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In your opinion, what makes it difficult for people to find places to exercise?

1. Give a direct In my opinion, there are several major

answer  reasons why people are hard to get
sufficient physical activities:
2. Give a reason  First and foremost, individuals spend
far too much time at work. As a result,
people frequently prefer to work extra
rather than go to the gym.
3. Add more Furthermore, individuals prefer riding
related details  motorcycles or driving vehicles to pedal
bicycles in order to save time for work,
despite the fact that cycling is a superior
way to maintain their health.

Is your studying different from what you expected?

1. Give a direct To be honest, this subject necessitates

answer  a lot of reading, research, group
projects, and other academic tasks.
2. Give a reason  In many situations, things are new and
tough, but I believe that with passion
and determination, they can be
3. Add more It's a challenging yet enjoyable subject
related details  for me.

Describe an art and craft activity you did at school

I'd want to discuss origami, a craft that I did in elementary school. I suppose I don't need to
explain much because origami is already so well-known all around the world. It is the skill of
folding papers to make a certain item or animal.

It was all the rage at my former school since making a

beautiful paper figure requires a great deal of talent and
patience. You know, it was like a game for the youngsters. I
got swept up in the frenzy, so I requested my friend to teach
me the ropes.

Even though he was a boy, he was one of the top origami

students in my class. In any case, he demonstrated how to
fold the simplest figure - the crane. When he did it, it
appeared so simple. He told me that if I followed the steps
exactly, I could make a paper crane. But it was easier said
than done because, in the end, my crane was completely
deformed. I had no idea what I had done wrong. Even when
he painstakingly demonstrated it to be a third time, the
outcome was not any better. I was quite disappointed in
myself when he ultimately gave up on me.

I believe I was too sloppy and reckless in retrospect. I

hurried things because I was so eager to get them done.
However, origami takes care and accuracy, not speed.
That’s why I admire origami artists so much. I might try
origami again in the future, but this time I'll take my time
and relax more

Altogether, those are the reasons why I chose to talk about an art and craft that I did in my old

What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise?

1. Give a direct To be honest, I feel that doing both is

essential for good health. However, if I
had to pick only one choice, I would go
with consuming nutritious foods

2. Give a reason  This is mainly because, the chance of

having a chronic digestive condition
3. Add more In addition, antioxidant-rich meals can
related details  lower a person's chance of developing
cancer by shielding cells from harm.

What are the benefits of working for a big company?

1. Give a direct Frankly speaking, I believe that working

answer  in an international company will bring a
lot of benefits

2. Give a reason  To begin with, A bigger firm equals

more talent, and huge organizations
tend to attract the finest of the best.
This means you'll be able to learn from
folks who are experts in their
respective fields.
3. Add more Besides, Large companies often have
related details  extra perks for employees, from subsidized
gym memberships to book clubs and social

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