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SULIT 1 015/1

1 The diagram below shows an activity.

What is the tool that suitable for this activity?

A Ruler
B Beaker
C Weight scale
D Measuring tape

2 Which of the following is not allowed to be done in the Science Room?

A Eat and drink in the Science Room.
B Clean up the apparatus after using it.
A Clean the Science Room before leaving.
D Ask for the teacher’s permission before entering the Science Room.

3 The diagram below shows a Science Room rule

What is the consequence of the rule?

A The Science Room becomes tidy.
B The Science Room becomes dirty.
C The Science Room becomes shiny.
D The Science Room becomes unorganized.

4 How does a human reproduce?

A Lay eggs
B Give birth
C Lay eggs and give birth
D None of the above

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SULIT 2 015/1

5 Which of the following correctly shows Sofea’s changes as she grows?

A Her weight reduces
B Her hair turns darker
C Her body size increases
D Her shoe size becomes smaller

6 Circle of following animals reproduce by giving birth?

A Lizard
B Elephant
C Crocodile
D Cockroach

7 The diagram below shows a life cycle of frog.

What can be concluded based on the observation in the above diagram?

A All animals are similar with their parents.

B Tadpole and frog are two different animals.
C All animals are not similar with their parents.
D There are animals that are not similar with their parents.

8 What growth changes does the duck undergo?

A The changes in size

B The changes in weight
C The changes in the appearance
D The changes in size, weight and the appearance of the chick

9 Which of the following is not a basic need for germination of seed?

A Air
B Water
C Nutrients
B Suitable temperature
10 Study the diagram below.

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What basic need does the plant lack?

A Plants need air
B Plants need space
C Plants need water
D Plants need sunlight

11 Which object gives out light?

12 How shadow form?

A When light bends
B When light behind an object
C When light pass through an object
D When light cannot pass through an object

13 When the light hit on the __________, no shadows form.

A Ball
B Trees
C Chair
D Glass

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SULIT 4 015/1

14 Which of the following objects can light up a bulb in a circuit?

A Pen
B Paper clip
C Rubber band
D Plastic botthe

15 The diagram below shows a component in the electric circuit.

What is the function of the component?

A Produce the light.
B Allow electric to flow
C Supply the electric energy.
D Completes and cut off electric current.


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1 D

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 C

6 B

7 D

8 D

9 C

10 A

11 B

12 C

13 D

14 B

15 C

015/1 SULIT

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