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Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kedah

MAS Additional Mathematic SPM 2010

Linear Law


log10 y

log10 x

The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  px 3 where p is a

constant. The line passes through points (0,2) and (4,k).
(a) Convert the equation y  px 3 to linear form.
(b) The diagram shows a line of best fit obtained by ploting a graph of log10 y
log 10 x. Find the value of
(i) log10 p
(ii) k (4 marks)
Answer: (a) log 10 y  log 10 p  3 log 10 x
(b) log 10 p =2,k=14



0 (6.q) x
The variables x and y , are related by the equation y 2  13 x  2 x 2. .A straight
line is obtained by plotting a graph of against x as shown in the
diagram. The line passes through points (p,7) and (6,q). Find the values of p and q.
(3 marks)
Answer : p=3,q=1
3. It is known the variables x and y , are related by the equation ax 2  by 2  1 ,
where a and b are constants. When the graph of y 2 against x 2 is drawn, a
straight line is obtained. Given that the line passes through point (10,6) and the
gradient of the line is , calculate the value of a and b.
(3 marks)
a 1 1 1
Answer : y 2   x 2  , a  ,b  
b b 6 9

4. Variables x and y , are related by the equation y 2  ax b , where a and

b are constants. When the graph of log 10 y against log 10 x is drawn, the resulting
straight line has a gradient of 3 and log10 y -intercept of . Calculate the value
of a and b.
(2 marks)
b 1
Answer : log10 y  log10 x  log10 a, a  3.162, b  6
2 2

x y2
5. Variables x and y , are related by the equation,   1 where p and
p q
q are constants. When the graph of y 2 against x is drawn, the resulting
straight line has a gradient of -4 and y 2 -intercept of 4 . Calculate the value of p
and q .
(4 marks)
Answer: y   p x  q
p  1, q  4

6. The variables x and y , are related in such a way that when ( y  3 x) is plotted
against x 2 , a straight line passing through points (3,-4) and (1,2) is obtained.
(a) y in terms of x
(b) the value of y when x  2 (3 marks)
Answer: y  3 x 2  3 x  5, y  1
a b
7. Variables x and y , are related by the equation,  2
x y
, where a
1 1
and b are constants.When the graph of y against is drawn, a straight line is
obtained. Given that the y -intercept is -0.5 and the gradient of the line is 0.75, find
the value of a and b . (4 marks)
1 a 1 2
Answer:    a  3, b  4
y b x b

8. The graph of x 2 y against x is a straight line passing through (-2,1) and (2,7).
(a) the value of x when y  2
(b) y in terms of x (4 marks)
3 4
Answer: x  4 , y   2
2x x
9. The variables x and y , are related in such a way that when ( x  y ) is plotted
against x 2 , a straight line passing through points (1,-1) and (5,2) is obtained.
(a) y in terms of x
(b) the value of x when y  0 (4 marks)

( x  y)



3 2 7 7
Answer: (a) y  x  x  (b) x  or x  1
4 4 3
10. The diagram shows part of the graph of xy against x 2 .




Express y in terms of x (2 marks)

1 4
Answer : y   x 
4 x

Paper 2
1. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , x and y are related by the equation
y  ab x where a and b are constants.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 2.0 3.3 5.2 8.5 14.5 22.4 36.3

(a) Plot a graph of log10 y against x , using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x

- axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit on the ( log10 y )-axis. Hence draw the line
of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) a
(ii) b
(iii) x when y  101.5 (10 marks)
Answer: a  1.259, b  1. 614, x  6.7
2. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y ,are related by the equation y  2 px 
where p and k are constants.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 7.6 5.6 5.5 5.9 6.7 7.4

(a) Plot a graph of xy against x 2 , using a scale of 2 cm to 5 unit on both axes.

Hence, draw the line of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) p
(ii) k
(iii) x when y (10 marks)
Answer: p  0.5167, k  3.358, x  3.536
3. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  pk x 1
where p and k are constants.

x 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 5.0 8.7 15.8 27.5 47.9 87.1

(a) Plot a graph of log10 y against ( x  1) , using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on

the ( x  1) -axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit on the ( log10 y )-axis.Hence, draw the line
of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) p
(ii) k
(iii) x when y  22 (10 marks)
Answer: p  1 . 585, k  1 . 766, x  5 . 6
4. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  kx 2  x
where p and k are constants.
x 1 2 3 4 5 7
y 2.6 7.8 14.6 24.2 34.7 65.7

(a) Plot a graph of against x , using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on both axes.
Hence, draw the line of best fit.

(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of

(i) k
(ii) p
(iii) y when x  5.6 (10 marks)
Answer: k  1.15, p  0.863, y  43.68

5. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
hy k
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation x 
x x
where h and k are constants.
x 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
y 14 21 32 48 69

(a) Plot a graph of y against x 2 , using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x 2 -axis

and 2 cm to 10 units on the y -axis. Hence,draw the line of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) h
(ii) k
(iii) x when y  40 (10 marks)
Answer: h  0.1083, k  1.30, x  1.761

6. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  hx 
where h and k are constants.

x 2 3 4 5 6
y 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6
(a) Plot a graph of xy against x 2 , using a scale of 2 cm to 5 unit on the x 2 -
axis and 2 cm to 2 units on the xy -axis. Hence,draw the line of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) h
(ii) k (10 marks)
Answer : h  0 .4, k  0. 48

7. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
px 2
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y kx
where p and k are constants.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 9.5 29 56 94 138 195 260
(a) Plot a graph of against x , using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x -axis
and 2 cm to 5 units on the -axis. Hence,draw the line of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) k
(ii) p
(iii) y when x  3.2 (10 marks)
Answer : k  5, p  23.53, y  62.4

8. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  qx 
where p and q are constants.
x 1.5 2 3 4 5 6
y 5.8 5.1 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.7

(a) Plot a graph of xy against x 2 , using a scale of 2 cm to 5 unit on the both

axes. Hence,draw the line of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) p
(ii) q
(iii) x when y (10 marks)
Answer : p  7, q  0.75, x  5.657

9. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y  pk x
where p and k are constants.
x 2 4 6 8 10 12
y 3.2 4.8 6.9 10.5 15.5 22.9

(a) Plot a graph of log10 y against x , using a scale of 2 cm to 2 unit on the x -

axis and 2 cm to 0.2 units on the ( log10 y )-axis. Hence,draw the line
of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) p
(ii) k
(iii) y when x  9.4 (10 marks)
Answer : p  2.188, k  1.22, y  13.80

10. The table shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an
experiment. The variables x and y , are related by the equation y
where p and q are constants.
x 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
y 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.5 4.8 6.2

(a) Plot a graph of log10 y against x , using a scale of 2 cm to 2 unit on the x -

axis and 2 cm to 0.1 units on the ( log10 y )-axis. Hence,draw the line
of best fit.
(b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of
(i) p
(ii) q
(iii) y when x  11 (10 marks)
Answer : p  1.148, q  1.096, y  4.169

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