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Nama : Firda Izzatul Wahidah

NIM: 200550005

Nausea and vomitting

A. Definition of Nausea and Vomiting

Morning sickness is a common symptom of early pregnancy that usually goes away
by the end of the first three months. Morning sickness or nausea (with or without
vomiting) can happen at any time of the day and is caused by changes in hormones
during pregnancy.
B. Signs and Symptoms of Nausea and Vomiting
The main symptoms of morning sickness are nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
These symptoms are often triggered by several things, such as certain smells, spicy
foods, or hot temperatures. If you vomit excessively, pregnant women who experience
morning sickness may also feel chest pain. Morning sickness most often occurs in the
first trimester of pregnancy or around month 2 and month 3 of pregnancy, but there
are also pregnant women who experience it since the first month of pregnancy.
Usually the symptoms of morning sickness will begin to subside in the middle of the
second trimester. However, there are also pregnant women who still experience
morning sickness until the end of the second trimester.
C. how to deal with nausea and vomiting
Pregnant women can also do the following ways to relieve morning sickness
1.Drink water or soup.
2. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
3. Get enough rest. In some pregnant women, lack of rest can also trigger nausea and
4. When you wake up, eat snacks before getting out of bed.
5. If nausea occurs after taking a pregnancy supplement, such as iron, take the
supplement right before bed.
6. Breathe fresh air and calm the mind.
7. Loosen the bra and always wear comfortable clothes.
8. Use air fresheners, perfumes, or clothes deodorizers with aromatherapy to distract
from nausea.
If the complaints of nausea and vomiting do not decrease or even get worse, consult a
doctor for treatment.

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