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Lalmin® Se1000
Lalmin® Se2000
(For the following lot number format: xxxxxxxxE)


Mettler Toledo Moisture Halogen analyzer is used by in-house laboratory. Tare weight dish, weight 2g of
composite sample, start analyzer (program 3, 105°C), result in % of dry matter. Moisture results expressed
in % (100% - dry matter %).

If applicable protein is measured by:
 CEM SprintTM Rapid Protein Analyzer. Protein is measured according to CEM i-TAGTM technology.
Result is expressed in %.
 Kjeldahl by external accredited laboratory (The Agricultural Research Centre of Estonia or Estonian
Veterinary and Food Laboratory). Expressed as protein % (N x 6.25).

Particle size distribution is performed by in-house laboratory with 60, 80, 100 mesh size sieves using Retsch
Vibratory Sieve Shaker. 50g of the composite sample is taken for the test. Result expressed in % through
different mesh size sieves

For density 100mL graduated cylinder is used. Cylinder is tared and filled up to 100mL. The weight of the
not tapped powder is measured. Result is expressed in g/100mL.

Odor and appearance

Odor of the composite sample is compared with the reference standard. Color of the composite sample is
compared with the reference standard and maximum allowed darkest standards. Result is expressed in
accordance to standards.

Selenium is measured by external laboratory (Environex). It is extracted from the matrix by microwave
assisted acid digestion. The extract is diluted in an acidic solution and the total selenium is analysed by
IPC-MS method.

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Lalmin® Se1000
Lalmin® Se2000
(For the following lot number format: xxxxxxxxE)

Selenomethionine is measured by external laboratory (Environex). It is first extracted from the matrix. The
hydrolysis reaction is performed in acidic condition under an inert atmosphere. Selenomethionine is
analysed by HPLC method.

Heavy metals
Heavy metals are tested for each lot by external accredited laboratory (The Agricultural Research Centre of
Estonia) using ICP method. Method references:
 Lead – PMK-JJ-2B
 Cadmium – PMK-JJ-2B
 Arsenic – PMK-JJ-2B
 Mercury – PMK-JJ-2B

Ash (typical content)

Ash is not measured for each lot and CoA shows value of typical ash content. Analyses are organized by
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients as a part of analyses for nutritional profile. Tested by external accredited
laboratory (The Agricultural Research Centre of Estonia), method EÜ 152/2009 III Lisa M is used.

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Lalmin® Se1000
Lalmin® Se2000
(For the following lot number format: xxxxxxxxE)


For microbiological analyses lot is divided into several samples and analyzed by parts

• Total Plate Count - MFHPB 18 (in-house) or EVS-EN ISO 4833-1 (external accredited state
laboratory Tallinn Veterinary and Food Laboratory)
• Yeasts & Molds - MFHPB 22 (in-house) or NMKL 98(4) (external accredited state laboratory
Tallinn Veterinary and Food Laboratory)
Results are expressed as an average of all analyzed composites.

For pathogens one composite sample is analyzed by external state laboratory (Tallinn Veterinary and Food

• Coliforms – ISO 4831

• P. aeruginosa - 4TM-TJ-62
• E. coli - EVS-EN ISO 16649-3
• S. aureus - EVS-EN ISO 6888-3
• Salmonella - EVS-EN ISO 6579

For each lot Certificate of Analysis (CoA) is generated with the results performed by mentioned methods.

Lusine Oganesjan,
QC Specialist
Salutaguse Pärmitehas AS, Estonia
August 7, 2020

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