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This finding highlights an important aspect of our psychology that plays a huge role in how we see the

world. Our brains are wired to remember things that we see or hear over and over again. Cognitive ease is
a measure of how hard your brain is working. Things that are true tend to make the mind feel more at ease.
The word frequencies were reversed at the other university. At the end of the experiment, the researchers
sent out questionnaires asking people to rate the meaning of each of these nonsensical words on a scale
from "that means something good" to "it means something bad."

So, if you repeat it enough, even meaningless words will become familiar. It causes cognitive ease and
overall goodness. Now that I am familiar with it and have experience in the past, it is processed so that it is
easy to recognize and it feels good. But repetition is not the only way to create cognitive ease.

Images with high contrast are perceived by the brain more easily, giving them a feeling of more comfort
which explains why Instagram has filters. People are more likely to read text that is easy to read, has a
contrasting color, and has a nice font. and being happy actually makes you more likely to experience the
cognitive ease as well. This is due to the sensation of cognitive ease, somewhere deep in the brain, these
associations cause a flicker of recognition, which feels pleasant.

This is because illegible text creates cognitive stress, forcing your brain to work harder, and it helps to
avoid the trap and jump to an intuitive but incorrect answer. Cognitive ease is good for creativity and
intuition, but it also makes you more gullible. It may seem like it’s true that it’s not true, and it’s like you’re
learning when it’s not.

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