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Nama : Fahmidia Zumala dewi ariyani

NIM : 200550004
A. Heartburn
1. Definition : Heartburn is a burning and burning sensation in the chest. This condition
is normal and common. However, if it has appeared repeatedly to interfere with daily
activities, heartburn requires more serious treatment.
2. Signs and symptoms :
1) Chronic cough and belching.
2) Shortness of breath appears suddenly.
3) Feeling often bloated and burping a lot are some signs to consider.
3. How to evercome :
1) Avoid foods or drinks that can cause heartburn symptoms, such as carbonated
drinks, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and fried foods.
2) Take the medicine that has been prescribed by the doctor.
3) Consuming steeped ginger, because this drink is known to accelerate gastric
4) Avoid snacking at night and large meals, at least 4 hours before bedtime
5) Adjusting so that the chest and head are higher than the waist about 10–20 cm
during sleep, so that stomach acid does not rise to the esophagus 6. Eat small
portions but often to prevent the accumulation of food in the stomach.
B. Insomnia
1. Definition : Insomnia is a disorder of insomnia due to physiological changes that occur
during pregnancy so that it causes sufferers to have difficulty sleeping or not getting
enough sleep.
2. Signs and symptomps
1) Stomach feels heartburn.
2) The movement of the baby in the womb
3) to urinate more often
4) the stomach continues to grow.
5) leg cramps and back pain.
6) Anxiety
3. How to evercome
1) Change sleeping position.
2) Prepare before bed such as a warm bath or massage.
3) Make the room atmosphere more comfortable.
4) Try relaxation techniques from childbirth classes.
5) Exercising or doing physical activity during the day. Read a book then drink warm

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