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The spirituality exercise is the most important aspect of St.

Ignatius of Loyola's life and

works. It is consisting of the compilations of his meditations, prayers, and contemplative
practices to help people deepen their faith in God. It has a significant impact on people's lives,
leading them to a closer relationship with God. Furthermore, it strengthens one's spiritual
potential, which may contribute to becoming a positive person capable of overcoming his
uncertainties and challenges in life. It assists persons in becoming aware of God's presence and
how we can be able to connect with him at all times. This exercise serves as one of our
medicines for our spiritual health because it alleviates the negativities that we experience on a
regular basis, and when we do this exercise, it appears that all of our experiences of suffering are
disappearing as a result of God's love and kindness that we felt when we did this exercise. With
all of these, I consider it to be the most significant because it benefits one's life and creates a
healthy relationship with God as well as other individuals who seek God.

Being part of a Jesuit institution is an overwhelming and rewarding feeling. This

institution has a concern for the whole persons’ physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Every
student is formed with Ignatian principles and educated to become men and women for others
who serve God to the greater glory. They provide opportunities and generate professionally
competent students, which contributes to the country's economic progress. Furthermore, they
help students become God-fearing individuals by instilling in them the principles of St. Ignatius
of Loyola. I am able to resonate it with the mission of the Jesuit education through its impacts of
it on my performance in studying. Through the Institution’s support to every student, we are able
to achieve what we aim and at the same time, we are able to bring honor to God as well as to the
institution. The Jesuit Institution's mission is truly obtained by the students and helps them
nurture their skills and abilities, allowing them to use them effectively and efficiently.

In my perspective, St. Ignatius of Loyola’s great contribution that I can emulate for my
spiritual journey and enrichment was his prayers such as the prayer for generosity. This prayer
teaches me to use my skills and abilities in a way that will assist others in the best way possible.
It teaches me how to function as a youth leader while upholding the Ignatian values I have
learned. It was stated in his prayer that the person praying is asking for something that will
actually benefit both himself and others. It signifies that the individual wants to make a
difference yet, not everyone is designed to make a difference however, through God's love,
people will see it as not an option to achieve greater things for God. Thus, prayer is the means by
which we connect with God, deepening our faith and allowing us to experience his presence,
which gives us hope in everything we do in life. His prayers are the ones I will use for spiritual
enrichment and to attain things in life that I have wished for, as well as to obtain Spiritual
guidance as I seek my purpose in life.

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