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Michael Ernel M.


Activity A
1. In my opinion, they are distinct and distinctive. They both
share the same desire to communicate something in a few words.
"To Jennie" is a sad but touching poem written as a goodbye
letter to the poet's niece.

2. In the last lines the speaker presents an emotion of farewell,

loss and nostalgia. That's because he is saying goodbye to a
friend with whom he has fun, happy and comfortable memories.

Activity B

Analyzing poems line by line allows you to break poems down in order
to study their structure, form, language, metrical pattern, and
theme. The purpose of literary analysis is to interpret the meaning
of a poem and appreciate it on a deeper level.It provides details and
a deeper analysis of the poetry so that we may comprehend how the
author wants us to feel. When you evaluate a poem, you get a sense of
how the author felt when he or she wrote it. You go through what they
went through. You'll experience a stronger bond with them and gain a
better knowledge of their work.

Activity C

“Thank You Frontliners”

By grace through faith and everythings comes naturally,

Not today but someday the world will be safe and free.
All of us deserve to live in this world happily, meaningfully and
Together we will rise and go back again to the reality

Thank for everything that you’ve done in our society,

You spend your days in hospital instead with your family.
Praying for all of the frontliners health and safety
Thank you for your service, you makes millions of people happy

In the very beginning of the poem, the poet says that he wants to
thank God. In fact, he admits that his life has no ray of hope.
Rather his future seems to be as dark as a pit. But then also he is
grateful to God for his ‘unconquerable soul’. He says that no pain
can cure his soul.
Eventually, he claims that whenever he fell into some difficulty he
always remained unbeatable. However, situations have tried to destroy
him, he always fights back with courage. In fact, he agrees that
sometimes difficulties have made him bleed and suffer. But he never
let himself bow before them and cry out of fear.
In the third stanza, the poet says that horror has always lurked
behind him. But it always finds him unafraid. Whenever menace or
trouble has come in his life he has faced it bravely.
Finally, in the last stanza, Henley says that though the gate of life
is narrow he will definitely pass it with vigor. Moreover, he
declares that he is the master of his fate, meaning his fortune.
Also, he claims that he is the captain of his soul.
This poem motivates the readers to understand the fact that nobody
can control our lives. It only depends on us how we choose to live
our lives. Henley ends his poem with a note that one should become
the friend, philosopher, and guide of one’s own soul.

Complete the statement below.
I thought that poems or poetry weren't important, But I was mistaken
since they assist us in comprehending and appreciating the world
around us.
I discovered that Mark Twain's famous poem was "To Jennie," which he
wrote after his niece's death.
I got additional ideas about how to write an outline for a poem
analysis essay. Also, an outline for a poem analysis essay can be
written in a variety of ways.

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