I. Warm-Up Can You Guess The Name of These Paintings? Who Created These Paintings?

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Teacher: Liana Nguyen

I. Warm-up
Can you guess the name of these paintings?
Who created these paintings?

II. Vocabulary
1. Famous (adj) a. full of light, shining
b. to make someone feel that they want to do something
2. Alive (adj)
and can do it
3. Serious (adj)
c. a painting or piece of sculpture which is of high quality
4. Bright (adj) d. to affect or change how someone or something develops,
behaves, or thinks
5. Inspire (v)
e. living, not dead
6. Piece of art (n)
f. not joking, not funny
7. Influence (v) h. known and recognized by many people
Teacher: Liana Nguyen

III. Listen and fill in the gap.

Born in _________(1), Vincent Van Gogh was a 19th century ___________(2) painter.
Dutch is the word for people form the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a _______ (3)
country in Western Europe. When he was young man, Van Gogh _________ (4) to
France, England and Belgium but near the end of his life, he _______(5) to France.
Although Van Gogh began to _________(6) when he was a child, he did not start
painting until he was in his late twenties. And many of his best paintings were only done
in the last ________ (7) years of his life, before his death at the age of _______(8).
His work is very ________(9) now, but while he was alive, most people didn’t want his
paintings. Vincent Van Gogh made over _______(10) paintings while he was
________(11), but we only know about one that someone wanted to buy.

IV. Read the biography about Van Gogh and answer the questions below.
1. When was Van Gogh born?
2. Where was he born?
3. What was his nationality?
4. At what age did he die?
5. How many paintings did he make during his lifetime?
V. Discussion
1. Do you like paintings? Why/Why not?
2. Which famous people do you like the most? Why? Is he/she still alive?
3. Who inspired you to do the job you are working now?
4. How can you influence young people to enjoy:
- Arts?
- Classical music?
5. What piece of art is your favourite?
6. Who had a bad/good influence on you?
Teacher: Liana Nguyen

VI. Describe a famous person

Choose a famous person that has a good influence on you. You should talk about:
- Who is he/she?
- Where was he/she born?
- What did/does he/she look like?
- When did he/she start his/her career?
- What are the famous pieces of art you know?
- How did he/she inspire you?

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