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The Daily Trumpet P

There are bigger things to
worry about than the
weather; but it will be warm
and dry, if you must know.

No. 120.972. | Established 1160 DR. | FIRSTDAY OF THE THIRD TENDAY, 21ST KYTHORN 1491 DR. PRICE: 1 SHARD.

a massacre by tieflings at WANTED CRIMINALS AT LARGE
Feast of Faces gathering and
across city sparks widespread
suspicion and mob justice
against tieflings and
demihumans in Waterdeep.

On the night of the 20th of
Kythorn, the City Watch
received word of feral tieflings
on violent rampages throughout PP
Otho Umbrous “Samuel Cassalanter”, Savos Nevermind, Than Athos, Andrevich Henry Thann “Antiphony”, “Violent” Jack Damascus
the city. Incidences have Known accomplices of the Red Kythorn Massacre at the Cassalanter Villa, and for various other crimes
occurred in all wards, with
tieflings embarking on killing children were out of the city at protected by the Watch but stay
Damascus was seen before the
sprees throughout the city. Most the time and remain safe. at their own risk. A curfew has
massacre in the company of the
notable of which are the
massacres in the Dock, Field
FROM RED KYTHORN Investigations have also
unearthed the names of three
killers and is suspected to be in been imposed upon the city. All
citizens are to be in their homes

their employ.
and Sea Wards. other accomplices of ill repute. an hour after sundown. Any
Nine sailors were killed in
the Dock Ward by a ravaging
PP Mr Savos Nevermind, a known
fence for several underworld
throughout who are found out of doors after
hours will be taken into custody
Waterdeep. The City Watch,
tiefling, screaming of his ‘blood organizations, dealing with to maintain the peace.
Griffon Calvary and the Watchful
of Orcus’. The tiefling was
apprehended by sailors who cut
Tiefling responsible for massacres spark riots as citizens execute mob
justice; tiefling and demihuman population evacuated from Waterdeep.
black market magical items. He
has long been on the watch lists
Order of Protectors and Magists
were mobilised by v the Open Lord
Open Lord Laeral Silverhand
urges the citizens to remain
him down in the street. of the Watchful Order of calm, and reminds all that
in under an hour. By the time the
Twelve other confirmed Protectors and Magists. peaceful coexistence has ever
riots were suppressed, eighteen
deaths in the Field Ward were prominent families, including Legal Partners, put forth a Doctor Than Athos, owner been the cornerstone of the
tieflings and three dragonborn
caused by a tiefling wizard Wands, Artemel, and Irlingstar. statement saying that Lord of Dryas Rast, has no criminal city’s progress and prosperity.
were assaulted or lynched. The
setting fires in the slums, One of the perpetrators has been Cassalanter has been proven to record. However, City Watch Investigations are continuing.
Open Lord has since evacuated all
hailing the Lord of Lies Baal. identified as Andrevich Henry have been under a mind control has been aware of Doctor
willing tieflings and other
He remains in custody in the Thann. He is witnessed to have spell, which was cast upon him Athos’s sale of mind-altering
demihumans fearing for their
Watch after he turned himself mauled Lady Artemel and Lord
Renaer Neverember. When
by a tiefling posing as the long substances. Speculation thus
circulates that these men
safety to refugee camps by RENAER
in. dead Samuel Cassalanter. He Nightstone, Goldenfields and NEVEREMBER
The most prominent series asked for comment, Lady has denied responsibility for the assisted in the mind-control of ARRESTED FOR
Rassalantar for their safety. They
of murders took place in the Cassandra Thann insisted that massacre in his home and has Lord Cassalanter. EMBEZZLEMENT
are welcome to return when it
Cassalanter Villa, where tiefling Mr Andrevich has no reached out to noble families A third tiefling accomplice OF LONG LOST
proves safe for them.
guests were witnessed to have connection with the house. with gifts of condolences. identified as “Violent” Jack NEVEREMBER’S
Those who refuse to leave are
mauled nobles from several Mr Slant, owner of Slant
Fortunately, the Cassalanter’s HORDE ON PG 2
children were out of the city at

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