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The Luc󿵒

by: Rovi D. Aguilar

None of us are born already knowing what

our purpose is. Some spend their lives trying to
find out what it is, while most actually do so
without realizing it. I don’t agree with the thought
entirely, but, I do understand to some extent.
How can someone go on a trip without a
destination? Dressing up to go grocery shopping?
Cooking dinner for a bunch of people you hate?
Too bad the lucky ones can’t even walk or talk.

If my bag could talk, I bet it would say

something like “Hey, I keep your wallet and lip
balm in me and are, therefore, safe and sound.
What do you do with your life?” As rude as it is,
it’s true! If everyday objects suddenly came to life
one day, I’d imagine the first thing they’d do
would be to laugh at my face! They had a purpose
even before they existed. Mr. Table would be
responsible for holding everything we need,
whether it’s food or a simple placemat. Mrs.
Folder could teach us a thing or two about
orderliness. And Ms. Key and Mr. Lock would be
in charge of home security, no one would stand a
chance against them!
They wouldn’t complain. They’d just live their
lives without anything lacking.

To say I’m jealous would be an assumption,

though, because I’m not. I’m simply curious to
know what it’s like to have to worry about
nothing because everything’s laid out in front of

As much as I dislike uncertainty, I greatly

appreciate the hard work that comes with it. The
thought of my mirror coming to life is
fascinating but it’s kind of pitiable. Eventually,
they’re going to get tired of the same old thing
and I’ll be like “Poor living things, literally, must
be bored out of their wits trying to be something
more than what they’re supposed to be.”
Especially since they're alive. Emotions and
opinions are present.

When you think about it, if we know what

our purpose is from the moment we are born,
life would be a waiting game and we’d all just be
waiting for the time to come when we will serve
our purpose. In other words, life would be a
bore. No thrill, no choices, no acceptance of
mistakes, no freedom.

They may be lucky. But, we’re blessed. We

don’t know anything yet. We live to find out and
along the way, we find other things. And it’s all
because we’re not fixed on some desk or a wall.

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