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Holy Name University

City of Tagbilaran
College of Arts and Sciences

Subject: ACC116: PT in Hypothesis Testing

Prepared by: Fe R. Janiola, Ph.D.
Name: FUDALAN, Dea Viktoria C. Date: Nov. 22, 2021
Course & year: BSA 3 Score: __________
Skills/Exercise/Drill Summative Performance Task
Topic: Tests of Hypothesis
Learning Outcome: To complete the nine steps in hypothesis testing.

A. Accidents in big cities are often attributed to road designs. One can easily deduce that wider
roads lead to vehicular accidents because cars tend to overspeed on these kinds of roads.
Suppose the number of accidents are recorded on five different places where roads are wider
than usual and the following data is available for analysis. p-value =0.03
Road width (in feet) 150 104 120 66 84
No. of road accidents 40 84 55 92 90
Compute the R-value and complete the 9 steps in hypothesis testing using the problem

1.Problem Statement:
Is there significant rank correlation between road designs and the number of corresponding
accidents on five different places?

Ho: There is no significant correlation between road designs and their corresponding
Ha: There is significant correlation between road designs and the number of corresponding
3.Choice of Test Statistics
α : Pearson Correlation ; α =0.05
r =n ¿ ¿
α =0.05
No. of road XY X2 Y2
Road width (in feet) (X) accidents (Y)

6,000 22, 1,
150 40 500 600

8,736 10, 7,
104 84 816 056

6,600 14, 3,
120 55 400 025

6,072 4,
66 92 356 8,

7,560 7, 8,
84 90 056 100

34,968 59, 28,

Σ 524 361 128 245

r =5 ¿¿
√ 1 0 ,16 0
1 00 .7968253

R= -0.94515

5.Decision Rule, Level of significance, Findings

Decision Rule: Reject Ho if p-value < (a) level of significance
Finding: p-value (0.03) < a (0.05)
Reject the null hypothesis
There is significant rank correlation between the road designs and the corresponding
number of accidents.
Therefore, road designs gives major factor as the cause of vehicular accidents. Poorly
designed roads limits mobility of vehicles and heightens the rate of vehicular accidents.
9. Implication
Roads should be properly designed and assessed for the safety of the possible vehicles that
will pass. Aside from highly quality build design of the roads, having a proper safety
precautions such as road signage gives significant factor to lessen the risk of accidents.

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