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Enablers of workforce agility in Enablers of

engineering agility

educational institutions
Shalini Menon and M. Suresh
Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
Received 7 December 2019
Revised 18 February 2020
Abstract 31 March 2020
17 May 2020
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore and encapsulate the enablers that can facilitate agility in 24 June 2020
faculty members of engineering institutions. The paper also aims to conduct a prelim qualitative validation of Accepted 24 June 2020
the enablers and analyze the interplay between them using the total interpretive structural modeling (TISM)
Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted the TISM approach to comprehend the interactions
and transitivity between the enablers. Cross-impact multiplication matrix (MICMAC) analysis was applied to
rank the enablers and classify them on the basis of the driving and dependence power into dependent,
autonomous, independent and linkage enablers.
Findings – Extensive literature review and expert opinion helped identify 16 enablers that can promote
workforce agility. The results indicate “management support” as the most crucial enabler. Rewards and
recognition and employee empowerment were among the other enablers that have a high driving force. New
capabilities, learning and innovation and the expanding role of faculty members were found to have high
dependence power, which makes the enablers dependent on other enablers for activation.
Practical implications – The results of this study would assist the management of engineering colleges and
universities to design, adopt and implement policies and practices that would facilitate agility in faculty
members. Faculty members shoulder the responsibility of molding the future generation, and hence, it is
important that they are competent enough to impart quality education. The policymakers should focus on
policies and practices that leverage human resource potential and support an innovative climate that nurtures
entrepreneurial activities in engineering institutions.
Originality/value – So far research on workforce agility has predominantly focused on the manufacturing
sector. Despite the workforce (refers to faculty members here) being crucial in contributing to the progress of
universities and colleges, very little work is done on how faculty members can be made agile. Application of the
TISM method in identifying the variables that can facilitate faculty members’ agility in engineering institutions
in India is a new and original contribution to the literature on workforce agility.
Keywords Agility, Faculty members, Engineering education institutions, Total interpretive structural
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Human capital is the most valuable asset for any country. Higher education plays an
important role in developing the future workforce. The past two decades have seen
tremendous growth in the number of students enrolling for higher education programs and a
parallel proliferation in the number of colleges and universities to accommodate these
students. Quality issues, advancement in technology, increasing global competition, changes
in students’ demand, students’ diversity and mismatch between industry requirements and
students’ skills have been some of the challenges being faced by universities and colleges
world over (Howells et al., 2014; Mukerjee, 2014). Higher education institutions operate in a
complex setting with multiple stakeholders, each with their own expectations. To sustain in
the competitive world, addressing the changes, without sacrificing on the quality standards,
ensuring education offered meets the expectations of students and the requirements of
employers have become imperative (Johnson et al., 2016). Educational institutions like any
other organization are subjected to changes, but when compared with their industrial Journal of Applied Research in
Higher Education
counterpart, they are found to be less agile in organizing and managing change (Shurville and © Emerald Publishing Limited
Browne, 2007). The ease and flexibility with which organizations adapt or react to the DOI 10.1108/JARHE-12-2019-0304
JARHE changes in the environment without compromising on their core competencies is called
agility (Dyer and Shafer, 1998). Agile enterprises are the ones that can thrive in an
environment of continuous and unanticipated change (Plonka, 1997).
Higher engineering educational institutions play a crucial role in the economic
development of a country. According to the National Science Board (2018), India is the
highest producer of science and engineering graduates. Apart from a few renowned
engineering colleges in India, failure on the part of engineering colleges in producing students
with the required skills and competencies that can fetch them suitable jobs has become a topic
of concern. Despite the growth in colleges and universities offering engineering education,
low employability (MHRD, 2016), rigid governance (Friedman and Friedman, 2018) and
quality of teachers continue to plague the engineering educational institutions (Knott et al.,
2015). Lack of faculty members to act as an interface between the institution and the industry
and the incompetency to deliver a curriculum that is in tune with the industry requirements
fail to make students employment-ready (Debnath and Shankar, 2012; Gambhir et al., 2016).
Mittal et al. (2018) attributed the decline in the quality of engineering institutions in India to
the lack of facility and resources for faculty capacity-building, poor research environment
that limits the sharing of latest knowledge with the students and the disinterest among
engineering graduates from institutes like Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and
National institutes of Technology (NITs) to join the teaching profession. To produce
competent engineers, engineering institutions need to revamp and renew their practices and
processes. Like other organizations, it is equally critical for engineering institutions, to sense
the change, envision and forecast the future capabilities expected of an engineering graduate
and make changes to the system accordingly preparing graduates to fit the demands of the
new world work (Kamp, 2016).
Sherehiy (2008) described the organization, technology, people and innovation as the main
agility drivers in any manufacturing organization. These factors are compatible with driving
agility in engineering institutions as well. One of the most crucial elements among the agility
drivers in engineering institutions is people, and in this study, people refers to the faculty
members. Educators are the backbone of any institution (Sharma and Pandher, 2018), and
they shoulder the responsibility of producing globally competent students. The changing
educational environment makes it imperative for the engineering institutions to provide for
professional and personal development of faculty members, as changes in the educational
environment may require faculty members to acquire new learning and capabilities. To
produce agile engineering students, with the required skills and competencies, it is imperative
that the faculty members are well equipped with the desired knowledge, skills and abilities to
mentor and assist the students. On scanning the literature, the authors discovered that the
majority of the research conducted focused on workforce agility in the manufacturing sector,
and very little work has been done on how faculty members can be made agile. The purpose of
this study is to understand what enables faculty members’ agility in engineering educational
institutions, as this is crucial for producing the future workforce that is employable and agile.
This became the motivation for the study and helped in formulating the research questions:
RQ1. What enablers can facilitate workforce agility in engineering education?
RQ2. What is the connection between these enablers, if any, in facilitating workforce
RQ3. How can the model help engineering educational institutions make their
workforce agile?
The answers to these questions would help the engineering institutions understand the
importance of some enablers that can be crucial in promoting workforce agility and help them
formulate strategies and practices around these enablers.
2. Literature review Enablers of
The literature review included research papers on enablers of workforce agility and the workforce
papers that have used the total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) approach.
2.1 Literature review on workforce agility
Universities and colleges, like any other organization, are subjected to external pressures.
These changes in the environment call for revamping processes and practices and leveraging
capacity and capabilities of human resource (Qin and Nembhard, 2015; Breu et al., 2002).
Management practices can play a crucial role in promoting adaptive and flexible behavior
among employees by adopting practices and methods that promote teamwork, employee
involvement and organizational learning (Muduli, 2016). Management practices that facilitate
workforce scalability and flexibility enable organizations to transit human resource from one
configuration to another in a seamless manner during the process of change (Nijssen and
Paauwe, 2012). Universities and colleges are loosely coupled systems that lack
interdepartmental collaborations. Collaboration and social interactions between and within
the departments, between the faculty members and students and with the stakeholders
outside campuses can foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge facilitating learning and
construction of new knowledge (Bunton, 2017; Yang, 2007). Learning enables individuals to
perform their job in an improved way and also equips and empowers them to apply the
acquired new knowledge in realizing the organization’s goals (Giesecke and McNeil, 2004).
Studies have confirmed a positive relationship between knowledge sharing and workforce
agility (Almahamid, 2018; Suofi et al., 2014). Knowledge, skills, experience, innovative and
entrepreneurial abilities of employees that are rare, non-substitutable and inimitable (Wright
et al., 1994) help organizations gain sustained competitive advantage. To channelize
employee capabilities in the right direction, organizations need to design flexible and
strategic human resource practices (Shafer et al., 2001). Some of the strategies that
organizations have adopted in promoting agility among the workforce are training and
development (Muduli, 2016; Qin and Nembhard, 2015; Nijssen and Paauwe, 2012), open and
robust communication system (Bunton, 2017; Hamed, 2010), participative decision-making
(Owusu, 1999) and innovative and novel reward system (Sumukadas and Sawhney, 2004).
According to Dyer and Shafer (2003), an agile workforce is proactive, adaptive and
generative. Proactive workforce continuously senses the environment for opportunities and
threats (Zhang and Sharifi, 2000), adaptability enables the workforce to assume multiple roles
(Dove and Willis, 1996) and a generative workforce is a workforce with multiple competencies
and multitasking abilities (Hopp and Oyen, 2004). Sherehiy and Karwowski (2014), Hamed
(2010) identified job autonomy and employee empowerment as crucial enablers that enhance
the problem-solving abilities of employees, which is an essential characteristic of an agile
workforce. The enablers identified are presented in Table 1.

2.2 Literature review on total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) approach

TISM is an interpretive method used to crystallize ill-structured mental models into well-
articulated hierarchically structured conceptual models (Sushil, 2018a, 2018b). It is an
advanced method and is designed in such a manner that it enables not only in identifying the
enablers but also in understanding the logic behind the relationship between the enablers.
TISM has been widely applied by researchers for conceptualization and theory-building
(Dubey et al., 2015, 2017; Menon and Suresh, 2019). TISM answers the key questions what,
how and why of theory-building (Sushil, 2012). The method is also argued to offer a better
solution when compared to the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique, as it can
establish causality with limited data and can be applied to both cross-sectional and
longitudinal data (Luo et al., 2018). A number of researchers have used the TISM method to
Table 1.

Enablers of workforce
no. Enablers Description Literature References

1. Management Refers to the practices and methods Relationship-oriented practices like team-building, networking, Kathuria and Partovi
support adopted by the management to improve the rewarding and participative leadership can be effective practices (1999)
effective working of faculty members in managing work involving high flexibility
Practices like teamwork, rewards and recognition, organizational Muduli (2016); Shafer
learning, involving employees in decision-making, training, et al. (2001)
performance management and information systems influence
workforce agility
2. New capability Refers to upgrading the existing skills and Capability to understand the diverse learning styles and abilities Dove and Willis (1996);
competencies of the faculty members or of students and plan the curriculum, pedagogical approach, Paulson (2002)
developing new skills and competencies in evaluation and assessment criteria accordingly
response to changes in the educational Capability to read and interpret external environmental changes Breu et al. (2002)
environment and capability for independent and collaborative learning
The agile workforce should have the ability to solve problems, Sherehiy et al. (2007)
negotiate, work under stress and non-routine circumstances,
generate new ideas, have a positive attitude toward learning and
show readiness to accept new roles and responsibilities
Workforce with multiple competencies and multitasking abilities Sherehiy and
Karwowski (2014)
The ability of the workforce to renew its capacity and capability Qin and Nembhard
in response to the changes in the environment makes the (2015)
workforce agile

(continued )
no. Enablers Description Literature References

3. Knowledge Is exchanging, processing and transferring Continuous dialogue between the tacit and explicit knowledge Nonaka (1994)
sharing of ideas, information and knowledge among helps in creating new ideas and knowledge
individuals within and among teams, Knowledge sharing creates opportunities for faculty members to Seonghee and Boryung
departments and institutions facilitating exchange and share ideas and engage in cooperative learning (2008); Yasir and Majid
the creation of new knowledge activities (2017)
Lack of management commitment , technology literacy, Singh and Kant (2008);
incentives, time, collaboration, interpersonal skills and trust are Dhamdhere (2015); Al-
some of the factors that impede faculty members from sharing Kurdi et al. (2018)
Knowledge sharing has a positive impact on the dimensions of Suofi et al. (2014)
workforce agility: intelligence, maturity, hardworking, creativity,
responsiveness, flexibility and communication
Knowledge sharing helps employees develop proactive, adaptive, Almahamid (2018)
flexible and resilient behavior that are characteristics of an agile
4. Renewing Technological skills and competencies that Information technology (IT) and software skills to sense the Breu et al.(2002);
technological facilitate communication, collaboration, environment, respond to stakeholders needs, share information McCully and McDaniel
capabilities knowledge sharing and learning. and enhance learning (2007)
Technological know-how to design IT competencies (appropriate and flexible infrastructure and Breu et al. (2002);
learning activities incorporating capabilities) act as enabler and facilitator of organizational agility Chakravarty et al.
Information and Communications (2013)
Technology (ICT) tools in enhancing Digital capability of using technology in education, designing and Kukulska-Hulme
teaching–learning effectiveness developing open online courses, blending face-to-face teaching (2012); Mukerjee (2014);
with ICT-enabled learning and use of mobile technology in Philbin (2015)
delivering courses
Capability to use information radiators (Kanban boards) to Philbin (2015)
improve communication and track the progress of research
projects that are multidisciplinary in nature
Capability to leverage collaborative networks for education and Tan (2016); Lal and
research purposes Paul (2018)

(continued )
Enablers of

Table 1.
Table 1.
no. Enablers Description Literature References

5. Learning and Refers to the institution’s collective ability Higher education should support inquiry and dialogue (team Boyce (2003); Veisi
innovation to leverage individual learning to create learning), systems thinking, continuous learning opportunities (2010); Voolaid and
practices, procedures and systems that and leadership for promoting learning Ehrlich (2017)
reflect new knowledge Learning organizations encourage developing skills of Giesecke and McNeil
employees, allow employees to take the risk and explore new (2004)
opportunities, support communication and a culture that is open
to change
Organizations that support learning and teamwork cohesion Montes et al.(2005)
facilitate learning and innovation
Sharing of knowledge facilitates the transformation of collective Yang (2007); Sandhu
individual knowledge to organizational knowledge when this new et al. (2011)
knowledge is used in improving organizational behavior,
effectiveness and innovation capability
Assimilation of new knowledge across the departments and Gunsel et al. (2011)
synthesizing it toward new projects enhance organizational
learning. The synergy of knowledge management and
organizational learning capabilities drive innovations
Informal platforms like communities of practice, peer learning Reilly et al. (2012)
facilitate the exchange of tacit and explicit knowledge promoting
Personal attributes (openness to experience, cognitive abilities DeRue et al. (2012)
and goal orientation), cognitive and behavioral processes and
environmental and contextual factors facilitate learning agility
Participation of faculty members in decisions related to teaching– Ngoc and Huy (2016)
learning can foster a learning environment in higher education

(continued )
no. Enablers Description Literature References

6. Collaboration/ Corresponds to the cooperation and Collaboration between the team members of cross-functional Mohamed et al. (2004)
networking networking between institutions, faculty teams (physical and virtual) fastens the process of decision-
members, stakeholders, research scholars making and helps seek the support of employees during the
and students within and across the campus change process
boundaries University–industry collaborations for the purpose of research, Mukerjee (2014)
placements, funding. etc., partnership with technology providers
for providing solutions to teaching–learning innovations
,collaborating with alumni and with national and international
universities are ways universities leverage from partnerships
Online teacher collaboration enables teachers to improve their Romeu et al.(2016)
teaching practice and enriches their learning as a result of sharing
and exchanging of ideas and knowledge
7. Communication Indicates the process of exchanging ideas Design and delivery of communication that is persuasive, Thornhill et al. (1996)
and information with the goal of achieving credible, consistent and integrated with other personnel policies
mutual understanding between promote employee commitment and quality in higher education
management and faculty members, Agile management systems support open communication that is Owusu (1999)
between and within departments, between informative, interactive and coordinated
faculty members and students and between Communicating the purpose and mission of the organization, Shafer et al.(2001)
the institution and external stakeholders roles and responsibilities of employees give a sense of direction to
the employees and the organization’s expectations from them
Informal and formal communication between the management Hamed (2010)
and employees enhances trust in the management
Communication at the foundational level gives clarity and sense Bunton (2017)
of organization’s course in meeting its goals, and at the
operational level, facilitates interaction between departments
essential for reaching consensus

(continued )
Enablers of

Table 1.
Table 1.
no. Enablers Description Literature References

8. Expanding role of Corresponds to the constant reskilling and The agility of educational institutions lies in the ability of the Dove and Willis (1996)
faculty members upskilling of faculty skillsets to assume a faculty members to adopt new roles such as practicing
spectrum of roles, including teaching, interdisciplinary teaching, working in cross-disciplinary teams
research, administration and serving the and collaborating with industry in researching the current job
institution and community requirements and placement opportunities
Faculty members act as facilitator, guide and counselor to Dove and Willis (1996);
students and serve as members of committees/academic bodies Flores et al. (2016)
within and outside the institution
Designing and developing course/program and aligning it with Dove and Willis (1996);
appropriate instructional methods incorporating creative use of Paulson (2002)
technology in the teaching–learning process
Commit to lifelong learning as they act as role models for students Rogers (2000);
and for prospective faculty members Kukulska-Hulme (2012)
Participate in community development/outreach programs Hearn et al. (2012)
Engage in academic entrepreneurship initiating new ventures Astebro et al. (2012)
Reap financial benefits from academic research by producing new Dusen (2013)
knowledge that translates into intellectual property
Design online programs, learning activities, course material, Philbin (2015); Habib
assessment and evaluation tools (2017)

(continued )
no. Enablers Description Literature References

9. Training and Refers to the set of activities/programs Workshops on cooperative learning, on cross-training faculty Dove and Wills (1996)
development aimed at developing the required skills, members with the help of interdisciplinary teams that have
competencies and level of knowledge of successfully applied the method
faculty members vital in improving their Adequate technical support and training in preparing faculty Dove and Wills (1996);
performance in teaching, research and members to use digital technology in education and research Rogers (2000); Furco
other educational activities and Moely (2012)
Training on working in teams and on the art of communication Sumukadas and
Sawhney (2004)
Cross-training promotes flexibility and enables employees to Hopp and Oyen (2004)
switch between work
Abreast faculty members of the developments in a specific Reilly et al. (2012)
Faculty development programs and learning communities help Kukulska-Hulme
enhance collegiality and collaboration between peer faculty (2012); Furco and Moely
members and provide a platform for faculty members to discuss (2012); Kramer and
and reflect on new teaching practices and other related matters Benson (2013)
Training develops the desired capabilities, knowledge and skills Elnaga and Imran
of employees improving their performance (2013)
Training programs nurture a learning environment that Muduli (2016)
encourages employees to adapt to change and explore new

(continued )
Enablers of

Table 1.
Table 1.
no. Enablers Description Literature References

10. Rewards and Refers to the incentives (monetary/non- Incentives for incorporating creativity and innovation in Dove and Wills (1996);
recognition monetary) over remuneration teaching, designing and delivering online courses and research Paulson (2002)
acknowledging and appreciating faculty can facilitate agility in faculty members
members efforts in achieving Reward systems may include: payment in part (profit sharing, Dyer and Shafer (2003)
organizational goals stock options) for achieving organizational results, base pay
within wide bands based on individual marketability, bonuses for
keeping commitments, recognition and awards for taking on
challenging assignments/innovations and providing
commensurate returns
Rewards for anticipating and accepting change and quickly Crocitto and Youssef
adapting to it or making changes in the market conditions that (2003)
favor the organization
Non-traditional compensations such as knowledge-/skill-based Sumukadas and
pay, incentives for improvement and non-monetary rewards or Sawhney (2004)
recognition for performance can facilitate workforce agility
Rewards for sharing knowledge in higher education can help Seonghee and Boryung
institutions retain faculty members with the desired knowledge, (2008); Tan (2016)
skills and expertise vital for achieving the organization’s goals
and objectives
Performance-based pay that is individual- or team-based Muduli (2016)
A study at Kenyatta University revealed extrinsic and intrinsic Ndungu (2017)
rewards and recognition systems motivate faculty members to
improve their performance

(continued )
no. Enablers Description Literature References

11. Autonomy Is the academic freedom given by the Contingent/floating workforce/flexible working hours Hopp and Oyen (2004)
management to the faculty members in Autonomy is one of the essential elements for successful Yang and Choi (2009)
planning, organizing and performing their empowerment of employees
work of designing course/programs, Autonomy describes employees as owners of assignments and Tolf et al. (2015)
adopting instructional methods that can through the functioning of self-autonomous/self-organizing
facilitate student learning and outcome and teams are expected to deliver the desired outcome
the freedom of adopting assessment and Autonomy at work is the most important enabler of an agile Sherehiy and
evaluation tools workforce. Job autonomy enhances problem-solving skills of the Karwowski (2014)
Organizational structures with less formalization and few levels Alavi et al. (2014);
of hierarchy support autonomy Huumonen (2011)
12. Employee Refers to the power/autonomy delegated by Social structures that have high employee involvement create Spreitzer (1996)
empowerment the management to the faculty members or more empowerment opportunities and give more voice to
teams, entrusting the faculty members/ employees in decision-making
teams with the accountability of the tasks Autonomy, access to information, adequate training and making Yang and Choi (2009)
assigned employees accountable and responsible for their work are
dimensions of empowerment that improve team performance and
fastens decisions
Trust enhances employee empowerment as the employees believe Hamed (2010)
in management’s competency in providing employees with
opportunities to achieve their personal goals and objectives
Employee empowerment boosts employees to use their existing Berraies et al. (2014)
as well as newly acquired skills to explore new opportunities
leading to innovation
Empowered employees are more productive and efficient as their Hanaysha (2016)
personal goals are in sync with the organization’s goals and

(continued )
Enablers of

Table 1.
Table 1.
no. Enablers Description Literature References

13. Employee Refers to the institutional structure that Structures with less top-down control, flexible and dynamic Ford and Randolph
involvement supports few hierarchical levels, cross- systems that support well-managed teams facilitate collaborative (1992); Olson and
functional teams responsible and and collective decision-making Eoyang (2001)
accountable for decisions at the functional Agile management systems that follow a participative Owusu (1999)
level and management practices that management style enhance employee involvement. Participation
promote shared decision-making involves decision-making and problem-solving by teams and
nurtures the cooperative relationship between management and
High-order employee involvement practices such as self-managed Sumukadas and
teams, job enlargement and enrichment have a greater impact on Sawhney (2004)
workforce agility than the low-order practices like quality circles,
suggestions and feedback
14. Employee Explains the attachment that the faculty Job characteristics: teamwork, interest in job and autonomy at job Nijhof et al. (1998)
commitment members have toward their work and the show strong and positive relationship with commitment.
institution Organization characteristics: leadership style and human
resource practices have positive influence on commitment.
Personal characteristics: younger employees are more committed
than older employees
Perceived management support and empowerment enhances Sahin et al. (2014)
physical, cognitive and emotional attachment to work and
enhances employee commitment
Employee empowerment, training and working in a team improve Hanaysha (2016)
employee’s productivity, which leads to increased commitment
toward work and the organization

(continued )
no. Enablers Description Literature References

15. Emotional Refers to the ability of faculty members to Interpersonal emotional competencies (self-motivation, self- Hosein (2012)
intelligence recognize their own and others’ emotions awareness and self-control), intrapersonal emotional
demonstrating judicious and empathetic competencies (empathy and managing relations), education of
handling of interpersonal relationships employees and the position of the employee in the organization
positively impact workforce agility
Faculty members should possess emotional competencies like Sharma and Arora
self-awareness, self-motivation, empathy and ability to skillfully (2012)
handle situations to develop emotional competencies in students
Educational programs should focus on developing and enhancing Kamp (2016)
both the professional and personal attributes of students.
Personal attributes such as organizational sensitivity, self-
management, self-awareness, empathy, social and emotional
intelligence are some of the attributes that employers seek in
16. Psychological Is the psychological state of faculty Self-efficacy and intrinsic task motivation increase individuals’ Thomas and Velthouse
empowerment members that make them believe in their orientation toward work based on the four cognitions: (1990)
abilities to perform the task efficiently and meaningfulness, self-determination, competence and impact
effectively A survey of hotels in Taiwan revealed trust and organizational Chiang and Jang (2008)
culture correlates positively to all dimensions of psychological
empowerment, and the variable “self-determination” strongly
affects job satisfaction
Support from the organization improves psychological capital of Sahin et al. (2014)
Management practices that integrate dimensions of Muduli (2016)
psychological empowerment foster workforce agility
Psychological empowerment develops agile behavior and attitude Muduli (2017)
in employees
A survey of employees from the manufacturing and service sector Muduli and Pandya
(public and private in India) found “impact” to be the most (2018)
influential among the psychological empowerment variables in
facilitating agility
Practices by management can stimulate faculty members Meng and Sun (2019)
enthusiasm toward work and increase their level of engagement
in activities related to teaching and research
Enablers of

Table 1.
JARHE identify and understand the interrelationship between the enablers. The method was
predominantly applied in the manufacturing sector, but lately, the method has found
grounding in supply chain management, in healthcare, ICT, in higher education and other
fields. Some of the latest studies conducted using TISM are shown in Table 2 given below.

3. Research methodology
An extensive literature review helped in identifying the enablers that can facilitate agility in
faculty members. After the enablers were identified, five academic experts with more than 15
years of teaching experience in engineering institutions were contacted for any revision to the
enablers list. Expert opinion helped in finalizing the list of enablers and in developing the
model’s feasibility and face validity. In total, 41 faculty members were approached, out of
which 30 agreed to be interviewed, including the five experts contacyted initially. Each
respondent was interviewed for 40–60 min. A closed-ended questionnaire using a five-point
Likert scale was used for collecting data. The pairwise comparison where each enabler is
compared with all the other enablers captured the influence of an enabler on other enablers
(e.g. management support influences new capabilities, management support influences
employee empowerment and so on). The respondents consisted of principal, heads of
departments, professors, associate professors and assistant professors from engineering
colleges in India. The respondents belonged to different engineering disciplines with
experience of respondents varying between 6 and 35 years (Appendix Table A7).
The study used the TISM approach for analyzing the workforce agility enablers in
engineering educational institutions. The steps involved in the TISM approach are
explained below:
(1) Identify and define the enablers: An extensive literature review in the context of
workforce agility in manufacturing and higher education helped to shortlist the
enablers. The opinion of academic experts from engineering colleges further helped to
identify and finalize the factors compatible with workforce agility in engineering
educational institutions. The identified enablers with references are listed in Table 1.
(2) Establish contextual relationship between enablers: A questionnaire consisting of paired
comparison between the factors helped to establish and comprehend the relationship
between the factors. The relationship between the elements is explained on the basis of
intent, priority, dependence and enhancement. If enabler P influences Q, then the
strength of the relationship is defined either very strong, strong, moderate, light or no
influence. Only those enablers that have very strong or strong influence are considered,

Sl. No. Authors Area of research

1 Sindhwani and Malhotra (2017) Agile manufacturing systems

2 Bag (2017) Manufacturing sector in South Africa
3 Sandeepa and Chand (2018) Sustainable flexibility supply chain management
4 Shibin et al. (2016) Green supply chain management
5 Vaishnavi et al.(2019b) Agility in healthcare
6 Patri and Suresh (2017) Performance in healthcare organizations
7 Patil and Suresh (2019) Workforce agility in internet-of-things (IoT) projects
8 Prasad et al.(2018) Block chain cloud service enablers
9 Kashiramka et al.( 2019) Success factors affecting technical higher education
Table 2. 10 Sehgal and Nasim (2018) Factors affecting employability of graduates
Research using the 11 Yeravdekar and Behl (2017) Branding of management education institutions
TISM approach 12 Patil et al. (2018) Solid waste management
and the respective cells in the initial reachability matrix are labeled 1, while all other cells Enablers of
are labeled 0. The initial reachability matrix for workforce agility is presented in Table 3. workforce
(3) Develop the final reachability matrix: The final reachability matrix is developed agility
through transitivity check, as shown in Table 4. The entries in the initial reachability
matrix that are denoted by 0 become eligible for transitivity check. If transitivity is
present, the respective cells will be represented by 1* or 1**, and if transitivity is not
established, the cell will be denoted by 0.
Illustration: First-level transitivity is presented by 1*: P 5 Q; Q 5 R, then P 5 R
Second-level transitivity is presented by 1**: P 5 Q; Q 5 R; R 5 S, then P5S
(4) Partition of the final reachability matrix: Partitioning of the variables into different
iteration levels takes place at this level. The partition matrix consists of a reachability
set, an antecedent set and an intersection set. The final reachability matrix is used to
assign elements to the reachability and antecedent sets. The row elements
corresponding to a particular variable are presented in the reachability set, and
likewise, the column elements are presented in the antecedent set. The common elements
between these two sets enter the intersection set. In iteration 1, all the factors that have
the same elements in the reachability set and the intersection set are assigned the first
level and are not considered in the next level. The process goes on until all the factors are
assigned to different levels. These matrices are presented in Appendix (Tables A1–A6).
(5) Develop the interaction matrix: The interaction matrix is designed using the direct and
the significant transitive links. All places with such links are coded with the binary
value of 1, and all the other places that have no connection are coded with the binary
value of 0. This is presented in Table 5.
(6) Digraph creation and TISM model preparation: The last step is creating a digraph, an
acronym for the directed graph. The final reachability matrix and the level partitions
are used for creating the digraph. For crafting the digraph, all the direct and the
significant transitive links are considered. The factors at the top of the model are
called the first-level factors. Subsequently, coming down the digraph, the numeric
value of each level increases in ascending order, one at a time. The results from the
interpretative matrix and the digraph are used to design the TISM model. The TISM

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
F2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F7 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F9 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
F11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
F12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
F13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Table 3.
F14 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Initial reachability
F15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 matrix for workforce
F16 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 agility
JARHE F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1* 0 1 1 1 1* 1* 1* 1*
F2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F3 0 1 1 1* 1 1 0 1* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F6 0 1* 1 1* 1* 1 0 1** 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F7 0 1* 1 1** 1* 1 1 1** 1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F8 0 1* 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F9 0 1 0 1 1* 0 0 1* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F10 0 1* 0 0 1* 0 0 1** 0 1 1* 1 1 1* 1* 1
F11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
F12 0 1* 0 0 1 0 0 1* 0 0 1* 1 1 1* 1 1
F13 0 1 0 0 1* 0 0 1* 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
Table 4. F14 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
Final reachability F15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1* 1 0
matrix for workforce F16 0 1 0 0 1* 0 0 1* 0 0 1 0 1 1* 1 1
agility Note(s): *, ** represents transitive links

model is shown in Figure 1 and the interpretative–interaction matrix, which offers

qualitative notes on the direct as well as the transitive links, is presented in Table 6.

4. Results
This study aims at identifying the enablers that can facilitate workforce agility in engineering
institutions. In total, 16 enablers were identified and were assigned hierarchical levels depending
on the final reachability matrix given in Table 4. The enablers are then arranged in a hierarchical
structure in the TISM digraph model, as in Figure 1. The enablers placed at the top are assigned
the first level. These enablers influence each other and have no influence or impact on other
enablers, whereas the enabler at the bottom of the structure, in this study, the one at level 6, is the
enabler that can influence all the other enablers, but does not get impacted by other enablers. All
the other enablers between these two levels can impact enablers at their level and the ones above
but can get impacted only by the enablers that are below them in the structure (Jain et al., 2018).
The uni- and bi-directional arrows in the digraph relate to the direction of influence of an enabler
on other enablers, and the dotted lines represent the transitive links. The interpretation of the
relationship between the enablers is discussed below.

4.1 Interpretation of total interpretive structural modeling digraph

4.1.1 Level VI: management support (F1). Management support occupies this level, and this
enabler is seen to influence a number of other enablers like new capabilities, learning and
innovation, rewards and recognition, autonomy, employee empowerment and employee
involvement. The study revealed the changing engineering educational scenario has a
growing thrust on the institutions to provide for the reskilling and upskilling of faculty
members. Organizing training and development programs on current gaps in skills and
competencies of the faculty members enhance and develop their capabilities (Elnaga and
Imran, 2013). Training sessions and workshops help faculty members share their ideas,
discuss, reflect, learn and innovate. Management can influence rewards and recognition by
adopting an innovative reward system that motivates faculty members to perform. Passing
on the freedom of designing and developing the syllabus, adopting innovative instructional
methods, deciding on the adoption of assessment and evaluation tools will influence and
make faculty members empowered and autonomous. Management practices such as
Enablers of

Figure 1.
TISM model for
workforce agility for

participative decision-making, inviting suggestions from faculty members, giving faculty

members’ freedom at work and rewarding and acknowledging their contributions make the
faculty member feel valued and indirectly influence employee involvement (Boudrias
et al., 2009).
4.1.2 Level V: communication (F7) and rewards and recognition (F10). The enablers’
communication and rewards and recognition fall in the second level in the hierarchy
JARHE F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1* 0 0 0
F2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F6 0 0 1 1* 1* 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F7 0 0 1 1** 1* 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F8 0 1* 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F9 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F10 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1* 1* 1
F11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
F12 0 1* 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1* 1 1 0 1 1
F13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
F14 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
F15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1* 1 0
Table 5. F16 0 1 0 0 1* 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
Interaction matrix Note(s): *, ** star(s) represents significant transitive links

structure. Communication influences knowledge sharing and collaborations directly.

Communication and interactions between educators, researchers, scholars and students
within the institution and with alumni, industry experts and community outside the
institution facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge (Tan, 2016). This
sharing of ideas, information and knowledge can indirectly lead to new learning, as faculty
members get to know the latest practices in academia and industry, get multiple perspectives
on issues concerning engineering and societal challenges and an insight into the latest
advancements and developments in the engineering field. Communication can also influence
the renewing of the technological capabilities of faculty members as ICT know-how would
help faculty members connect with the engineering fraternity and others in a faster and more
effective way. Rewards and recognition directly influence employee empowerment and
involvement. Rewards and recognition can encourage and boost the confidence of an
individual as the responsibility that the employee is entrusted with is acknowledged and
appreciated, reinforcing personal competence for participating and affecting decision-
making (Spreitzer, 1995). Rewards indirectly influence learning, employee commitment and
emotional intelligence. Faculty members show the willingness to learn in anticipation of
rewards and recognition. Recognizing faculty members for their contribution in achieving the
organization’s goals and objectives makes them feel valued and boosts their emotional
competence (Crocitto and Youssef, 2003). The faculty members feel more committed to their
work and toward the organization.
4.1.3 Level IV: knowledge sharing (F3), collaborations (F6) and employee empowerment
(F12). At level 4, there are three enablers: knowledge sharing, collaborations and employee
empowerment. Knowledge sharing and collaboration have a two-way relation. Knowledge
sharing happens when educators, researchers and scholars across the globe collaborate (Tan,
2016), and collaboration fosters knowledge sharing. Collaboration facilitates training for
establishing a network with others. Faculty members need to be acquainted with
technological know-how and training provides faculty members with this new capability;
as a result of this, faculty members use technology-enabled platform for collaborations and
knowledge sharing to explore new learning. The third enabler at this level is employee
empowerment, which directly influences learning and innovation, employee involvement,
emotional and psychological empowerment. Empowered faculty members are aware of
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8

F1 Management support Management support

influences new influences learning and
capabilities innovation
F2 New capabilities influence New capabilities influence the
learning and innovation expanding role of faculty
F3 Knowledge sharing Knowledge sharing Knowledge sharing
influences new influences learning and influences
capabilities innovation collaborations
F4 Renewing technological Renewing technological Renewing technological
capabilities influences capabilities influences capabilities influences
new capabilities learning and innovation expanding role of faculty
F5 Learning and innovation Learning and innovation
influences new influences the expanding role
capabilities of faculty members
F6 Collaboration Collaboration influences Collaboration influences
influences knowledge technological capabilities learning and innovation
F7 Communication Communication influences Communication influences Communication
influences knowledge technological capabilities learning and innovation influences
sharing collaboration
F8 Expanding role of faculty Expanding role of faculty
members influences new members influences learning
capabilities and innovation
F9 Training and Training and development
development influences influences technological
new capabilities capabilities
F10 Rewards and recognition
influence learning and
F11 Autonomy influences new Autonomy influences Autonomy influences the
capabilities learning and innovation expanding role of faculty

(continued )
Enablers of

interaction matrix
Table 6.
Table 6.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8

F12 Employee empowerment Employee empowerment

influences new capabilities influences learning and
F13 Employee involvement
influences new
F14 Employee commitment Employee commitment Employee commitment
influences new influences learning and influences the expanding role
capabilities innovation of faculty members
F15 Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence
influences new influences learning and influences the expanding role
capabilities innovation of faculty members
F16 Psychological Psychological empowerment
empowerment influences influences learning and
new capabilities innovation

F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F1 Management Management Management Management

support influences support influences support influences support influences
rewards and autonomy employee employee
recognitions empowerment involvement
F3 Knowledge
sharing influences
training and
F6 Collaboration
influences training
and development

(continued )
F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F10 Rewards and Rewards and Rewards and Rewards and Rewards and
recognition recognition recognition recognition recognition
influence employee influence employee influence influence emotional influence
empowerment involvement employee intelligence psychological
commitment empowerment
F11 Autonomy Autonomy
influences influences
employee emotional
commitment intelligence
F12 Employee Employee Employee Employee
empowerment empowerment empowerment empowerment
influences influences influences influences
autonomy employee emotional psychological
involvement intelligence empowerment
F13 Employee Employee Employee Employee
involvement involvement involvement involvement
influences influences influences influences
autonomy employee emotional psychological
commitment intelligence empowerment
F14 Employee Employee
commitment commitment
influences influences
autonomy emotional
F15 Emotional Emotional
intelligence intelligence
influences influences
autonomy employee
F16 Psychological Psychological Psychological
empowerment empowerment empowerment
influences influences influences
autonomy employee emotional
involvement intelligence
Note(s): The sentences in italics represent the significant transitive links
Enablers of

Table 6.
JARHE organizational goals and objectives, their roles and responsibilities and enjoy the freedom
given by the management to carry out their work in the way they want to, without any
interference. Empowerment acts as an intrinsic motivator and influences faculty members to
perform better, as they are made accountable for their work, resulting in new learning and
greater worker involvement. Employee empowerment is found to influence new capabilities
and autonomy indirectly. The freedom, accountability and responsibility entrusted can drive
the willingness of the faculty members to perform better by learning and embracing new
capabilities (Berraies et al., 2014; Hanaysha, 2016). Empowerment facilitates employees to
become autonomous in their jobs (Chiang and Jang, 2008)
4.1.4 Level III: training and development (F9), employee involvement (F13) and
psychological empowerment (F16). Training and development, employee involvement and
psychological empowerment are assigned to level 3. Technology cannot be ignored as the
current generation is tech-savvy, and they need to be taught in the way they are most
comfortable. Educating and training faculty members regarding the new instructional
methods would help secure their support and equip them with the technological know-how of
incorporating technology in the teaching–learning process (Kukulska-Hulme, 2012).
Employee involvement influences new capabilities, autonomy, employee commitment,
emotional intelligence and psychological empowerment. Involving faculty members in the
decision-making process and practicing participative leadership influence autonomy
(Kathuria and Partovi, 1999). The belief and trust that management shows by entrusting
the faculty members and teams with tasks boosts their self-confidence and self-efficacy and
enhances their commitment toward the organization. To realize the personal and
organizational goals, faculty members discuss, reflect and learn. Psychological
empowerment influences new capabilities, autonomy, emotional intelligence and employee
involvement directly and learning indirectly. Psychologically empowered faculty members
feel in charge of their work physically and emotionally. To perform work effectively, faculty
members keep upgrading their skills and competencies, and in the process, learn new things.
4.1.5 Level II: renewing technological capabilities (F4), autonomy (F11), employee
commitment (F14) and emotional intelligence (F15). Level 2 consists of enablers: renewing
technological capabilities, autonomy, employee commitment and emotional intelligence.
Learning new technological skills enables the faculty members to use them in teaching–
learning, collaborating with others inside and outside the institution and for other
administrative purposes (Keengwe et al., 2009; Romeu et al., 2016; McCully and McDaniel,
2007), equipping the faculty take up different roles. Autonomy in education gives freedom to
the faculty members in designing and developing new programs/courses that are in
streamline with industry requirements (Kashiramka et al., 2019) and adopting new
instructional, assessment and evaluation tools. Freedom at job encourages faculty
members to acquire and refresh knowledge and skills to be able to carry out the activities
effectively. Autonomy enhances learning and equips the faculty members to take up multiple
roles in the institution. Increase in job autonomy enhances emotional competence (Kim et al.,
2009). Autonomy gives employees freedom to make decisions and solve problems related to
their work without any interference, and this leads to job satisfaction and influences
commitment (Berraies et al., 2014). Employee commitment influences developing new skills
and competencies in faculty members, as they are motivated to contribute to the success of
the institution. Commitment influences autonomy, emotional competence, and this
encourages the faculty members to assume multiple roles. People with high emotional
intelligence are autonomous learners, and this leads to commitment as the beliefs and values
of the employees and institution are aligned.
4.1.6 Level I: new capabilities (F2), learning and innovation (F5) and expanding role of
faculty members (F8). The last level enablers influence each other and have no impact on any
other enabler. New capabilities, learning and innovation and expanding role of faculty
members are the top-level enablers. New skills and abilities enhance learning and innovation Enablers of
(Mohamed et al., 2004), and learning influences imbibing new capabilities. Learning enhances workforce
the competencies of the faculty members and enables them to assume multiple roles (Dove
and Willis, 1996). Executing different roles enhances new learning indirectly embracing new
skills and capabilities.

5. MICMAC analysis
Matrice d’Impacts croises-multipication applique’ a classment, or MICMAC, also commonly
known as the cross-impact multiplication matrix is used to classify factors on their driving
and dependency power (Vaishnavi et al., 2019a; Vaishnavi and Suresh, 2020; Lakshmi
Priyadarsini and Suresh, 2020). The MICMAC graph is represented by the dependence power
on the y-axis and driving power on the x-axis (Suresh et al., 2019a, 2019b). The clustering of
the factors into autonomous, independent, linkage and dependent zones is presented in
Figure 2 below.

5.1 Interpretation of MICMAC analysis

Zone I – Consists of autonomous enablers that have low driving and low dependence power.
F3 (knowledge sharing), F4 (renewing technological capability), F6 (collaboration/
networking), F7 (communication), F9 (training and faculty development), F11 (autonomy),
F13 (employee involvement), F14 (employee commitment), F15 (emotional intelligence) and
F16 (psychological empowerment) are the autonomous enablers.
Zone II – Consists of enablers that have weak driving power but strong dependence. These
enablers are called dependent enablers. The dependent enablers in this study are F2 (new
capabilities), F5 (learning and innovation) and F8 (expanding role of faculty members).
A change in any other enabler can influence these enablers.

Zone –IV:Independent Zone–III:Linkage

11 F1
Driving Power Î

10 F10
9 F12
8 F7 F13,
7 F3,F6
6 F11,F14,
5 F9
4 F4
3 F2,
F5, F8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 1 16 Figure 2.
Diagram of MICMAC
Zone –I:Autonomous Zone–II:Dependent analysis
Dependence power Î
JARHE Zone III – Enablers with both high driving power and dependence are classified as linkage
enablers, and they occupy the third zone. They establish links between lower- and higher-
level enablers and act as the mediator between enablers. There are no linkage enablers in
this study.
Zone IV – This zone consists of enablers with strong driving power but weak dependence.
These are called independent enablers. In this case, the driving enablers are F1 (management
support), F10 (reward and recognition) and F12 (employee empowerment). The driving
enablers are the key enablers.
The MICMAC ranking of all workforce agility enablers is mentioned in Table 7.

6. Discussion
According to the MICMAC analysis, management support is found to have the highest
driving power, and this makes management support the most crucial enabler (Muduli, 2016).
A small change or modification to this enabler can bring changes in all other enablers,
especially the ones with high dependence power, and ignoring this enabler would put other
enablers in imbalance. Apart from management support, the other two enablers that have a
strong driving force are rewards and recognition and employee empowerment. Rewards and
recognition can motivate employees to perform better in anticipation of appreciation in
monetary or non-monetary form (Ndungu, 2017; Sumukdas and Sawhney, 2004).
Acknowledging suggestions and contributions made by the employees to the
organization’s success and rewarding and appreciating them can alter the behavior of the
employees and secure their support during the process of change (Crocitto and Youssef,
2003). Some of the suggestions for improving the reward structure suggested by faculty
members include incentives for securing research projects and publications (Mittal et al.,
2018), implementing an innovative consultancy policy that shares the revenue generated with
the faculty member motivating faculty members to engage in more consultancy work,
incentives for innovation, for including new and innovative instructional method in
teaching–learning, initiating online or distance learning, developing e-content (McCully and

Driving Driving power/ MICMAC

Enabler power Dependence dependence rank

Management support 11 1 11.00 1

New capabilities 3 16 0.19 10
Knowledge sharing 7 3 2.33 5
Renewing technological 4 5 0.80 8
Learning and innovation 3 16 0.19 10
Collaboration/networking 7 3 2.33 5
Communication 8 1 8.00 2
Expanding role of faculty 3 16 0.19 10
Training and faculty 5 4 1.25 7
Rewards and recognition 10 2 5.00 3
Autonomy 6 8 0.75 9
Employee empowerment 9 3 3.00 4
Table 7. Employee involvement 8 5 1.60 6
MICMAC analysis Employee commitment 6 8 0.75 9
rank for workforce Emotional intelligence 6 8 0.75 9
agility Psychological empowerment 8 5 1.60 6
McDaniel, 2007; Phlibin, 2015), initiating sustainable practices on campus, providing young Enablers of
researchers the seed money to carry out research and considering student evaluation and workforce
performance for promotion. Employee empowerment, yet another enabler with a high driving
force, promotes self-efficacy among faculty members and motivates them to perform
efficiently for accomplishing personal and organization’s goals and objectives (Hamed, 2010).
Empowered faculty members are aware of organizational goals and objectives, their roles and
responsibilities and enjoy the freedom given by the management to carry out their work in the
way they want to, without any interference.
The variables new capabilities, learning and innovation and expanding role of faculty
members exhibit very low driving power but high dependence. These enablers need to be
triggered by enablers that have a high driving force. The right strategy, practices and
processes adopted by the management can trigger them. Support from the management in
the form of education and training (Elnaga and Imran, 2013), embracing a culture of lifelong
learning (Giesecke and McNeil, 2004), entrusting employees with responsibility and
providing IT infrastructure for collaborating with stakeholders within and outside campus
can influence faculty members to embrace new learning and help them execute different roles
effectively. Management practices facilitating human resource capabilities can motivate and
drive employees to be more productive influencing the organizational performance
(Hanaysha, 2016). Although the study has no linkage factor, according to the TISM
digraph model, autonomy (F11), employee commitment (F14) and emotional intelligence (F15)
can be considered as linkage factors, as they have high dependence power and moderate
driving power. Linkage factors link the dependent factors with the independent factors, and
their high dependence makes these enablers sensitive to change. Strategic and effective
management of these factors can foster the agility of the system. The model identified 13
significant transitive links with a majority of enablers influencing the dependent variables’
new capabilities and learning, which explains the influence of other variables in activating
the dependent variables. Other significant transitive links are:
(1) management support influences employee involvement (Boudrias et al., 2009);
(2) communication and collaboration influence renewing technological capabilities and
learning (Philbin, 2015);
(3) rewards and recognition influence emotional intelligence and employee commitment
(Crocitto and Youssef, 2003);
(4) employee empowerment influences autonomy (Chiang and Jang, 2008; Menon and
Suresh, 2020); and
(5) Emotional intelligence influences employee commitment.
Understanding of the direct and significant transitive linkages can help institutions focus on
weak areas and facilitate the decision-making process of promoting agile workforce.

7. Managerial and social implications

The framework proposed in this study would help top management of engineering colleges
and universities adopt strategies that can facilitate faculty members’ agility. The structured
model has incorporated and prioritized all the crucial drivers and the significant transitive
links of workforce agility. Reformulating strategies, processes and practices by focusing on
variables with strong driving force can promote workforce agility in engineering institutions.
Changing demands of the employers have left engineering colleges rethinking on the courses/
programs offered and the use of alternative instructional methods for effective learning.
Engineering graduates apart from having domain knowledge and competency should also
have critical and analytical skills, creative and innovative skills, communication skills,
JARHE systems thinking, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary thinking, ability to work in cross-
cultural teams and a diverse and global mindset (Kamp, 2016). One of the biggest challenges
faced by engineering colleges is the lack of employability skills in students. Strengthening the
academia–industry relationship by collaborating with industry experts in developing
curriculum, visiting industries to understand the latest practices adopted by the industries,
joint faculty–student–industry collaboration on research projects and internship programs
(Debnath and Shankar, 2012) are some of the practices that can bridge the gap between
students’ skills and industry expectations.
Faculty members are the backbone of any institution and shoulder the responsibility of
producing globally competent future workforce. Equipping faculty members with new skills
and competencies is inevitable and needs to be prioritized. Engineering institutions need to
invest in training and development programs that leverage the potential of faculty members.
Faculty development programs that enhance teaching effectiveness, train faculty members to
design and develop entrepreneurial, interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary programs,
incorporate innovative instructional methods and learning activities (Kamp, 2016) that
promote collaborative and experiential learning (Valdivia, 2013) would enable faculty
members to blend technical knowledge, human factor and business acumen in balance
equipping students to meet the industry requirements. Realizing the importance of quality of
faculty members and the need to enhance their knowledge, AICTE (All India Council for
Technical Education) initiated and introduced the Quality Improvement Program (QIP) in
which faculty members from different engineering institutions are deputed to institutions like
IIT, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and other renowned institutions to pursue MTech and
PhD (Biswas et al., 2010). A successful venture like this and more of such initiatives by the
policymakers, accreditation bodies and regulatory authorities that focus on improving the
quality of faculty members and a curriculum that prioritizes competence and collaboration
over compliance and competition, employability and marketability over syllabus and marks
and attitude and learning skills over aptitude and degree (Kamat, 2012) can be detrimental in
producing a globally competent workforce with the required employability skills.

8. Conclusion
For engineering educational institutions to stay competitive in this constantly changing
environment, investing in human capital has become imperative. A change in the educational
environment may require the upskilling of existing skills or the development of new skills
and competencies of faculty members. Management should adopt policies and practices that
leverage the potential of faculty members. Continuous training and development programs,
coupled with innovative human resource practices and strategies, can catalyze agility. These
practices can improve the cohesion between the management and the employees and
empower them to act flexibly and speedily when faced with unpredictable change.
The study has certain limitations. The study was restricted to small sample size. The
enablers of workforce agility in engineering institutions were validated using the TISM
approach at a fundamental level. This prelim qualitative validation can be further empirically
validated using statistical techniques like SEM. The study can be extended to other
disciplines to get a comprehensive picture of the enablers that can promote workforce agility
in higher education institutions.

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JARHE Appendix

Enabler Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1,2,5,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 1 1
2 2,5,8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 2,5,8 I
3 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 3,6,7 3,6
4 2,4,5,8 3,4,6,7,9 4
5 2,5,8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 2,5,8 I
6 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 3,6,7 3,6
7 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 7 7
8 2,5,8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 2,5,8 I
9 2,4,5,8,9 3,6,7,9 9
10 2,5,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 1,10 10
11 2,5,8,11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15
12 2,5,8,11,12,13,14,15,16 1,10,12 12
13 2,5,8,11,13,14,15,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16
Table A1. 14 2,5,8,11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15
Iteration 1 level 15 2,5,8,11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15
partition matrix 16 2,5,8,11,13,14,15,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16

Enabler Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 1 1
3 3,4,6,9 3,6,7 3,6
4 4 3,4,6,7,9 4 II
6 3,4,6,9 3,6,7 3,6
7 3,4,6,7,9 7 7
9 4,9 3,6,7,9 9
10 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 1,10 10
11 11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15 II
12 11,12,13,14,15,16 1,10,12 12
13 11,13,14,15,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16
Table A2. 14 11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15 II
Iteration 2 level 15 11,14,15 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 11,14,15 II
partition matrix 16 11,13,14,15,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16

Enabler Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1,10,12,13,16 1 1
3 3,6,9 3,6,7 3,6
6 3,6,9 3,6,7 3,6
7 3,6,7,9 7 7
9 9 3,6,7,9 9 III
10 10,12,13,16 1,10 10
Table A3. 12 12,13,16 1,10,12 12
Iteration 3 level 13 13,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16 III
partition matrix 16 13,16 1,10,12,13,16 13,16 III
Enablers of
Enabler Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1,10,12 1 1
3 3,6 3,6,7 3,6 IV
6 3,6 3,6,7 3,6 IV
7 3,6,7 7 7 Table A4.
10 10,12 1,10 10 Iteration 4 level
12 12 1,10,12 12 IV partition matrix

Enabler Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level

1 1,10 1 1 Table A5.

7 7 7 7 V Iteration 5 level
10 10 1,10 10 V partition matrix

Enablers Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection set Level Table A6.
Iteration 6 level
1 1 1 1 VI partition matrix

Respondents Principal:1
Professors: 4
Associate professors: 5
Assistant professors: 17 Table A7.
Experience 6–35 years Profile of respondents
Age 29–57 years for workforce agility in
Engineering Mechanical, computer science, electronics and communication, civil, electrical and technical higher
disciplines computer applications education

About the authors

Shalini Menon is a Research Scholar at Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Coimbatore, India. She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Bharathiyar
University, India. Her field of study is agility in higher education. Her research interests include agile
systems, sustainability, service operations. She is currently working on agility and sustainability in
higher education.
M. Suresh is an Associate Professor at Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Coimbatore, India. He holds a PhD in Project Management from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
JARHE India, and Master’s in Industrial Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. His
research interests include issues related to lean and agile operations and performance management. He
has authored several papers in operations management and currently working on lean and agile
healthcare operations management. He is also a member of International Society on Multiple Criteria
Decision Making. M. Suresh is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: m_suresh@cb.

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