding the bar in this stroke it in one direction only, lifting it
position, strike the end of it hard 20 off the magnet when you come to one
times with a hammer. Now, see whether end and putting the other end back on
the ends of the bar will pick up iron fil- the magnet. When you have completed
ings or paper clips. They will, and you 20 strokes, see whether the paper clip
have made a magnet. Pointing the bar will pick up other paper clips. It will
north lined it up parallel to the field of not. This means that it cannot retain the

;, " .
-'.' -. - -
Striking the steel bar
with a hammer helps to
disturb the atoms in
their magnetic domains
enough to line them up
with the earth's mag-
netic field.

magnetism induced in it by the magnet. A remarkable thing about inducing
In both these experiments, you may find temporary or permanent magnets is
that a small amount of magnetism does that, no matter how many new magnets
remain in the paper clips. This little bit are made, the-original magnet does not
of left-over magnetism is called residual lose any of its magnetism. You could
magnetism. It will gradually disappear magnetize millions of needles from a
with the passing of time. small magnet and the magnet would
Clearly, the magnetism induced in remain as strong as when you began.
the paper clips is temporary. Magnets
L "

th~t lose all, or almost all, of their mag-

netism when they are no longer in a
magnetic field are called temporary
magnets. The atoms of the magnetic
domains of materials that make tem-
porary magnets are easily lined up, even
by weak magnetic fields, but they just .....--.- MAGNET

as easily lose their alignment when re- NEEDLE "-

moved from the magnetic field. FORMS HERE

Obtain a large sewing needle. Stroke

To make a permanent magnet out of a sewing
the needle several times across one pole needle, you have to stroke the needle in one direc-
of a magnet. Stroke the needle just as tion only with one pole of a magnet.

you did the paper clip, not back and

forth, but in one direction only, lifting Permanent magnets have many uses.
it off the magnet when you come to one Placed in a roller at the end of a con-
end, and putting the other end back on veyor belt carrying iron ore and pieces
the magnet. When you have done this of rock, a permanent magnet holds the
about 20 times, place the magnet out iron ore on the belt as it turns over the
of reach and see whether the needle will roller. As a result~ the iron ore falls in
pick up a small paper clip or some iron one pile and the unwanted rock shoots
filings. It will. Since the needle is no off into another pile. In the same way,
longer in the magnet's field and yet re- stray pieces of iron are separated from
mains magnetized, you can see that the coal; but this time, it is the iron that is
atoms of the needle's magnetic domains unwanted. Permanent magnets pick
must remain lined up after they are re- stray pieces of iron out of flour, chem-
moved from the magnetic field. If you icals, and textiles. A large permanent
put the needle away and test it again magnet lowered on the end of a rope
tomorrow or a week or a month from is used by police to drag rivers or lakes
now, you will find that it is still mag- for guns or other steel objects. A small
netized. Magnets made from materials permanent magnet lowered on the end
that remain magnetized after being re- of a string may be used to retrieve small
moved from a magnetic field are called iron or steel objects dropped into the
permanent magnets. drain-pipes of sinks.

If you have the steel bar you magnetized
by striking its end,
How can you
hold it so that it runs
along an east-west 0

a magnet?
line. Strike the bar
several times, on its sides as well as its
end. Now test it to see whether it still
is magnetic. It i~ not. By jar~ng the
atoms of the magnetic domains in the
bar, you cause them to lose their align-
ment, so that their north and south
poles cancel each other out, and the bar
is no longer magnetized.
Another way to demagnetize a mag-
net is to heat it. With a pair of pliers,
grasp the needle you magnetized and
hold it in a flame until it is red hot.
Place it in an east-west direction and let tism has been destroyed. Each atom and
it cool. Then try to pick up a paper each electron is just as much a magnet
clip with the needle. You will find that as when the material was magnetized,
the needle has lost its magnetism. The but the tiny magnets are no longer lined
heat caused the atoms of the needle to up so as to produce one big magnet.
move about very rapidly and, in doing Now that you know jarring and heat-
so, to disarrange themselves. ing will result in demagnetizing, you
A heated magnet loses its magnetism should avoid dropping, pounding, or
at a very definite temperature. This tem- heating your magnets.
perature is called the Curie point, for
its discoverer, Pierre Curie, a French Use a toy boat, or whittle one out of a
scientist. Each magnetic material has its piece of wood.
own Curie point. For iron it is about How can you make Cut the head off
a magnetic boat?
800 Centigrade; for nickel, about 350
0 0
an iron nail or
Centigrade. use a headless nail, the kind called a
When we say that a demagnetized "finishing nail." If you are using a
material has lost its magnetism, we do wooden boat, cut a short slot in its bot-
not mean that the magnetism has gone tom. The slot should be just big enough
out of the material or that the magne- for the nail to fit into it. If the nail fits
the slot snugly, you will not have to do
anything more to keep it in place. If
the nail does not fit tightly into the slot,
or if you are using a boat into which
Heat can demagnetize you cannot cut a slot, attach the nail to
a magnet. the bottom of the boat with waterproof

THE BOAT WITH THE "MAGNETIC MOTOR" cement or with strips of .adhesive tape
such as doctors use when bandaging.
Using bricks or blocks of wood, prop
up an aluminum pan or a wooden or
china bowl so that you can move your
hand around beneath it. The pan or
bowl should be large enough, when filled
with water, to float your boat in it. When
you have floated the boat, move a mag-
net around on the underside of the pan.
You will be able to make the boat sail
. wherever you wish.
Instead of a boat, you might use a
toy fish or whittle one out of wood.
Your magnetic fish will swim wherever
you make it go with your magnet.

The Earth as a Magnet '

The earth itself is a huge magnet, and
Wh at .IS It creates lines of
. ? force ( a magnetIc
geomagne t Ism.
field) around it as if
a powerful bar magnet were thrust
through its diameter from north to
south. Most geophysicists - the scien-
tists who specialize in the study of such
effects - believe that the earth's mag-
netism is caused by-certain movements
in its inner and outer cores. The cores
are presumed to be made of a combina-
tion of nickel and iron,. are under tre-
mendous pressure, and are very hot.
The inner core is calculated to be a
sphere (probably solid) 1,600 miles in Scientists believe that the main source of the earth's
magnetism is within the cores of the earth.
diameter. An outer core, 1,400 miles
thick and 1,800 miles beneath the netohydrodynamic motions) act as a
earth's surface, surrounds the inner one natural dynamo and develop electric
like a somewhat stiff paste. The move- currents which in turn set up the earth's
ments within these cores (termed mag- principakmagnetic field.

,,1// __
... '\1 /1."
' /- - -
" .., .....-:.: - , , ..... ",---~~~---,
---- '\11 1 - - ......

", .... -
- _....
.... " I " ,
- -.:: ......h :~ , ......
". - - ....- ..... ~-~'b .:.
' \
' /
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-- ,,"'"
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, \
I ,
I I I I I I \
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\. \ I /
\ ' ,.... -
\ \

""'- _ _
"'-- ;,
.... ~\, ......
.;~ '1 \' '- "-
.... --- -- -,. - -
..... /

/ \
, "'-.
- ..............
- - -" I ,

...... - -

'- --;, I I' \ ... - __ - /'1\ .... -. - - -

.... '- - - -"" I I \ , '- ./ I I \ ....
'" .... I I \ " ,. I I \ "

The earth has a magnetic field of force iust as a bar magnet does.

A second, much weaker magnetic
field is produced by thee arth's iono-
sphere (eye-oN -oh-sfeer ), the section of
But gravity exerts its pull on all ob-
jects, no matter of what material they
are made. There are no "gravitational
atmosphere directly above the strato- poles" on objects to compare with a
spnere ,),hich ranges from fifty to three magnetized object's magnetic poles.
hundred miles out into space. The The earth's magnetic pull is quite weak,
ionosphere is composed of electrically compared to its gravitational pull. For
charged particles (ions) which, by example, an ordinary small steel mag-
moving about in great windlike gusts, net of the bar or "horseshoe" type has a
also generate a magnetic field. In the magnetic field about ten times as strong
strictest sense, then, scientists thus can as the earth's magnetic field, while an
separate the two magnetic fields, but for alnico magnet's field is almost a hundred
all practical purposes we can state that times as strong!
the earth has just one great magnetic
field. Because geo means "earth," the When you learned that the north pole
earth's magnetism is given the name of a magnet is
Why is a magnet's the, north-point-
north pole really
ing pole, did you
a south pole?
The earth's magnetic field must not be wonder why one
confused pole of a magnet always points north?
What is the difference
. Wl
·th 1·tS grav- You know that opposite magnetic poles
between geomagnetlsm. A
and gravity? Ity. n un- attract; might it not be that the north
supported pole of a magnet is attracted north-
object tends to fall toward the earth's ward? That is exactly what happens.
surf~ce. "Falling" means being pulled The north-pointing pole of a magnet is
toward the earth by the force of gravity, attracted northward by a huge magnet
and thus seems much like the attraction - the earth, itself.
a magnet has for magnetic materials. Oddly, then, the north-pointing pole

of a magnet must really be a south pole! magnetic needle, and say that a com-
This is true because unlike magnetic pass always points south. The more
poles attract. So, the south pole of a scientific way of describing how a com-
magnet is attracted northward by the pass needle acts is to say that it points
north magnetic pole of the earth. This along a north-south line.
means that the north pole, or north-
pointing pole, of a magnet is really a A woodsman's compass, or scouting
south pole. However, the north-pointing compass, looks
pole of a magnet is called the north pole, How do you something like a
and you must think of it as a north pole use a compass? pocket watch. The
when you work with magnets. dial of the compass has the four geo-
graphical directions printed on it: north
A compass needle is simply a thin mag- (N), south (S), east (E), and west
net balanced on a pivot (W). These four directions are called
What is a
in a manner that permits the cardinal points of the compass. Usu-
the magnet to turn ally, printed between the cardinal points
easily. As a result, the earth's north are at least four other compass points:
magnetic pole attracts one end of the northeast (NE), southeast (SE), south-
compass needle, so that it always points west (SW), and northwest (NW). The
north. Probably because the earliest use compass needle rests on a pivot raised
of a magnet as a compass took place in up from the center of the dial. The dial
the northern hemisphere, we talk about and needle are contained in a metal case
a compass needle always pointing north. covered by glass to keep out dust.
We could just as correctly pay attention Suppose you are lost in the woods on
to the other pole, the south pole of the a cloudy day. You cannot use the sun

A scouting compass resembles a pocket ch wi eo-

graphical directions instead of numbers on the dial.
The north-pointing pole of a magnet is really a south
pole, and the south-pointing pole a north pole.

to guide you, and you know that if you equal divisions, or degrees. Every ap-
walk in the direction that you think is prentice seaman must learn to recite all
home, you will probably walk in circles, 32 compass points in correct order, be-
as do most people lost in the woods. ginning with north and going clockwise
You must depend on your compass to around the dial. Doing this is called
guide you safely home. "boxing the compass." The circular
Let's say you know that if you walk card is attached to the magnet so that
due west, you will come to a landmark, the north pole of the magnet is directly
perhaps a road or a river or stream, that beneath the N mark on the card. Thus,
will lead you home. You place your when the compass needle points north,
compass on a flat rock, a tree stump, or the N on the card points north.
some other level surface. When the com- At the rim of the mariner's compass
pass needle stops swinging, you know there is a mark that is in a straight line
that it is pointing north. Looking at the with the bow, or front, of the ship. When
dial, you find that the part of the dial the helmsman steers the ship so that the
beneath the north pole of the needle N on the dial card points directly to
probably does not read N, or north. To this mark, then the ship is sailing noith.
remedy this, you carefully turn the com- If he wants to sail northwest, he turns
pass, keeping the needle as still as pos- the ship so that NW on the dial points
sible, until the N on the compass dial directly to the mark.
is directly beneath the north-pointing
arm of the needle. As a result, the N on The magnetic pole of the earth's north-
the dial faces north, S south, E east, and ern hemisphere is
W west. What is magnetic not located at the
You pick up the compass and walk declination? North Pole, but at
in the direction of the W on the dial, 76 north latitude and 102 west longi-
0 0

meanwhile keeping the north-pointing tude. This is a point approximately

arm of the compass needle over the N, 2,000 miles due north of Bismarck,
on the dial. Every once in a while, you North Dakota, and 1,000 miles south
set the compass down on a level surface of the north pol~. The south magnetic
in order to make sure that the needle has pole is at a point about 2,300 miles due
not been turned away by tilting when south of Melbourne, Australia.
you walked. As long as you follow the It was not long after mariners began
direction in which theW points, you will to use compasses that they realized the
be walking west, and soon you will come compass needle does not point directly
to the landmark that will lead you home. north. We know that this is so because
the north magnetic pole and the north
A mariner's compass is one in which geographic pole are not located at the
a circular card. same point. Mariners learned that in
How does a mariner res ts on the order to know how to sail due north
use a compass to
magnet. On when they were in any part of the
guide his ship?
the card are world's seas, they had to know just how
printed 32 compass points and 360 far away from geographic north their


Typical distribution of
magnetic declination in
the United States.

Geographic north and

south poles and mag-

"'._-- -" \ -," j

'-( ,
netic north and south
poles are not at iden-
tical spots.

~~~----- ,

compass was pointing. They measured

the angle between geographic north and
magnetic north. They called this differ-
ence the angle of magnetic declination.
For example, at Washington, D. C., the
angle of magnetiC declination between
true north and magnetic north is 6 W, 0

and in Sitka, Alaska, 30 E. This means


that at Washington, D. C., geographic

north is 6 to the west of where the

north pole of a compass points; in Sitka,

north is 30 east of north on the

the northwest. Throughout millions of
The earth's magnetic poles are con- centuries, the north and south magnetic
s tan tly moving poles have actually wandered about the
How do we about. The move- earth. There were times in the past
know that the
ment is slow, but when the north magnetic pole was lo-
earth's magnetic
poles wander? scientists can easily cated in Korea, or the middle of the
measure it. In North Atlantic Ocean, and possibly
1955, United States government scien- even Africa. Even more remarkable, the
tists carefully determined the location polarity has been reversed .- that is,
of the north magnetic pole. Five years the north and south poles have changed
later, they repeated the measurements places! It is estimated that 171 such re-
to locate the pole and found that it had versals have occurred in the past 80 niil-
moved approximately 70 miles toward lion years, though no one knows why it

happened. The changes do not take
place with, any apparent regularity.
Fixed polarity has ranged, in varying
intervals, from thirty thousand years to
two million years. How do we know
this? The information comes from lava
containing grains of the mineral mag-
netite, or loadstone, that once flowed
from prehistoric volcanoes. When the
rock is very hot, the grains are not mag-
netized, since (as we have learned)
high temperatures demagnetize mag-
netic materials. When the lava cools,
however, the grains of magnetite reach
their Curie point (the temperature at
which magnetism is destroyed and at
which it reappears, upon cooling) be-
fore the lava hardens into rock, at
which time the earth's magnetic field needles." From them, future scientists
lines them up in the north-south direc- can tell the location of the earth's mag-
tion. The lava then hardens, and the netic poles when the rocks formed.
magnetic grains can no longer move
around. Millions of years later, when The earth's magnetic field is not only
scientists examine the rock formed from stronger at the
the lava, thousands of "compass nee- How do prospectors magnetic poles,
dles" (the grains of magnetite) point to use magnetism but also varies
to find ore?
where the north and south magnetic slightly from
poles were when the rock was formed. place to place on the surface of the
Many kinds of rock form from sedi- earth. This is due to the presence in the
ments carried to oceans and lakes by earth of magnetic materials such as
rivers and streams. In the course of bodies of iron, nickel, or cobalt ore.
millions of years, the grains of sediment Prospectors found that if they could
are turned into sedimentary rocks by measure the changes in the earth's mag-
great pressure within the earth. Some netic field, they could tell where to mine
of the grains of the future sedimentary for valuable metal ores. At first, mak-
rock are grains of magnetite. As these ing a magnetic survey of an area was
grains are carried along by the water, very slow, because the instruments that
they are free to turn along a north- made the measurements had to be car-
south line under the influence of the ried from place to place, sometimes over
earth's magnetic poles. When the grains very rugged country. But today, a very
of sediment have become sedimentary sensitive measuring instrument, called
rock, the rock contains tiny "compass a magnetometer, is placed in a bomb-

A magnetometer towed on a cable by
an airplarie can detect the presence
of ore beneath the earth's surface.

surface of the earth along lines of mag-

netic force. Many of these particles col-
lide with air molecules causing the
molecules to vibrate and give off the
white, red, blue, and green lights that
make up the awesome displays of the
auroras. The auroras are seen only in
the higher latitudes because the earth's
magnetic field is strongest at the north
and south magnetic poles.

Not long after the United States began

to put satellites
What is the into orbit, scien-
Van Alien
tists found that the
earth was sur-
shaped casing and is towed at the end rounded by a huge swarm of highly
of a long cable beneath an airplane. charged atomic particles extending 50,-
The sensitive unit in a magnetometer, 000 miles out into space. Just where all .
only the size of a cigarette, has led geo- these hundreds of billions of highly
physicists to underground ore 1,500 charged particles come from is not
feet below a plane! known, but large numbers do come
from the sun and are trapped by the
If you live in the northern part of the earth's magnetic field. At first, scientists
United States or thought that there were two great belts
What causes the in Canada, or in of radiation surrounding the earth, a
aurora borealis,
or northern lights?
the southern part small inner belt, a space without radio-
of the southern
heMisphere, you probably have seen MA~NfT6sPHERE
great curtains and streamers of light ' ~ ;' "
sweeping through the sky at night, espe-
cially during the early spring and fall.
These lights are the aurora borealis, or
northern lights. In the southern hemi-
sphere these lights are called the aurora
australis, or southern lights.
The sun is continually sending out
streams of electrically-charged particles.
When these particles reach the earth's
magnetic field, they spiral toward the The Van Alien radiation magnetosphere.

active particles, and a vast outer belt. to cross the earth's magnetic field, they
Later, scientists learned that their sat- are pushed and pulled sideways. Which
ellites had not covered all the area in way they move depends on the direction
which the particles exist. When explor- that their magnetic poles face in rela-
ing satellites had covered the whole tion to the earth's magnetic poles. Since
area, scientists learned that there is only most of the particles are spinning, they
one great swarm of highly charged parti- are alternately attracted and repelled,
cles, very dense near the earth and be- and, therefore, they spiral back and
coming thinner until it ends 50,000 forth along the earth's lines of magnetic
miles out in space. The single swarm force. (Some particles move fast enough
was then named the magnetosphere. to break through the lines of magnetic
The presence of the charged particles force and reach the earth's atmosphere
was first discovered by the American or even the earth's surface.) The parti-
physicist, J ames Van AlIen, and the cles that approach the earth parallel to
magnetosphere is named for him. the north and south magnetic poles do
The Van AlIen magnetosphere re- not have to cross lines of magnetic force
sembles a doughnut that is thickest and are pulled straight into the earth's
above the earth's equator where the atmosphere by the very powerful attrac-
earth's magnetic field is the weakest. tion of the earth's magnetic poles. This
The magnetosphere is quite thin in the is why the Van AlIen magnetosphere is
northern and southern latitudes near thinnest near the poles.
the magnetic poles, where the earth's Space explorers will have to find ways
magnetic field is the strongest. The rea- to shield themselves from the radioac-
son for this is that the electrically- tive particles of the Van AlIen magneto-
charged particles have magnetic fields .. sphere, because these particles can
As they arrive from the sun and begin endanger the lives of astronauts.


For more than 200 years scientists had accidently placed a compass near a wire
suspected that carrying an electric current. The com-
How did pass needle had been parallel to the
there was a con-
Oersted discover
nection between wire. To Oersted's surprise, the compass
electricity and needle turned away from its north-south
magnetism. It was not until 1820 that line and pointed crosswise to the wire.
Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish sci- Oersted tried this several times and
entist, proved the connection. One day, found that the compass needle moved
Oersted, who was a professor of physics, only when current was flowing through

the WIfe. He then understood that a To do Oersted's experiment, you
wire carrying a current has a magnetic need a compass, a dry-cell battery, and
field around it. some wire. You can probably buy all
three in a five-and-ten-cent store, and
To do this experiment and others that certainly in a hardware store. The kind
follow, it is best of wire called "bell wire" is best.
How can you
to use an electric Scrape the insulation off both ends of
perform Oersted's
switch. You can a piece of wire about two feet long.
buy an inexpen- Twist one end of this wire around the
sive one in a hardware store, but it is nail beneath the end of the tin strip.
much more fun to make one. Attach the other end of wire to the
Using a pair of tin-shears, cut from a center binding post of the dry cell.
tin can a strip of metal about three Scrape the insulation off both ends of a
inches long and half an inch wide. Be piece of wire three feet long. Attach one
careful not to cut yourself on the sharp end of this wire to the other binding
edges of the tin! Obtain a piece of wood post of the dry cell, and twist the other
about the size of a small book. Scrape end together with the free end of the
the insulation off the ends of a piece of wire that you nailed to the board.
wire six inches long. Twist one end of Place a compass near your switch.
the wire around a small nail near its Hold a portion of the long wire across
head. Use this nail to attach one end of the face of the compass. Make sure the
the tin strip to the piece of wood. Make north-seeking pole of the compass
sure that you hammer the nail all the needle points to the N on the face of
way down, so that the wire around it the compass and parallel to the wire.
presses the tin firmly to the wood. Bend Now, push down on your switch to
the piece of tin into two angles, as shown close the electric circuit and make elec-
in the illustration on page 23. tricity flow from the battery through the
Make a mark on the wood under, and wires. What happens to the compass
lA of an inch before, the free end of the needle? It turns crosswise to the wire.
tin strip. Turn the strip of tin aside. Release the switch. The needle swings
Hammer a nail into the mark you made back to its normal north-south line.
on the wood until only half an inch of Push and release the switch a few more
the nail remains out of the wood. Re- times. You will see that it is only when
turn the tin strip to its original position. electric current is flowing through the
When you push down on the end of wire that the needle swings crosswise to
the strip, it should touch the head of the the wire. This proves a current flowing
nail beneath it. Now you have made a through a wire sets up a magnetic field
switch. (Never use this switch with around the wire (see page 33).
any source of electricity other than a Disconnect the two wires from the
dry-cell battery. If you do, you will re- binding posts of the battery. Switch
ceive a painful shock, or even kill them around, that is, connect the long
yourself!) wire to the center binding post and the
shorter wire to the other binding post. Obtain a bolt about three inches long
This change will make the current in and a nut to fit
the wire flow in the opposite direction. How can you make on the bolt.
Hold the wire across the compass, as an electromagnet? Screw thenut on
before, and push the switch. This time, the bolt only far enough so that the
the compass needle swings in the oppo- bottom of the bolt just begins to pro-
site direction from that which it did trude from the nut. Beginning a foot
when the wires were connected the from the end of a long piece of bell wire,
other way. This shows that a change in wind the wire around the bolt, starting
the direction of the current in the wire at the head of the bolt and working to-
reverses the direction of the poles of the ward the nut. Each turn of the wire
magnetic field set up around the wire. should touch the one before it. Cover
the length of the bolt with two or three
We have learned that a current-carry- layers of wire, making-sure that, as you
ing wire produces a wind back and forth, you continue to
What is an m a g net i c fi e Id wind in the same direction. Leave a foot
around'Itse.If M'Ight of wire when you reach the last turn.
not this fact be used to make some kind To secure the wire, slip its end under
of magnet? Yes, an electromagnet. An the last turn. Scrape the insulation off
electromagnet consists of a bar of mag- the free ends of the wire, and twist one
netic material around which are wound end around the end of the wire that is
many turns of wire. When an electric secured to the switch you made. Attach
current is sent through the wire, the the other end to a binding post of your
lines of magnetic force produced by the dry cell. Now, attach a wire from the
current are concentrated in the bar. The nail of your switch to the other binding
bars of electromagnets are usually made post of the dry cell. Hold the end of the
of soft iron or any alloy that is easily bolt over a pile of paper clips and push
magnetized and, therefore, easily de- the switch. The bolt has become an
magnetized. When the current stops electromagnet that picks up the paper
running through the wire, the bar loses clips. Release the switch. The paper
practically all its magnetism immedi- clips drop off the bolt. (It is possible
ately. In the opening sentence of this that you may have used a hard steel
book, we read about a large magnet that bolt. If you did, you made a permanent
picked up scrap iron and steel in a junk magnet of the bolt, and it will continue
yard. This kind of magnet is an electro- to hold the paper clips.) You can make
magnet. You can see that if an elec- a stronger electromagnet by winding
tromagnet did not lose its magnetism more turns re ab e bolt, or by
when the current is turned off, the junk- connecting Iect
yard magnet could not drop the objects than one d 1.
that it picks up; they would stick to it
until someone pulled them off. Such a
magnet would be hard to use.

Electric current flowing through a wire sets up a magnetic fleld.

W + N


A change in the direction of the current in the wire reverses
+ _ the direction of the poles of the magnetic field.


After having made your elec-

tromagnet, you can mount it
as shown below to make a
miniature electromagnetic


How to induce electric-

ity by moving a magnet
within a coil of wire is
described on page 34.
When you stop moving
the magnet, no electric-
ity will be induced.
If a current flowing through a wire can coil. When a current flows in the wire,
produce a mag- a magnetic field will be produced and
How can a magnet netic field might the compass needle will move. ( See
produce electricity? t . '
no a WIre mov- page 33 for illustration of the experi-
ing through a magnetic field produce a ment.)
current? The British physicist, Michael Poke a bar magnet into the coil. The
Faraday, pondered this question for compass needle will move. Note in
years and performed many experiments which direction it moved. Pull the mag-
without success. Finally, in 1820, by net out. The compass needle moves in
accident, he found that when he poked the opposite direction. This means, of
a bar magnet through a coil of wire, he course, that when the magnet reverses
produced an electric current in the wire. its direction, the direction of the current
He then found that it made no differ- is reversed. Hold the magnet still and
ence whether he moved the magnet move the coil. The results are the same
through the coil of wire or the coil of as if you moved the magnet.
wire over the magnet. Both actions pro- Try stopping the movement of the
duced an electric current. magnet at different parts of the coil. As
soon as the motion stops, the compass
Wind about 20 turns of bell WIre needle stops moving, indicating that the
around a paper cup, current has stopped flowing. Therefore,
How can you beginning a foot from we can guess that it is motion of a wire
do Faraday's the end of the wire. through a magnetic field that produces
Collapse the cup, an electric current. This guess is right.
leaving a coil of wire. Tie the wires From this experiment we learn that we
of the coil together with pieces of string need three things to generate electricity
at opposite sides of the coil. Wind about in this manner: we need a magnet, a
four turns of bell wire around a compass conductor such as wire through which
so that the wire passes over the face of the electric current flows, and motion.
the compass. Connect the ends of this If any of these things is lacking, no elec-
wire to the ends of the wire from the tricity will be generated.

. ~[
Electromagnets In Use
An electric bell, like the one that rings electric current flows into the coils of
when someone the electromagnet on the bell, and a
How does a pushes the button metal strip called the armature is pulled
doorbell work?
outside your front toward the magnet. At the top of the
door, uses an electromagnet. The push- metal strip is a knob that strikes the
button is a switch. When it is pushed, bell.

electromagnet no longer pulls on the
armature. The brass strip springs back,
( ~~ \¥' GONG pulling the armature with it and touch-
ing the contact screw again. The circuit
is established once more, and the whole
H~ER t ~ sequence of events repeats itself as long
\ as you push on the button.
A buzzer works exactly like a bell,
but it makes a buzzing sound instead .of
a musical sound because in a buzzer,
SCREW the knob strikes a solid object, instead
of a hollow bell.

We learned that moving a conductor .

. (the coil of
What is a dynamo? of WIre
. ) through
a magnetic field produces an electric
current. In 1832, the French inventor

The working parts of an electric bell,

It is reasonable to think that once you

push the switch and close the circuit,
the armature will be pulled toward the
electromagnet and remain there until
you release the switch. But you know
that this is not what happens when you
push the button of a doorbell. Instead,
as long as you hold your finger on the
button, the armature leaps rapidly back
and forth, banging the knob on the The dynamo changes mechanical energy into
bell. How does this happen? The arma- electrical energy by electromagnetic induction,

ture is attached to a springy strip of

brass that is in contact with a pointed Hyppolyte Pixii made use of this fact
screw, called the contact screw. The to invent the first device for generating
electric current enters the electromagnet a steady electric current. He made the
through the contact screw. As soon as first electric generator, or dynamo.
the electromagnet pulls the armature, When the coil is turned around within
the attached strip of brass also is pulled the magnetic field, electric current is
toward the electromagnet and away generated in the wires that make up the
from the contact screw, breaking the coil. The current flows into the axle and
circuit. When this happens, there is no through the contacts to the conductors
electric current in the circuit, and the which are wires. The wires can lead to
an electrical appliance, such as a light
bulb, an electric iron, a radio, or dozens
of other devices that are powered by
In a modern electric generating plant,
such as the one that supplies electricity
to your home, there may be one or more
huge dynamos having magnets ten feet
high and armatures containing tens of
thousands of turns of wire. The arma-
tures are turned in the magnetic field by
turbines powered by steam or by water
falling from a dam.

Below, the working parts

of a simple D.e. motor.

Above, closeup f a toy

motor connected to two
dry cells (batteriel).

We have learned that like magnetic net. The N pole of the suspended mag-
How does an poles repel, and un- net will, of course, swing away from the
electric motor like poles attract, approaching N pole of the magnet in
use magnets? each other. This Law your hand. As soon as the N pole of
of Magnetic Poles is the principle be- the suspended magnet has made a quar-
hind an electric motor. An electric ter turn, bring the N pole of the magnet
motor consists of one magnet turning in your hand near the approaching S
inside another due to their poles alter- pole of the suspended magnet. Doing
nately attracting and repelling one this will attract the swinging S pole.
another. Pull the magnet in your hand out of
Suspend a magnet as you did when the way, and as the S pole swings past,
learning the Law of Magnetic Poles. turn the magnet in your hand so that
Bring the N pole of another magnet its S pole gives the swinging S pole a
near the N pole of the suspended mag- push. By alternately pushing and pull-

A toy motor you have bought, or one you have -
constructed yourself, can drive a small fan, just as
a big fan is driven by a large electric motor.

When the wire is the coil of an electro-

magnet, reversing the direction of the
current reverses the electromagnet's
The magnet that forms the outer part
of an electric motor is stationary. This
magnet, called the field magnet, may
be an electromagnet or a permanent
magnet, but its poles do not change.
The second magnet, called the arma-
tur~, is located between the poles of the
field magnet. The armature, attached to
a rod that enables it to spin around, has
a coil of wire wound around it. When
current enters the wires of the coil, the
armature - becomes an electromagnet.
The like poles of the armature and field
magnet repel and the unlike poles at-
tract. As a result the armature turns.
When unlike poles come into position
near each other, they should stop the
armature from turning any farther, if
nothing else happens.
Just before the unlike poles face each

ing the pole& of the 'suspended magnet

with the magnet in your hand, you can
make the suspended magnet revolve
quite rapidly. An electric motor works
in a similar manner.
At least one magnet in an electric
motor must be an electromagnet. This
is so because an electromagnet can be
made to change its poles when the di-
rection of the electric current is re-
versed. You remember that Oersted
learned that if he changed the direction
of the electric current in a wire, it acted A small kitchen mixer and a big electric locomotive
like a magnet whose poles are reversed. , are both driven by electric motors.

other, a little device on the armature Wind the armature in the following
reverses the direction of the current. manner. Beginning about an inch from
This reversing device is called a com- the end of a coil of No. 22 lacquered
mutator. The reversal of the direction wire, wind three layers of wire length-
of the current reverses the poles of the wise around the spool. Wind it closely,
armature. Now, the unlike poles that so that each turn touches the turn be-
were facing each other are like poles fore and after itself. Cross over to the
repelling each other. The armature now other side of the pencil to cover both
makes another turn. surfaces of the notches. Be sure that
As rapidly as the armature spins, the you keep winding in the same direction.
current reverses, and the armature goes When you have finished, leave about an
on turning as long as current is sup- inch of wire. Secure this end of the wire
plied to the motor. Some armatures by looping it into a simple knot at the
turn more than a thousand revolutions end of the last turn.
a minute. Beneath the loose ends of the wire,
An electric motor is one of the most cement two half-inch-wide strips of
useful pieces of machinery we have. We metal foil to the pencil so that each strip
snap a switch, and an electric motor goes almost half way around the pencil,
works immediately, powerfully, and but does not touch on either side. Scrape
quietly. Just think how clumsy it would the lacquer off the ends of the wire.
be to run a kitchen mixer or an air con- Secure an end of the wire to each piece
ditioner with a gasoline or steam engine. of metal foil, using adhesive or cello-
Electric motors run washers, refrigera- phane tape.
tors, typewriters, fans, drills, and scores Drill a %6-inch hole part way into
of other useful appliances. a block of wood that is 31;2 inches long,
Powerful electric motors have many 1% inches wide, and % inch thick. Cut
uses in industry. They run elevators and notches in the block as shown.
hoists that lift heavy loads. They move Obtain two iron bolts, %6 of an inch
assembly lines. Electric motors run
trains, streetcars, and subways.
To make an armature take a brand
new round (not
How can you
make an electric hexagonal) pencil
motor? and saw off the
brass ferule that
holds the eraser. Sharpen both ends of
the pencil. Obtain a small wooden sew-
ing-thread spool. Saw and whittle square
notches out of opposite sides of the
spool. Push the pencil through the hole
in the spool.
#22 WIRE 1lJ-----~

in diameter and about 2lh inches long. ning and secure it with a loop knot. The
Also obtain four metal washers that fit bolts and block make up the stationary
closely around the bolt. Place the wash- electromagnets of your motor.
ers on the bolt and then screw the bolt Obtain two more wooden blocks, this
tightly into the hole in the block, leaving time 3lh inches long, 1 inch wide, and
1% inches out of the hole. Repeat these % inch thick. Drill a Vs-inch hole a
steps using a second block of wood and short way into each block. Each hole
the other bolt. should be exactly as far from an end
Starting one foot from the end of of a block as the bolt holes were from
a coil of No. 22 lacquered wire, wind the ends of the other two blocks.
the wire closely around the bolt, be- Using a wide, flat board for a base,
ginning where the bolt enters the wood. affix to it the four blocks, as shown in
Be sure that one washer is at each the illustration. Use small wood screws
end of the bolt. Wind six tight layers that go through the base and into the
of wire on the bolt. When you have bottoms of the blocks. Be sure that the
finished winding, secure the wire with ends of the bolts rest not more than an
a simple loop knot. Leaving about eighth of an inch from the armature.
10 inches of wire free, continue winding Place the pencil points of the armature
on the other bolt, again beginning where in the empty holes in the blocks.
the bolt enters the wood. However, now Cut from a coat hanger two straight
wind the wire in the direction opposite
to that on the first bolt. Wind the wire
twice around the notches in the wooden
block and secure it with a simple loop
knot. Leave a foot more, and then cut
the wire. Lastly, wind around the
notches of the first block the one foot
piece of wire you left free at the begin-

#22 WIRE
pieces of wire, each 3 ~ inches long. speeds almost as fast as light - almost
l>lace them upright in holes in the 186,000 miles a second. One very im-
wooden base, so that they lightly touch portant atom smasher is the cyclotron.
the strips of metal foil on the pencil. A cyclotron consists of a large metal
The pieces of wire are your motor's box, shaped like a pill box, located be-
brushes. tween the poles of a huge electromag-
Connect wires to the brushes. Finally, net. Air is removed from the box until
connect all wires as shown in the illus- a very high vacuum exists inside.
tration. Wherever wires connect, scrape Within the box there are two hollow,
off the lacquer. Two of the wires are D-shaped half-circles of metal, called
run to a pair of dry cells that are dees. These are given a very high elec-
connected. tric charge that reverses itself millions
If you have made the motor carefully, of times a second. The atomic particles,
when you press down on your switch, perhaps protons, are fed into the cyclo-
the armature of the motor should begin tron at the center of the dees. The elec-
to spin. tric charge on ~he atomic particle
affects its magnetic field, and the big
Among the most useful tools an atomic electromagnet either repels or attracts
scientist has are the particle. This causes the particle to
What part do
huge machines begin to circle around within the dee.
magnets play in
atomic research?
called particle As it passes from one dee to another,
accelerators, or the reversing electric charge reverses
"atom smashers." These machines use the charge on the dees. So, a particle
electromagnets to give atomic particles that began to move because it was re-
pelled when like magnetic poles acted path until it reaches the outside wall of
upon one another, will not be pulled in a dee. Here it shoots out of the cyclo-
the opposite direction when it moves tron. The beam of very fast atomic par-
into an area of unlike magnetic poles. ticles shooting out of a cyclotron at
The reversing electric field allows the targets of various materials enable sci-
particle to always be in a location where entists to learn very much about these
it will be repelled. As a result, the par- materials and the particles that strike
ticle travels faster and faster in a spiral them.

How are magnets

used in a

sending key, a receiving s n r, n

source of electricity. The se din k
a switch that opens and clos th ir-
cuit. The important part of the s ding --'~od1r
key is a metal rod attached to a piece o:t------J~~Ld
springy metal. The rod has a button on



At left, the diagram of

a two way telegraph
OPEN - line with relays, as de-
T scribed on page 41

of the armature is pivoted and has a cinnati, the Tucson operator opens his
spring pushing down on the upper part line switch and the Cincinnati operator
of the pivoted end. The other end is closes his.
located between a second metal bar and
a setscrew. When the telegraph operator In a telephone, electric current causes
pushes the sending key and makes a an electromagnet
circuit, the electromagnet pulls one end How does a
to attract a metal
of the armature suddenly downward. telephone work? disc that makes a
As the armature strikes the bar beneath sound. Let us see how this happens.
it, a sharp click is.heard. As soon as the Sound is made when some object
operator releases the key, breaking the moves back and forth very rapidly in
circuit, the electromagnet releases the air. This back-and-forth movement is
end of the armature that it has pulled called vibration. When an object vi-
toward itself; the released end is pushed brates, it pushes air outward from itself
upward by the spring and strikes the set in a series of waves. When these air
screw above with another sharp click. waves strike our ears, we hear a sound.
Telegraph operators listen for the F or example, when you hit a drum, it
time between clicks. A short time (only vibrates and causes sound waves to
about 1/ 5 of a second) is a dot. A move through the air to your ears. The
longer time (about ~ a second) is a sound that comes from a telephone re-
dash. By means of a code of combina- ceiver is also caused by vibration.
tions of dots and dashes" messages are The telephone has two main parts.
sent along the wire that connects the One is the mouthpiece, or transmitter,
key to a sounder. and the other is the receiver. You speak
Suppose a telegraph operator in Cin- into the mouthpiece and hold the re-
cinnati wants to send a message to an ceiver to your ear.
operator in Tucson. The Cincinnati op- Like all apparatus that uses electric
erator pushes his telegraph key down. current, the telephone must have a com-
This closes the circuit and electric cur- plete electrical circuit. When you dial
rent flows through the wires, the electro- a number, an automatic switch in the
magnet ill Tucson works, and the Tuc- telephone exchange makes a circuit be-
son sounder clicks. You may wonder tween your telephone and the telephone
how electric current can flow through of the person you are calling. The tele-
the wires when the telegraph key in Cin- phone exchange also supplies the elec-
cinnati is pushed down and the key in tricity for the circuit.
Tucson is open and keeping a circuit Inside the transmitter, there is a little
from being formed. The answer is that round, flat box filled with grains of car-
the operator in Tucson closes his end of bon. The top of this box is a thin metal
the circuit by means of a switch called disc. As you talk into the transmitter,
a line switch. When the operator in the sound of your voice causes the metal
Tucson wants to answer the one in Cin- disc to vibrate. The back-and-forth

Left, a simple telephone
circuit with a battery.
Below, a cutaway view
of the telephone re-
ceiver showing the po-
sition of armature, per-
manent magnet, and

(After diagrams, cour-

tesy Bell Telephone

movement of the disc alternately presses

the carbon grains together and then
leaves them room to spread apart.
The grains of carbon are part of the
electric circuit. Electricity can pass DIAPHRAGM
through the carbon grains more easily
when they are pressed together than
when they are spread apart. For this
reason, the amount of electricity that
passes the carbon grains changes from (COIL)
moment to moment as the disc vibrates.
This changing electric current passes
along the wire to the receiver. In the
receiver are an electromagnet and a
metal disc. As the changing amount of those made by the voice at the other
electricity passes along the wire to the end of the wire.
receiver, the electromagnet's pull varies The important thing to remember
from strong to weak. When the pull is about a telephone is that it is not sound
strong, the disc is moved toward the that travels along the wires. It is a
electromagnet, and when the pull is changing amount of electricity that is
weak, the disc springs away from caused by sound at the transmitter and
the ·electromagnet. This back-and-forth is changed to sound by the receiver.
movement of the disc causes air in front
of the receiver to move back and forth Using wood and small nails, build a
in the same way. The vibrations of the wooden frame
disc cause sound waves to reach the ear How can you make. like the one in
that is held to the receiver. The sounds a telegraph set? the 1'11 us t ra t'IOn.
made by the receiver are the same as Before putting the frame together,.ham-


mer two large-headed nails into' two

of the pieces of wood at the points
marked A and B in the illustration, and
a small nail at C. The two nails must be
in a straight line, and their heads must up and down. (It may be easier to do
be only one-fourth of an inch apart. this before you put the frame together.)
Wind a coil of wire in two or three lay- This completes your sounder.
ers around the upper nail and keep the Connect two long wires to the switch
wire in place with adhesive tape. Attach you have been using in your experi-
one end of the wire to one binding-post ments. The switch is now your telegraph
of a dry cell. Drive a small nail almost key. Connect one of the wires to the
all the way into the top of the wooden nail on the top of the sounder. Connect
frame. Attach to this nail the other end the other wire to the second binding
of the wire from the coil. Be sure to post of the dry cell. Your telegraph is
scrape the insulation off the ends of the complete.
wires before making connections. Push the switch down and imme-
Obtain a steel hinge Make sure the diately let it up. The result is two clicks
hinge swings easily. If it doesn't, put a - one when the hinge flew up to hit
drop of oil into the cracks where the the electromagnet (the upper nail) and
two halves of the hinge meet. Slip one the other when it fell back to the lower
half of the hinge between the heads of nail. By holding the switch down for a
the two nails, as in the illustration. Nail shorter or longer time, you. can tele-
or screw the other half of the hinge to graph dots and dashes. By using the
the wooden frame, so that the unat- Morse code shown on page 45, you
tached half of the hinge can move easily can telegraph messages. .

A .- MORSE CODE R .- .
B - ... ·- - - J 5 ... the ends of the rod from the flashlight
C - .- .
battery. Affix the two hollowed-out
K - .- T-
pieces of carbon to the back of the cigar
D - .. L·- .. U box, using wire in the manner shown.
E. M - - V . The sharpened carbon rod should be
F ..- . N - . W . -- placed between the two pieces of car-
G - - .
. . bon, so that its points touch the hol-
0 - - - X- .. -
lowed-out place in each piece. Fasten
H .. p - - . .- - -
· y
a long piece of bell wire to each of the
I .. Q - - .- Z --.
. hollowed-out pieces of carbon, and run
one wire to one pole of the live dry cell.
You will need the carbon rod from the Run the other wire to another room,
center of a dead dry where you connect it to the telephone
How can you
cell, the carbon rod
make a simple
from the center of a
flashlight battery, a
cigar box, a live dry cell, wires and an
old telephone receiver or a set of ear-
phones. Saw off two one-inch lengths of
the carbon rod f~om the dead dry cell,
and grind out a small hollow in the end
of each piece. With sandpaper, sharpen







receiver or· headphones. Take a third television broadcasting. The broadcast
wire and connect the other pole of the variations are called electromagnetic
dry cell with the receiver, as the illus- waves. The electronic equipment in
tration shows. Your telephone is com- radio and television sets can detect the
plete. If someone talks into the front electromagnetic waves at long distances
of the cigar box, the movement of the from where they are broadcast. Let us
sharpened carbon rod will vary the see how this works.
amount of electric current in the' wires, A microphone in a broadcasting
and the diaphragm of the receiver will studio is much like a transmitter in a
vibrate to produce the same sound telephone. Sound waves enter the micro-
waves as those of the person speaking phone and cause it to vary the strength
into the box. of electrical impulses. These impulses
produce magnetic fields of varying
We learned that an electric current in strength, and the variations are broad-
a wire produces cast as electromagnetic waves that we
What part do
a magnetic call radio waves. When these electro-
magnets play in
radio and television?
field. If the magnetic waves reach a radio, elec-
amount of cur- tronic equipment changes them into
rent is varied, the strength of the field electric current of varying strength.
varies. If you have the proper electronic This varying electric current varies the
apparatus" you can broadcast the varia- strength of an electromagnet that moves
tions of the magnetic field. This is a diaphragm. The movements of the
exactly what is done in radio and diaphragm are changed into sound just

Did you ever realize how

important a part magnets
and magnetism play in
radio and TV broadcast-
ing and receiving, tape re-
cording, and the making
of phonograph records?

as in a telephone receiver. So, you can These differences are changed into
see that the "sound" that is broadcast varying electromagnetic waves that are
to a radio receiver is really a series of then broadcast.
electromagnetic waves that are changed The television receiver in your home
into sound by the action of an electro- has a large electronic tube something
magnet. A television set has a radio like the one in the television camera. It,
inside its cabinet to reproduce sounds too, has a magnetically-controlled elec-
broadcast from the television studio. tron gun and scans a screen in the tube.
A television picture also depends on Actually, two electron beams scan the
magnets. When a television camera fo- screen, each making 525 separate hori-
cuses on an object, light reflected from zontal lines 30 times a second. You
the object enters the lens of the camera surely have seen these light and dark
and falls on a screen, which is inside a lines on the screen of your television
large glass tube. Also inside the tube is set. The screen is at the front of the
an electron gun that shoots a moving tube and is made of a chemical sub-
beam of electrons at the screen. The stance that glows more or less brightly,
beam sweeps back and forth across the depending on the strength of the elec-
screen from top to bottom, 30 times a tron beam that strikes it. The variations
second. This is called scanning. The in brightness match the variations in
path of the moving beam is controlled light that enter the television camera.
by electromagnets. The beam is affected As a result, the picture on your televi-
differently by the light and dark areas sion screen matches the objects on
on the screen across which it sweeps. which the television camera is focused.

You and Magnetism
No one yet knows how to relate the puter into a unit about the SlZe of a
effects of magnetism with other scien- portable TV set.
tific knowledge and thus clarify its basic In many countries, now, electricity is
nature, but physicists are already en- being generated by atomic reactors. The
gaged in numerous projects and experi- fuel to run these machines is obtained
ments, seeking such a connection, try- from the rare chemical element, uran-
ing to find out exactly why magnetism ium. A much better, cheaper way to tap
exerts a force and why it seems to exist tremendous energy would be to harness
at all known parts of the universe. At the power of the hydrogen bomb, but to
the National Magnet Laboratory (su- do this, an extremely hot gas called a
pervised by the Massachusetts Institute plasma is used. Since no material can
of Technology) in Boston a magnet has hold anything as hot as plasma, .scien-
sustained for about a minute a mag- tists are attempting to hold it in a mag-
netic field 500,000 times stronger than netic bottle - a bottle-shaped mag- .
the earth's and produced pressure netic field. So far, magnetic bottles have
greater thal). that found in the deepest been able to contain it for only a few
seas. The development of superconduct- thousandths of a second. Perhaps you
ing magnets - electromagnets main- will be the one to devise a magnetic bot-
tained by current in superconductors - tle that can hold plasma for an indefi-
could in time make possible astonishing nite time, making possible cheap and
miniaturization, such as compressing safe atomic energy that will generate
the working parts of a room-size com- electricity for remote areas.

So far, magnetic bottles have been able to hold the plasma for only a few thousandths of a ,econd.

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