HANA 1.0 Upgrade Scenarios

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HANA 1.0 upgrade scenarios

 January 21, 2019 (https://www.sapspot.com/hana-1-0-upgrade-scenarios/)  webadmin

A lot of customers want to upgrade their HANA 1.0 databases toward to HANA 2.0. Usually this is
not a big deal, if you have enough downtime. You can go straight on from HANA 1.0 >= 122.04 to
any supported HANA 2.0 revision. The MDC conversion will take place automatically during the
upgrade procedure. You need a revision >= 122.04 because there were some changes in the
persistence layout which are needed for an upgrade to HANA 2.0. Best practice is to go for the
latest HANA 1.0 revision and upgrade to the latest HANA 2.0 revision. But be careful if your HANA
1.0 SPS12 revision is newer than the HANA 2.0 revision it is not supported to upgrade. Also check
if your application is supported to run on HANA 2.0.

But some customers are using HSR (HANA System Replication) and want to profit from the near
zero downtime update (NZDU) feature with DBSL suspend (1913302 / 1984882). Another scenario
is if you want to change the data center. For instance you want to change your hoster.

Here you want less downtime as possible. This means no upgrade steps between. This can be
create some trouble because since HANA SPS01 the standard operation mode is MDC. Does it
work to sync from SDC (Single database container) to MDC? Just simple: not touching the old
HANA instance and sync with HSR to the target HANA 2.0 revision. Is this possible?

There is some information in the documentation and notes which can be very confusing:

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SAP HANA Tenant Databases Operations Guide

You can perform a near-zero downtime update of a single-container system to SAP HANA 2.0 SPS
01 in a system replication landscape. A single-container system will be automatically converted to
a tenant database system during the update. Converting an SAP HANA system to a tenant
database system is permanent and cannot be reversed.


– The statistics server is not running as a separate server process (statisticsserver), but instead as
an embedded service in the master index server. If this is not the case, migrate the statistics server
to the embedded statistics service as described in SAP Note 1917938.

– The SAP HANA system has been installed with its server software on a shared file system
(export options rw, no_root_squash).

– The SAP HANA system has been installed with the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager

– You are logged on as the system administrator user adm.

Perform one of the following procedures to update your system replication landscape to SAP
HANA 2.0 SPS01:

Near-Zero Downtime Update (NZDU)

1. Update the secondary system using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager. The
migration to a tenant database system is triggered automatically.
2. Wait until the update has finished and all systems are in sync again. The replication will be
possible in this situation although the primary is still a single-container system.
3. Perform a takeover to the updated secondary system. Only now the migration to a tenant
database system is finalized for the secondary.
4. Update the primary system using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager. The migration
to a tenant database system is done automatically.
5. Wait until the update has finished and the primary system is up and running again.
6. Register this former primary system as the new secondary to the new primary (former

The topology of primary and secondary site of a system replication scenario must be identical. As a
consequence it isn’t possible to replicate from non-MDC to MDC (SAP Note 2101244) and vice
versa, and it is also not possible to replicate from single-node to scale-out and vice versa.

2101244 – FAQ: SAP HANA Multitenant Database Containers (MDC)

Is it possible to convert SAP HANA 1.0 single container system to SAP HANA 1.0 MDC system
with HANA System Replication?

No, conversion from single container to MDC with HANA System Replication is not supported. You
would need to disable replication before starting the conversion else the conversion on secondary
would fail with the below error.

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SAP HANA Lifecycle Management – SAP HANA

10:03:43.088 – INFO: Start Date: 2018-10-26 – hdblcm

10:03:43.104 – INFO: Performing secondary system check

10:03:43.104 – ERR : The SAP HANA System cannot be converted to multitenant database
containers, because it is a system replication site

10:03:43.105 – INFO: Summary of critical errors

10:03:43.104 – ERR : The SAP HANA System cannot be converted to multitenant database
containers, because it is a system replication site

You would need to disable replication and need to perform the conversion on primary and all
connected secondaries in case you have multitier replication.

Ok so there is some information that have to be sorted:

– it is not possible to sync from SDC to MDC

– it is possible to sync from MDC to MDC

– it is possible to sync HANA 1.0 revisions with HSR and upgrade the secondary to HANA 2.0 and
sync back

In one of my projects we had a very special case. The old HANA 1.0 SDC instances should not be
touched anymore and the target was on the IBM Power platform (PowerPC). This means
SLES12/15 or RHEL >=7.2 on Little Endian and only HANA 2.0.


HANA 1.0 122.x SDC ====> HANA 2.0 >= SPS03 MDC

Do you see any direct supported scenario which is working and could solve this issue?

This is not supported by SAP. There is no direct way which is officially supported. So, why SAP
creates such fundamental features like MDC which you have to use, and they are not compatible
at all?

There are 3 possible solutions for this case:

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1) HSR: HANA 1.0 SDC <=> HANA 2.0 SPS00 SDC

The easiest way which won’t touch the old source instance is to install a HANA 2.0 SPS00.
Because SPS00 was the last official support package where you can choose between SDC and
MDC. Just install it as SDC (interactive mode) und sync the HANA 1.0 with system replication.

But there is snag in it. You can only sync in a HANA which has the same revision or is newer. This
means the last SPS00 revision was 2.02 and is not downloadable anymore (only with an OSS
ticket). This means this solution is working from 122.04 through 122.10. If your source revision is
above, you have to find another solution. So, if you follow the recommendation of SAP and
upgrade your source revision to the latest one, you definitively can’t use it.

The most HANA 1.0 systems which I have seen are still on 122.05 or 122.08. Here the solution
would be working.

2) HSR: HANA 1.0 MDC <=> HANA 2.0 MDC

This would be the easiest way, but you are touching the old source instance, because you have to
convert it to MDC. This means an additional downtime. If your HANA 1.0 revision is newer than the
latest HANA 2.0 one this solution won’t work.

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For instance, the latest HANA 1.0 SPS12 revision is 122.22. The latest HANA 2.0 SPS02 is 24.07
and SPS03 Rev. 35. Currently it is not possible to upgrade or using HSR although your topology
would allow it.

3) HSR: HANA 1.0 SDC <=> HANA 2.0 SPS01/02 SDC

HANA 2.0 SPS01/02 with SDC? Yes, this is not a typo. SAP integrated a backdoor if something
won’t work with MDC. So, there is a hidden option/parameter:

./hdblcm –db_mode=single_container

This “dirty” option is still working though all revisions of SPS02. Since SPS03 they deactivated this

HANA 2.0 SPS02 Rev. 24.06

./hdblcm –action=install –ignore=check_signature_file –db_mode=single_container

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management – SAP HANA Database

Scanning software locations…

Detected components:

SAP HANA Database ( in




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SAP HANA Database Client ( in


SAP HANA Smart Data Access ( in


SAP HANA Database version ‘’ will be installed.

HANA 2.0 SPS03 Rev. 35

./hdblcm –action=install –ignore=check_signature_file –db_mode=single_container

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management – SAP HANA Database

Scanning software locations…

Detected components:

SAP HANA Database ( in






SAP HANA Database Client ( in


SAP HANA Smart Data Access ( in


Configuration error:

Checking command line parameter ‘–db_mode’ failed.

Value ‘single_container’ is invalid. Please use one of: multiple_containers

This means you can create an SDC instance and be able to use HSR. I would prefer this option
because you can avoid a lot of known issue regarding HANA 2.0 SPS00 (option 1) during HSR
and don’t have to touch the source instance like in option 2.

After your instances are in sync you can upgrade to the latest HANA 2.0 SPS03/04 revision incl.
MDC conversion during the upgrade. The only disadvantage of this scenario => it is not officially
supported by SAP. I have successfully tested it with some revisions of HANA 1.0 SPS12 and as
target HANA 2.0 Rev. 24.06.

Upgrade HANA 2.0 SPS02 Rev. 24.06 SDC to SPS03 Rev. 35 MDC:

Summary before execution:

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SAP HANA Database

Update Parameters


Remote Execution: ssh

Update Execution Mode: optimized

Database User Name: SYSTEM

Software Components


Do not install


Do not install

SAP HANA Database

Update from version to

Location: /int/software/sapcd/db/hana/hana_rev20_035_0/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server

SAP HANA Database Client

Update from version to

Location: /int/software/sapcd/db/hana/hana_rev20_035_0/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client

SAP HANA Smart Data Access

Do not install

Note: The upgrade of SAP HANA Database to this version will convert your system to multi-tenant
database containers. This is a mandatory step. For more information, see SAP Note 2423367.

Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

For all customers and all upcoming migration and transition scenarios it would be great if SAP can
create a supported solution, because if you have to convert the old system you have to adjust your
concept and test an old HANA revision which you want to deactivate. I would appreciate any direct
solution for this issue.

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