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LDV Conversation script:

Ummi: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for

Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies,
including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software,
middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications
and services.

Shameen: A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society.
It is a common problem in present-day society and one that many people strive to
solve. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual’s control.

Aniq: And now, let’s get started ,(moreover) Innovation and development in our
country have caused many changes especially in various technologies. We are now
merging the era where (ICT) Information and communications technology has
become crucial to our daily live, however this arrogation for (ICT) to be one major
component in almost each and every single activity of our routines. Subsequently,
when the goods of (ICT) outshine the cons we tend to be blinded by the
replenishment it brings to our country.

Shameen: As for example, we can see how (ICT) improves our administration
system, educational system and not forgetting our economy. Virtually the benefits
outstandingly overshadowing the negative resolutions in which (ICT) possess, none
has the integrity to acknowledge this due to the (ICT) contribution towards our world.
According to Cambridge Dictionary (ICT) is where massive exchange of information
or data occurs anywhere and anytime.

Ummi: Indeed, it does brings a lot of benefits to our daily life, notwithstanding what if
the “information” or “data” we are referring to can be contagiously negative to the
vulnerable stakeholders? Interrogating who could they be? Whether we realise it or
not the most affected by the (ICT) which left venomous impact as it is poisoning their
mind and slowly corrupting it. Perplexed, (ICT) has been causing many social ills in
reality, despite its contributions to the country. (ICT) provide boundless network
which promotes extreme socialisation among youths, inadequate law enforcement of
the cyberspace activities, and global stigma.

Shameen: First, ICT causes addictions. Internet, satellite TV and online activities are
all accessible to anyone with no age, gender, religious or cultural restriction 24 hours
a day. Having unlimited access to the Internet turns many people to addicts. Before
ICT, there is no online game, online gambling and pornographic addiction. For
example, ICT causes online game addiction which have even caused deaths. In
China and South Korea, there are cases of young parents neglected their new born
baby while busy creating new scores online for days. They did not feed their child
because to them, playing online games is more important. Besides, with ICT,
gambling is done around the clock. So, online gambling makes gambling accessible
even to those who are faraway from gambling venues thus creating more gambling
addicts. Other than that, ICT causes pornographic addiction. With endless access to
all sorts of pornographic materials, people turn into addicts in no time. Before ICT,
pornographic materials are not that easily available and now, by only ticking a certain
box to indicate your age, even young kids could access these types of unsuitable
content. It is obvious that ICT gives way to addiction with its nrestricted accessibility
and this leads to social ills.

Aniq: Second, ICT causes obsessions. ICT makes people obsessed with celebrities
of many kinds, entertainers, sportsmen and public figures. Before MT, we read about
celebrities on newspapers or magazines but ICT provides more sources. Worse, ICT
permits and even encourages stalking. Social networking sites like
Twitter,Instagram, and whatsapp (ermm, I dont think that it is included though)
glorifies stalking because a user gets to follow anyone they want . It used to be that a
stalker needs to physically follow a celebrity but now one can stalk anybody, not just
celebrity. Before ICT, stalking is not announced and not publicly done. Besides, a
trend used to take some time before reaching our shore but with ICT it's just a
matter of seconds. Any trend is a worldwide trend with ICT.(as we can see,a western
trend or culture easily applied by the society) Therefore some of the effects from this
is, more people become fashion victims because they are obsessed with anything
new. For example, one who Is obsessed with fashion might emulate a fashion trend
of an idol but it might not be in accordance with our cultural values or even weather.
In addition, with ICT, obsession gets more outlets. Fan forums and groups are
created to encourage obsession where all obsessed fans gather. For example, in the
60s, teens all over the world were obsessed with The Beatles but none of them could
beat the obsession teens in the early 20s have on Justin Bieber. The “Beliebers”
wear, eat, drink and sleep Bieber. This causes social ills because in the long run, the
fanatics might resort to something illegal such as stealing and cheating to get what
they want,specificly,the merchandise of their idol or even harm theirselves because
of the celebrities.

Shameen: Oh! Then it is similar to what happen these days. BTS also known as the
Bangtan boys, is a seven-member South Korean boy band. They are the most
famous Korean boy band in this era. They have annoying crazy fans, called the
army. Their fans is unreasonable and toxic sometimes. Due to their obsession, if
anything negative had been said, the armys will bash the people commenting. This
can also cause depression towards the people getting bashed.

Aniq: From this, it is clear that ICT provides for obsessive behaviour and this leads to
social ills.

Ummi: As far as I am concerned ict can caused depression. It occurs when other
people flaunt their amazing life on sns while some feel lacking thus feeling sad and
self pity. They might suffer from low self esteem because of they assume nobody
likes their media social updates or nobody commented on their uploaded pictures.
Other than that, cyber bullying is famous among social media users nowadays.
Cyber bullying is not only effecting one’s physical but also emotionally and virtually.
The victim suffers from great depression because they are not only alienated in real
word but also online. There are many different symptoms found in students and
educators with technology-related anxiety,


 flushed skin, body temperature increase and decrease

 burning sensation on the face neck, ears, scalp, or shoulders
 chest pain chronic fatigue
 exhaustion dizziness
 Light headed
 heart palpitation which is causing racing heart
 Excess energy, can relax.


 the victims have difficulty concentrating

 short-term memory loss
 difficulty thinking, speaking
 forming thoughts fear of losing control
 frequently feeling of being overwhelmed or that there is too much
 for them to handle
 short-term learning impairment
 have difficulty learning new information
 underlying anxiety apprehension, or fear.

There are many remedies to cure someone who suffered depression due to
overusing ict such as making appointment with counselors. But some of the victims
think differently. They will try to overcome their uneasiness by taking recreational
drugs or even vandalism to forget their inferiority. Some victims are resorting to self-
destructive or self-harm behaviour such as inflicting pain on themselves rather than
taking a safer initiative to cure themselves. Some of them may be lost appetite and
ended up being anorexic. The worse situation is most of the suicide cases are due to
depression. Ict is the medium of bullying plus harsh remarks can be done
anonymously without limit. This prove that ict can cause depression that leads to
social ills.

Shameen: As a conclusion, ict can cause many social ills such as addiction,
obsession and depression. Undeniably, ict have many positive impact than negative
ones, as a user, we need to be aware of the disadvantages of using ict. Social ills
are one of the public concern which we should do our parts to cure the problems.

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