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Std VI
I. Answer the following with reference to context.

1. “And this would have been the end of him if Walt had not spotted him
along the railway line and brought him back to the cottage.”
a. Who is referred to as ‘him’ in the above lines?
Ans. The dog named ‘Wolf’ is referred to as ‘him’ in the above lines.

b. Who was Walt? Why was he looking for him?

Ans. Walt Irvine stayed in the mountain cottage and Wolf the dog arrived at his
cottage from nowhere.
Wolf, the dog had been treated by him and Walt tried to win his love.
However, after recovering, the dog just disappeared and that is why Walt was
looking for him.

c. Why would that be the ‘end’ of him?

Ans. Wolf was very unsociable. Furthermore, he was found beside the railway
line. He could have been hit by a train if Walt had not found him on time.

2. “An’ I ain’t here a-looking for it either.”

a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Skiff Miller said the above words to Walt Irvine.

b. What wasn’t he looking at?

Ans. Skiff Miller wasn’t looking for a zero weather in that place.

c. Who was he looking for?

Ans. Skiff Miller was looking for his sister Mrs. William Johnson who lived in that

3. “He ain’t been on trail for a long time.”

a. Who said these words?
Ans. Skiff Miller said these words.

b. Who was he talking about?

Ans. Skiff Miller was talking about Brown Wolf.

c. Why did he say the above words?

Ans. He checked the dog’s footpads and found that they had become soft which
made him comment that the dog had not been hunting for some time.

4. “Then, he was on his feet. He made up his mind.”

a. Who is ‘he’ referred to in the above extract?
Ans. ‘He’ is referred to Brown Wolf in the above extract.

b. About what had he made up his mind?

Ans. Brown Wolf had made up his mind about going with Skiff Miller.

c. What did he do just before he made up his mind?

Ans. He waited silently for a minute and was then on his feet.

II. Answer the following:

1. Describe Brown Wolf.

Ans. The dog looked like a huge timber-wolf in build; but the colour of his coat
was that of a dog. He was brown, deep-brown, red-brown, a mixture of browns.
His eyes shone like twin topazes, golden and brown.

2. Why did Brown Wolf decide to stay at the cottage?

Ans. Brown Wolf decided to stay at the cottage because, his numerous attempts
at getting back to his home proved futile and he realized that he would not be
able to find his original owner and home.

3. How did Wolf treat Walt and Madge?

Ans. Walt and Madge had to struggle a lot to get close to Wolf. He would run
away and had to be brought back by Walt. They both loved the dog but got very
little in return.

4. How did Walt and Madge gain Wolf’s confidence?

Ans. Their persistent effort won them Wolf’s confidence. They were the only ones
he allowed to touch him. All others were greeted with a growl.

5. How did Wolf react to Skiff Miller?

Ans. Wolf went close to Skiff Miller voluntarily which surprised Walt and Madge a
lot. Wolf never felt comfortable with strangers, but with Skiff Miller he was

6. What did Wolf do the first time when he saw Skiff Miller?
Ans. Wolf rubbed against the newcomer’s legs, and for the first time since Walt
and Madge discovered him, he barked.

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